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The Debunking Thread: Hunter Biden and More False Claims Debunked Here

Hoot Gibsons’ behavior on BGR is not normal.

Pass it on.
[Image: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/wp-cont...5x181.jpeg]

Joe Biden Flirts with Little Girl at Virginia Speech, 
“I Love Those Barrettes in Your Hair… She Looks Like She’s 19 Years Old… With Her Legs Crossed”

Hoot Gibsons’ behavior on BGR is not normal.

Pass it on.
[Image: https://media.gab.com/system/accounts/av...4a7372.jpg]

Even with the world watching live on TV - 

Joe Biden can’t stop himself from acting creepy around children.
(05-30-2021, 05:34 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: [Image: https://media.gab.com/system/accounts/av...4a7372.jpg]

Even with the world watching live on TV - 

Joe Biden can’t stop himself from acting creepy around children.
Where would they put the secret service men at if Dear Leader goes to jail anyone ? In a cell beside him ? Looks like his long time pal is getting worried.

WATCH: Roger Stone and Alex Jones Predict Trump Will Be Indicted Soon as Part of ‘Chinese Takeover of America’ (msn.com)

Hoot Gibsons’ behavior on BGR is not normal.

Pass it on.
The contents of this message are hidden because Twin Ticks is on your ignore list.
Will Hooter come back on Monday and say we all need to regroup?

Maybe TRT will give us an apocalypse update?

Will JetPilot tell us what Catturd is thinking?

Are they the same person?
Damn that’s a lot of work.
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(05-31-2021, 12:17 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Will Hooter come back on Monday and say we all need to regroup? 

Maybe TRT will give us an apocalypse update? 

Will JetPilot tell us what Catturd is thinking? 

Are they the same person? 
Damn that’s a lot of work.

Rev 13:5
And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months.

^^ There ya go. There are a lot of big mouths out there boasting great things right now, and it's only going to get worse. The biggest mouth with the most horsepower and impact, will be that of the Beast, who will have power over billions. But even for the grand master of all braggers, the heyday will only last a short while. Only a three and a half year run of mocking and making great claims such as junior bird man does on this forum. Then he will be silenced forever.

And let's understand all these leftist proclamations of victory for just a second. They are not true but the Lord always gives those who would shake their puny chubby fists, in the face of God,  the time to properly hang themselves. The Scriptures are replete with examples to that end. In Exodus 32: 25-35 for example, Moses has been up on the mount with God receiving the 10 Commandments which famously were etched in stone. While he is with God however, the children of Israel (who have been in exile as slaves in Egypt) were down on the plains committing acts of idolatry and immorality.

Why would it take Moses 40 days to receive the 10 Commandments? I believe in part to allow those of Israel who were not worthy to enter into the Promised Land time to manifest themselves before people. They were removed from this earth by one of two means, the sons of Levi slaughtered 3,000 of them on the day of Moses' return with the sword. And the Lord Himself brought a plague upon the rest. But please do read the account for yourself.

I can assure there was not a lot of hesitation or lack of wilfulness to speak out of school on the part of the people who participated in the pagan revelries in Moses' absence. They were called into account; and I would submit to my friends here that likewise, the words written on this very forum will be read verbatim at the judgment.

Last point. Conservatives are generally identified with Christian tenets, that's true. But there are those in the ranks who just sort of play the game. RINO's in other words on the secular level. And those who just have a form of godliness on the spiritual level. Or both. Likewise there were simularly bad apples in the Jewish barrel as in the case above. But to try and pollute the truth of God with the dubious merits of men. Or to blow off God's warnings because some of those who claim Him don't seem to display the proper tendencies, is foolishness. "There is none righteous, no not one." ---Rom 3:10  Only the blood of Christ separates one man from another in The eyes of The Judge. Character or moral record, or donating record has nada to do with it.

I believe the left have tried to roll up their fear of God within a political movement, in the effort to discredit both their political and spiritual foes in one fell swoop. The idea is ludicrous, but that's what we've got. The Lord did sort out the bad apples there at the foot of Mount Sinai, He did it in His own good time, and rest assured He will do it again. It's called the Tribulation. Men will die again, by the sword and by disease, and all manner of plague to include famine.
More from crackhead Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop.

