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Wisconsin Assembly Speaker names special counsel to expand probe of 2020 election
Another state is taking steps to ensure that election rigging is not a problem in the 2022 and 2024 elections. Let the howling from Democrats and Marxists commence.

Wisconsin Assembly Speaker names special counsel to expand probe of 2020 election
(07-31-2021, 12:17 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Another state is taking steps to ensure that election rigging is not a problem in the 2022 and 2024 elections. Let the howling from Democrats and Marxists commence.

Wisconsin Assembly Speaker names special counsel to expand probe of 2020 election
Quooter just another Trumpster Witch Hunt. Told you would be better off trying to find Bigfoot your Odds would be better.
Quooter wonder how many in Congress was in with the King to overthrow the government it's slowly coming out Jordan and Johnson we know was involved .
(07-31-2021, 08:01 PM)vector#1 Wrote: Quooter wonder how many in Congress was in with the King to overthrow the government it's slowly coming out Jordan and Johnson we know was involved .

I want to see a hanging in a public square for the traitors who were involved in the plot to overthrow the government.
(07-31-2021, 08:13 PM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(07-31-2021, 08:01 PM)vector#1 Wrote: Quooter wonder how many in Congress was in with the King to overthrow the government it's slowly coming out Jordan and Johnson we know was involved .

I want to see a hanging in a public square for the traitors who were involved in the plot to overthrow the government.
Nah, you would like to see people who disagree with you politically lynched. People who voted for a pedo-traitor are the real traitors and I do not believe that you would want to hang.
It has already been established that many of the votes cast for Biden in Wisconsin were illegally counted. With evidence of criminal behavior mounting, the question is now what will be done about the crimes Democrats committed?

REVEALED: Milwaukee Elections Executive Woodall-Vogg Who Laughed About the Election Steal on Election Night Was Caught Handing Over Sensitive Election Data to Liberal Groups Before Election
Quooter this guy is a Trumpster
(08-02-2021, 04:52 PM)vector#1 Wrote: Quooter this guy is a Trumpster

Vector, I saw where Trump made the insane claim that the rate of voter fraud in Michigan was  68%. LMAO  Big Grin   State officials reported the true percentage to be 0.0063% .  For innumerate Republicans like Trump , let's do the math---that's  63 cases out of 1,000,000.   About 5.5 million Michigan voters cast a ballot, so roughly 350 instances of some sort of fraud(either favoring Trump or Biden)  Trump wants his cult to believe(and most of them do) that there   3,740,000 cases of fraud in Michigan.  Innumerate , brainwashed fools they are.
(08-02-2021, 11:10 PM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(08-02-2021, 04:52 PM)vector#1 Wrote: Quooter this guy is a Trumpster

Vector, I saw where Trump made the insane claim that the rate of voter fraud in Michigan was  68%. LMAO  Big Grin   State officials reported the true percentage to be 0.0063% .  For innumerate Republicans like Trump , let's do the math---that's  63 cases out of 1,000,000.   About 5.5 million Michigan voters cast a ballot, so roughly 350 instances of some sort of fraud(either favoring Trump or Biden)  Trump wants his cult to believe(and most of them do) that there   3,740,000 cases of fraud in Michigan.  Innumerate , brainwashed fools they are.
What an ignoramus. There has been no statewide forensic audit of Michigan's ballots, so whatever numbers its crooked Democrat administration cites is nonsense. Naturally, you eagerly repeat such nonsense because it promotes your false narrative.
Haven’t you guys figured out Hooter is a fraud?

He is just pumping stupidity for more posts and threads.
(08-02-2021, 11:15 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Haven’t you guys figured out Hooter is a fraud? 

He is just pumping stupidity for more posts and threads.
Twin Ticks are back! Is it a coincidence that your brother parasite's command of the English language improved in your absence but took a turn for the worse just prior to your return? You must be well rested following your absence and ready to resume your role of the Welfare King's better half.
(08-02-2021, 11:15 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Haven’t you guys figured out Hooter is a fraud? 

He is just pumping stupidity for more posts and threads.
You also left out Bat Sh!t Crazy he is seeing double now
(08-02-2021, 11:15 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Haven’t you guys figured out Hooter is a fraud? 

He is just pumping stupidity for more posts and threads.

I know Hoot personally, he's as honest as they come and unlike you, he would never spread willful disinformation. As to you four, raining down the constant jeering and heckling based in the lamest of superficialities does not make you honest or well informed. Nor is there the remotest possibility that you will convert any conservative with your lies. But it goes farther than that. Like pre-WW2 Germany, you root for the immorality and absurdities of the left. Only this time it's not about any sort of master race, though most of your ilk are no friends of Israel. No this time it's all about the effeminate and gender nonspecific, vomit worthy brotherhood of lies. All done through the transparent slander of political correctness and transposing your own racism on others. LOL, the onsie cocoa sipping girly-men have come!!

