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Ashland self-reports possible recruiting violation to the KHSAA
(09-20-2022, 06:37 PM)plantmanky Wrote:
(09-19-2022, 10:24 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-19-2022, 09:25 PM)plantmanky Wrote:
(09-15-2022, 05:45 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-13-2022, 09:06 PM)plantmanky Wrote: I disagree, I think the parents actions are worse than the coaches in this instance.  I would be 100% in favor of the player being banned for all 4 years of HS eligibility because of this.
Punishing an 8th grade boy with a lifetime ban from high school sports for something that his father did is the kind of decision that draws lawyers like flies. I doubt that the KHSAA could survive doing something that stupid. Unfortunately, most juveniles who commit felonies get more leniency for their own crimes than what you are suggesting this kid should because of his father doing something stupid but not illegal.

Why, the choices parents make everyday effect their kids lives, how is this any different?

(09-19-2022, 11:01 AM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote:
(09-19-2022, 12:49 AM)SocratesKy Wrote: The Dad exposed a coach cheating on a different level.  Not seen or heard of any infraction for doing that.  Blatant recruiting like a college coach on the other hand...d
The coach wasn’t “recruiting”. He took a call from a dad of an eighth grader who faked interest in moving his son to Ashland because he had plans on sending his son to Ashland but another player from his son’s team made the move first. The dad was angry. The coach answered his questions and discussed Ashland’s program. The dad was doing the recruiting for his son. If the coach had placed the call and said, “Hey man, would you consider moving your son to Ashland….”, well that would be different. But that’s not what happened. Now, on hindsight I’m sure coach wishes he had not talked as long, and he did actually refer the dad to the counselor and principal for transfer matters. But there was no phone call or recruiting from the coach. He was on vacation in South Carolina when he received the call.
This coach has completed four years as Ashland head coach and he has had a grand totaled of four transfers. Average of one per year, about standard. That number definitely does not equate to “blatant cheating” or blatant recruiting”, terms that have been posted in this thread. Coach Mays has never recruited a single player to come to Ashland. Sometimes schools and programs simply recruit for themselves. Answering a dad’s questions in a phone call and talking about his program 
is not recruiting. 
And one more thing. There’s a lot of hypocritical posting in this thread. I’ve been around sports a long time and I will tell you right now that 99% of the coaches in the state of Kentucky would talk to a parent of an 8th grader if said parent showed interest in moving to their school, which was totally legal for 8th graders at the time of the call. I know I definitely would have. And others would too. Lol. To say they wouldn’t would mean they are being disingenuous at the least.

To some extend I agree with part of this.  Where coach is wrong is he should have ended the call about 10 minutes in.

(09-19-2022, 08:21 PM)Ky1976 Wrote:
(09-19-2022, 02:01 PM)16thregioner Wrote: One thing about it, Boyd doesn't mess around when they get transfers.  They get "meaningful" transfers who lead their teams and the area in stats.  Amazing how they've lucked into these types of transfers without a coach being called or texted over the past few years.  This situation is far beyond "let he who is without sin cast the first stone".  Disingenuous is putting it nicely.

Taylor Bartrum (New Jersey) - 2021 area volleyball player of the year; all-area girls basketball player; most kills on team that won region in volleyball; point guard on team that won region in girls basketball

Malachi Wheeler (Coal Grove, Ohio) - leads football in rushing yards this season

Rolan Sanderson (College Heights, Missouri) - leads boys soccer team in assists this season

Laney Whitmore (Huntington, WV) - led girls soccer team in goals in 2020

Hannah Roberts (Wayne, WV) - all-area girls basketball player in 2020

Oliver Skaug (Oslo, Norway) - area soccer player of the year in 2018; leading goal scorer for team that won region in soccer

Charity Shears (West Virginia) - (2015-2018) multi-year all-area girls basketball; multiple region titles in girls basketball

Payton Shears (West Virginia) - (2015-2018) multi-year all-area girls basketball; multiple region titles in girls basketball

Harley Paynter (East Carter) - area girls basketball player of the year in 2021; multi-year all-area girls basketball player; multiple region titles in girls basketball; (2018-2021)

Gunner Short (Fairland, OH) - area boys basketball player of the year in 2018; leading scorer on team that won region in boys basketball

JK McKnight (Russell) - baseball player that led Russell in hits and ERA last season

Austin Watkins (Russell) - led baseball in hitting in 2019

Rheyce Deboard (Russell) - led basketball in scoring in 2021; all-area player
Boyd wants this to go away along with the dad whom recorded the phone call.  This happens everyday,  we just don’t have a psycho dad recording the conversation.   That’s the only difference.   Wonder if Coach Anderson ever talk on the phone to an eight grade father?

Easy way for Boyd to make this go away, dont let the kid play for Boyd.
The reason that this is different from other decisions that a parents make that negatively impact their children is that you are advocating that an KHSAA punish a minor for an action that his father took. That would obviously violate the boy's constitutional rights and most likely result in a huge judgment against the KHSAA. Would it really make sense to you for the boy to be banned from high school sports for life and for the KHSAA to risk its very existence by violating a teenage boy's basic constitutional rights?

The KHSAA's lawyers will not advise them to take any of the actions that you are advocating. Boyd County did nothing wrong and the boy is a minor who also did nothing wrong. It would be ludicrous for the KHSAA to attempt to punish either Boyd County or the boy.

Disagree, KHSAA has done it many times by making players ineligible for any reason. Students cant sign themselves in and out of school districts, a parent has too.  This situation is no different than a illegal transfer issue.  Punishment is the same. (I know Im advocating for 4 year ban, thats to put a stop to this crap by parents, in reality 1 years is probably all they would do, or mediate too.)

Also, can you show me in writing the constitutional right to play HS basketball?
No I am finished with this issue. If you want to condone the cheating of a high school coach or punish another school's player because of the actions of his father, then nothing else that I might say is going to change your mind. Ashland's head basketball coach was taped while trying to convince the father of another school's player to send him to play in Ashland's program - and you want to punish the player and the school who would have lost a player, Boyd County, had Ashland's coach been successful. Unbelievable.
(09-20-2022, 06:49 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-20-2022, 06:37 PM)plantmanky Wrote:
(09-19-2022, 10:24 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-19-2022, 09:25 PM)plantmanky Wrote:
(09-15-2022, 05:45 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Punishing an 8th grade boy with a lifetime ban from high school sports for something that his father did is the kind of decision that draws lawyers like flies. I doubt that the KHSAA could survive doing something that stupid. Unfortunately, most juveniles who commit felonies get more leniency for their own crimes than what you are suggesting this kid should because of his father doing something stupid but not illegal.

Why, the choices parents make everyday effect their kids lives, how is this any different?