Quote:EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden addressed his white lawyer as 'n***a' multiple times, used phrases like 'true dat n***a' and bantered 'I only love you because you're black,' in shocking texts unearthed days after Joe's emotional Tulsa speech decrying racism
  • Text messages obtained by DailyMail.com reveal Hunter Biden used the n-word multiple times in banter with his lawyer  

  • The president's son, 51, flippantly addressed corporate attorney George Mesires, who is white, by the racial slur, with phrases including 'true dat n***a' 

  • In a December 2018 conversation, Hunter asked Mesires: 'How much money do I owe you. Becaause (sic) n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.'

  • In another chat a month later, Hunter cracked jokes about his penis and then told Mesires 'I only love you because you're black'

  • 'It's so annoying when you interject with frivolity,' the Chicago lawyer replied 

  • The damning texts have emerged just days after his father, President Joe Biden gave a speech decrying racism on the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa massacre

  • Biden has sought to portray racial justice as a top priority for his administration 

  • Hunter also saved a meme with a photo of his father hugging Barack Obama with a caption describing a joke conversation

  • 'Obama: Gonna miss you, man  Joe: Can I say it? Just this once? Obama: *sigh* go ahead Joe: You my n***a, Barack'
(06-08-2021, 10:21 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: More from crackhead Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop.

Quote:EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden addressed his white lawyer as 'n***a' multiple times, used phrases like 'true dat n***a' and bantered 'I only love you because you're black,' in shocking texts unearthed days after Joe's emotional Tulsa speech decrying racism
  • Text messages obtained by DailyMail.com reveal Hunter Biden used the n-word multiple times in banter with his lawyer  

  • The president's son, 51, flippantly addressed corporate attorney George Mesires, who is white, by the racial slur, with phrases including 'true dat n***a' 

  • In a December 2018 conversation, Hunter asked Mesires: 'How much money do I owe you. Becaause (sic) n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.'

  • In another chat a month later, Hunter cracked jokes about his penis and then told Mesires 'I only love you because you're black'

  • 'It's so annoying when you interject with frivolity,' the Chicago lawyer replied 

  • The damning texts have emerged just days after his father, President Joe Biden gave a speech decrying racism on the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa massacre

  • Biden has sought to portray racial justice as a top priority for his administration 

  • Hunter also saved a meme with a photo of his father hugging Barack Obama with a caption describing a joke conversation

  • 'Obama: Gonna miss you, man  Joe: Can I say it? Just this once? Obama: *sigh* go ahead Joe: You my n***a, Barack'
Quooter like I have already said bunch of times. Your Dear Leader and his Lap Dog had all this information and found nothing their. If their was ANY WRONG DOING it would have leaked out before the election. So it's time to give this LIE a reast.
Daily Mail is a tabloid rag. I'll wait for independent verification by reputable sources. It's clear who the racist is.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
(06-09-2021, 10:57 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: Daily Mail is a tabloid rag. I'll wait for independent verification by reputable sources. It's clear who the racist is.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

As I have explained to Cardfan, there is one overwhelmingly laughable mistake in the leftist logic. At the end of the day you guys are going to have to realize one thing, you're white. And as a white man if this madness of race continues, and I maintain that it will, you will be come for on the exact same basis the woke crowd have come for everybody else... skin color. Appearance. I mean, what are you going to say or do to convince minorities of your wokeness? Get a woke ID card? LOL

When for no apparent reason an innocent 70's something white lady gets punched out as she walks down the sidewalk, that's racism. This idea of castigating "whiteness" as systemic, is racism. ALL teachers and profs in our educational system who teach CRT are racists. Hundreds of new TV ads are being produced to sell a product and wokeness, which is racist. Heck, when I turn on my cable box, it automatically goes to channel 1 which is Spectrum News Channel. Before I can change to the channel I want, I hear enough race based propaganda in those brief moments to let me know Channel 1 is loaded with indoctrinated woke news anchors, who're racists.

Such so-called news outlets are not news at all. They are outlets for the leftist propagandist perspective. You've been co-opted into a mindset Hound. And in so doing it is you who have left the rest of us and normalcy behind. Which of course is the reverse of Reagan's point about the Dem party leaving him behind. Even you admit those in your own family to include your Mom, disagrees with this stuff. Are they idiots too? Or do you have some soul searching to do?
^^Notice how eagerly these fools embrace every unnamed source who alleges anything derogatory about Matt Gaetz but systematically disparages the mountain of evidence against Joe Biden and his crackhead son, Hunter. They don't even believe their own eyes and hears as they watched Joe Biden brag about coercing Ukraine into firing a prosecutor that was investigating a company on which Hunter sat on the Board of Directors.

