09-05-2006, 05:33 PM
TRAIN85 Wrote:[QUOTE=fox sports]One year does not give an indication of what kind of coach he will be.
he coached last year and did a hell of a job turning the jr high around. he knows how to get the most out of his kids
I'm not saying he isn't a good coach, I'm saying time will tell.
09-05-2006, 08:11 PM
oh my gosh u all are both very wrong he was like the best D-line coach ive ever had u font know the half of it probly
09-05-2006, 08:12 PM
gravy that is
and also coach brahnam is a great coach he shows leadership with the players such
and also coach brahnam is a great coach he shows leadership with the players such
09-05-2006, 10:27 PM
coach branham knows how to get the kids motivated and pumped. he is one of the best guys you will ever meet and knows football like you would not believe. he was the joe montana of pikeville when he played.
Coach Gravy was also the best defensive and offensive linemen to come thru pikeville. he truly knows what is going on and when to change a flaw in the play. they both love football and the kids.
how do i kno this? because they tell them they love them and would do anything for them and teach them how to play the game right
Coach Gravy was also the best defensive and offensive linemen to come thru pikeville. he truly knows what is going on and when to change a flaw in the play. they both love football and the kids.
how do i kno this? because they tell them they love them and would do anything for them and teach them how to play the game right
09-06-2006, 06:36 AM
panther- Wrote:coach branham knows how to get the kids motivated and pumped. he is one of the best guys you will ever meet and knows football like you would not believe. he was the joe montana of pikeville when he played.nice post but i dont think "gravy" was the best to come thru pikeville, he was pretty good but i can think of a few that are better. like his brother goon that past away a few years ago, you talk about a beast 6'4" 270lbs. i saw him get 450 on bench like it was nothing. tim honaker was the real deal as well, and dont forget about jeff roop. to get back on thread everyone who coaches at pikeville truly loves the program and all the kids who participate from jr high to high school. anyone who thinks other wise like pantherpride68 needs to quit smoking cigs and dreaming about dale jr on the sideline and get out there and prove their worth.
Coach Gravy was also the best defensive and offensive linemen to come thru pikeville. he truly knows what is going on and when to change a flaw in the play. they both love football and the kids.
how do i kno this? because they tell them they love them and would do anything for them and teach them how to play the game right
09-06-2006, 07:58 AM
panther- Wrote:coach branham knows how to get the kids motivated and pumped.Coaching football involves more than just motivation.
Coach Gravy was also the best defensive and offensive linemen to come thru pikeville.
Gravy may have been a good player but not the best to go thru Pikeville.
Jeff Roop
Tim Honaker
Deanthony Honaker
Bob Shurtleff
Mark Littrell...I'm sure I am leaving several others out.
09-06-2006, 07:06 PM
fox sports Wrote:Coaching football involves more than just motivation.
Gravy may have been a good player but not the best to go thru Pikeville.
Jeff Roop
Tim Honaker
Deanthony Honaker
Bob Shurtleff
Mark Littrell...I'm sure I am leaving several others out.
sorry i meant ONE of the best, my bad
09-06-2006, 07:06 PM
i meant ONE of the best
09-06-2006, 07:55 PM
both coaches are great...
they both have everything that pikeville needs,,,,but thats in the past..now...pikeville junior high doesnt have coach gravy and we have sully and coach randy slone and coach branham..so...wat do uall think about how far pikeville junior high is goin to go this year
both coaches are great...
they both have everything that pikeville needs,,,,but thats in the past..now...pikeville junior high doesnt have coach gravy and we have sully and coach randy slone and coach branham..so...wat do uall think about how far pikeville junior high is goin to go this year
09-06-2006, 10:54 PM
Pikeville's junior high program has always been top notch.... from way back when.... Coach Branham seems to be doing a good job with them, good luck to them. Matt was a good QB in high school, but far from being Pikeville's Joe Montana when you think about Matt Blair, JP Blair, Jason Howard, Ben Howard, and on down the line.... once again, not near the best of all time, not nearly a Joe Montana.... but a great player in a line of great Panthers!
09-06-2006, 11:04 PM
panther- Wrote:will pikeville have any close opponents after coming into a new confrencewat do u think.........pikeville played phelps and went back into the lockeroom w/ a big W. 48-0. they could have beat them 108-0 if they wanted, but they didnt. and then u critcize them by saying that their not good enough to be # 1 in the confrenece. they play teams like millard and mullins. pikeville comes home w/ the confrence championship when its all said and done. nuff said.
09-06-2006, 11:05 PM
I agree.... but there is no need to speculate on a game that is said and done.... fact is, the game finished 48-0, not 108-0.... leave it at that
09-06-2006, 11:17 PM
why are we takking advice from a guy who works @ walmart......???
09-06-2006, 11:18 PM
if pville would have kept thier starters in it would have been total domination. they had 40 pts in the 1st half......
09-06-2006, 11:28 PM
I was there, I know.... move on is all I am saying.... its in the past.... and they will have a stellar season.... We're splitting hairs here....
