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05-31-2021, 01:20 PM
Let's discuss Joe Biden's irresponsible tax, borrow, and spend 2022 budget. Has there ever been a more fiscally irresponsible budget in the history of this nation? Less than 6 months into his presidency, Biden has managed to destabilize the Middle East, weaken our military, and propose a budget full of new entitlement spending.
It is as if Biden just awoke from a nap that began when he entered Congress at the age of 29. He has learned nothing from his mistakes or from the mistakes of any of his predecessors over the past four decades.
It is as if Biden just awoke from a nap that began when he entered Congress at the age of 29. He has learned nothing from his mistakes or from the mistakes of any of his predecessors over the past four decades.
Joe Biden’s Massive $6 Trillion Dollar Budget: A Ticking Time Bomb?
The Biden administration has released its federal budget for 2022, which envisions a large increase in the size of government. As the pandemic recedes and economic growth resumes, policymakers should be paring back spending and deficits to normal levels. Unfortunately, the Biden spending plan risks following last year’s crisis with a new fiscal crisis as it tries to sustain spending and borrowing at dangerously high levels.
The chart below shows federal spending and revenues as a percent of gross domestic product. Federal spending trended up from 17.7 percent under President Clinton in 2000 to 21.0 percent under President Trump in 2019. Spending jumped to 31.2 percent in 2020 with the pandemic, which was higher than the 24.4 percent peak reached during the Great Recession. Pandemic‐related spending is expected to decline the next few years, but Biden is proposing that overall spending and deficits remain at substantially heightened levels.
The Biden budget shows federal debt held by the public rising from 100 percent of GDP in 2020 to 117 percent by 2031. We are not at war, and yet that level of debt is higher than the 31 percent reached in the Civil War, 33 percent reached in World War I, and 106 percent reached in World War II.
Regarding the budget, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said, “I believe it is a fiscally responsible program.” Let’s scale the budget figures to family size to see how off‐base that claim is. Biden proposes to spend $7.2 trillion this year relying on $3.7 trillion in borrowing, and he proposes to push up accumulated debt from $24 trillion this year to $39 trillion by 2031. That is like a family spending $72,000 this year putting $37,000 on credit cards, and then pushing up family debt from $240,000 to $390,000 as it continues spending more than it earns. Would any financial advisor tell the family that was responsible?
05-31-2021, 01:58 PM
About this time we ought to play brotherhood of man again I guess?
05-31-2021, 02:09 PM
(05-31-2021, 01:58 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: About this time we ought to play brotherhood of man again I guess?There is nothing unifying or uplifting about a president who funds terrorists with American taxpayer dollars, including the money borrowed from future American taxpayers. Iran and Hamas do not deserve a dime of our money. When spending makes no sense, then it is time to investigate the identities of all of the beneficiaries of the spending.
05-31-2021, 03:53 PM
^^ People spend money on the things they want, or that they consider to be important. The underlying motivation for the spending bill in the words of Obama if I can extrapolate, is that of 'transforming the face of America,' or terraforming America ala the liberal view. And IMHO, the liberal view can be most succinctly summed up in "Imagine" by John Lennon. The ideals of which are strikingly similar to the philosophical ideals of Vladmir Lenin. 'Leninism' is a political ideology developed by Russian Marxist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin that proposes the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat led by a revolutionary vanguard party, as the political prelude to the establishment of communism. The trick in our case has been how to get the people to go along with the spending. We successfully rejected socialism in the past.
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky
Imagine all the people
Livin' for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Livin' life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Nobody to answer to, all we have to do is get along and everyone of us on the yellow submarine, will have everything we need. The pursuit of so-called 'equality of wealth,' man has always called socialism. Which always leads to communism. Which always leads to ruin. The three vehicles I see to achieving this end thus far have been; ginned up global warming fears, coronavirus fears, and globalism.
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky
Imagine all the people
Livin' for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Livin' life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Nobody to answer to, all we have to do is get along and everyone of us on the yellow submarine, will have everything we need. The pursuit of so-called 'equality of wealth,' man has always called socialism. Which always leads to communism. Which always leads to ruin. The three vehicles I see to achieving this end thus far have been; ginned up global warming fears, coronavirus fears, and globalism.