These clowns only believe left wing Democrat sources. OHS even advocates playing "hard ball" with a Democrat Senator who could single handedly make Mitch McConnell the Senate Majority Leader. They are incapable of independent thought or objectivity when it comes to politics.
(06-09-2021, 12:11 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: ^^Notice how eagerly these fools embrace every unnamed source who alleges anything derogatory about Matt Gaetz but systematically disparages the mountain of evidence against Joe Biden and his crackhead son, Hunter. They don't even believe their own eyes and hears as they watched Joe Biden brag about coercing Ukraine into firing a prosecutor that was investigating a company on which Hunter sat on the Board of Directors.

These clowns only believe left wing Democrat sources. OHS even advocates playing "hard ball" with a Democrat Senator who could single handedly make Mitch McConnell the Senate Majority Leader. They are incapable of independent thought or objectivity when it comes to politics.
Quooter your Dear Leader and his DOJ had all this info and come to the conclusion nothing their if their had been ANY CHANCE OF WRONG DOING it would have leaked out before the election. Give it a rest and get back to work.

The contents of this message are hidden because vector#1 is on your ignore list.
(06-09-2021, 12:11 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: ^^Notice how eagerly these fools embrace every unnamed source who alleges anything derogatory about Matt Gaetz but systematically disparages the mountain of evidence against Joe Biden and his crackhead son, Hunter. They don't even believe their own eyes and hears as they watched Joe Biden brag about coercing Ukraine into firing a prosecutor that was investigating a company on which Hunter sat on the Board of Directors.

These clowns only believe left wing Democrat sources. OHS even advocates playing "hard ball" with a Democrat Senator who could single handedly make Mitch McConnell the Senate Majority Leader. They are incapable of independent thought or objectivity when it comes to politics.

They want their team to win and they don't care if the umpire has two different strike zones. Still getting a kick out of not seeing vector's posts BTW.
Another sleazy influence peddling scheme by China Joe Biden's crack smoking some, Hunter Biden. Fact check this, Old School Hound.

Quote:Obama ethics chief: Hunter Biden selling art at 'obviously inflated prices' to mystery buyers feels 'grifty'

Walter Shaub warns about risk of 'influence-seekers funneling money to the Biden family'

Former President Obama's ethics chief ripped into President Biden's son, Hunter Biden, for selling his art at prices ranging up to half a million dollars to anonymous buyers.

Walter Shaub, the former Office of Government Ethics director under Obama, said that the lucrative arrangement has a "shameful and grifty feeling to it."

"The notion of a president's son capitalizing on that relationship by selling art at obviously inflated prices and keeping the public in the dark about who's funneling money to him has a shameful and grifty feel to it," Shaub told Fox News on Monday.

Shaub also warned that the anonymity granted to Hunter's clients could allow "influence-seekers" to funnel money to the Biden family.

"Just as hotel charges and real estate purchases created a risk of unknown parties funneling money to the Trump family for potentially unsavory purposes, Hunter Biden's grotesquely inflated art prices create a similar risk of influence-seekers funneling money to the Biden family," Shaub said.

Shaub said he thinks that Biden and his art dealer, Georges Berges, "should disclose the identity of the purchasers" so the public can see if the buyers try to "gain access to [the] government."

He also said that the "public should not have to take it on blind faith that government officials will behave" regardless if "any attempt to curry favor or buy influence is likely to succeed."

"But I also think it's ridiculous that Hunter Biden is even going forward with this sale as a first-time artist," Shaub continued. "He can't possibly think anyone is paying him based on the quality of the art. This smells like an attempt to cash in on a family connection to the White House."

"At a minimum, the president should be asking his son not to go through with this auction," Shaub added.

The president's son came under fire last week after it was reported that Berges would be selling his artwork for between $75,000 and $500,000, depending on the size and scope of the collage artwork.
But Hoot, didn't you know? According to San Fran Nan, all liberals are potential artists. All they need are generational unemployment benefits to develop their skills. lol
If Politifacts is right, then why has Hunter Biden not filed suit against the New York Post and others who have made outrageous claims such as the one outlined below? Click on the headline below to read the complete story and view the photographs that the NYP claim were taken from Hunter's allegedly abandoned laptop. Enjoy.