Now, does that mean conservatives are in danger of being washed away by a tidal wave of liberal monkey puke? It would appear.  And why is that? "Because a house divided against itself cannot stand." Mark 3:25

But even if there were anything of value left over once conservatives have been sufficiently crushed to satisfy the left's mindless bent, the left will have squandered the nation's wealth in order to grind that ax. It's just that you guys are evidently too naive and otherwise limited to see it. While the dynamic infrastructure of America's food producing industry collapses around us, and climate alarmists ban meat, and fossil fuels, the left doesn't even blink at the fact that Dems will have blown 12 or 13 trillion on the liberal wish-list this year alone. What a circus
(08-03-2021, 12:41 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(08-02-2021, 11:15 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Haven’t you guys figured out Hooter is a fraud? 

He is just pumping stupidity for more posts and threads.

I know Hoot personally, he's as honest as they come and unlike you, he would never spread willful disinformation. As to you four, raining down the constant jeering and heckling based in the lamest of superficialities does not make you honest or well informed. Nor is there the remotest possibility that you will convert any conservative with your lies. But it goes farther than that. Like pre-WW2 Germany, you root for the immorality and absurdities of the left. Only this time it's not about any sort of master race, though most of your ilk are no friends of Israel. No this time it's all about the effeminate and gender nonspecific, vomit worthy brotherhood of lies. All done through the transparent slander of political correctness and transposing your own racism on others. LOL, the onsie cocoa sipping girly-men have come!!

Now, does that mean conservatives are in danger of being washed away by a tidal wave of liberal monkey puke? It would appear.  And why is that? "Because a house divided against itself cannot stand." Mark 3:25

But even if there were anything of value left over once conservatives have been sufficiently crushed to satisfy the left's mindless bent, the left will have squandered the nation's wealth in order to grind that ax. It's just that you guys are evidently too naive and otherwise limited to see it. While the dynamic infrastructure of America's food producing industry collapses around us, and climate alarmists ban meat, and fossil fuels, the left doesn't even blink at the fact that Dems will have blown 12 or 13 trillion on the liberal wish-list this year alone. What a circus
TRT looks like you are at it again "never spread willful disinformation" Dammmm. Quooter and you have been spreading Lies for over 9 months now about the election and the insurrection don't know which one of you is the worst.
TRT if your typing your lying.
For every time Hoot has told the truth on any matter, vector has lied and lied and lied, until those involved have lost interest in the discussion and moved on. vector probably thinks getting the last word means he won the debate. I think it's more like clinical obsession.
(08-03-2021, 05:59 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: For every time Hoot has told the truth on any matter, vector has lied and lied and lied,  until those involved have lost interest in the discussion and moved on. vector probably thinks getting the last word means he won the debate. I think it's more like clinical obsession.
TRT caught you in a lot of lies i know that.
(08-03-2021, 12:41 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(08-02-2021, 11:15 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Haven’t you guys figured out Hooter is a fraud? 

He is just pumping stupidity for more posts and threads.

I know Hoot personally, he's as honest as they come and unlike you, he would never spread willful disinformation. As to you four, raining down the constant jeering and heckling based in the lamest of superficialities does not make you honest or well informed. Nor is there the remotest possibility that you will convert any conservative with your lies. But it goes farther than that. Like pre-WW2 Germany, you root for the immorality and absurdities of the left. Only this time it's not about any sort of master race, though most of your ilk are no friends of Israel. No this time it's all about the effeminate and gender nonspecific, vomit worthy brotherhood of lies. All done through the transparent slander of political correctness and transposing your own racism on others. LOL, the onsie cocoa sipping girly-men have come!!

Now, does that mean conservatives are in danger of being washed away by a tidal wave of liberal monkey puke? It would appear.  And why is that? "Because a house divided against itself cannot stand." Mark 3:25

