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Class 4 A Championship Johnson County Central 21 Boyle Co 20
Congratulations to Johnson Central. Great Job.
Playboy5 Wrote:19, 20, 21....Congrats JC. and very well deserved.

Playboy is back....
No comment from Fosho?
Ballbuster Wrote:No comment from Fosho?

I imagine he as some digestive problems after that massive amount of crow he has eaten.
I don’t think there will ever be a QB that will fit JC’s offense better than Ryley Preece. He has been underrated since day 1 but now 4 years later I put him in the same category as JJ Jude and Geordan Blanton for most heart and best athletes at JC since I went through school. I will miss seeing him back there at QB but I know that he is set to have a monster season for the baseball team. If colleges don’t want this kid for their baseball team or their football team then they don’t understand what being a winner and a champion is.
Something that nobody has mentioned so far is Coach Matney’s decision to move Devin Johnson to fullback in place of injured Bryce Tackett. It takes a lot of guts to move your star running back with over 1,600 yards on the season to fullback. A ton of credit to Devin because he clearly bought in. He goes from being the star man to blocking on almost every play. That’s the kind of sacrifice you need to win a championship.
Mister D Wrote:Something that nobody has mentioned so far is Coach Matney’s decision to move Devin Johnson to fullback in place of injured Bryce Tackett. It takes a lot of guts to move your star running back with over 1,600 yards on the season to fullback. A ton of credit to Devin because he clearly bought in. He goes from being the star man to blocking on almost every play. That’s the kind of sacrifice you need to win a championship.

That’s a phenomenal side story. Good for that young man. Shows remarkable character
Congrats JC. Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to you! I’ll send you a picture of our rings!
BoltCoach9 Wrote:This morning is the last morning that I will ever pull that Central Speedflex out of his bag to clean it, to carry his pads & cleats outside to spray and disinfect them and wash his #1 jersey. This time has gone so fast, much faster than I anticipated or ever wanted. I wish I could live these moments for eternity but that isn't God's plan, for us, or for our children. When he was born, he had a large hemangioma over his left eye, it was very noticeable and deforming. Dr's assured us it would go away and we trusted that it would. He still laughed, he still played and to us it became invisible because we only saw what he was-our little boy. Folks would stare from time to time and some well meaning folks would ask "what's wrong with him?" My wife would bristle and fire back, "There's nothing wrong with him!" I've carted him to many camps and combines where he consistently performed in the top 5 of every measurable metric for QBs, only to be shuffled off to the side because he wasn't 6'4" or because he came from a school that wasn't a "spread team." On the rides home he'd ask, "What's wrong with me? Why does no one see me?" I didn't have an answer. We bought in to Coach Matney's style of play, knowing up front that Ryley's role was to manage the game and run the offense rather than put up gaudy stats. We knew, Coach Matney knew, that at any other school Ryley would throw 30-40 times a game because he was capable of being that guy, even at 5'11". Rather we chose to remain faithful to the people and communtiy that pay our bills and put food on our table. We were all in, and Ryley would be an Eagle till he graduated. So here we are, 2 Middle school state championships, 2 high school state championships and 2 state runner ups, a record of 54-6 as the QB for Johnson Central, state tying record for INT return for TD of 104yds, several local and regional awards for individual performance but always not quite good enough for most prognosticators to mention him among the states elite. To date he is our all time most accomplished QB in the 50yr history of Johnson Central for passing, rushing and scoring. His heart is champion, his mind is champion, his grind is champion. Exactly what he was raised to be- a champion. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to any member who has given my boy a compliment over the past four years, but an even bigger thanks to those who've overlooked him, doubted his ability and scoffed at his "meager" statistical portfolio. You helped fuel his grind & his drive to pursue his legacy with fire and I'm thankful for that.

This game was one for the ages. Boyle County, you have a special group of young men who will serve your community well in the years to come. Best of luck to all those Rebels, whether they head off to college or choose to stay at home and go to work. Raise your families in your hometown and be proud because you come from tradition rich, honorable, hard working set of people. You are Kentuckians and that makes you strong enough to accomplish anything this world throws at you. You are warriors, you are overcomers, you are exceptional.
So, farewell Bluegrass Rivals. It's been an awesome 4 years. Its on to baseball now for Mr. Preece. Go Eagles!!!