05-31-2021, 03:55 PM
^^^and racism
05-31-2021, 04:02 PM
(05-31-2021, 03:53 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ People spend money on the things they want, or that they consider to be important. The underlying motivation for the spending bill in the words of Obama if I can extrapolate, is that of 'transforming the face of America,' or terraforming America ala the liberal view. And IMHO, the liberal view can be most succinctly summed up in "Imagine" by John Lennon. The ideals of which are strikingly similar to the philosophical ideals of Vladmir Lenin. 'Leninism' is a political ideology developed by Russian Marxist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin that proposes the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat led by a revolutionary vanguard party, as the political prelude to the establishment of communism. The trick in our case has been how to get the people to go along with the spending. We successfully rejected socialism in the past.All of Biden's major policy changes since taking office favor the Chinese Communist Party. Imagine is a perfectly fitting anthem for the Biden/Harris administration.
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky
Imagine all the people
Livin' for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Livin' life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Nobody to answer to, all we have to do is get along and everyone of us on the yellow submarine, will have everything we need. The pursuit of so-called 'equality of wealth,' man has always called socialism. Which always leads to communism. Which always leads to ruin. The three vehicles I see to achieving this end thus far have been; ginned up global warming fears, coronavirus fears, and globalism.
06-01-2021, 10:57 AM
Our Great President Biden is rebuilding our military. The Pentagon is asking for $715 Billion but our Great President said that's not enough after 4 years of budget cuts from the Dear Leader he want's to give them $753 Billion he want to rebuild our military But their needs to be a lot of oversight in Quooter's department
Pentagon asks for $715 billion in 2022 Defense budget (
Pentagon asks for $715 billion in 2022 Defense budget (
06-01-2021, 12:30 PM
Predictably, despite submitting a record shattering federal budget for Fiscal Year 2022 to Congress, China Joe is is proposing a cut to defense spending. (An increase in spending that is smaller than the rate of inflation is a spending cut not an increase as some liberal media outlets are spinning the 2022 spending proposal.) If the administration has underestimated the rate of inflation, then the cuts to defense spending will be even greater in terms of constant dollars.
In addition to the proposed spending cuts, the Army, Navy, and Air Force would also see small cuts to active duty force size under Biden's budget.
In addition to the proposed spending cuts, the Army, Navy, and Air Force would also see small cuts to active duty force size under Biden's budget.
Quote:Eyeing China, Biden defense budget boosts research and cuts procurement
WASHINGTON ― U.S. President Joe Biden’s first budget request for the Department of Defense slashes procurement by $8 billion, whacking scores of legacy weapons and systems as a way to deliver a $5.5 billion boost for the development and testing of cutting-edge technologies that could deter China.
The $715 billion Pentagon request for fiscal 2022, which was sent to Congress Friday, represents an $11 billion increase and trails the rate of inflation. A big chunk is what Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has called the “largest ever” request for research, development, test and evaluation funding. The White House has proposed $112 billion in that area, a 5 percent increase.
On the flip side, procurement funding, the purchasing accounts used to buy new equipment, would fall nearly 6 percent to $133.6 billion. The budget would reclaim $2.4 billion in “defense reforms” and $2.8 billion from “divestments,” to include the retirements of A-10, F-15 and F-16 tactical aircraft and the decommissioning of Navy vessels to include four littoral combat ships and two cruisers.
06-01-2021, 02:13 PM
$753 billion ?!
What a waste of taxpayer funds, but I get it; the military industrial complex has us bent over a barrel and has most of the politicians in its back pocket. Any suggestion of cutting military spending is framed as “un-American”—hogwash.
We are either wasting an exorbitant amount of money or we are preparing for a war with these space aliens that are flying around because the next 10 nations don’t spend as much as us.
$753 billion ?!
What a waste of taxpayer funds, but I get it; the military industrial complex has us bent over a barrel and has most of the politicians in its back pocket. Any suggestion of cutting military spending is framed as “un-American”—hogwash.
We are either wasting an exorbitant amount of money or we are preparing for a war with these space aliens that are flying around because the next 10 nations don’t spend as much as us.
06-01-2021, 02:53 PM
(06-01-2021, 02:13 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: GeezA lot of that money goes to Red States time to share the wealth
$753 billion ?!
What a waste of taxpayer funds, but I get it; the military industrial complex has us bent over a barrel and has most of the politicians in its back pocket. Any suggestion of cutting military spending is framed as “un-American”—hogwash.
We are either wasting an exorbitant amount of money or we are preparing for a war with these space aliens that are flying around because the next 10 nations don’t spend as much as us.