(09-19-2022, 11:01 AM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: The coach wasn’t “recruiting”. He took a call from a dad of an eighth grader who faked interest in moving his son to Ashland because he had plans on sending his son to Ashland but another player from his son’s team made the move first. The dad was angry. The coach answered his questions and discussed Ashland’s program. The dad was doing the recruiting for his son. If the coach had placed the call and said, “Hey man, would you consider moving your son to Ashland….”, well that would be different. But that’s not what happened. Now, on hindsight I’m sure coach wishes he had not talked as long, and he did actually refer the dad to the counselor and principal for transfer matters. But there was no phone call or recruiting from the coach. He was on vacation in South Carolina when he received the call.
This coach has completed four years as Ashland head coach and he has had a grand totaled of four transfers. Average of one per year, about standard. That number definitely does not equate to “blatant cheating” or blatant recruiting”, terms that have been posted in this thread. Coach Mays has never recruited a single player to come to Ashland. Sometimes schools and programs simply recruit for themselves. Answering a dad’s questions in a phone call and talking about his program 
is not recruiting. 
And one more thing. There’s a lot of hypocritical posting in this thread. I’ve been around sports a long time and I will tell you right now that 99% of the coaches in the state of Kentucky would talk to a parent of an 8th grader if said parent showed interest in moving to their school, which was totally legal for 8th graders at the time of the call. I know I definitely would have. And others would too. Lol. To say they wouldn’t would mean they are being disingenuous at the least.

To some extend I agree with part of this.  Where coach is wrong is he should have ended the call about 10 minutes in.

(09-19-2022, 08:21 PM)Ky1976 Wrote: Boyd wants this to go away along with the dad whom recorded the phone call.  This happens everyday,  we just don’t have a psycho dad recording the conversation.   That’s the only difference.   Wonder if Coach Anderson ever talk on the phone to an eight grade father?

Easy way for Boyd to make this go away, dont let the kid play for Boyd.
The reason that this is different from other decisions that a parents make that negatively impact their children is that you are advocating that an KHSAA punish a minor for an action that his father took. That would obviously violate the boy's constitutional rights and most likely result in a huge judgment against the KHSAA. Would it really make sense to you for the boy to be banned from high school sports for life and for the KHSAA to risk its very existence by violating a teenage boy's basic constitutional rights?

The KHSAA's lawyers will not advise them to take any of the actions that you are advocating. Boyd County did nothing wrong and the boy is a minor who also did nothing wrong. It would be ludicrous for the KHSAA to attempt to punish either Boyd County or the boy.

Disagree, KHSAA has done it many times by making players ineligible for any reason. Students cant sign themselves in and out of school districts, a parent has too.  This situation is no different than a illegal transfer issue.  Punishment is the same. (I know Im advocating for 4 year ban, thats to put a stop to this crap by parents, in reality 1 years is probably all they would do, or mediate too.)

Also, can you show me in writing the constitutional right to play HS basketball?
No I am finished with this issue. If you want to condone the cheating of a high school coach or punish another school's player because of the actions of his father, then nothing else that I might say is going to change your mind. Ashland's head basketball coach was taped while trying to convince the father of another school's player to send him to play in Ashland's program - and you want to punish the player and the school who would have lost a player, Boyd County, had Ashland's coach been successful. Unbelievable.
(09-20-2022, 12:09 PM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote:
(09-20-2022, 01:41 AM)16thregionballer Wrote: Coach has had 19 transfers/recruits in the 4 years he has been there. Transfer and recruiting are two different things. Coach was caught red handed making a call to recruit a player actively. The diarrhea of the mouth by coach, he self admits to recruiting another Boyd player that his assistant was handling. Says he wish he would have been more aggressive with a Russell player. He openly self admits to numerous RECRUITING violations.  50 min confession and how to circumvent the khsaa. Caught all on tape!  The real victims in this are the Ashland kids. Recruiting around kids. Filling holes the coach calls it. Sad our Ashland administration doesn’t stand up for our in town/community kids. Currently the roster has several kids living in other school districts and county’s playing in front of Ashland kids. The tape says it all. Khsaa has its hands full. Coach should have done the right thing and resigned. He is exploiting Ashland and it’s kids. To promote himself. That’s why he was So willing to leave to Montgomery county. Lying about turning down the Ballard job! It’s an embarrassment to the community and tradition. FYI new hire coach is bringing another recruit. It’s why he was hired. You can’t make this up.
There’s so much deception and misdirection in this post. Four transfers to the basketball program in 4 years, not 19, lol. And the Russell kid you refer to was not recruited. He thought about transferring to Ashland and was advised to stay where he was at Russell. The “more aggressive” comment you refer to by Mays was a tongue in cheek comment about the player scoring 33 points in a win over Ashland. It was in a casual conversation and he was not being serious but rather joking.
And he was contacted by officials at Ballard in the early stages of their search. I’m not sure it was just a general conversation or what but I don’t think he interviewed. I don’t know much more than that, though. He likes where he is at Ashland. And no matter how much you attempt to spew hatred and twist things around Jason Mays does not recruit. You said, “he was caught red handed making a call to a player actively”. That is not true. He received a call while he was vacationing in South Carolina. He has never called or contacted a player or their family asking them to move from their present school to Ashland Blazer. That being said I’m sure there are numerous people who are interested in Ashland though. My guess is the school is probably contacted quite often by people thinking of moving there. It’s a good school. And Coach Mays is a hard working coach who is 100% dedicated to his faith, family, and team. It was his idea to encourage his best returning player to skip his senior season and go on to Liberty University. The young man didn’t want to do it when he first mentioned it to him. But that‘a how Coach Mays is, he loves his players and puts their best interests first.
You seen the list.  You must not have been paying attention to what and who is coming into the school system.  Transfers and Recruiting are two different things.  I don't think anyone gets to upset (Not that it matters) if a kid transfers for a better situation on his own free will and he follows the rules of moving into the district. The problem is with a COACH actively calling kids in middle school and telling them how to circumvent the KHSAA or actively recruit the holes you feel you have on your upcoming season.  Like he did. Anyone that listens to the audio can tell you that. It is cheating and against Bylaw 16.  FYI. If you read Bylaw 16, for debate sake.  It doesn't matter who called who. If your drinking on vacation in SC. It is a mute point.  Even though the truth is coach reach out first. Just like he did with other players in the past. Sports writer Jason Frakes contacted Ballard.  He was never on their list of coaches they were even entertaining. Used car salesman.
(09-20-2022, 02:56 PM)i82much Wrote:
(09-20-2022, 01:34 PM)16thregionballer Wrote: BASKETBALL

RYAN BRYANT (IRONTON) All Area FB Player led the football team in tackles in 2019
HUNTER GILLUM (BOYD CO) All Area FB Player, led the football team to State Championship MVP in 2021, played on state tournament bball teams
COLIN PORTER (ELLIOTT CO) All Area Player, multiple state tournament appearances
ZANDER CARTER (GREENUP CO) All Area player, multiple state tournament appearances
SEAN MARCUM (CABELL MIDLAND) transferred back to CM the day after state tournament loss and parents rented a house off former Super and Mayor's daughter
BRAXTON JENNINGS ( HUNTINGTON) leading rusher for fb team in 2023
RICKEY PARDON (MISSOURI) All Area FB lived with guardian in Ironton that called plays for Ashland Football played on state tournament bball team
RHEYCE  DeBOARDE (RUSSELL, BOYD CO) All area player in bball

