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Communist Party to Hold Rally in Downtown Corbin on August 30
Kinda surprised they haven't yet asked me to be their keynote speaker. The rally is scheduled for next Friday, August 30. Not sure of the time.  They are protesting some local real estate investors, particularly attorneys, Blake and Barrett Freeman, who are buying up all of Corbin, and then charging exorbitant prices for the rental units they acquire. The Communists(Progressive Labor Party) says that the Freemans and others are just exacerbating an already problematic homeless situation, already made bad by HB5, which criminalizes homelessness and makes it easier to kill a homeless person on private property.  

Are you on the side of the homeless or the greedy, rich real estate investing attorneys?

Btw, hope to see you there on the 30th .
(08-24-2024, 03:49 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: Kinda surprised they haven't yet asked me to be their keynote speaker. The rally is scheduled for next Friday, August 30. Not sure of the time.  They are protesting some local real estate investors, particularly attorneys, Blake and Barrett Freeman, who are buying up all of Corbin, and then charging exorbitant prices for the rental units they acquire. The Communists(Progressive Labor Party) says that the Freemans and others are just exacerbating an already problematic homeless situation, already made bad by HB5, which criminalizes homelessness and makes it easier to kill a homeless person on private property.  

Are you on the side of the homeless or the greedy, rich real estate investing attorneys?

Btw, hope to see you there on the 30th .

The rich real estate investing attorneys.
(08-24-2024, 09:15 AM)jetpilot Wrote:
(08-24-2024, 03:49 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: Kinda surprised they haven't yet asked me to be their keynote speaker. The rally is scheduled for next Friday, August 30. Not sure of the time.  They are protesting some local real estate investors, particularly attorneys, Blake and Barrett Freeman, who are buying up all of Corbin, and then charging exorbitant prices for the rental units they acquire. The Communists(Progressive Labor Party) says that the Freemans and others are just exacerbating an already problematic homeless situation, already made bad by HB5, which criminalizes homelessness and makes it easier to kill a homeless person on private property.  

Are you on the side of the homeless or the greedy, rich real estate investing attorneys?

Btw, hope to see you there on the 30th .

The rich real estate investing attorneys.

The least shocking revelation in the history of revelations.  You have been pretty clear over the years that you aren't exactly sympathetic for the homeless. Did you co-author House Bill 5 ? 

On the Freeman's behalf, I will say that they do put quite a bit of money into improving their properties, like the  Apartment complex(Midtown Apartments???) up on Fourth Street . The Tipton brothers, on the other hand, are more like traditional slum lords, only doing the bare minimum to keep their units up to standard. 

The Communists are really pissed at the criminalizing of homeless people and the inhumane bill which puts the lives of the homeless in more peril by making it easier for people to legally shoot and kill them like stray animals.  That's cruel, my fellow Americans.
(08-25-2024, 01:57 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(08-24-2024, 09:15 AM)jetpilot Wrote:
(08-24-2024, 03:49 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: Kinda surprised they haven't yet asked me to be their keynote speaker. The rally is scheduled for next Friday, August 30. Not sure of the time.  They are protesting some local real estate investors, particularly attorneys, Blake and Barrett Freeman, who are buying up all of Corbin, and then charging exorbitant prices for the rental units they acquire. The Communists(Progressive Labor Party) says that the Freemans and others are just exacerbating an already problematic homeless situation, already made bad by HB5, which criminalizes homelessness and makes it easier to kill a homeless person on private property.  

Are you on the side of the homeless or the greedy, rich real estate investing attorneys?

Btw, hope to see you there on the 30th .

The rich real estate investing attorneys.

The least shocking revelation in the history of revelations.  You have been pretty clear over the years that you aren't exactly sympathetic for the homeless. Did you co-author House Bill 5 ? 

On the Freeman's behalf, I will say that they do put quite a bit of money into improving their properties, like the  Apartment complex(Midtown Apartments???) up on Fourth Street . The Tipton brothers, on the other hand, are more like traditional slum lords, only doing the bare minimum to keep their units up to standard. 

The Communists are really pissed at the criminalizing of homeless people and the inhumane bill which puts the lives of the homeless in more peril by making it easier for people to legally shoot and kill them like stray animals.  That's cruel, my fellow Americans.

The communists are dangerous idiots
Please use correct verbiage when referring to my political allegiance , ladies and gentleman. I am a Democratic Socialist, not a Communist.  My conservative friends here can call me a  Democratic Socialist and I will call my them by their correct designation---Fascists.