But we definitely need oversight where Quooter works way too much time spent spreading lies and crazy Sh!t
06-01-2021, 04:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-01-2021, 04:25 PM by TheRealThing.)
(06-01-2021, 02:13 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Geez
$753 billion ?!
What a waste of taxpayer funds, but I get it; the military industrial complex has us bent over a barrel and has most of the politicians in its back pocket. Any suggestion of cutting military spending is framed as “un-American”—hogwash.
We are either wasting an exorbitant amount of money or we are preparing for a war with these space aliens that are flying around because the next 10 nations don’t spend as much as us.
No you're right, war is totally a thing of the past just because Libs say so. China's not on any kind of military build-up. And Russia and N Korea and the Arab World (Iran, Hamas, ISIS etc.), are actually pu$$y cats that just want to snuggle.
And anyway, that money could be much better spent as there are so many people and so many votes to buy .

06-01-2021, 04:39 PM
(06-01-2021, 04:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:Now TRT you got to admit what we spend on the military is basically a jobs program for red states we spend more than the next 10 countries combined so we should with NO doubt have the best military on the planet(06-01-2021, 02:13 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Geez
$753 billion ?!
What a waste of taxpayer funds, but I get it; the military industrial complex has us bent over a barrel and has most of the politicians in its back pocket. Any suggestion of cutting military spending is framed as “un-American”—hogwash.
We are either wasting an exorbitant amount of money or we are preparing for a war with these space aliens that are flying around because the next 10 nations don’t spend as much as us.
No you're right, war is totally a thing of the past just because Libs say so. China's not on any kind of military build-up. And Russia and N Korea and the Arab World (Iran, Hamas, ISIS etc.), are actually pu$$y cats that just want to snuggle.
And anyway, that money could be much better spent as there are so many people and so many votes to buy .
But we do need some oversight in the department Quooter works who have to agree on that
Where it look's like we are getting our butts kicked is in cyber we have to do better
06-01-2021, 06:05 PM
(06-01-2021, 04:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:Be prepared to see a load of liberal propaganda about how this country spends more than the next 10 largest military powers in the world. It's not true, but that has never stopped liberals from recycling discredited talking points in the past. China is in the midst of a massive buildup of its military and they are quickly closing the gap with the U.S. in space. Recruiting, fielding, and supporting a Chinese soldier or sailor costs a fraction of what it costs this country to do the same, so defense expenditures are not a great way to compare our military with China's or Russia's.(06-01-2021, 02:13 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Geez
$753 billion ?!
What a waste of taxpayer funds, but I get it; the military industrial complex has us bent over a barrel and has most of the politicians in its back pocket. Any suggestion of cutting military spending is framed as “un-American”—hogwash.
We are either wasting an exorbitant amount of money or we are preparing for a war with these space aliens that are flying around because the next 10 nations don’t spend as much as us.
No you're right, war is totally a thing of the past just because Libs say so. China's not on any kind of military build-up. And Russia and N Korea and the Arab World (Iran, Hamas, ISIS etc.), are actually pu$$y cats that just want to snuggle.
And anyway, that money could be much better spent as there are so many people and so many votes to buy .
It is no coincidence that the same idiots who want us to believe that the U.S. spends too much on national security are opposed to national borders and in favor of providing free healthcare and other benefits to illegal aliens. Those same people are often able bodied individuals of working age who believe that the government owes them generous checks each month just for breathing the same air that we breathe.
06-01-2021, 06:09 PM
(06-01-2021, 04:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:We would decimate any country, and if not we are wasting our money.(06-01-2021, 02:13 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Geez
$753 billion ?!
What a waste of taxpayer funds, but I get it; the military industrial complex has us bent over a barrel and has most of the politicians in its back pocket. Any suggestion of cutting military spending is framed as “un-American”—hogwash.
We are either wasting an exorbitant amount of money or we are preparing for a war with these space aliens that are flying around because the next 10 nations don’t spend as much as us.
No you're right, war is totally a thing of the past just because Libs say so. China's not on any kind of military build-up. And Russia and N Korea and the Arab World (Iran, Hamas, ISIS etc.), are actually pu$$y cats that just want to snuggle.
And anyway, that money could be much better spent as there are so many people and so many votes to buy .
what the hell you think this money is doing? Making the rich richer and buying your fake patriot vote.
how about we pay down the debt? Increase funding to education. Improve infrastructure, Buy more coal. Hell, I actually don’t care. Help Americans.