HALEY HANEY (BOYD CO) All Area SB Player Softball played on state tournament team 2019
RUTHIE PATHOLSKY (IRONTON) Softball state tournament 2019
MEGAN HENSLEY (COLUMBUS OH) All Area SB and VB , Pitcher of the year, Miss Softball and 6 state tournament teams in softball and led the volleyball team in kills
EMILY PREECE (ROSE HILL) Softball played on 5 state tournament softball teams
SYDNEY WHITT (RUSSELL) All Area Player state tournament player 2012,2013,14
McKENZIE VANOVER (ROSE HILL) Ky Softball HOF played on 5 state tournament softball teams
MEGAN MURPHY (BOYD CO) State Tournament 2015,2016, All Area player



This is just a few kids I have seen come into Ashland.  Transferring legally vs BEING RECRUITED BY A COACH ILLEGALLY.  Big difference.  I enjoy the commentary but facts are facts.  The COACH RED HANDED recruited a player, spoke of other players he is currently recruiting, and recruited in the past.  OUR ASHLAND KIDS deserve better!!!

I'm not sure I'm following this list.  Are you saying all of these kids were recruited?   There are kids on this list that I don't know anything about or how they got here and have no idea what their motivations were and I have no idea whether they were recruited or not so I'm not going to say anything one way or another about them (and I wouldn't even if they were). But...there are also kids on this list that have been at Ashland most of elementary and all of middle school. I have known them for years and have many of them and their parents in my phone contacts and talk to them all the time. They are about as maroon as anyone I know. Many, many kids in our area attend pre-school and early elementary at Rose Hill and then later transfer to public schools throughout the area. My own kids fit into this category. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you posting the names of any kids on a public message board to try to support a narrative.  Again, I'm a little mixed up with this list anyway but you have NO business including the names of many of these kids on such a list no matter your intention. I'm not a message board expert so I don't know the legality of such a list but at best it's in very poor taste.
Who knows if they are all recruited.  We do know definetly some have been due to the audio. I have know many of the families on here as well due to going to school and outside friends. I no way was this done in poor taste.  You seem to be sensitive when I place a name on list but not the 16thregioner when he posted it of other kids.  You are just selectively offended.  You just trying misdirect the content of the post.  We at Ashland are embarrassed at our Administration of the handling of this coach who has brought so many recruits ( Direct violation of Bylaw 16) to play over our home grown kids.  I would assume you have no SKIN in THE GAME. Meaning your kids have graduated. For the parents and kids that are still here enduring this exploitation of kids.  It is an embarrassment.
(09-21-2022, 01:31 PM)16thregionballer Wrote:
(09-20-2022, 02:56 PM)i82much Wrote:
(09-20-2022, 01:34 PM)16thregionballer Wrote: BASKETBALL

RYAN BRYANT (IRONTON) All Area FB Player led the football team in tackles in 2019
HUNTER GILLUM (BOYD CO) All Area FB Player, led the football team to State Championship MVP in 2021, played on state tournament bball teams
COLIN PORTER (ELLIOTT CO) All Area Player, multiple state tournament appearances
ZANDER CARTER (GREENUP CO) All Area player, multiple state tournament appearances
SEAN MARCUM (CABELL MIDLAND) transferred back to CM the day after state tournament loss and parents rented a house off former Super and Mayor's daughter
BRAXTON JENNINGS ( HUNTINGTON) leading rusher for fb team in 2023
RICKEY PARDON (MISSOURI) All Area FB lived with guardian in Ironton that called plays for Ashland Football played on state tournament bball team
RHEYCE  DeBOARDE (RUSSELL, BOYD CO) All area player in bball

HALEY HANEY (BOYD CO) All Area SB Player Softball played on state tournament team 2019
RUTHIE PATHOLSKY (IRONTON) Softball state tournament 2019
MEGAN HENSLEY (COLUMBUS OH) All Area SB and VB , Pitcher of the year, Miss Softball and 6 state tournament teams in softball and led the volleyball team in kills
EMILY PREECE (ROSE HILL) Softball played on 5 state tournament softball teams
SYDNEY WHITT (RUSSELL) All Area Player state tournament player 2012,2013,14
McKENZIE VANOVER (ROSE HILL) Ky Softball HOF played on 5 state tournament softball teams
MEGAN MURPHY (BOYD CO) State Tournament 2015,2016, All Area player



This is just a few kids I have seen come into Ashland.  Transferring legally vs BEING RECRUITED BY A COACH ILLEGALLY.  Big difference.  I enjoy the commentary but facts are facts.  The COACH RED HANDED recruited a player, spoke of other players he is currently recruiting, and recruited in the past.  OUR ASHLAND KIDS deserve better!!!

I'm not sure I'm following this list.  Are you saying all of these kids were recruited?   There are kids on this list that I don't know anything about or how they got here and have no idea what their motivations were and I have no idea whether they were recruited or not so I'm not going to say anything one way or another about them (and I wouldn't even if they were). But...there are also kids on this list that have been at Ashland most of elementary and all of middle school. I have known them for years and have many of them and their parents in my phone contacts and talk to them all the time. They are about as maroon as anyone I know. Many, many kids in our area attend pre-school and early elementary at Rose Hill and then later transfer to public schools throughout the area. My own kids fit into this category. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you posting the names of any kids on a public message board to try to support a narrative.  Again, I'm a little mixed up with this list anyway but you have NO business including the names of many of these kids on such a list no matter your intention. I'm not a message board expert so I don't know the legality of such a list but at best it's in very poor taste.
Who knows if they are all recruited.  We do know definetly some have been due to the audio. I have know many of the families on here as well due to going to school and outside friends. I no way was this done in poor taste.  You seem to be sensitive when I place a name on list but not the 16thregioner when he posted it of other kids.  You are just selectively offended.  You just trying misdirect the content of the post.  We at Ashland are embarrassed at our Administration of the handling of this coach who has brought so many recruits ( Direct violation of Bylaw 16) to play over our home grown kids.  I would assume you have no SKIN in THE GAME. Meaning your kids have graduated. For the parents and kids that are still here enduring this exploitation of kids.  It is an embarrassment.

