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Run, Gun, or Not?
I believe in the up-tempo style of ball made famous by Rick Pitino. I think that style of play is definetly the way to go, utilizing full court pressure, the three, and the bench to wear down an opponent. It's exciting, fun, and is based on a team concept. Slow down ball should be extinct in my opinion. What do you think?
Run and gun is great for a team full of athletes (ie Lexington Catholic 1990s). "Slow down" ball is played by great "teams" who move the ball well, play together, and have a good post player for the inside game. I think teams today should be able to play both ways. It can cause match up problems with teams who are just one style or the other. Slow down ball should not be extinct, it shows the kids how to actually play the game. Not how to "out athlete" other teams!!!
J. R. VanHoose Wrote:Run and gun is great for a team full of athletes (ie Lexington Catholic 1990s). "Slow down" ball is played by great "teams" who move the ball well, play together, and have a good post player for the inside game. I think teams today should be able to play both ways. It can cause match up problems with teams who are just one style or the other. Slow down ball should not be extinct, it shows the kids how to actually play the game. Not how to "out athlete" other teams!!!
I agree, it depends on what kind of players you have, and how much depth you have.
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J. R. VanHoose Wrote:Run and gun is great for a team full of athletes (ie Lexington Catholic 1990s). "Slow down" ball is played by great "teams" who move the ball well, play together, and have a good post player for the inside game. I think teams today should be able to play both ways. It can cause match up problems with teams who are just one style or the other. Slow down ball should not be extinct, it shows the kids how to actually play the game. Not how to "out athlete" other teams!!!

Well said. It all boils down to if a team has an inside man that they can utilize, then they are more prone to slowing the ball down. On the otherhand, a team full of athletes will more than likely push the ball down the floor and go with a more uptempo style of play.
you have to be kiddin me, guys jr wont get mad if you disagree with and gun is the only way to play, look at when south floyd owned the 58th they was a run and gun team. after coach webb left, they tried to play slow down ball and they havent been near successful....
The Raiders won 2 All A Regionals and a game down in the state tournament plus a 58th District title in the last two years. They were big and slow when Steven Stanley and Burnett Little played and were not able to run and gun. Last year they had a couple that could run up and down the floor but that was it. They probably will up the tempo this season with more speed on the floor. You have to adjust to what you got. I would think alot of schools would be happy to win the All A regional two years in a row.
i agree you have to go with what you are given to work with and learn to adjust....sf seemed to make the transition well and won a couple of championships..
I don't get why with no shot clock why more high school teams don't use a slow down type of game with constant movment of the basketball to get the best shot. When I played we had a 6'8" and a 6'4" and our coach wanted us running and gunning and the big guys shooting threes.
its a new game now than what it used to be...big guys can play like guards now
run an gun

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