06-01-2021, 06:11 PM
06-01-2021, 06:16 PM

(06-01-2021, 06:05 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:As much money this country spends on national defense I believe it's at 1.2 trillion every year NO one should even be close to us UNLESS we have wasted or spend it in the wrong places(06-01-2021, 04:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:Be prepared to see a load of liberal propaganda about how this country spends more than the next 10 largest military powers in the world. It's not true, but that has never stopped liberals from recycling discredited talking points in the past. China is in the midst of a massive buildup of its military and they are quickly closing the gap with the U.S. in space. Recruiting, fielding, and supporting a Chinese soldier or sailor costs a fraction of what it costs this country to do the same, so defense expenditures are not a great way to compare our military with China's or Russia's.(06-01-2021, 02:13 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Geez
$753 billion ?!
What a waste of taxpayer funds, but I get it; the military industrial complex has us bent over a barrel and has most of the politicians in its back pocket. Any suggestion of cutting military spending is framed as “un-American”—hogwash.
We are either wasting an exorbitant amount of money or we are preparing for a war with these space aliens that are flying around because the next 10 nations don’t spend as much as us.
No you're right, war is totally a thing of the past just because Libs say so. China's not on any kind of military build-up. And Russia and N Korea and the Arab World (Iran, Hamas, ISIS etc.), are actually pu$$y cats that just want to snuggle.
And anyway, that money could be much better spent as there are so many people and so many votes to buy .
It is no coincidence that the same idiots who want us to believe that the U.S. spends too much on national security are opposed to national borders and in favor of providing free healthcare and other benefits to illegal aliens. Those same people are often able bodied individuals of working age who believe that the government owes them generous checks each month just for breathing the same air that we breathe.
How much they waste in your department Quooter any idea's ?
Now look at what we waste and I do mean waste because the Dear Leader won't let them use their bathrooms
06-02-2021, 07:58 AM
(06-01-2021, 06:05 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:I remember the GOP propaganda about WMD'S The 2012 president election Iran was 6 months from a nuclear weapon even brought in the big gun Netanyahu to speak in front of congress by the way without asking our president that's a first.(06-01-2021, 04:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:Be prepared to see a load of liberal propaganda about how this country spends more than the next 10 largest military powers in the world. It's not true, but that has never stopped liberals from recycling discredited talking points in the past. China is in the midst of a massive buildup of its military and they are quickly closing the gap with the U.S. in space. Recruiting, fielding, and supporting a Chinese soldier or sailor costs a fraction of what it costs this country to do the same, so defense expenditures are not a great way to compare our military with China's or Russia's.(06-01-2021, 02:13 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Geez
$753 billion ?!
What a waste of taxpayer funds, but I get it; the military industrial complex has us bent over a barrel and has most of the politicians in its back pocket. Any suggestion of cutting military spending is framed as “un-American”—hogwash.
We are either wasting an exorbitant amount of money or we are preparing for a war with these space aliens that are flying around because the next 10 nations don’t spend as much as us.
No you're right, war is totally a thing of the past just because Libs say so. China's not on any kind of military build-up. And Russia and N Korea and the Arab World (Iran, Hamas, ISIS etc.), are actually pu$$y cats that just want to snuggle.
And anyway, that money could be much better spent as there are so many people and so many votes to buy .
It is no coincidence that the same idiots who want us to believe that the U.S. spends too much on national security are opposed to national borders and in favor of providing free healthcare and other benefits to illegal aliens. Those same people are often able bodied individuals of working age who believe that the government owes them generous checks each month just for breathing the same air that we breathe.
06-02-2021, 08:32 AM
(06-02-2021, 07:58 AM)vector#1 Wrote:I’ll be damned Wrong Way Hooter was right about something. By just a few billion we spend more than the next 9 nations not 10. Of course that’s nothing to write home about and the chickenwarhawks drawing a check from the military industrial complex peg it as the end of the world.(06-01-2021, 06:05 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:I remember the GOP propaganda about WMD'S The 2012 president election Iran was 6 months from a nuclear weapon even brought in the big gun Netanyahu to speak in front of congress by the way without asking our president that's a first.(06-01-2021, 04:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:Be prepared to see a load of liberal propaganda about how this country spends more than the next 10 largest military powers in the world. It's not true, but that has never stopped liberals from recycling discredited talking points in the past. China is in the midst of a massive buildup of its military and they are quickly closing the gap with the U.S. in space. Recruiting, fielding, and supporting a Chinese soldier or sailor costs a fraction of what it costs this country to do the same, so defense expenditures are not a great way to compare our military with China's or Russia's.(06-01-2021, 02:13 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Geez
$753 billion ?!