Quote:Did Joe inadvertently pay for Hunter Biden’s wild night at Chateau Marmont?

It’s May 2018, and Robert Hunter Biden is trawling through his favorite Los Angeles escort sites. He orders “Yanna,” a 24-year-old Russian native from Emerald Fantasy Girls.

“Russian, Green Eyes, Thin Brunette, an elite courtesan,” is Yanna’s pitch, along with a menu of sex acts.

“Hi, My name is Rob. I’m staying at Chateau Marmont. Are you available now?”

Yanna goes to the cottage. He smokes crack, they drink vodka, have sex, make porn. He balances a line of M&Ms on his erect penis and takes photographs of it.

All of these messages, all of these pictures, are saved on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which he treats like a diary, storing every e-mail and text conversion, his financial records, and his copious selfies. A year later, Hunter will forget the laptop at a Delaware repair shop, and it will end up in the hands of the FBI — and The Post.

Hunter’s escapades with Yanna are a glimpse into the president’s son debauched lifestyle, but it also raises questions about how much his finances were mingled with Joe Biden. As detailed in Hunter’s own text messages, two mysterious men would show up soon after Yanna left, asking curious questions.

Yanna stays for a couple days and wants to be paid. The problem is Hunter’s debit cards aren’t working and she’s not leaving without the $8,000 he owes her for the extended callout. On the morning of May 24, hung over and out of sorts, Hunter adds a new recipient on the cash transfer app Zelle, a woman named Gulnora, the registered agent for Emerald Fantasy Girls and Yanna’s employer.

He transfers $8,000. It doesn’t work. A few minutes later, Wells Fargo sends him a fraud detection alert. He reaches into his wallet and pulls out a card. Yanna attempts to transfer the $8,000 but it apparently doesn’t go through. He rifles through his wallet again. No luck. He pulls out another card. Bingo.

Yanna leaves and he crashes. But while he sleeps, his bank accounts are being emptied. In receipts he saves on the computer, the transactions he thought had failed have gone through, one after the other. The first $8,000 is recorded leaving his account at 10:22 a.m. At 10:50 a.m., $2,000 leaves a different account. At 10:59 a.m., $3,500 vanishes. At 11 a.m., another $8,000. At 11:03 a.m., another $3,500. About $25,000 moves in under an hour. Another $3,500 is scheduled to transfer out later that afternoon but will be delayed.

Soon enough, his cell phone starts pinging. It’s Yanna: “There is many transactions on my account,” she texts. “From last night 8k, 8k, 3500k. So get back with me when you can. So I can transfer back to you. Better if you call my personal.”

She follows up: “I’m happy to see that much in my account.” Her last text: “No worries you can have the rest back. Karma is a bitch.”

Hunter’s curt reply at 4:19 p.m.: “Send it back please.”

Text messages indicate most of the money was returned over the next week. But on June 12, Gulnora texted Hunter that she could not transfer the remaining $5,000 because of problems with her bank account. “Bulls–t,” replied Hunter. “I am so sick of this.”
(06-22-2021, 01:48 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: But Hoot, didn't you know? According to San Fran Nan, all liberals are potential artists. All they need are generational unemployment benefits to develop their skills. lol
A person as talented as Hunter Biden - an expert in financial management, the energy sector, the adult entertainment business, and a highly successful artist to be, does not even need San Fran Nan's help. He just slaps some paint onto a canvas and anonymous donors will rush to his exhibits to give him from $75,000 to $500,000 a pop.

It's a better racket than counterfeiting because art is not illegal and you cannot counterfeit a $500,000 bill because such large denominations do not exist in the real world. It's also going to make it tougher for Hunter's Pop to track his income and lay claim to half of it.
(06-22-2021, 09:33 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: If Politifacts is right, then why has Hunter Biden not filed suit against the New York Post and others who have made outrageous claims such as the one outlined below? Click on the headline below to read the complete story and view the photographs that the NYP claim were taken from Hunter's allegedly abandoned laptop. Enjoy.

Quote:Did Joe inadvertently pay for Hunter Biden’s wild night at Chateau Marmont?

