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Best players in the 58th Next season
Homer Simpson Wrote:Lyle Johnson from SF is better than almost every player listed.
I really can't comment on this because I had never even heard of him untill lately, so we'll have to see what he does this season...the talent level is really down in the 58th this season...both individually and bad a I can remember, and thats an honest's like that thoughout the whole 15th region though.
CaNtBeStOpPeD23 Wrote:are you crazy lyle johnson is not better then ethan johnson ryan collins or josh martin IMO

I have played with Ryan Collins on his team and agaist him I have also played with and agaist Lyle and Lyle is the better ball player I dont know about Josh Martin, but I promise you Lyle will suprise alot of people this season. Wait and see if he keeps doing like he did in summer ball he will be amoung the top 3 players in the district.
i'd say lyle will be in the top 5 in the district with ethan johnson being first landon slone 2nd ryan collins 3rd josh martin 4th an lyle 5th thats JMO
Landon Slone doesnt play in the 58th
trai witt is horrible
Trai Whitt will be the best big man in the 58th next year
Trai witt is the only BIG man in the 58th.
Homer Simpson Wrote:Trai witt is the only BIG man in the 58th.

I think Patton will be the best big man in the 58th next year. Trai isnt the ONLY big man in that district....
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
Luxord Wrote:Trai Whitt will be the best big man in the 58th next year
I agree, but I's say Josh Martin is a close 2nd to him...

Who is SF'S big man this season and what kind of season can we expect from him??
I am going to look forward to this matchup between Whitt and Martin during season. It will be interesting to see just who will come out on top in that battle.
sf's big man is kyle brown he should have an alright season wish him luck
CaNtBeStOpPeD23 Wrote:sf's big man is kyle brown he should have an alright season wish him luck
i think that Ethan Johson is the best in the district and Josh Martin not to far behind.....Trai Whitt is the only big man that the 58th has....
SFHS_basketball Wrote:i think that Ethan Johson is the best in the district and Josh Martin not to far behind.....Trai Whitt is the only big man that the 58th has....
There are many more bigmen in the 58th...Prestonsburg has two HUGE bigmen..Nathaniel Stephens standing a solid 6'4 and Trevor Patton at 6'6...both of those players will man-handle Whitt and Martin..and we also left out Deven Adams, hes standing 6'9 , but hes young and full of potiental..Whitt didn't show me anything last season or in summer camp. I think your battle is with Pikeville and Prestonsburg, those two were on each others ass. I expect to see a great game between those two teams.
As far as the big men goes in the 58th. I see Trever Patton being head and shoulders above the rest from what I seen in summer camp, (when he wants to play). He either does very very well, or he might as well not even play. Eathen Johnson will have a good year for SF. Jordan Hall played very well this summer as well. I really cant comment on anyone from Allen Central because they had so few players this summer.

Justin, Dev is in the 59th...
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
Homer Simpson Wrote:im gonna say that there is more than 1 stand out player at sf lyle johnson will get alotta recognizion before next season is over and also tyler slone from ac......Jordan hall should be pburgs stand out .... and trai witt will b betsy layne's star I agree though the 58th is week
Tyler Slone?
couldnt have put it better myself wyatt
I think Josh Martin is the best player in the district. He plays hard (every play) never taking a play off. He plays smart, has a good head, listens, leads by example, displays a good attitude while still being intense and focused on the game. He's also a good teamate that doesn't mouth off to his fellow players. He's also talented. I think alot of kids that are being hyped on this list could learn alot from him. He's the kind you take to war with ya.
1.Josh Martin
2.Ethan Johnson
I like Ethan Johnson!!! He's the best!!
I think ethan will be awesome
Homer Simpson Wrote:Lyle Johnson from SF is better than almost every player listed.
If i'm not mistaken but didn't Lyle Johnson play on the JV last year as a junior...I don't even think he was the best player on that team
White Mike Wrote:If i'm not mistaken but didn't Lyle Johnson play on the JV last year as a junior...I don't even think he was the best player on that team
Apparently he did because I don't remember ever hearing about him untill reading his name on some of thes threads lately.
The best player from each team:
Prestonsburg-Trevor Patton
Betsy Layne-Trai Witt
Allen Central-Ryan Collins
South Floyd-Ethan Johnson, the best player in the district.
The only stand out player in my mind is Ethan Johnson but that's just because he had a 10 3 pointer game last year. There will be a shooters mentality around the 58th next year because there is not that many big men. P-burg is the biggest team and they've only got 3 big men, Patton being the biggest and then they've got another two but I'm not sure of their names.
Ethan did light up AC last year
Ethan Johnson is only good until you put somebody on him. He is just a spot up shooter.
White Mike Wrote:Ethan did light up AC last year
Who didn't light up AC last year..J/K. Ethan is a heck of a player. Ac should be improved.
lol...true everybody thumped on AC...and will this season as well.
White Mike Wrote:lol...true everybody thumped on AC...and will this season as well.
Glad to see someone has aquired psychic powers, you will make a lot of money this year mikey boy...

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