What a waste of taxpayer funds, but I get it; the military industrial complex has us bent over a barrel and has most of the politicians in its back pocket. Any suggestion of cutting military spending is framed as “un-American”—hogwash.
We are either wasting an exorbitant amount of money or we are preparing for a war with these space aliens that are flying around because the next 10 nations don’t spend as much as us.
No you're right, war is totally a thing of the past just because Libs say so. China's not on any kind of military build-up. And Russia and N Korea and the Arab World (Iran, Hamas, ISIS etc.), are actually pu$$y cats that just want to snuggle.
And anyway, that money could be much better spent as there are so many people and so many votes to buy .
It is no coincidence that the same idiots who want us to believe that the U.S. spends too much on national security are opposed to national borders and in favor of providing free healthcare and other benefits to illegal aliens. Those same people are often able bodied individuals of working age who believe that the government owes them generous checks each month just for breathing the same air that we breathe.
I have a novel idea. If we are worried about China’s saber rattling, How about we spend more on diplomacy instead of cut it? China’s military build up could be the result absolutely moronic foreign and trade policy over the past 4 years.
No one wants WWIII. It won’t end with Earth intact.
06-02-2021, 08:55 AM
(06-02-2021, 08:32 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote:I still think we need more oversight in Quooters department(06-02-2021, 07:58 AM)vector#1 Wrote:I’ll be damned Wrong Way Hooter was right about something. By just a few billion we spend more than the next 9 nations not 10. Of course that’s nothing to write home about and the chickenwarhawks drawing a check from the military industrial complex peg it as the end of the world.(06-01-2021, 06:05 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:I remember the GOP propaganda about WMD'S The 2012 president election Iran was 6 months from a nuclear weapon even brought in the big gun Netanyahu to speak in front of congress by the way without asking our president that's a first.(06-01-2021, 04:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:Be prepared to see a load of liberal propaganda about how this country spends more than the next 10 largest military powers in the world. It's not true, but that has never stopped liberals from recycling discredited talking points in the past. China is in the midst of a massive buildup of its military and they are quickly closing the gap with the U.S. in space. Recruiting, fielding, and supporting a Chinese soldier or sailor costs a fraction of what it costs this country to do the same, so defense expenditures are not a great way to compare our military with China's or Russia's.(06-01-2021, 02:13 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Geez
$753 billion ?!
What a waste of taxpayer funds, but I get it; the military industrial complex has us bent over a barrel and has most of the politicians in its back pocket. Any suggestion of cutting military spending is framed as “un-American”—hogwash.
We are either wasting an exorbitant amount of money or we are preparing for a war with these space aliens that are flying around because the next 10 nations don’t spend as much as us.
No you're right, war is totally a thing of the past just because Libs say so. China's not on any kind of military build-up. And Russia and N Korea and the Arab World (Iran, Hamas, ISIS etc.), are actually pu$$y cats that just want to snuggle.
And anyway, that money could be much better spent as there are so many people and so many votes to buy .
It is no coincidence that the same idiots who want us to believe that the U.S. spends too much on national security are opposed to national borders and in favor of providing free healthcare and other benefits to illegal aliens. Those same people are often able bodied individuals of working age who believe that the government owes them generous checks each month just for breathing the same air that we breathe.
I have a novel idea. If we are worried about China’s saber rattling, How about we spend more on diplomacy instead of cut it? China’s military build up could be the result absolutely moronic foreign and trade policy over the past 4 years.
No one wants WWIII. It won’t end with Earth intact.
06-02-2021, 10:14 AM
How about we take about 400 billion and spend it on American schools yearly? Do that for a decade or two and see what happens.
How about we take about 400 billion and spend it on American schools yearly? Do that for a decade or two and see what happens.
06-02-2021, 10:53 AM
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06-02-2021, 12:02 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2021, 12:06 PM by TheRealThing.)
(06-02-2021, 10:14 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
How about we take about 400 billion and spend it on American schools yearly? Do that for a decade or two and see what happens.
Lack of money is not the problem in US schools. And heaven knows there is no selfishness or lack of dedication or willingness to sacrifice within the teacher's union; and no question about the validity of cirriculum. Teaching political philosophies which run contrary to US heritage could never happen here, and certainly not critical race theory. By all means, let's give the money to the schools. Oh and just to make it appropriate, we should direct deposit the funds into the personal accounts of the teachers. Wouldn't want them to have to go out to the bank with a check. No need to expose them unnecessarily to the threat of CV-19, even though they were among the first to be vaccinated.