It’s May 2018, and Robert Hunter Biden is trawling through his favorite Los Angeles escort sites. He orders “Yanna,” a 24-year-old Russian native from Emerald Fantasy Girls.

“Russian, Green Eyes, Thin Brunette, an elite courtesan,” is Yanna’s pitch, along with a menu of sex acts.

“Hi, My name is Rob. I’m staying at Chateau Marmont. Are you available now?”

Yanna goes to the cottage. He smokes crack, they drink vodka, have sex, make porn. He balances a line of M&Ms on his erect penis and takes photographs of it.

All of these messages, all of these pictures, are saved on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which he treats like a diary, storing every e-mail and text conversion, his financial records, and his copious selfies. A year later, Hunter will forget the laptop at a Delaware repair shop, and it will end up in the hands of the FBI — and The Post.

Hunter’s escapades with Yanna are a glimpse into the president’s son debauched lifestyle, but it also raises questions about how much his finances were mingled with Joe Biden. As detailed in Hunter’s own text messages, two mysterious men would show up soon after Yanna left, asking curious questions.

Yanna stays for a couple days and wants to be paid. The problem is Hunter’s debit cards aren’t working and she’s not leaving without the $8,000 he owes her for the extended callout. On the morning of May 24, hung over and out of sorts, Hunter adds a new recipient on the cash transfer app Zelle, a woman named Gulnora, the registered agent for Emerald Fantasy Girls and Yanna’s employer.

He transfers $8,000. It doesn’t work. A few minutes later, Wells Fargo sends him a fraud detection alert. He reaches into his wallet and pulls out a card. Yanna attempts to transfer the $8,000 but it apparently doesn’t go through. He rifles through his wallet again. No luck. He pulls out another card. Bingo.

Yanna leaves and he crashes. But while he sleeps, his bank accounts are being emptied. In receipts he saves on the computer, the transactions he thought had failed have gone through, one after the other. The first $8,000 is recorded leaving his account at 10:22 a.m. At 10:50 a.m., $2,000 leaves a different account. At 10:59 a.m., $3,500 vanishes. At 11 a.m., another $8,000. At 11:03 a.m., another $3,500. About $25,000 moves in under an hour. Another $3,500 is scheduled to transfer out later that afternoon but will be delayed.

Soon enough, his cell phone starts pinging. It’s Yanna: “There is many transactions on my account,” she texts. “From last night 8k, 8k, 3500k. So get back with me when you can. So I can transfer back to you. Better if you call my personal.”

She follows up: “I’m happy to see that much in my account.” Her last text: “No worries you can have the rest back. Karma is a bitch.”

Hunter’s curt reply at 4:19 p.m.: “Send it back please.”

Text messages indicate most of the money was returned over the next week. But on June 12, Gulnora texted Hunter that she could not transfer the remaining $5,000 because of problems with her bank account. “Bulls–t,” replied Hunter. “I am so sick of this.”
Quooter is this a opinion piece ?
(06-23-2021, 03:38 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(06-22-2021, 09:33 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: If Politifacts is right, then why has Hunter Biden not filed suit against the New York Post and others who have made outrageous claims such as the one outlined below? Click on the headline below to read the complete story and view the photographs that the NYP claim were taken from Hunter's allegedly abandoned laptop. Enjoy.

Quote:Did Joe inadvertently pay for Hunter Biden’s wild night at Chateau Marmont?

It’s May 2018, and Robert Hunter Biden is trawling through his favorite Los Angeles escort sites. He orders “Yanna,” a 24-year-old Russian native from Emerald Fantasy Girls.

“Russian, Green Eyes, Thin Brunette, an elite courtesan,” is Yanna’s pitch, along with a menu of sex acts.

“Hi, My name is Rob. I’m staying at Chateau Marmont. Are you available now?”

Yanna goes to the cottage. He smokes crack, they drink vodka, have sex, make porn. He balances a line of M&Ms on his erect penis and takes photographs of it.

All of these messages, all of these pictures, are saved on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which he treats like a diary, storing every e-mail and text conversion, his financial records, and his copious selfies. A year later, Hunter will forget the laptop at a Delaware repair shop, and it will end up in the hands of the FBI — and The Post.

Hunter’s escapades with Yanna are a glimpse into the president’s son debauched lifestyle, but it also raises questions about how much his finances were mingled with Joe Biden. As detailed in Hunter’s own text messages, two mysterious men would show up soon after Yanna left, asking curious questions.

