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Letcher County Schools Removes Scripture, Prayer Posting After Complaint From Atheist
This is an article that was posted by Mountain Top Media out of Pikeville. I will post a link to the article below for you all to read, but I'd like to get everyone's opinion on this. Letcher Central had to remove scripture from the walls of their football locker room after Atheists complained. scriture is a picture of the scripture at the link as well.
Westside Wrote:This is an article that was posted by Mountain Top Media out of Pikeville. I will post a link to the article below for you all to read, but I'd like to get everyone's opinion on this. Letcher Central had to remove scripture from the walls of their football locker room after Atheists complained. scriture is a picture of the scripture at the link as well.

If there aren’t any atheist on the team what the problem? Our nation continues to lose its sense of morality and self preservation...Look no farther than Phillip Haywood as an example of why it works, I have no idea of how many kids his way of coaching saved but I’d bet on very very many...
I'm sure scripture posting is on the walls of most high schools in this area. I can't wait till a school tells them NO.
Librals ruining amercia
THOMCAT Wrote:I'm sure scripture posting is on the walls of most high schools in this area. I can't wait till a school tells them NO.

I grew up in MCCreaey County one of the poorest in the Country, we told the ACLU no over the Ten Commandments and it cost the County hundreds of thousands of dollars we didn’t have when Court awarded them attorney’s fees. I don’t necessarily agree with them removing it, but for a money strapped school district I understand it.
They can have it up if the kids put it up... So I'd got straight back in there if I was the players/students, and put it right back up...
It's time to take a stand and stop letting the minority rule.
pjdoug Wrote:It's time to take a stand and stop letting the minority rule.

Watch ya self. Some ignorant liberal might call you a racist over the wording there.
BoondockSaint Wrote:Watch ya self. Some ignorant liberal might call you a racist over the wording there.

Most likely they will. I'm a pure bred mutt and racist against myself. I'm an Indian Outlaw.
Didn't Kentucky pass a law giving schools permission to post religious texts?

This will be interesting if contested to the SCOTUS
Me personally if it’s something that I don’t want to see or in this case read I don’t. It’s not like they have to look at it or read or someone making them. Just another shot at Christians in this world and it says in the Bible Christians will be persecuted and they always will until Jesus comes back to call his people.
Almost makes you want to start a Freedom From Atheist Association, and just see what happens.
A BIG THIS! :Thumbs:

plantmanky Wrote:Almost makes you want to start a Freedom From Atheist Association, and just see what happens.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
plantmanky Wrote:Almost makes you want to start a Freedom From Atheist Association, and just see what happens.

start it up Smile
pjdoug Wrote:start it up Smile

Wonder if those atheist know who created them there beans and how them there beans represent the cross and new life thats in your picture there Mr. PJdoug. Its bean time!
Bull got out! Wrote:Wonder if those atheist know who created them there beans and how them there beans represent the cross and new life thats in your picture there Mr. PJdoug. Its bean time!

The beans were definitely created by a great artist.
The atheists and liberals who support these jokers will be believers in time.....and in time we will all see who is right on this subject. Judgement won't have to come from will come from another MUCH higher Judge. Right or wrong, I like my position of faith better.

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