And this idea that God knows anything about our immediate future is off base too I guess? No war is coming, and there is no threat. Just a brotherhood of man. China's military buildup and the Lord's mention of 'The Kings of the East' have no basis in corroboration. Men just love each other so much the milk of human kindness just oozes. Well, maybe not at a Trump rally or at the abortion clinic but you know.

How about we take about 400 billion and spend it on American schools yearly? Do that for a decade or two and see what happens.
Same failed attempt into perpetuity. Typical Dem response, totally lazy, incompetent, and corrupt.
Let the money follow the student and NOT the dismally failed government-run public schools which are a total disgrace and laughingstock.
Same failed attempt into perpetuity. Typical Dem response, totally lazy, incompetent, and corrupt.
Let the money follow the student and NOT the dismally failed government-run public schools which are a total disgrace and laughingstock.
06-02-2021, 12:48 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2021, 12:48 PM by Hoot Gibson.)
There is a pretty strong correlation between spending per student and college entrance scores of graduating students, as well as drop out rates - but not the kind of correlation that socialists would have us believe. Test scores are lower and drop out rates higher for government schools in American inner cities, where spending per student his highest.
Statistics do not support the notion that we do not spend enough on government schools.
I have a better idea. Let's resurrect workfare in this country. Let's put the twin parasites to work picking up litter or some other useful task suited for their talents and make them earn their government checks.
Statistics do not support the notion that we do not spend enough on government schools.
I have a better idea. Let's resurrect workfare in this country. Let's put the twin parasites to work picking up litter or some other useful task suited for their talents and make them earn their government checks.
06-02-2021, 01:05 PM
(06-02-2021, 12:48 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: There is a pretty strong correlation between spending per student and college entrance scores of graduating students, as well as drop out rates - but not the kind of correlation that socialists would have us believe. Test scores are lower and drop out rates higher for government schools in American inner cities, where spending per student his highest.Quooter I still believe we could save a lot of money in your department need oversight
Statistics do not support the notion that we do not spend enough on government schools.
I have a better idea. Let's resurrect workfare in this country. Let's put the twin parasites to work picking up litter or some other useful task suited for their talents and make them earn their government checks.
06-02-2021, 01:06 PM
06-02-2021, 02:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2021, 02:56 PM by TheRealThing.)
(06-02-2021, 08:32 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote:(06-02-2021, 07:58 AM)vector#1 Wrote:I’ll be damned Wrong Way Hooter was right about something. By just a few billion we spend more than the next 9 nations not 10. Of course that’s nothing to write home about and the chickenwarhawks drawing a check from the military industrial complex peg it as the end of the world.(06-01-2021, 06:05 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:I remember the GOP propaganda about WMD'S The 2012 president election Iran was 6 months from a nuclear weapon even brought in the big gun Netanyahu to speak in front of congress by the way without asking our president that's a first.(06-01-2021, 04:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:Be prepared to see a load of liberal propaganda about how this country spends more than the next 10 largest military powers in the world. It's not true, but that has never stopped liberals from recycling discredited talking points in the past. China is in the midst of a massive buildup of its military and they are quickly closing the gap with the U.S. in space. Recruiting, fielding, and supporting a Chinese soldier or sailor costs a fraction of what it costs this country to do the same, so defense expenditures are not a great way to compare our military with China's or Russia's.(06-01-2021, 02:13 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Geez
$753 billion ?!
What a waste of taxpayer funds, but I get it; the military industrial complex has us bent over a barrel and has most of the politicians in its back pocket. Any suggestion of cutting military spending is framed as “un-American”—hogwash.
We are either wasting an exorbitant amount of money or we are preparing for a war with these space aliens that are flying around because the next 10 nations don’t spend as much as us.
No you're right, war is totally a thing of the past just because Libs say so. China's not on any kind of military build-up. And Russia and N Korea and the Arab World (Iran, Hamas, ISIS etc.), are actually pu$$y cats that just want to snuggle.
And anyway, that money could be much better spent as there are so many people and so many votes to buy .
It is no coincidence that the same idiots who want us to believe that the U.S. spends too much on national security are opposed to national borders and in favor of providing free healthcare and other benefits to illegal aliens. Those same people are often able bodied individuals of working age who believe that the government owes them generous checks each month just for breathing the same air that we breathe.