Yanna stays for a couple days and wants to be paid. The problem is Hunter’s debit cards aren’t working and she’s not leaving without the $8,000 he owes her for the extended callout. On the morning of May 24, hung over and out of sorts, Hunter adds a new recipient on the cash transfer app Zelle, a woman named Gulnora, the registered agent for Emerald Fantasy Girls and Yanna’s employer.

He transfers $8,000. It doesn’t work. A few minutes later, Wells Fargo sends him a fraud detection alert. He reaches into his wallet and pulls out a card. Yanna attempts to transfer the $8,000 but it apparently doesn’t go through. He rifles through his wallet again. No luck. He pulls out another card. Bingo.

Yanna leaves and he crashes. But while he sleeps, his bank accounts are being emptied. In receipts he saves on the computer, the transactions he thought had failed have gone through, one after the other. The first $8,000 is recorded leaving his account at 10:22 a.m. At 10:50 a.m., $2,000 leaves a different account. At 10:59 a.m., $3,500 vanishes. At 11 a.m., another $8,000. At 11:03 a.m., another $3,500. About $25,000 moves in under an hour. Another $3,500 is scheduled to transfer out later that afternoon but will be delayed.

Soon enough, his cell phone starts pinging. It’s Yanna: “There is many transactions on my account,” she texts. “From last night 8k, 8k, 3500k. So get back with me when you can. So I can transfer back to you. Better if you call my personal.”

She follows up: “I’m happy to see that much in my account.” Her last text: “No worries you can have the rest back. Karma is a bitch.”

Hunter’s curt reply at 4:19 p.m.: “Send it back please.”

Text messages indicate most of the money was returned over the next week. But on June 12, Gulnora texted Hunter that she could not transfer the remaining $5,000 because of problems with her bank account. “Bulls–t,” replied Hunter. “I am so sick of this.”
Quooter is this a opinion piece ?
Twin Ticks, did you read the article? If so, then why are you wasting my time with your question? If not, then why are you wasting my time with your question?
(06-23-2021, 05:25 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(06-23-2021, 03:38 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(06-22-2021, 09:33 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: If Politifacts is right, then why has Hunter Biden not filed suit against the New York Post and others who have made outrageous claims such as the one outlined below? Click on the headline below to read the complete story and view the photographs that the NYP claim were taken from Hunter's allegedly abandoned laptop. Enjoy.

Quote:Did Joe inadvertently pay for Hunter Biden’s wild night at Chateau Marmont?

It’s May 2018, and Robert Hunter Biden is trawling through his favorite Los Angeles escort sites. He orders “Yanna,” a 24-year-old Russian native from Emerald Fantasy Girls.

“Russian, Green Eyes, Thin Brunette, an elite courtesan,” is Yanna’s pitch, along with a menu of sex acts.

“Hi, My name is Rob. I’m staying at Chateau Marmont. Are you available now?”

Yanna goes to the cottage. He smokes crack, they drink vodka, have sex, make porn. He balances a line of M&Ms on his erect penis and takes photographs of it.

All of these messages, all of these pictures, are saved on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which he treats like a diary, storing every e-mail and text conversion, his financial records, and his copious selfies. A year later, Hunter will forget the laptop at a Delaware repair shop, and it will end up in the hands of the FBI — and The Post.

Hunter’s escapades with Yanna are a glimpse into the president’s son debauched lifestyle, but it also raises questions about how much his finances were mingled with Joe Biden. As detailed in Hunter’s own text messages, two mysterious men would show up soon after Yanna left, asking curious questions.

Yanna stays for a couple days and wants to be paid. The problem is Hunter’s debit cards aren’t working and she’s not leaving without the $8,000 he owes her for the extended callout. On the morning of May 24, hung over and out of sorts, Hunter adds a new recipient on the cash transfer app Zelle, a woman named Gulnora, the registered agent for Emerald Fantasy Girls and Yanna’s employer.

He transfers $8,000. It doesn’t work. A few minutes later, Wells Fargo sends him a fraud detection alert. He reaches into his wallet and pulls out a card. Yanna attempts to transfer the $8,000 but it apparently doesn’t go through. He rifles through his wallet again. No luck. He pulls out another card. Bingo.