This is the reason I stay on and read these threads. After reading post after post that makes me shake my head I come upon something like this. These are the jewels that is worth wading through the garbage for.

Your son played a great game and JC had a ton of athletes and I was very impressed with their team. This was the first time I had seen them since 09 or 10. You have so many reasons to be proud of your son and team! You are obviously a classy individual and I’m thankful you take a road that is less traveled on these threads to never put down, demean, or degrade someone else. Good luck to your son and the rest of the team for whatever the future holds! I do hope you guys send videos out to colleges if he wants to play at the next level. I believe, from what I saw, he has a place on someone’s college roster.
Hound05 Wrote:Yea I saw the stat line. How many times was smith targeted with double coverage all night? My point in all of that was, those quick slants and outs were working on that side of the field, then they’d go away from it, even though JC was basically giving it to them to stop the big deep plays. Eat away at it. But I’m not a coach and don’t know what they do, it’s just my opinion.

Well, even in double coverage, Smith was also, OPEN ALL NIGHT. Pressure made the QB overthrow him at least 4 times. The phenomenal layout catch Smith had was a slightly overthrown ball, or it was an easy touchdown.
Hatz Wrote:Merely conjecture on my part.

Maybe he wanted to let his Seniors decide the game.

As for me, I'd have been very tempted to go for the FG. I remember last year Corbin did and I didn't understand it because there was no way their kicker was going to get close to that one.

I think Jackson had a shot, even on College Posts.

Lots of "ifs and buts." I still congratulate JC for winning the game. :Thumbs:

Exactly! When Corbin kicked it was a no hoper, or all hope, and a prayer. Kid wasn't going to hit that. He shouldn't have had to, his coach had already taken the game winning kicks away from him earlier in the game when they went for 2, and went for a 1st down with an EASY makeable field goal. That's just how the cookie crumbled. Then you throw the kicker in to make a pretty much impossible kick. I don't know Haddix, but arrogance got his kids beat.
eagles2011 Wrote:My take on the game Boyle county is heck of a team. People giving Smith down the road for no field go attempt.
Say he goes for field go and miss,
Than people would of said should of went for hell Mary, enough about field go,

Johnson central coaching won this game
Jc qb played with one leg couple of those runs when qb broke lose he would of took it to the house if healthy
Jc starting full back was out since belfry game so this wasn't jc full run strength team
Have to give credit to freshman Mason and Jr Dillon
For stepping in helping the running game,
Have to give credit to Johnson central offense line coach most of central kids
Are sophomore ,
Finally jc linebacker McCloud Devin Johnson
Is the leaders on the field kids never
Gives up on play always keeping there teammates fierd up,

Wow Jimmy Preston what can you not say about this kid ,
Cody and Grant rice played well on defense what is crazy most of jc defense back are sophomore
I'll give the O line coach some credit, but you can't coach 6'5" 300 pounds. I have saw offensive line coaches from many teams across the state take 160 pound offensive lineman, and win many games. So although they are well coached, I have saw offensive line coaches on "normal teams", make miracles happen for a dozen years now. Once you start getting a line that is 260 plus pounds, and can move, I expect you to win the line of scrimmage.
smoke1015 Wrote:Well, even in double coverage, Smith was also, OPEN ALL NIGHT. Pressure made the QB overthrow him at least 4 times. The phenomenal layout catch Smith had was a slightly overthrown ball, or it was an easy touchdown.

I agree central done a great job of getting pressure on Lanter and making him throw it before he wanted to but make no doubt about it smith was running by the secondary.
smoke1015 Wrote:I'll give the O line coach some credit, but you can't coach 6'5" 300 pounds. I have saw offensive line coaches from many teams across the state take 160 pound offensive lineman, and win many games. So although they are well coached, I have saw offensive line coaches on "normal teams", make miracles happen for a dozen years now. Once you start getting a line that is 260 plus pounds, and can move, I expect you to win the line of scrimmage.