I know some of the kids on the list and care deeply about them and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt they were not "recruited" by anyone and have been Ashland kids since middle and/or grade school. Looking back and listing every kid that attended another school at anytime during their childhood, and in many cases, graduated long before anyone knew who Jason Mays was, and then assume they were recruited to support a narrative and then post their names on a message board is insane and definitely in poor taste. I didn't see the other list you were referring to, so I backtracked to look at it, and I agree, it should not have been posted. I'm truly a fan of the 16th region. Ashland is not the only school I have close ties to. I would be offended if you did the same thing to any kids in any system especially if I know them and know what your saying is a lie. I've talked to many students and parents in Ashland and I just don't see the "embarrassment" you keep referring to and I have never heard "exploitation" used in any of the conversations. Do they support the phone call? Of course not! Most of them know Coach Mays and pray for him and his family daily. That's what good people do even when they don't agree with what happened. They're willing to accept the punishment and move on. They don't assume a fake identity on a message board and then throw anything out there and hope it sticks. I don't know what your motives are but I do know they're not sincere. You have an agenda.....
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(09-21-2022, 07:07 PM)i82much Wrote:
(09-21-2022, 01:31 PM)16thregionballer Wrote:
(09-20-2022, 02:56 PM)i82much Wrote:
(09-20-2022, 01:34 PM)16thregionballer Wrote: BASKETBALL

RYAN BRYANT (IRONTON) All Area FB Player led the football team in tackles in 2019
HUNTER GILLUM (BOYD CO) All Area FB Player, led the football team to State Championship MVP in 2021, played on state tournament bball teams
COLIN PORTER (ELLIOTT CO) All Area Player, multiple state tournament appearances
ZANDER CARTER (GREENUP CO) All Area player, multiple state tournament appearances
SEAN MARCUM (CABELL MIDLAND) transferred back to CM the day after state tournament loss and parents rented a house off former Super and Mayor's daughter
BRAXTON JENNINGS ( HUNTINGTON) leading rusher for fb team in 2023
RICKEY PARDON (MISSOURI) All Area FB lived with guardian in Ironton that called plays for Ashland Football played on state tournament bball team
RHEYCE  DeBOARDE (RUSSELL, BOYD CO) All area player in bball

HALEY HANEY (BOYD CO) All Area SB Player Softball played on state tournament team 2019
RUTHIE PATHOLSKY (IRONTON) Softball state tournament 2019
MEGAN HENSLEY (COLUMBUS OH) All Area SB and VB , Pitcher of the year, Miss Softball and 6 state tournament teams in softball and led the volleyball team in kills
EMILY PREECE (ROSE HILL) Softball played on 5 state tournament softball teams
SYDNEY WHITT (RUSSELL) All Area Player state tournament player 2012,2013,14
McKENZIE VANOVER (ROSE HILL) Ky Softball HOF played on 5 state tournament softball teams
MEGAN MURPHY (BOYD CO) State Tournament 2015,2016, All Area player



This is just a few kids I have seen come into Ashland.  Transferring legally vs BEING RECRUITED BY A COACH ILLEGALLY.  Big difference.  I enjoy the commentary but facts are facts.  The COACH RED HANDED recruited a player, spoke of other players he is currently recruiting, and recruited in the past.  OUR ASHLAND KIDS deserve better!!!

I'm not sure I'm following this list.  Are you saying all of these kids were recruited?   There are kids on this list that I don't know anything about or how they got here and have no idea what their motivations were and I have no idea whether they were recruited or not so I'm not going to say anything one way or another about them (and I wouldn't even if they were). But...there are also kids on this list that have been at Ashland most of elementary and all of middle school. I have known them for years and have many of them and their parents in my phone contacts and talk to them all the time. They are about as maroon as anyone I know. Many, many kids in our area attend pre-school and early elementary at Rose Hill and then later transfer to public schools throughout the area. My own kids fit into this category. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you posting the names of any kids on a public message board to try to support a narrative.  Again, I'm a little mixed up with this list anyway but you have NO business including the names of many of these kids on such a list no matter your intention. I'm not a message board expert so I don't know the legality of such a list but at best it's in very poor taste.
Who knows if they are all recruited.  We do know definetly some have been due to the audio. I have know many of the families on here as well due to going to school and outside friends. I no way was this done in poor taste.  You seem to be sensitive when I place a name on list but not the 16thregioner when he posted it of other kids.  You are just selectively offended.  You just trying misdirect the content of the post.  We at Ashland are embarrassed at our Administration of the handling of this coach who has brought so many recruits ( Direct violation of Bylaw 16) to play over our home grown kids.  I would assume you have no SKIN in THE GAME. Meaning your kids have graduated. For the parents and kids that are still here enduring this exploitation of kids.  It is an embarrassment.

I know some of the kids on the list and care deeply about them and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt they were not "recruited" by anyone and have been Ashland kids since middle and/or grade school. Looking back and listing every kid that attended another school at anytime during their childhood, and in many cases, graduated long before anyone knew who Jason Mays was, and then assume they were recruited to support a narrative and then post their names on a message board is insane and definitely in poor taste. I didn't see the other list you were referring to, so I backtracked to look at it, and I agree, it should not have been posted. I'm truly a fan of the 16th region. Ashland is not the only school I have close ties to. I would be offended if you did the same thing to any kids in any system especially if I know them and know what your saying is a lie. I've talked to many students and parents in Ashland and I just don't see the "embarrassment" you keep referring to and I have never heard "exploitation" used in any of the conversations. Do they support the phone call? Of course not! Most of them know Coach Mays and pray for him and his family daily. That's what good people do even when they don't agree with what happened. They're willing to accept the punishment and move on. They don't assume a fake identity on a message board and then throw anything out there and hope it sticks. I don't know what your motives are but I do know they're not sincere. You have an agenda.....
What was the punishment? Our circle of parents do believe he needs to be let go and should have done the only honorable thing. Resigned. Save us the embarrassment of this being dragged out on social media, newspapers and school events. None of what I posted was a lie. No need to lie. I actually left other kids off. I pray for the kids he trashed on the audio, I pray for the kids who have went to ashland their entire life to only have this egotistical man recruit his holes to fill with seniors from other schools or heighth he needs from Huntington or Bath county. I pray for the stundent life’s he is affecting here at Ashland. The ripple effects of recruiting in high school. A kid actually waiting his turn and poof a recruit from Boyd County, Greenup, Bath, Huntington, and etc.. it is pathetic
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Also, 16thregionballer, your first sentence in your response; "Who knows if they are all recruited" is exactly what I'm talking about!! If you don't know then you should NOT BE POSTING THEIR NAMES ON A MESSAGE BOARD! I'm done with this.
(09-21-2022, 07:35 PM)i82much Wrote: Also, 16thregionballer, your first sentence in your response; "Who knows if they are all recruited" is exactly what I'm talking about!!  If you don't know then you should NOT BE POSTING THEIR NAMES ON A MESSAGE BOARD!  I'm done with this.
Again, no disrespect was intended and I know some of the kids I posted personally. They have no issue with it. Sorry out of the entire message your more upset at the names and not the actions of the adult coach for breaking the rules. That was the point. Go Cats!
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  • 16thregioner
(09-21-2022, 07:45 PM)16thregionballer Wrote:
(09-21-2022, 07:35 PM)i82much Wrote: Also, 16thregionballer, your first sentence in your response; "Who knows if they are all recruited" is exactly what I'm talking about!!  If you don't know then you should NOT BE POSTING THEIR NAMES ON A MESSAGE BOARD!  I'm done with this.
Again, no disrespect was intended and I know some of the kids I posted personally. They have no issue with it. Sorry out of the entire message your more upset at the names and not the actions of the adult coach for breaking the rules. That was the point. Go Cats!