Yanna leaves and he crashes. But while he sleeps, his bank accounts are being emptied. In receipts he saves on the computer, the transactions he thought had failed have gone through, one after the other. The first $8,000 is recorded leaving his account at 10:22 a.m. At 10:50 a.m., $2,000 leaves a different account. At 10:59 a.m., $3,500 vanishes. At 11 a.m., another $8,000. At 11:03 a.m., another $3,500. About $25,000 moves in under an hour. Another $3,500 is scheduled to transfer out later that afternoon but will be delayed.

Soon enough, his cell phone starts pinging. It’s Yanna: “There is many transactions on my account,” she texts. “From last night 8k, 8k, 3500k. So get back with me when you can. So I can transfer back to you. Better if you call my personal.”

She follows up: “I’m happy to see that much in my account.” Her last text: “No worries you can have the rest back. Karma is a bitch.”

Hunter’s curt reply at 4:19 p.m.: “Send it back please.”

Text messages indicate most of the money was returned over the next week. But on June 12, Gulnora texted Hunter that she could not transfer the remaining $5,000 because of problems with her bank account. “Bulls–t,” replied Hunter. “I am so sick of this.”
Quooter is this a opinion piece ?
Twin Ticks, did you read the article? If so, then why are you wasting my time with your question? If not, then why are you wasting my time with your question?
Quooter is this a opinion piece it's a YES or NO answer.
(06-23-2021, 05:41 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(06-23-2021, 05:25 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(06-23-2021, 03:38 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(06-22-2021, 09:33 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: If Politifacts is right, then why has Hunter Biden not filed suit against the New York Post and others who have made outrageous claims such as the one outlined below? Click on the headline below to read the complete story and view the photographs that the NYP claim were taken from Hunter's allegedly abandoned laptop. Enjoy.

Quote:Did Joe inadvertently pay for Hunter Biden’s wild night at Chateau Marmont?

It’s May 2018, and Robert Hunter Biden is trawling through his favorite Los Angeles escort sites. He orders “Yanna,” a 24-year-old Russian native from Emerald Fantasy Girls.

“Russian, Green Eyes, Thin Brunette, an elite courtesan,” is Yanna’s pitch, along with a menu of sex acts.

“Hi, My name is Rob. I’m staying at Chateau Marmont. Are you available now?”

Yanna goes to the cottage. He smokes crack, they drink vodka, have sex, make porn. He balances a line of M&Ms on his erect penis and takes photographs of it.

All of these messages, all of these pictures, are saved on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which he treats like a diary, storing every e-mail and text conversion, his financial records, and his copious selfies. A year later, Hunter will forget the laptop at a Delaware repair shop, and it will end up in the hands of the FBI — and The Post.

Hunter’s escapades with Yanna are a glimpse into the president’s son debauched lifestyle, but it also raises questions about how much his finances were mingled with Joe Biden. As detailed in Hunter’s own text messages, two mysterious men would show up soon after Yanna left, asking curious questions.

Yanna stays for a couple days and wants to be paid. The problem is Hunter’s debit cards aren’t working and she’s not leaving without the $8,000 he owes her for the extended callout. On the morning of May 24, hung over and out of sorts, Hunter adds a new recipient on the cash transfer app Zelle, a woman named Gulnora, the registered agent for Emerald Fantasy Girls and Yanna’s employer.

He transfers $8,000. It doesn’t work. A few minutes later, Wells Fargo sends him a fraud detection alert. He reaches into his wallet and pulls out a card. Yanna attempts to transfer the $8,000 but it apparently doesn’t go through. He rifles through his wallet again. No luck. He pulls out another card. Bingo.

Yanna leaves and he crashes. But while he sleeps, his bank accounts are being emptied. In receipts he saves on the computer, the transactions he thought had failed have gone through, one after the other. The first $8,000 is recorded leaving his account at 10:22 a.m. At 10:50 a.m., $2,000 leaves a different account. At 10:59 a.m., $3,500 vanishes. At 11 a.m., another $8,000. At 11:03 a.m., another $3,500. About $25,000 moves in under an hour. Another $3,500 is scheduled to transfer out later that afternoon but will be delayed.

Soon enough, his cell phone starts pinging. It’s Yanna: “There is many transactions on my account,” she texts. “From last night 8k, 8k, 3500k. So get back with me when you can. So I can transfer back to you. Better if you call my personal.”