(08-25-2024, 03:04 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: Please use correct verbiage when referring to my political allegiance , ladies and gentleman. I am a Democratic Socialist, not a Communist.  My conservative friends can call me a  Democratic Socialist and I will call my them by their correct designation---Fascists.

You said you were surprised you weren't invited to make the speech at the Communist rally. And Democratic Socialist in this country means Communist. You are a danger to this country and yourself and anyone who encounters you. I don't want you anywhere near my family.
(08-25-2024, 03:11 AM)jetpilot Wrote:
(08-25-2024, 03:04 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: Please use correct verbiage when referring to my political allegiance , ladies and gentleman. I am a Democratic Socialist, not a Communist.  My conservative friends can call me a  Democratic Socialist and I will call my them by their correct designation---Fascists.

You said you were surprised you weren't invited to make the speech at the Communist rally. And Democratic Socialist in this country means Communist. You are a danger to this country and yourself and anyone who encounters you. I don't want you anywhere near my family.
You think it's okay to shoot and kill a homeless person. I don't want you anywhere near someone who is homeless. MAGA Republicans are mean, cruel, evil people, man.  Liz Cheney and the GOP Lt. Gov of Ga,, Paul Duncan,  have you all pegged. I'm glad they are working with us to ensure that the Orange Menace gets nowhere near the White House again.
(08-25-2024, 03:22 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(08-25-2024, 03:11 AM)jetpilot Wrote:
(08-25-2024, 03:04 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: Please use correct verbiage when referring to my political allegiance , ladies and gentleman. I am a Democratic Socialist, not a Communist.  My conservative friends can call me a  Democratic Socialist and I will call my them by their correct designation---Fascists.

You said you were surprised you weren't invited to make the speech at the Communist rally. And Democratic Socialist in this country means Communist. You are a danger to this country and yourself and anyone who encounters you. I don't want you anywhere near my family.
You think it's okay to shoot and kill a homeless person. I don't want you anywhere near someone who is homeless. MAGA Republicans are mean, cruel, evil people, man.  Liz Cheney and the GOP Lt. Gov of Ga,, Paul Duncan,  have you all pegged. I'm glad they are working with us to ensure that the Orange Menace gets nowhere near the White House again.
Literally every person on here knows this is bat sh!t crazy. The Freeman family is getting homeless people in Corbin killed. You are clinically insane.
As long as I keep my family away from people like OSH we will always be happy and prosper.
(08-25-2024, 03:43 AM)jetpilot Wrote: As long as I keep my family away from people like OSH we will always be happy and prosper.

I will keep fighting for the 99% over the 1%.  Jet wants those big tax cuts for the rich billionaires. I want to tax them more and give the money to people like you, BGR.  OSH is fighting for BGR members, many of whom will vote against their own self interests. You need people like me to protect you from the Elon Musks and Donald Trumps of the world.  Vote Blue for YOU !!!

Are you going to align with the evil Elon Musk , who cares not one think about your welfare, or are you gonna stand with one of your own, the compassionate Old School Hound, who is determined to fight for you against the greedy corporate bastards.  Come join me in downtown Corbin on the 30th to protest greedy, rich lawyers who are taking  away affordable housing from those who need a roof over their heads. 

Also,  HB5 , which criminalizes homelessness, will lead to the killing of innocent homeless people.

Is Old School a bad guy for being a voice for the homeless?  Is that why you want to make me cry?    

Progressives like Old School care about YOUR family. The KY GOP gives not one hot damn about your family.
^^^Full of it as usual. You never even attempt to back up your radical stances, you just copy and paste liberal propaganda and call the other side names. Useless.

Show me the language in HB 367 that would "rip food directly out of their hands by kicking families off SNAP."

You can't because it's a lie. Same with the other lies in that propaganda piece which also has a "donate" button lol.

So glad to live in a Red state. Look at anywhere Dems control and it quickly turns into a sh!thole.
(08-26-2024, 01:56 AM)jetpilot Wrote: ^^^Full of it as usual. You never even attempt to back up your radical stances, you just copy and paste liberal propaganda and call the other side names. Useless.

Show me the language in HB 367 that would "rip food directly out of their hands by kicking families off SNAP."

You can't because it's a lie. Same with the other lies in that propaganda piece which also has a "donate" button lol.

So glad to live in a Red state. Look at anywhere Dems control and it quickly turns into a sh!thole.

According to the latest Census data, 9 of the 10 states with the lowest per-person income levels were Red: Mississippi, Arkansas, Idaho, West Virginia, Kentucky, Utah, Alabama, South Carolina and Oklahoma.  