I have a novel idea. If we are worried about China’s saber rattling, How about we spend more on diplomacy instead of cut it? China’s military build up could be the result absolutely moronic foreign and trade policy over the past 4 years.
No one wants WWIII. It won’t end with Earth intact.
Or possibly there is this. According to our Creator, Cain slew his brother Abel. Not for want of education, or life style, or possessions, or health care, or for abuse, or because Adam dropped him on his head as a baby. Cain was jealous, and killed his brother because the Lord accepted Abel's offering but rejected his own. The predilection to wage war is in man's blood. He will actually gather one day to confront the forces of God Himself at Armageddon.
There have been wars across the globe throughout the entirety of the existence of man to include within the first family. And the Lord has declared that war will for practical purposes, be the climax of his time of earthly freewill. I said this before on here but liberals are goofy where it comes to playing nicey-nicey and thinking that will work. It's called appeasement and I would challenge any of our liberal brethren to give us one historical example of appeasement ever having worked. Appeasement BTW, includes kissing up, diplomacy, bribery, 'if you can't beat them join them,' and down on one's knees begging. If America has lost her will to defend herself then it's over and frankly, we were tested in war the very first year of our existence and we have had to fight in no fewer than 95 wars since 1776.
Talking begging and appeasements do not work, end of story. The specter of war plagues every nation continually, always has. The US won WW2 and immediately, we were under threat of nuclear war by our former ally, Russia. War is coming and other than the willingness to rise to arms in defense of our land, there is not one thing other than denial with which to confront it.
06-02-2021, 06:47 PM
(06-02-2021, 02:51 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:(06-02-2021, 08:32 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote:(06-02-2021, 07:58 AM)vector#1 Wrote:I’ll be damned Wrong Way Hooter was right about something. By just a few billion we spend more than the next 9 nations not 10. Of course that’s nothing to write home about and the chickenwarhawks drawing a check from the military industrial complex peg it as the end of the world.(06-01-2021, 06:05 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:I remember the GOP propaganda about WMD'S The 2012 president election Iran was 6 months from a nuclear weapon even brought in the big gun Netanyahu to speak in front of congress by the way without asking our president that's a first.(06-01-2021, 04:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: No you're right, war is totally a thing of the past just because Libs say so. China's not on any kind of military build-up. And Russia and N Korea and the Arab World (Iran, Hamas, ISIS etc.), are actually pu$$y cats that just want to snuggle.Be prepared to see a load of liberal propaganda about how this country spends more than the next 10 largest military powers in the world. It's not true, but that has never stopped liberals from recycling discredited talking points in the past. China is in the midst of a massive buildup of its military and they are quickly closing the gap with the U.S. in space. Recruiting, fielding, and supporting a Chinese soldier or sailor costs a fraction of what it costs this country to do the same, so defense expenditures are not a great way to compare our military with China's or Russia's.
And anyway, that money could be much better spent as there are so many people and so many votes to buy .
It is no coincidence that the same idiots who want us to believe that the U.S. spends too much on national security are opposed to national borders and in favor of providing free healthcare and other benefits to illegal aliens. Those same people are often able bodied individuals of working age who believe that the government owes them generous checks each month just for breathing the same air that we breathe.
I have a novel idea. If we are worried about China’s saber rattling, How about we spend more on diplomacy instead of cut it? China’s military build up could be the result absolutely moronic foreign and trade policy over the past 4 years.
No one wants WWIII. It won’t end with Earth intact.
Or possibly there is this. According to our Creator, Cain slew his brother Abel. Not for want of education, or life style, or possessions, or health care, or for abuse, or because Adam dropped him on his head as a baby. Cain was jealous, and killed his brother because the Lord accepted Abel's offering but rejected his own. The predilection to wage war is in man's blood. He will actually gather one day to confront the forces of God Himself at Armageddon.
There have been wars across the globe throughout the entirety of the existence of man to include within the first family. And the Lord has declared that war will for practical purposes, be the climax of his time of earthly freewill. I said this before on here but liberals are goofy where it comes to playing nicey-nicey and thinking that will work. It's called appeasement and I would challenge any of our liberal brethren to give us one historical example of appeasement ever having worked. Appeasement BTW, includes kissing up, diplomacy, bribery, 'if you can't beat them join them,' and down on one's knees begging. If America has lost her will to defend herself then it's over and frankly, we were tested in war the very first year of our existence and we have had to fight in no fewer than 95 wars since 1776.
