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Cancel white people
Cardfan1 Wrote:Sad to know you’re still celebrating this Trump presidency guess you’re a big fan of American death, racial turmoil, and an economic depression.

Won’t have to be suicidal, this bumbled pandemic or some other Trump screw up will probably get us all if he wins again.

Btw, you still didn’t take a stand on the topic...

I never was one to let somebody else define how I think, or what I should say. Much less a guy like you whose best is only and always to parrot the sanctioned DNC talking points du-jour. Laugh of the century is your leap to loonar light speed in advising conservatives to listen to Don Lemon, or in your case more likely Joy Behar.
TheRealThing Wrote:We don't do that in this country, (enslave people).

It took a while for the moral reality to sink in, but as of the 1960's Americans had made peace with each other. The different factions of our society had not only learned to embrace all of mankind, more notably perhaps, America led the world in bringing all the civilized nations to that same awareness of equality in deference to their Creator.

But frankly, this idea that bias goes only one way is as ludicrous as it is dishonest. All races have had their suspicions and dislikes of each other across time.

But congratulations there Cardfan you're still 0-fer. Just going by your BGR comments, I don't know that you've ever been on the right side of any political, social, or religious issue.

If America were racist, and if white privilege did exist you explain to me how we have allowed over 30 million Latino's to illegally cross the border in defiance of immigration law, get good jobs and raise families here in the US?

White privilege does not exist systemically in this land. Another point. Millions of white male children sport jersey's of their favorite athletes here in America. From David Ortiz, to Michael Jordan, to Alex Rodriquez, to James LeBron. White privilege is a lie. But with you, what else is new?

I picked a few things out of your post.

We do enslave people in the United States, but it's not a race. That's a different topic when we want talk Trump, Epstein, Maxwell, Dershowitz and Clinton. :eyeroll:

Whew...that is a doozy! It took a while, but eventually all men came together in the 1960's and began to get along.:lame: Do you realize how whitewashed that is?

I agree that races are suspicious. You know why? implicit bias and racism that is normally taught by those that come before them.

I would have more confidence facing Randy Johnson than I do getting anything through to BGR. Maybe I can foul one off and keep the first baseman awake. :HitWall:

We need their labor. When it's convenient we use them as a political football, but whatever the case is, the goalposts are always moving for these folks. Some get to find a place to settle until their immigration goes through; others are always inches away from an ICE raid and a cage.

There are thousands of athletes telling you white privilege exists, yet you hang your hat on the younger generation wearing their jerseys as proof that it doesn't? :zzz:
Hell, maybe it is proof that racist sentiments are dying, but white privilege is no lie. Whites on both sides of the political spectrum enjoy a luxury minorites do not. You will never listen to me, but step outside of your comfort zone that tells you everything you love hearing and listen to a different perspectives on the topic
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You are speaking about a subject that you obviously know nothing about. Your low opinion of minorities and immigrants is a clear example of the soft bigotry of low expectations.

I work everyday with immigrants. Most of them are already citizens or are well along on the path to citizenship. They do the same type of work as I do, they are well paid, and most are here to stay.

The biggest barrier to success for black Americans is the fact that white liberals are constantly delivering a false message that black people cannot succeed without government help in this country. If immigrants from Ethiopia and Bangladesh can land high paying jobs in technology, and I have watched them do so first hand, then those same opportunities exist for minorities born in this country and who were raised speaking English.

You are exactly right. I am a white man in the United States. I know nothing about privilege , because I have it. Just like you, I struggle with understanding why different races and genders don't... just do it!
Here is where we differ; I stop and say to myself, "maybe they didn't have the same advantages you do." I can't do a lot after that besides vote the right way, show empathy and encouragement, and call out folks who ignore the obvious.

That is awesome. At your work don't see color, and have respect for the people in the office; however, that is a very micro-situation. Reminds me of the folks I grew up with in my small town. They loved the minorities we had in our school, but when you saw a minority they didn't know it was a different story.

Shouldn't we be asking why are we hiring skilled immigrants and not more minority Americans?

The biggest barrier to black Americans is not American liberals pushing govt help for black Americans. :hilarious:

Anyway, this government created the issue allowing racist oppressive practices, why shouldn't they search ways to fix it?

Let's not pretend those practices have ended. Trump just tweeted and spoke last week about keeping "low-income" housing out of the suburbs. We all knew what he meant there.
Cardfan1 Wrote:I picked a few things out of your post.