She follows up: “I’m happy to see that much in my account.” Her last text: “No worries you can have the rest back. Karma is a bitch.”

Hunter’s curt reply at 4:19 p.m.: “Send it back please.”

Text messages indicate most of the money was returned over the next week. But on June 12, Gulnora texted Hunter that she could not transfer the remaining $5,000 because of problems with her bank account. “Bulls–t,” replied Hunter. “I am so sick of this.”
Quooter is this a opinion piece ?
Twin Ticks, did you read the article? If so, then why are you wasting my time with your question? If not, then why are you wasting my time with your question?
Quooter is this a opinion piece it's a YES or NO answer.
Answer my questions and you have the answer to yours. Also, you might want to read the OP and ask if it is an opinion piece. Politifact is nothing but liberal opinions.
(06-23-2021, 06:27 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(06-23-2021, 05:41 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(06-23-2021, 05:25 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(06-23-2021, 03:38 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(06-22-2021, 09:33 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: If Politifacts is right, then why has Hunter Biden not filed suit against the New York Post and others who have made outrageous claims such as the one outlined below? Click on the headline below to read the complete story and view the photographs that the NYP claim were taken from Hunter's allegedly abandoned laptop. Enjoy.
Quooter is this a opinion piece ?
Twin Ticks, did you read the article? If so, then why are you wasting my time with your question? If not, then why are you wasting my time with your question?
Quooter is this a opinion piece it's a YES or NO answer.
Answer my questions and you have the answer to yours. Also, you might want to read the OP and ask if it is an opinion piece. Politifact is nothing but liberal opinions.
Quooter yes I read it know is it a opinion piece ? Quooter now as far as Politifact looks like they are pretty honest place to get honest information.

PolitiFact | The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter: PolitiFact’s methodology for independent fact-checking
uooter now how about you answer my question on the NY Post article is it some ones opinion or not ?
More proof that Democrats do not believe federal laws apply to them. Hunter Biden is a Chinese asset and an American liability.
Quote:Hunter Biden holds stake in Chinese firm that invested in companies sanctioned by US

The investment firm that Hunter Biden continues to hold a 10% stake in has invested in Chinese Communist Party-linked firms the United States has sanctioned, including a technology company accused of assisting in human rights abuses against the Uyghurs and a nuclear company that allegedly conspired to acquire U.S. nuclear technology to benefit China’s military.

The younger Biden still holds a 10% equity stake in Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Company, according to Chinese business records, despite pledges from President Joe Biden that his family would not have any foreign business ties and White House press secretary Jen Psaki saying in February that the president's son "has been working to unwind" his stake in the firm.

BHR, which counts Hunter Biden as a former board member and current significant stakeholder, has made extensive investments in multiple controversial Chinese companies, including Megvii Technology, sanctioned in 2019 for its alleged participation in China's repression and high-technology surveillance in Xinjiang, and the state-owned China General Nuclear Power Group, blacklisted in 2019 for having allegedly attempted to acquire U.S. nuclear technology for military use in China. The Chinese investment firm also teamed up with the state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China, which was hit with sanctions in 2021 for its role in China’s military-industrial complex. BHR and AVIC purchased Michigan-based Henniges Automotive in 2015.

Hunter Biden has reportedly been under criminal investigation since 2018 as federal authorities scrutinize his taxes and, possibly, his foreign business dealings, and the 51-year-old's financial transactions with China might be at the forefront. BHR touts the fact that it “benefits from the support of its Chinese stakeholders including the Bank of China and China Development Bank Capital.”
Only dumb people and/or liars think texts from Hunter and the info on his laptop are people's "opinions."
These same dumb people think it's ok how the Biden crime family shook down several countries for $$$ in exchange for favors. Easy to spot these dumb people. They are wrong about pretty much everything and all they do is mindlessly repeat liberal propaganda.
(06-24-2021, 08:25 AM)jetpilot Wrote: Only dumb people and/or liars think texts from Hunter and the info on his laptop are people's "opinions."
These same dumb people think it's ok how the Biden crime family shook down several countries for $$$ in exchange for favors. Easy to spot these dumb people. They are wrong about pretty much everything and all they do is mindlessly repeat liberal propaganda.
Jet did you read the NY Post Story ?
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