I obviously have no problem posting the names of transfers or any other player on the board.  Nothing bad was said about the players who transferred.  In fact, most were very good players who brought valuable athletic talent to their new school.  I could list 100 transfers to and from Ashland, Boyd, and Raceland over the past decade and 99 were done because of sports.  That’s the facts.

Its the hypocrisy of these schools I have the problem with.  

Raceland was so upset over Fairview football a decade ago yet now they do the same thing.

Ashland was so upset over Rose Hill basketball a couple decades ago yet they now do the same thing.

Now Boyd is so upset over Ashland basketball yet they do the same thing across numerous sports.

If it’s YOUR school who gets the transfers, then obviously they’ve come there because of all the great things you’ve done and the opportunities your program offers.  They fit right in, you love them like they’re your own, and it’s no one’s business anyway why a kid transferred.

If it’s YOUR RIVAL school who gets the transfers, then they’re a bunch of cheaters, you report them to the KHSAA, try to get their wins stripped, try to get the coach fired, and demand to see addresses and utility bills.

What a joke.
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  • KColley
(09-21-2022, 08:10 PM)16thregioner Wrote:
(09-21-2022, 07:45 PM)16thregionballer Wrote:
(09-21-2022, 07:35 PM)i82much Wrote: Also, 16thregionballer, your first sentence in your response; "Who knows if they are all recruited" is exactly what I'm talking about!!  If you don't know then you should NOT BE POSTING THEIR NAMES ON A MESSAGE BOARD!  I'm done with this.
Again, no disrespect was intended and I know some of the kids I posted personally. They have no issue with it. Sorry out of the entire message your more upset at the names and not the actions of the adult coach for breaking the rules. That was the point. Go Cats!

I obviously have no problem posting the names of transfers or any other player on the board.  Nothing bad was said about the players who transferred.  In fact, most were very good players who brought valuable athletic talent to their new school.  I could list 100 transfers to and from Ashland, Boyd, and Raceland over the past decade and 99 were done because of sports.  That’s the facts.

Its the hypocrisy of these schools I have the problem with.  

Raceland was so upset over Fairview football a decade ago yet now they do the same thing.

Ashland was so upset over Rose Hill basketball a couple decades ago yet they now do the same thing.

Now Boyd is so upset over Ashland basketball yet they do the same thing across numerous sports.

If it’s YOUR school who gets the transfers, then obviously they’ve come there because of all the great things you’ve done and the opportunities your program offers.  They fit right in, you love them like they’re your own, and it’s no one’s business anyway why a kid transferred.

If it’s YOUR RIVAL school who gets the transfers, then they’re a bunch of cheaters, you report them to the KHSAA, try to get their wins stripped, try to get the coach fired, and demand to see addresses and utility bills.

What a joke.
I don’t think any school is mad about transfers. Kids who are doing it by the rule in the region. It’s a coach recruiting players. Coaches totally disregarding the bylaw (regardless of the opinion on the rule). That’s why teams and coaches are standing together to do something about it. KHSAA either needs to enforce the bylaws- because our ashland administration will not-or just do away with it and have no governing body. It’s pointless if they don’t.
If you don’t think the 99 sports transfers I could name received word from the coach, either directly or usually through parents, about where they would fit into the lineup and how they would be utilized before they signed up to transfer, then you’re not being realistic. Everybody’s got dreams of championships and scholarships. They all want to make sure the new school is going to fulfill those dreams.

The difference here is the guy recorded Mays and released it on the internet. There’s no doubt Mays’ ego is out of control. He sounds like he thinks he’s Coach Cal rather than a high school coach of a school in eastern Kentucky. He makes it easy to root against him. At the same time, though, the deception of the guy who recorded him as well as the horrible things he said about the other player makes him seem pretty low as well. He makes it easy to root against him. What’s the lesser of two evils?
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(09-21-2022, 10:28 PM)16thregioner Wrote: If you don’t think the 99 sports transfers I could name received word from the coach, either directly or usually through parents, about where they would fit into the lineup and how they would be utilized before they signed up to transfer, then you’re not being realistic.  Everybody’s got dreams of championships and scholarships.  They all want to make sure the new school is going to fulfill those dreams.

The difference here is the guy recorded Mays and released it on the internet.  There’s no doubt Mays’ ego is out of control.  He sounds like he thinks he’s Coach Cal rather than a high school coach of a school in eastern Kentucky.  He makes it easy to root against him.  At the same time, though, the deception of the guy who recorded him as well as the horrible things he said about the other player makes him seem pretty low as well.  He makes it easy to root against him.  What’s the lesser of two evils?
Listening to the audio. I don’t see any deception from the dad. I must have missed it or the point you talking about. I totally agree our coach’s ego barely fits in the gym. The coach showed so many different level of deception and more damaging things about his own players who he coaches. That breach of trust cannot ever be repaired in my opinion. He even stated on the audio he would trade 4 years for the 8th grader than take the 1 year senior he was having his coach handle. Didn’t even defend the kid. Was going to trade him off for more years and a better player. Then to talk about three other of our kids at ashland and say he was better etc.. makes me sick. He is talking about our kids.
It has been reported by 16th region news that Ashland Blazer reported to OHSAA recruitment violation over Aris Pittman!! He had to sit on the sidelines until it is looked into by the OHSAA. We are currently under a KHSAA investigation for a recording of our Basketball Coach openly admitting recruiting multiple players. Our Administration here at Ashland needs to be fired. Living in a glass house!!
(09-24-2022, 11:04 AM)16thregionballer Wrote: It has been reported by 16th region news that Ashland Blazer reported to OHSAA recruitment violation over Aris Pittman!!  He had to sit on the sidelines until it is looked into by the OHSAA.  We are currently under a KHSAA investigation for a recording of our Basketball Coach openly admitting recruiting multiple players. Our Administration here at Ashland needs to be fired. Living in a glass house!!

Who is this Ashland “administration”?
(09-24-2022, 06:46 PM)16thregioner Wrote:
(09-24-2022, 11:04 AM)16thregionballer Wrote: It has been reported by 16th region news that Ashland Blazer reported to OHSAA recruitment violation over Aris Pittman!!  He had to sit on the sidelines until it is looked into by the OHSAA.  We are currently under a KHSAA investigation for a recording of our Basketball Coach openly admitting recruiting multiple players. Our Administration here at Ashland needs to be fired. Living in a glass house!!