09-06-2006, 11:32 PM
you're right, it is over, but that still dosent change the fact that they will take no mercy on any other teams like they did phelps
09-06-2006, 11:51 PM
pnthr2585 Wrote:you're right, it is over, but that still dosent change the fact that they will take no mercy on any other teams like they did phelps
and what???? Leave themselves open for the same type of criticism that SV got when they beat Phelps?? Good sportmanship goes a long way!!! These are children out here playing a game.... the adults are the ones who are "rough and rowdy".... let's let them play and be done with it!!!
09-06-2006, 11:57 PM
What I am saying is for Pikeville to step up and beat these teams like Phelps as bad as they can so that people wont be asking if Pikeville is good enough.
09-07-2006, 12:01 AM
Granted... P'ville has a great team! BUT.... there is room to leave NO DOUBT and still not humiliate another group of kids!!! Phelps is in a sort of "rebuilding" year. We have had kids quit that should be playing, new coaches (which one of them BTW does have college experience), and NEW players period!! These are kids who have never played the game but are willing to try!!! This is a die hard sport I do agree but.... it's all about the kids!!!!! NOT the adults

09-07-2006, 12:05 AM
Where did you get these crazy ideas that I was saying this was to humiluate kids so parents could laugh at them.....?? I did'nt. I'm just saying Pikeville has a good team and is going to win the confrence.
09-07-2006, 12:09 AM
I didn't have any crazy ideas about parents laughing at them... I am a parent and I know I would NEVER laugh at another child be it on my son's team or another!!! and one piece of info... if you think beating a group of kids by that large of a margin doesn't humiliate them... you dead wrong!!! It does!!!!!! Good luck to P'ville.... best wishes to ALL kids on your team!!!
09-07-2006, 06:07 AM
PHS95 Wrote:Pikeville's junior high program has always been top notch.... from way back when.... Coach Branham seems to be doing a good job with them, good luck to them. Matt was a good QB in high school, but far from being Pikeville's Joe Montana when you think about Matt Blair, JP Blair, Jason Howard, Ben Howard, and on down the line.... once again, not near the best of all time, not nearly a Joe Montana.... but a great player in a line of great Panthers!on matt b defense matt blair, jp blair, jason howard, ben howard (for 3 years), all were in running offenses. so go look at the record books and tell me who holds all of pikevilles passing records. passing the ball matt branham is the best to go through pikeville. turning around and handing it off yeah maybe someone else is better. listen im not trying to take anything away from the other because they were all great in their respected time at pikeville. nobody said he was joe montana, just the joe montana of pikeville high school as far as passing is concerned.
09-07-2006, 06:09 AM
fox sports Wrote:Coaching football involves more than just motivation.i think i already clarified that in an earlier post.
Gravy may have been a good player but not the best to go thru Pikeville.
Jeff Roop
Tim Honaker
Deanthony Honaker
Bob Shurtleff
Mark Littrell...I'm sure I am leaving several others out.
09-07-2006, 07:38 AM
pnthr2585 Wrote:you're right, it is over, but that still dosent change the fact that they will take no mercy on any other teams like they did phelpsRunning up the score on an over-matched team does not prove how good a team is.
09-07-2006, 08:00 AM
i dont think pikeville will run up the score on anybody because coach branham is a pretty classy guy. even though he is used to putting up between 50-70 on ppl when he played, he just wants to win no matter what the score is.
09-07-2006, 09:20 AM
Does Pikeville play Inez or Johnson County this year? If not, that would be a good test for them.
09-07-2006, 12:34 PM
You are entitled to your own opinions..... Bravo for you, but when I was attending Pikeville High School, there was a string of good quarterbacks.... to say he is Pikeville's Joe Montana is a bit too boastful for my taste, but to each his own.... it would be like saying that Jason Howell in 1990 was their Adam Vinatieri... he was an awesome kicker who put a true boot to it every time, but not necessarily the best ever.... to each his own!
09-07-2006, 01:46 PM
PHS95 Wrote:You are entitled to your own opinions..... Bravo for you, but when I was attending Pikeville High School, there was a string of good quarterbacks.... to say he is Pikeville's Joe Montana is a bit too boastful for my taste, but to each his own.... it would be like saying that Jason Howell in 1990 was their Adam Vinatieri... he was an awesome kicker who put a true boot to it every time, but not necessarily the best ever.... to each his own!it seems to me that your comprehension skills are lacking.
read what i wrote, think about it, then write something
09-07-2006, 02:09 PM
Great Coaching Staff, Great Players = Great Team!!!!!!!!!
09-07-2006, 03:34 PM
I agree that Matt Branham was a good quarterback.... I am simply saying that he is NOT the Joe Montana of Pikeville High School.... my comprehension skills are not lacking, I can assure you of that.... your ability to let someone else have an opinion may be, however. You obviously have your own thoughts on the matter, and I know I have my own thoughts.... let it go.... you won't change my mind any more than I will change yours..... putting me down is not the way to go about this whole discussion.... I completely understood what you were saying.... I just have the right to disagree.... The first ammendment, gotta love it!
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