Talking begging and appeasements do not work, end of story. The specter of war plagues every nation continually, always has. The US won WW2 and immediately, we were under threat of nuclear war by our former ally, Russia. War is coming and other than the willingness to rise to arms in defense of our land, there is not one thing other than denial with which to confront it.
this is stupidity. This war wouldn’t be beating up on Iraq, Afghanistan, Grenada, or any other slapa$$. Modern warfare would destroy the Earth.
obviously talking and appeasement worked we didn’t have a war with The Soviet Union.
damn you conservatives just want to destroy the planet and humanity.
06-02-2021, 07:12 PM
(06-02-2021, 02:51 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:Excellent post, TRT. The notion of many socialists in this country that diplomacy can prevent wars in the absence of a credible threat of force is one of the most stupid opinions that they offer. We are already seeing the chaos returning to the Middle East as Creepy Joe cozies up to Iran, which has already sent thousands of missiles to Hamas to replenish its supply, which will eventually be fired at innocent Israeli citizens again.(06-02-2021, 08:32 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote:(06-02-2021, 07:58 AM)vector#1 Wrote:I’ll be damned Wrong Way Hooter was right about something. By just a few billion we spend more than the next 9 nations not 10. Of course that’s nothing to write home about and the chickenwarhawks drawing a check from the military industrial complex peg it as the end of the world.(06-01-2021, 06:05 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:I remember the GOP propaganda about WMD'S The 2012 president election Iran was 6 months from a nuclear weapon even brought in the big gun Netanyahu to speak in front of congress by the way without asking our president that's a first.(06-01-2021, 04:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: No you're right, war is totally a thing of the past just because Libs say so. China's not on any kind of military build-up. And Russia and N Korea and the Arab World (Iran, Hamas, ISIS etc.), are actually pu$$y cats that just want to snuggle.Be prepared to see a load of liberal propaganda about how this country spends more than the next 10 largest military powers in the world. It's not true, but that has never stopped liberals from recycling discredited talking points in the past. China is in the midst of a massive buildup of its military and they are quickly closing the gap with the U.S. in space. Recruiting, fielding, and supporting a Chinese soldier or sailor costs a fraction of what it costs this country to do the same, so defense expenditures are not a great way to compare our military with China's or Russia's.
And anyway, that money could be much better spent as there are so many people and so many votes to buy .
It is no coincidence that the same idiots who want us to believe that the U.S. spends too much on national security are opposed to national borders and in favor of providing free healthcare and other benefits to illegal aliens. Those same people are often able bodied individuals of working age who believe that the government owes them generous checks each month just for breathing the same air that we breathe.
I have a novel idea. If we are worried about China’s saber rattling, How about we spend more on diplomacy instead of cut it? China’s military build up could be the result absolutely moronic foreign and trade policy over the past 4 years.
No one wants WWIII. It won’t end with Earth intact.
Or possibly there is this. According to our Creator, Cain slew his brother Abel. Not for want of education, or life style, or possessions, or health care, or for abuse, or because Adam dropped him on his head as a baby. Cain was jealous, and killed his brother because the Lord accepted Abel's offering but rejected his own. The predilection to wage war is in man's blood. He will actually gather one day to confront the forces of God Himself at Armageddon.
There have been wars across the globe throughout the entirety of the existence of man to include within the first family. And the Lord has declared that war will for practical purposes, be the climax of his time of earthly freewill. I said this before on here but liberals are goofy where it comes to playing nicey-nicey and thinking that will work. It's called appeasement and I would challenge any of our liberal brethren to give us one historical example of appeasement ever having worked. Appeasement BTW, includes kissing up, diplomacy, bribery, 'if you can't beat them join them,' and down on one's knees begging. If America has lost her will to defend herself then it's over and frankly, we were tested in war the very first year of our existence and we have had to fight in no fewer than 95 wars since 1776.
Talking begging and appeasements do not work, end of story. The specter of war plagues every nation continually, always has. The US won WW2 and immediately, we were under threat of nuclear war by our former ally, Russia. War is coming and other than the willingness to rise to arms in defense of our land, there is not one thing other than denial with which to confront it.
There are no better examples of the failure of diplomacy than Democrats' policies toward Iran and North Korea. Appeasement and the hollowing out of our own military makes a war directly involving the U.S. more likely and no amount of talking will change that fact.

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