Who is this Ashland “administration”?
The positions responsible for over site of the athletic programs. The superintendent and principal. As far who is this administration?  That has been already answered. They have been implicated and promote recruitment over our own kids.  The administration has failed our kids. Chose a coach over our kids.  Then report two kids that left the program. To have them sit out but let our coach continue walking the halls and in the gym. Knowing the audio exist and uphold that tell me who the ashland administration is!  If that answers your question ?
I wondered if the AD whose own son was disparaged in the call is part of the decisions.
(09-24-2022, 07:23 PM)16thregioner Wrote: I wondered if the AD whose own son was disparaged in the call is part of the decisions.
Heard he has been left out on the decision about our coach.  I do not know if he was involved with this decision. The responsibility of determining a kids eligible lies solely on the decision of the principal.  I do know he did not even hear the audio until it was released on social media.  That is how our Administration works.
(09-06-2022, 09:30 AM)jamesclay Wrote: Did the powerless KHSAA ever do anything about this or are they going to allow the coach and administration to blatantly cheat?
I was told by a school board member that the KHSAA has not finished their investigation and it is still currently active.  They have not made a ruling on it.  I was told we self reported and gave the coach a 4 game suspension in house discipline. That is the last I heard a few weeks ago.
It's simply not fair for a coach to clearly, blatantly, tactfully, premeditated, perform recruiting at levels rarely even rumored to occur - knowingly, willingly disregarding rules and regulations at the high school level as if they don't exist. 1) It sets a very bad example for high school kids role models to act in this nature and 2) it is simply not fair for any other school coach in Kentucky that has the least bit of a conscious to be forced to play with in-house kids because they choose to follow the rules or only passively tip toe the line. The punishment will be harsh, very harsh, as the KHSAA knows that it is either going to open Pandora's box on high school recruiting or put the screws to the bad actor. There is no serious response that can justify the actions that occurred. Blaming the players dad for outing a coach that is cheating is as ridiculous as the cheating itself.
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(09-26-2022, 08:50 PM)SocratesKy Wrote: It's simply not fair for a coach to clearly, blatantly, tactfully, premeditated, perform recruiting at levels rarely even rumored to occur - knowingly, willingly disregarding rules and regulations at the high school level as if they don't exist.  1) It sets a very bad example for high school kids role models to act in this nature and 2) it is simply not fair for any other school coach in Kentucky that has the least bit of a conscious to be forced to play with in-house kids because they choose to follow the rules or only passively tip toe the line.  The punishment will be harsh, very harsh, as the KHSAA knows that it is either going to open Pandora's box on high school recruiting or put the screws to the bad actor.  There is no serious response that can justify the actions that occurred.  Blaming the players dad for outing a coach that is cheating is as ridiculous as the cheating itself.
The dad is an IDIOT!!!!!   J. Mays talked too much,  but that dad’s an IDIOT.  This goes on all the time. R Anderson has spoke with 8th grade parents before.  Difference is those dads wasn’t an IDIOT.
(09-26-2022, 08:50 PM)SocratesKy Wrote: It's simply not fair for a coach to clearly, blatantly, tactfully, premeditated, perform recruiting at levels rarely even rumored to occur - knowingly, willingly disregarding rules and regulations at the high school level as if they don't exist.  1) It sets a very bad example for high school kids role models to act in this nature and 2) it is simply not fair for any other school coach in Kentucky that has the least bit of a conscious to be forced to play with in-house kids because they choose to follow the rules or only passively tip toe the line.  The punishment will be harsh, very harsh, as the KHSAA knows that it is either going to open Pandora's box on high school recruiting or put the screws to the bad actor.  There is no serious response that can justify the actions that occurred.  Blaming the players dad for outing a coach that is cheating is as ridiculous as the cheating itself.
I agree totally. I think it just sits a bad example for our kids to support such actions. Embarrassing for us as a school who has a rich tradition in sports. I honestly doesn’t know he looks at these boys at practice after his willingness to trade them for other kids at our biggest rival. The other recruited kid who lives in another county that our coach recruited playing point guard. To fill his hole!  I just hope the KHSAA doesn’t penalize the kids for the coaches stupidity and ego. He should have taken that Montgomery job when he had the chance. We would be better off for sure. Saved us all the embarrassment. We are a laughing stock of state right now