Those linemen are made in the weight room and the off season. Some might be born with some height, but the mass and strength are forged. Central’s conditioning program is obviously a huge part of consistently fielding a strong line on both sides year after year, and that starts with the coaching staff.
BoltCoach9 Wrote:This morning is the last morning that I will ever pull that Central Speedflex out of his bag to clean it, to carry his pads & cleats outside to spray and disinfect them and wash his #1 jersey. This time has gone so fast, much faster than I anticipated or ever wanted. I wish I could live these moments for eternity but that isn't God's plan, for us, or for our children. When he was born, he had a large hemangioma over his left eye, it was very noticeable and deforming. Dr's assured us it would go away and we trusted that it would. He still laughed, he still played and to us it became invisible because we only saw what he was-our little boy. Folks would stare from time to time and some well meaning folks would ask "what's wrong with him?" My wife would bristle and fire back, "There's nothing wrong with him!" I've carted him to many camps and combines where he consistently performed in the top 5 of every measurable metric for QBs, only to be shuffled off to the side because he wasn't 6'4" or because he came from a school that wasn't a "spread team." On the rides home he'd ask, "What's wrong with me? Why does no one see me?" I didn't have an answer. We bought in to Coach Matney's style of play, knowing up front that Ryley's role was to manage the game and run the offense rather than put up gaudy stats. We knew, Coach Matney knew, that at any other school Ryley would throw 30-40 times a game because he was capable of being that guy, even at 5'11". Rather we chose to remain faithful to the people and communtiy that pay our bills and put food on our table. We were all in, and Ryley would be an Eagle till he graduated. So here we are, 2 Middle school state championships, 2 high school state championships and 2 state runner ups, a record of 54-6 as the QB for Johnson Central, state tying record for INT return for TD of 104yds, several local and regional awards for individual performance but always not quite good enough for most prognosticators to mention him among the states elite. To date he is our all time most accomplished QB in the 50yr history of Johnson Central for passing, rushing and scoring. His heart is champion, his mind is champion, his grind is champion. Exactly what he was raised to be- a champion. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to any member who has given my boy a compliment over the past four years, but an even bigger thanks to those who've overlooked him, doubted his ability and scoffed at his "meager" statistical portfolio. You helped fuel his grind & his drive to pursue his legacy with fire and I'm thankful for that.

This game was one for the ages. Boyle County, you have a special group of young men who will serve your community well in the years to come. Best of luck to all those Rebels, whether they head off to college or choose to stay at home and go to work. Raise your families in your hometown and be proud because you come from tradition rich, honorable, hard working set of people. You are Kentuckians and that makes you strong enough to accomplish anything this world throws at you. You are warriors, you are overcomers, you are exceptional.
So, farewell Bluegrass Rivals. It's been an awesome 4 years. Its on to baseball now for Mr. Preece. Go Eagles!!!

Even more important than football, this kid is very smart (Governor's Scholar) and a class act. It was my honor to be one of his middle school coaches. You want to know why this kid is a class act, because his dad is a class act and his mom is a class act. Just as much as we will miss Ryley, we will miss mom and dad. Two of the best boosters to ever pass thru our system.
BoltCoach9 Wrote:This morning is the last morning that I will ever pull that Central Speedflex out of his bag to clean it, to carry his pads & cleats outside to spray and disinfect them and wash his #1 jersey. This time has gone so fast, much faster than I anticipated or ever wanted. I wish I could live these moments for eternity but that isn't God's plan, for us, or for our children. When he was born, he had a large hemangioma over his left eye, it was very noticeable and deforming. Dr's assured us it would go away and we trusted that it would. He still laughed, he still played and to us it became invisible because we only saw what he was-our little boy. Folks would stare from time to time and some well meaning folks would ask "what's wrong with him?" My wife would bristle and fire back, "There's nothing wrong with him!" I've carted him to many camps and combines where he consistently performed in the top 5 of every measurable metric for QBs, only to be shuffled off to the side because he wasn't 6'4" or because he came from a school that wasn't a "spread team." On the rides home he'd ask, "What's wrong with me? Why does no one see me?" I didn't have an answer. We bought in to Coach Matney's style of play, knowing up front that Ryley's role was to manage the game and run the offense rather than put up gaudy stats. We knew, Coach Matney knew, that at any other school Ryley would throw 30-40 times a game because he was capable of being that guy, even at 5'11". Rather we chose to remain faithful to the people and communtiy that pay our bills and put food on our table. We were all in, and Ryley would be an Eagle till he graduated. So here we are, 2 Middle school state championships, 2 high school state championships and 2 state runner ups, a record of 54-6 as the QB for Johnson Central, state tying record for INT return for TD of 104yds, several local and regional awards for individual performance but always not quite good enough for most prognosticators to mention him among the states elite. To date he is our all time most accomplished QB in the 50yr history of Johnson Central for passing, rushing and scoring. His heart is champion, his mind is champion, his grind is champion. Exactly what he was raised to be- a champion. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to any member who has given my boy a compliment over the past four years, but an even bigger thanks to those who've overlooked him, doubted his ability and scoffed at his "meager" statistical portfolio. You helped fuel his grind & his drive to pursue his legacy with fire and I'm thankful for that.