The Census data also show that 9 of the 10 states with the lowest median household income were Red: Mississippi, Arkansas, West Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, Tennessee, Louisiana, South Carolina and Oklahoma.

And 9 of the 10 states with the lowest median family income were Red: Mississippi, Arkansas, West Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Louisiana and South Carolina.


I would like to hear from someone other than jet why advocating for the homeless makes me a dangerous person and someone to keep your family away from. I don't know a single person who knows me that thinks that way. Of course, most people aren't knee deep in cult-like thinking and conspiracy theory madness. I've always been an advocate for the less fortunate among us. I will take the side of common folk over greedy, corporate billionaires every time. That's what progressives do.
God OSH you are so full of it, it's coming out of your ears.
Virtue signalling, cutting and pasting propaganda and calling people who don't think like you names are the three easiest things to do in any discussion of ideas and policies. And that's all you're good for. It's a total waste of time to talk to you because you add nothing.

You don't strike me as someone who has ever done anything for anybody other than whine and scream. And I don't think you have any clue about the issues you whine about. Anytime I ask you to back up your position you run off and hide in silence.

You don't have a shred of credibility, but if you want some go read the bills and tell us how Republicans are ripping food out of babies' hands or stealing workers' paychecks or the homeless people in Corbin are being killed by property owners.

As for your virtue signalling, you should do it in front of the mirror because nobody buys it.
Rally for Housing in Corbin hosted by the Progressive Labor Party - Kentucky. It’s scheduled to start on Friday, 30 August 2024, at Sanders Park, Corbin, KY. 3:00 pm, I believe, is the starting time. For those not familiar with downtown Corbin, Sanders Park is right across the street from the Freeman brothers law offices. The PLP is protesting the Freemans' predatory real estate practices.
can they take you with them when they leave?
(08-29-2024, 07:27 PM)plantmanky Wrote: can they take you with them when they leave?
Go away little MAGA plant.   I couldn't warm up to you if we were cremated together.  I'll leave with the Progressive Labor Party if you will go suck on your Orange cult leader's tangerine titties and marmalade thighs.
Trumps a dumbass. I don’t dislike him because he is a republican. I dislike him because he is a dumbass. I never ever in my lifetime ever paid any attention whatsoever to politics. Never talked about it or even cared until Orange Jesus got elected. George W was the 2nd worst president in history but I would take him back in a heartbeat. We have lost our way somewhere along the line in this country. We don’t talk to each other anymore. There is no more live and let live. Every bodies attitude is it’s my way or the highway. We have the nutty left and the nutty right and the rest of us are stuck in the middle suffering because of the crazies. I’ve always tried to live my life and mind my own business. My philosophy is don’t bother me and I won’t bother you. I don’t care what other people do. If you want to be a Druid and pray to trees go ahead. Or if you are a Druid reformed you can pray at bushes. If you are gay I don’t care just don’t do it in my living room. Live and let live and in the end of there is a god and he wants to judge these people so be it. It isn’t the rest of our jobs to judge anything or anybody. I became very concerned for my country when Trump got elected. Had nothing to do with his policies. He is a person with no morals and very low character. He’s been a crook all his life. He did an interview back in the early 90’s he said he was a democrat and said if he ever ran for president he would run as a republican because they are the dumbest voting block in America. He was correct in that assumption. Before I get jumped on…..I’m not a democrat. I feel like if he gets elected again it will be our last election. He is dangerous and only cares about himself and he proves it every day with the things that he says. I served in the military for 8 years in a combat unit. Went to desert storm and Somalia and various other places in the world. Loved every minute of it and probably would have stayed and retired if it wasn’t for having a family. I was in for 8 and was deployed for 6 of it. Not a life for raising a family. I loved serving my country and would do it again. But not under Trump. I have no respect for that guy. Especially after everything he has said about veterans. The way he has treated our federal workers. I work at the VA in prosthetics where they make the legs and arms for these guys returning from war. Under Trump our pay was frozen the entire time he was in office. We are already paid 28% less than our civilian counter parts. I know this because I have been on both sides of it. We aren’t under the civil service retirement system anymore. That was a really good retirement plan. Our pension is non existent and we have a TSP plan which is a 401k so all you people out there that think federal jobs are great and cushy you would be dead wrong. Anyway I’ve rambled on and on. What I was trying to say is……CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?
^^^Now do Biden and Harris.
Don’t like him or her but neither are bat shit crazy.

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