(09-26-2022, 09:04 PM)JKy1976 Wrote:
(09-26-2022, 08:50 PM)SocratesKy Wrote: It's simply not fair for a coach to clearly, blatantly, tactfully, premeditated, perform recruiting at levels rarely even rumored to occur - knowingly, willingly disregarding rules and regulations at the high school level as if they don't exist.  1) It sets a very bad example for high school kids role models to act in this nature and 2) it is simply not fair for any other school coach in Kentucky that has the least bit of a conscious to be forced to play with in-house kids because they choose to follow the rules or only passively tip toe the line.  The punishment will be harsh, very harsh, as the KHSAA knows that it is either going to open Pandora's box on high school recruiting or put the screws to the bad actor.  There is no serious response that can justify the actions that occurred.  Blaming the players dad for outing a coach that is cheating is as ridiculous as the cheating itself.
The dad is an IDIOT!!!!!   J. Mays talked too much,  but that dad’s an IDIOT.  This goes on all the time. R Anderson has spoke with 8th grade parents before.  Difference is those dads wasn’t an IDIOT.
I’m glad the dad brought this to light as an ashland parent with a kid in the program. He has been doing it for years. I personally think the dad did us all a favor and exposed this man for what he is. A cheater, exploiting our kids and program for his own greed to get back to college. Just watch any of the media we put out. Half of it is his face all in it. He doesn’t care about our kids. I thank the dad for exposing this fraud!!
I have a feeling there’s going to be some upset people as Mays roams the sidelines this season. From Ashland’s “homegrown” players and parents to other teams’ fans, parents, coaches, and players, expect much disappointment and bewilderment. Practice is only 19 days away. Wonder how far along the KHSAA is with their “investigation”? You may get the results of the Hunter Biden investigation before you hear from Julian Tackett on this.
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  • Ky1976
You guys go on and on with this nonsense, and there’s only a few of you making a lot of noise.
Jason Mays has never called a parent of a player from another school in his life and asked them would they consider moving their kid to Ashland. This phone call was from a ticked off parent who wanted his kid at Ashland and another player from his team made the move before he could. So the dad conjured himself a scheme to “get even”. He calls Mays and mentions his 8th grade son and that he’s thinking of transferring him, and Jason did what 99.9% of all coaches in the state would have done, he spoke with the fellow and told him about the Ashland program and so forth. He probably shouldn’t have talked to him but as I said most coaches would have done the same because the kid was an 8th grader and at the time of the phone call 8th graders could transfer to any school they wanted without sitting out a year. A few of you are trying to paint Mays as a big recruiter and he is not. He has not recruited any players to Ashland since he’s been there, not even the kid addressed in the phone call. I say that because he didn’t place the call, the dad did. The dad was recruiting Ashland for his kid, or he made it appear that way.
Mays has been at Ashland 4 years, heading into his 5th. He has had 4 transfers in his first 4 years and 1 this year. That’s an average of 1 per year. That pales in comparison to transfers to many other schools. That is not “blatant cheating” or “recruiting”. That’s very minimal. And he did not recruit or entice a single one of those kids to transfer to Ashland. Showing pride in your school and basketball program in a phone conversation to a parent who made it appear he was interested in the Tomcats is not recruiting. And as I have already said, 99.9% of coaches across the state would have talked to the dad. It was an 8th grader with no transfer penalty. To say they wouldn’t is being hypocritical and dishonest. You fellows are posting negatives toward Mays out of dislike for Ashland and him. He is a hard working coach who turns out good teams and successful student athletes.
I know this post won’t help, you’ll just continue to post false charges and biased views, and unproven statements. But I know this coach and he is an outstanding individual and great coach. How many kids did he “recruit” his first year at Ashland. Ashland won the region and one game at state.
And he is a player first coach. That’s why he encouraged his best returning player, Porter, to leave Ashland a year early and head on to Liberty University. If he had been all about winning games and regions he would not have done that.
I can see where parents would be interested in moving to Ashland to play for him. He’s a good coach and a good person.
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(09-27-2022, 12:23 AM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: You guys go on and on with this nonsense, and there’s only a few of you making a lot of noise.
Jason Mays has never called a parent of a player from another school in his life and asked them would they consider moving their kid to Ashland. This phone call was from a ticked off parent who wanted his kid at Ashland and another player from his team made the move before he could. So the dad conjured himself a scheme to “get even”. He calls Mays and mentions his 8th grade son and that he’s thinking of transferring him, and Jason did what 99.9% of all coaches in the state would have done, he spoke with the fellow and told him about the Ashland program and so forth. He probably shouldn’t have talked to him but as I said most coaches would have done the same because the kid was an 8th grader and at the time of the phone call 8th graders could transfer to any school they wanted without sitting out a year. A few of you are trying to paint Mays as a big recruiter and he is not. He has not recruited any players to Ashland since he’s been there, not even the kid addressed in the phone call. I say that because he didn’t place the call, the dad did. The dad was recruiting Ashland for his kid, or he made it appear that way.
Mays has been at Ashland 4 years, heading into his 5th. He has had 4 transfers in his first 4 years and 1 this year. That’s an average of 1 per year. That pales in comparison to transfers to many other schools. That is not “blatant cheating” or “recruiting”. That’s very minimal. And he did not recruit or entice a single one of those kids to transfer to Ashland. Showing pride in your school and basketball program in a phone conversation to a parent who made it appear he was interested in the Tomcats is not recruiting. And as I have already said, 99.9% of coaches across the state would have talked to the dad. It was an 8th grader with no transfer penalty. To say they wouldn’t is being hypocritical and dishonest. You fellows are posting negatives toward Mays out of dislike for Ashland and him. He is a hard working coach who turns out good teams and successful student athletes.
I know this post won’t help, you’ll just continue to post false charges and biased views, and unproven statements. But I know this coach and he is an outstanding individual and great coach. How many kids did he “recruit” his first year at Ashland. Ashland won the region and one game at state.
And he is a player first coach. That’s why he encouraged his best returning player, Porter, to leave Ashland a year early and head on to Liberty University. If he had been all about winning games and regions he would not have done that.
I can see where parents would be interested in moving to Ashland to play for him. He’s a good coach and a good person.
You obviously have never listened to the audio at all. Mays did make the contact first. It’s on the audio. Mays did actively recruit an 8th grader and a senior from BC it’s on the audio. He openly admits to not going after the Russell 16th region player of the year  it’s on the audio. The dad never once asked mays about bringing his kid here.  Mays clearly states he wants him and it’s wrong of him to say that knowing he is at another school. It’s on the audio. He bashed his own players to entice the dad along with making him the leading scorer in Ashland history. It’s on the audio. He bashes his own players here at ashland to sell him on bringing him by calling our kids liabilities!!!! It’s on the audio. Obviously you are close to him. That is why you are defending him. Why don’t you defend our kids here at ashland not the guy who is selling them out for the next bigger better deal. He isn’t even a good coach. He is a recruiter!! I guess the kid from cabell midland just went back to cabell midland the day after we lost the game at state!? When you have blind loyalty when someone breaks the rules. Just makes your point invalid.  Stop with the 99% of coaches do it excuse. It a pathetic logic!! Because they don’t. Not saying some do! But they need busted regardless what school they coach at. This man has done this team and our community a disservice. If he had any honor. Class.  He would have resigned to save us this embarrassment and let the kids have a coach who has their back. Not worry about recruiting the next hole to fill. Good coaches in high school develope kids. Not recruit around them. I would advise you to listen to All 50 min. Without the rose colored glasses ? ?

*not going after him aggressive enough. It’s on the audio.
(09-27-2022, 12:23 AM)LOOKAYANNER Wrote: You guys go on and on with this nonsense, and there’s only a few of you making a lot of noise.
Jason Mays has never called a parent of a player from another school in his life and asked them would they consider moving their kid to Ashland. This phone call was from a ticked off parent who wanted his kid at Ashland and another player from his team made the move before he could. So the dad conjured himself a scheme to “get even”. He calls Mays and mentions his 8th grade son and that he’s thinking of transferring him, and Jason did what 99.9% of all coaches in the state would have done, he spoke with the fellow and told him about the Ashland program and so forth. He probably shouldn’t have talked to him but as I said most coaches would have done the same because the kid was an 8th grader and at the time of the phone call 8th graders could transfer to any school they wanted without sitting out a year. A few of you are trying to paint Mays as a big recruiter and he is not. He has not recruited any players to Ashland since he’s been there, not even the kid addressed in the phone call. I say that because he didn’t place the call, the dad did. The dad was recruiting Ashland for his kid, or he made it appear that way.
Mays has been at Ashland 4 years, heading into his 5th. He has had 4 transfers in his first 4 years and 1 this year. That’s an average of 1 per year. That pales in comparison to transfers to many other schools. That is not “blatant cheating” or “recruiting”. That’s very minimal. And he did not recruit or entice a single one of those kids to transfer to Ashland. Showing pride in your school and basketball program in a phone conversation to a parent who made it appear he was interested in the Tomcats is not recruiting. And as I have already said, 99.9% of coaches across the state would have talked to the dad. It was an 8th grader with no transfer penalty. To say they wouldn’t is being hypocritical and dishonest. You fellows are posting negatives toward Mays out of dislike for Ashland and him. He is a hard working coach who turns out good teams and successful student athletes.
I know this post won’t help, you’ll just continue to post false charges and biased views, and unproven statements. But I know this coach and he is an outstanding individual and great coach. How many kids did he “recruit” his first year at Ashland. Ashland won the region and one game at state.
And he is a player first coach. That’s why he encouraged his best returning player, Porter, to leave Ashland a year early and head on to Liberty University. If he had been all about winning games and regions he would not have done that.
I can see where parents would be interested in moving to Ashland to play for him. He’s a good coach and a good person.
This response SMH.  A person goes to church on Sunday, publicly donates money and time to less fortunate, publicizes supporting other people….but cheats behind closed doors.  There is no justifying.
Don't waste your time arguing with LOOKAYANNER on this, Jason Mays is obviously his hero.
And from listening to the audio, Jason Mays is Jason Mays' hero as well, lol.
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Doesn't look like a coach on the brink of losing his job. Business as usual. Nothing to see here. Move along.
(09-28-2022, 08:19 AM)16thregioner Wrote: https://twitter.com/CoachJMays/status/15...yr9dorAAAA