We do enslave people in the United States, but it's not a race. That's a different topic when we want talk Trump, Epstein, Maxwell, Dershowitz and Clinton. :eyeroll:

Whew...that is a doozy! It took a while, but eventually all men came together in the 1960's and began to get along.:lame: Do you realize how whitewashed that is?

I agree that races are suspicious. You know why? implicit bias and racism that is normally taught by those that come before them.

I would have more confidence facing Randy Johnson than I do getting anything through to BGR. Maybe I can foul one off and keep the first baseman awake. :HitWall:

We need their labor. When it's convenient we use them as a political football, but whatever the case is, the goalposts are always moving for these folks. Some get to find a place to settle until their immigration goes through; others are always inches away from an ICE raid and a cage.

There are thousands of athletes telling you white privilege exists, yet you hang your hat on the younger generation wearing their jerseys as proof that it doesn't? :zzz:
Hell, maybe it is proof that racist sentiments are dying, but white privilege is no lie. Whites on both sides of the political spectrum enjoy a luxury minorites do not. You will never listen to me, but step outside of your comfort zone that tells you everything you love hearing and listen to a different perspectives on the topic

Number one, I said it was the United States that led the way to abolishing slavery. An institution which still flourishes and is as old as man. And you're complaining that no one listens to you on BGR? :hilarious: IMHO, you have no life experience, no particular association to justify your social justice ridiculousness, and no honor. You're a quintessential poster boy for what not to do, think or say. I will never listen to the first thing you ever say. But if you think I'm the only one on here that thinks that way you're even more untethered than you seem. And that's saying something.

Number two, you couldn't foul off a pitch from a girl.

Number three, experience is the best teacher. I have it. So don't talk to me like you've got any kind of handle on life in this land. I worked hard for the comfort zone in which I live. It's modest, it's earned 100%, and I still pay a ransom in taxes each year. You know, my fair share? To take care of others? Giving via Uncle Sam and Church is the reality of my white privilege. But if nothing else, if you'd the slightest glimmer, you would know that a white person's greatest threat out in the work a day world, are other white people. There is fierce competition in this life by design. But no. Cardfan with chin all aquiver with feelings, thinks this life's necessities are just handed to white people, who just show up and automatically get 6 figure jobs. La-La Land fiction. Your number one really is Joy Behar, isn't it?

Number four, the sports jersey comment was to demonstrate the feelings normal people of our culture have for their fellow man, despite skin color. That is a uniquely American cultural trait born of the going consciousness. There are not thousands of athletes saying white privilege exists.
Cardfan1 Wrote:You are exactly right. I am a white man in the United States. I know nothing about privilege , because I have it. Just like you, I struggle with understanding why different races and genders don't... just do it!
Here is where we differ; I stop and say to myself, "maybe they didn't have the same advantages you do." I can't do a lot after that besides vote the right way, show empathy and encouragement, and call out folks who ignore the obvious.

That is awesome. At your work don't see color, and have respect for the people in the office; however, that is a very micro-situation. Reminds me of the folks I grew up with in my small town. They loved the minorities we had in our school, but when you saw a minority they didn't know it was a different story.

Shouldn't we be asking why are we hiring skilled immigrants and not more minority Americans?

The biggest barrier to black Americans is not American liberals pushing govt help for black Americans. :hilarious:

Anyway, this government created the issue allowing racist oppressive practices, why shouldn't they search ways to fix it?

Let's not pretend those practices have ended. Trump just tweeted and spoke last week about keeping "low-income" housing out of the suburbs. We all knew what he meant there.
We hire LEGAL immigrants with technical skills because liberal teacher unions have nearly destroyed our public education system. American schools no longer produce a sufficient number of graduates who are capable of performing technical jobs for modern American companies.

What I notice about your post is the absence of any attempt to explain how legal immigrants with limited English skills, including many black African immigrants are able to not only survive in technical positions but thrive in those jobs, while proportionally few black Americans fill those jobs. Young black Americans are constantly fed the message by white liberals like you that our system is stacked against them to prevent them from succeeding. That message falls on deaf ears when it is directed at black African immigrants because they know what real oppression is and fled it by coming to our country.

Everybody knows that racism exists in this country. One of the many differences between you and me is that I recognize that racism is not so widespread that people cannot excel in our society despite its existence. The number of very successful people of all races and ethnicities is living proof of that fact.

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