This game was one for the ages. Boyle County, you have a special group of young men who will serve your community well in the years to come. Best of luck to all those Rebels, whether they head off to college or choose to stay at home and go to work. Raise your families in your hometown and be proud because you come from tradition rich, honorable, hard working set of people. You are Kentuckians and that makes you strong enough to accomplish anything this world throws at you. You are warriors, you are overcomers, you are exceptional.
So, farewell Bluegrass Rivals. It's been an awesome 4 years. Its on to baseball now for Mr. Preece. Go Eagles!!!

This was beautiful.

I can tell you’re proud of your son, as you should be. My wife and I have 3 boys and 1 girl and I tell my wife all the time these years go by fast and in the end all these practices, camps, training, games, etc will all be worth it and we will miss it all one day.

Thank you for this post. Best of luck to your son on his future!
So good to see the original O.G.’s

Congrats to the Eagles! You completed the hillbilly trifecta! Brang em trophies home fellers!
Ballbuster Wrote:Merry Christmas to you! I’ll send you a picture of our rings!

Wow! Pure Class. :ChairHit::devilflam
Thank you Hatz!!!
Ballbuster Wrote:Thank you Hatz!!!

Actually it was sarcasm.

I'm sure you were able to catch that.

And maybe you'll grow up a little some time and realize that kicking a fan who has never said a derogatory thing towards your program or acted in any way but respectful is worthy of your respect as well.

There's being playful and there is your post.

Thankfully I've seen enough of the good winners on here to know the difference.

BTW, he doesn't need to see your rings. He's seen two that his son won for Boyle.
Hatz Wrote:Actually it was sarcasm.

I'm sure you were able to catch that.

And maybe you'll grow up a little some time and realize that kicking a fan who has never said a derogatory thing towards your program or acted in any way but respectful is worthy of your respect as well.

There's being playful and there is your post.

Thankfully I've seen enough of the good winners on here to know the difference.

BTW, he doesn't need to see your rings. He's seen two that his son won for Boyle.

I hope you were just as critical of various comments made by ridiculous Boyle county fans throughout the season? If not....your response to ball buster seems a bit hypocritical and sour grapes. Just saying. Call it both ways
Just gonna throw this out there. What if Boyle has stayed in 3a instead of following Lex Cath? I’m betting Smith and Company are questioning that decision today too.
You’re correct in saying that I caught the sarcasm. The sarcastic “Merry Christmas” sparked my comment. I’m sure he is proud of his son and the fact that he helped his team win two championship titles. I’m as equally as proud of my son and our team for winning this year’s state championship title. I however, refuse to sit by and read snide comments from a bunch of butt hurt people. “Merry Christmas” was intended to sound as if Boyle county gave us a gift. I hate to break it to you guys, but this was EARNED not GIFTED.
congratulations jc!
THOMCAT Wrote:Even more important than football, this kid is very smart (Governor's Scholar) and a class act. It was my honor to be one of his middle school coaches. You want to know why this kid is a class act, because his dad is a class act and his mom is a class act. Just as much as we will miss Ryley, we will miss mom and dad. Two of the best boosters to ever pass thru our system.

What, a Governor’s Scholar 😳. I’ve heard of that. That’s supposed to be really good. I know you gotta be able to count to 100 to be one of those. What is the minimum requirements for that?

All jokes aside. It was a pleasure watching Preece the handful of times I got to watch him. JC will definitely miss him and his leadership.
Playboy5 Wrote:So good to see the original O.G.’s

Glad to have ya back brother #BGRMafia
Redneck Wrote:What, a Governor’s Scholar 😳. I’ve heard of that. That’s supposed to be really good. I know you gotta be able to count to 100 to be one of those. What is the minimum requirements for that?

All jokes aside. It was a pleasure watching Preece the handful of times I got to watch him. JC will definitely miss him and his leadership.

So we have verified one person can count to 100 but from the videos I have seen it took a group to accomplish that goal. :lmao:
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