Doesn't look like a coach on the brink of losing his job.  Business as usual.  Nothing to see here.  Move along.
Always calmness before the storm.  You got to love a leadership session with a guy who sold you out for your biggest rival, caught cheating on an audio, I am embarrassed for us.  We look like fools with the biggest jester talking like he has any type of ethics/morals. While talking to the kid you recruited in the front row!  You can't make this stuff up. Hypocrisy at its finest. The true definition of a narcist I have ever seen.
(09-28-2022, 08:19 AM)16thregioner Wrote: https://twitter.com/CoachJMays/status/15...yr9dorAAAA

Doesn't look like a coach on the brink of losing his job.  Business as usual.  Nothing to see here.  Move along.
We shall see where the other foot falls, very soon…
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(09-21-2022, 07:07 PM)i82much Wrote:
(09-21-2022, 01:31 PM)16thregionballer Wrote:
(09-20-2022, 02:56 PM)i82much Wrote:
(09-20-2022, 01:34 PM)16thregionballer Wrote: BASKETBALL

RYAN BRYANT (IRONTON) All Area FB Player led the football team in tackles in 2019
HUNTER GILLUM (BOYD CO) All Area FB Player, led the football team to State Championship MVP in 2021, played on state tournament bball teams
COLIN PORTER (ELLIOTT CO) All Area Player, multiple state tournament appearances
ZANDER CARTER (GREENUP CO) All Area player, multiple state tournament appearances
SEAN MARCUM (CABELL MIDLAND) transferred back to CM the day after state tournament loss and parents rented a house off former Super and Mayor's daughter
BRAXTON JENNINGS ( HUNTINGTON) leading rusher for fb team in 2023
RICKEY PARDON (MISSOURI) All Area FB lived with guardian in Ironton that called plays for Ashland Football played on state tournament bball team
RHEYCE  DeBOARDE (RUSSELL, BOYD CO) All area player in bball

HALEY HANEY (BOYD CO) All Area SB Player Softball played on state tournament team 2019
RUTHIE PATHOLSKY (IRONTON) Softball state tournament 2019
MEGAN HENSLEY (COLUMBUS OH) All Area SB and VB , Pitcher of the year, Miss Softball and 6 state tournament teams in softball and led the volleyball team in kills
EMILY PREECE (ROSE HILL) Softball played on 5 state tournament softball teams
SYDNEY WHITT (RUSSELL) All Area Player state tournament player 2012,2013,14
McKENZIE VANOVER (ROSE HILL) Ky Softball HOF played on 5 state tournament softball teams
MEGAN MURPHY (BOYD CO) State Tournament 2015,2016, All Area player



This is just a few kids I have seen come into Ashland.  Transferring legally vs BEING RECRUITED BY A COACH ILLEGALLY.  Big difference.  I enjoy the commentary but facts are facts.  The COACH RED HANDED recruited a player, spoke of other players he is currently recruiting, and recruited in the past.  OUR ASHLAND KIDS deserve better!!!

I'm not sure I'm following this list.  Are you saying all of these kids were recruited?   There are kids on this list that I don't know anything about or how they got here and have no idea what their motivations were and I have no idea whether they were recruited or not so I'm not going to say anything one way or another about them (and I wouldn't even if they were). But...there are also kids on this list that have been at Ashland most of elementary and all of middle school. I have known them for years and have many of them and their parents in my phone contacts and talk to them all the time. They are about as maroon as anyone I know. Many, many kids in our area attend pre-school and early elementary at Rose Hill and then later transfer to public schools throughout the area. My own kids fit into this category. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you posting the names of any kids on a public message board to try to support a narrative.  Again, I'm a little mixed up with this list anyway but you have NO business including the names of many of these kids on such a list no matter your intention. I'm not a message board expert so I don't know the legality of such a list but at best it's in very poor taste.
Who knows if they are all recruited.  We do know definetly some have been due to the audio. I have know many of the families on here as well due to going to school and outside friends. I no way was this done in poor taste.  You seem to be sensitive when I place a name on list but not the 16thregioner when he posted it of other kids.  You are just selectively offended.  You just trying misdirect the content of the post.  We at Ashland are embarrassed at our Administration of the handling of this coach who has brought so many recruits ( Direct violation of Bylaw 16) to play over our home grown kids.  I would assume you have no SKIN in THE GAME. Meaning your kids have graduated. For the parents and kids that are still here enduring this exploitation of kids.  It is an embarrassment.

I know some of the kids on the list and care deeply about them and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt they were not "recruited" by anyone and have been Ashland kids since middle and/or grade school. Looking back and listing every kid that attended another school at anytime during their childhood, and in many cases, graduated long before anyone knew who Jason Mays was, and then assume they were recruited to support a narrative and then post their names on a message board is insane and definitely in poor taste. I didn't see the other list you were referring to, so I backtracked to look at it, and I agree, it should not have been posted. I'm truly a fan of the 16th region. Ashland is not the only school I have close ties to. I would be offended if you did the same thing to any kids in any system especially if I know them and know what your saying is a lie. I've talked to many students and parents in Ashland and I just don't see the "embarrassment" you keep referring to and I have never heard "exploitation" used in any of the conversations. Do they support the phone call? Of course not! Most of them know Coach Mays and pray for him and his family daily. That's what good people do even when they don't agree with what happened. They're willing to accept the punishment and move on. They don't assume a fake identity on a message board and then throw anything out there and hope it sticks. I don't know what your motives are but I do know they're not sincere. You have an agenda.....
Very well said.  We all know this is a couple Boyd Team dads that are covering the fact this guy was shopping his kid around.  Nobody bit and feelings were hurt.  The phone conversation happened but he was promised nothing and daddy had a hard time with that.  
The dad did call Mays. (Whether it was the initial call or a call back … doesn’t matter.  He called! And that is a KHSAA violation as well.). If we are going to start demanding the rules are followed, then he/Boyd Co. should pay the fiddler as well.  WHAT ADULT SECRETLY RECORDS A CALL!  I wouldn’t show my face again.

(09-28-2022, 09:13 AM)16thregionballer Wrote:
(09-28-2022, 08:19 AM)16thregioner Wrote: https://twitter.com/CoachJMays/status/15...yr9dorAAAA

Doesn't look like a coach on the brink of losing his job.  Business as usual.  Nothing to see here.  Move along.
Always calmness before the storm.  You got to love a leadership session with a guy who sold you out for your biggest rival, caught cheating on an audio, I am embarrassed for us.  We look like fools with the biggest jester talking like he has any type of ethics/morals. While talking to the kid you recruited in the front row!  You can't make this stuff up. Hypocrisy at its finest. The true definition of a narcist I have ever seen.
Don’t say us like you are a Tomcat!  We all know where you are from Mr. Lion!  No need to recruit.  From what I hear, he was ran off!   You should be embarrassed of your school.  Daddy threw his man card out the window in front of the whole state!
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