But even if there were anything of value left over once conservatives have been sufficiently crushed to satisfy the left's mindless bent, the left will have squandered the nation's wealth in order to grind that ax. It's just that you guys are evidently too naive and otherwise limited to see it. While the dynamic infrastructure of America's food producing industry collapses around us, and climate alarmists ban meat, and fossil fuels, the left doesn't even blink at the fact that Dems will have blown 12 or 13 trillion on the liberal wish-list this year alone. What a circus
Thanks for the kind words, TRT. The Welfare King is such a prolific liar that I don't take anything he says seriously. Even the other Marxist-atheists know that he is a pathological liar. Of course, none of them will admit that fact about a fellow traveler on the road leading to American destruction.
(08-03-2021, 05:59 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: For every time Hoot has told the truth on any matter, vector has lied and lied and lied,  until those involved have lost interest in the discussion and moved on. vector probably thinks getting the last word means he won the debate. I think it's more like clinical obsession.
The Welfare King demonstrated that he can write at a fifth-grade level but has reverted to making barely literate posts. It is a sign of disrespect to anybody who spends time reading what he writes and the constant lying gets very boring. So, I have stopped responding to his posts again. BTW, I have advised him that I will refer to him as the Welfare King as long as he continues to refer to Trump as "our" king.
(08-03-2021, 07:22 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(08-03-2021, 05:59 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: For every time Hoot has told the truth on any matter, vector has lied and lied and lied,  until those involved have lost interest in the discussion and moved on. vector probably thinks getting the last word means he won the debate. I think it's more like clinical obsession.
The Welfare King demonstrated that he can write at a fifth-grade level but has reverted to making barely literate posts. It is a sign of disrespect to anybody who spends time reading what he writes and the constant lying gets very boring. So, I have stopped responding to his posts again. BTW, I have advised him that I will refer to him as the Welfare King as long as he continues to refer to Trump as "our" king.
Quooter I will apologize if you don't like me referring your Leader as the King from now on it will just be your Leader.
(08-04-2021, 10:24 AM)vector#1 Wrote:
(08-03-2021, 07:22 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(08-03-2021, 05:59 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: For every time Hoot has told the truth on any matter, vector has lied and lied and lied,  until those involved have lost interest in the discussion and moved on. vector probably thinks getting the last word means he won the debate. I think it's more like clinical obsession.
The Welfare King demonstrated that he can write at a fifth-grade level but has reverted to making barely literate posts. It is a sign of disrespect to anybody who spends time reading what he writes and the constant lying gets very boring. So, I have stopped responding to his posts again. BTW, I have advised him that I will refer to him as the Welfare King as long as he continues to refer to Trump as "our" king.
Quooter I will apologize if you don't like me referring your Leader as the King from now on it will just be your Leader.
No need to apologize, Welfare King. It doesn't matter what disparaging term you use to attempt to portray me as a member of a cult. King, Leader, Dear Leader, and any similar term is just a dishonest mischaracterization of my political positions. I will probably not be supporting Trump unless he wins the Republican nomination in 2024 because I believe that the Republicans have a few potential candidates that would make a more effective president. Trump is heads and shoulders better than anybody that the Democrats will run in 2024 but that doesn't mean that he is the best possible candidate that Republicans can run.

Please do not interpret this post as any change in my position toward you or Trump. Trump lost a rigged election and Biden is an illegitimate president. You are a dishonest Marxist/atheist who intentionally butchers the English language to make yourself look as stupid as possible, and those are the reasons that I will rarely be responding to your future posts.
(08-04-2021, 12:14 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(08-04-2021, 10:24 AM)vector#1 Wrote:
(08-03-2021, 07:22 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(08-03-2021, 05:59 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: For every time Hoot has told the truth on any matter, vector has lied and lied and lied,  until those involved have lost interest in the discussion and moved on. vector probably thinks getting the last word means he won the debate. I think it's more like clinical obsession.
The Welfare King demonstrated that he can write at a fifth-grade level but has reverted to making barely literate posts. It is a sign of disrespect to anybody who spends time reading what he writes and the constant lying gets very boring. So, I have stopped responding to his posts again. BTW, I have advised him that I will refer to him as the Welfare King as long as he continues to refer to Trump as "our" king.
Quooter I will apologize if you don't like me referring your Leader as the King from now on it will just be your Leader.
No need to apologize, Welfare King. It doesn't matter what disparaging term you use to attempt to portray me as a member of a cult. King, Leader, Dear Leader, and any similar term is just a dishonest mischaracterization of my political positions. I will probably not be supporting Trump unless he wins the Republican nomination in 2024 because I believe that the Republicans have a few potential candidates that would make a more effective president. Trump is heads and shoulders better than anybody that the Democrats will run in 2024 but that doesn't mean that he is the best possible candidate that Republicans can run.

Please do not interpret this post as any change in my position toward you or Trump. Trump lost a rigged election and Biden is an illegitimate president. You are a dishonest Marxist/atheist who intentionally butchers the English language to make yourself look as stupid as possible, and those are the reasons that I will rarely be responding to your future posts.
Quooter so the Tooth Fairy and Bigfoot are real ?

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