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Belfry@Desales 11/29 3A State Semis
Hound05 Wrote:See I think you’re right. But I had an old officer who hasn’t been off the force thag long tell me that unless a call for assistance is made specifically asking them to help they have no jurisdiction. But thag doesn’t make any sense to me either. Like you said, if you’re a state sworn peace officer, then thag certification should be good state wide.

Either way if I seen you attacking a kid, parent, what have, I’d throw cuffs on ya, make you eat some concrete, don’t care if the charges stick, you’ll learn a good lesson. Hopefully all of this is for nothing.

And they say us Baptists are rowdy haha.

I wouldn't hurt a flea but I have a couple chipped teeth from eating concrete.
Lex Cath beat DeSales in a tight game, and Lex Christian beat Lex Cath in a tight game... and Belfry beat Lex Christian convincingly. If the trip doesn't get Belfey, I believe Pike County (and Johnson County) put two teams in the state finals.
bball_fan Wrote:Lex Cath beat DeSales in a tight game, and Lex Christian beat Lex Cath in a tight game... and Belfry beat Lex Christian convincingly. If the trip doesn't get Belfey, I believe Pike County (and Johnson County) put two teams in the state finals.

convincingly is a stretch.
Ok, so this is how I know that the people who say “if you’d just tell us, we’d do something” are full of crap. Bardstown High School’s Principal, Chris Pickett, was witnessing the Desales fan base behavior, and he did exactly what the poster said, which was to make a complaint. When they did NOTHING, he tried to defend our players, and Desales ESCORTED BARDSTOWN HIGH SCHOOL’S PRINCIPAL OUT OF THE STADIUM. Not only does Desales brass not condemn the behavior other than feckless social media posts, it is my belief that the behavior is actually encouraged. Desales HIgh School and the Archdiocese Of Louisville have sold out their moral code for the sake of victories. That’s what your $13,850 buys you at Desales.

Belfry fans, arrive early. Line the stands along the front few rows with Pond Creek fans. Anyone who steps in front of you to get to the railing, physically assert yourself. There might even be some purple and gold people with you to help.
pjdoug Wrote:convincingly is a stretch.

True. Game was 30-20 in the 4th and LC actually led 14-6. But you also have to consider Belfry didnt have their starting qb in that game either. Belfry appears to be 100 percent healthy now and the offense is running like a well-oiled machine. This is probably the best Belfry backfield since the Jones and Howard years.
Lord Grantham Wrote:Ok, so this is how I know that the people who say “if you’d just tell us, we’d do something” are full of crap. Bardstown High School’s Principal, Chris Pickett, was witnessing the Desales fan base behavior, and he did exactly what the poster said, which was to make a complaint. When they did NOTHING, he tried to defend our players, and Desales ESCORTED BARDSTOWN HIGH SCHOOL’S PRINCIPAL OUT OF THE STADIUM. Not only does Desales brass not condemn the behavior other than feckless social media posts, it is my belief that the behavior is actually encouraged. Desales HIgh School and the Archdiocese Of Louisville have sold out their moral code for the sake of victories. That’s what your $13,850 buys you at Desales.

Belfry fans, arrive early. Line the stands along the front few rows with Pond Creek fans. Anyone who steps in front of you to get to the railing, physically assert yourself. There might even be some purple and gold people with you to help.

Hopefully you aren't being serious. You act like Belfry is entering a war zone.
Tica Wrote:Worrying about fans and stadiums is a huge distraction. Devote your efforts to stopping Demetri Scott and the DeSales blitz and pass rush. Unless you figure out how to stop it, Ty Scroggins' D will be in your backfield all night long.
Yes it is. This war zone we are going to would have been heard of before yesterday if this were that bad. Just wasting energy
pirateforlife Wrote:Hopefully you aren't being serious. You act like Belfry is entering a war zone.
I saw no weapons. There was a fight in the stands. A child was injured. A lady spit at our freshmen players. There were, by my estimate, two dozen fans hurling verbal insults at players that went beyond trash talk for most of the game. At one point, a small group of Bardstown fans tried to confront the abusive Desales fans and were encircled by Desales fans. The single deputy sheriff on duty did manage to break that one up. Post-game, a group of fans laughed at and heckled our despondent seniors, and a Desales coach, whom I now know is Lamont King, participated in the heckling and abusive language directed at our players. Our Principal went to complain during the game and ended up being escorted from the stadium. He later was readmitted to the field only and discussing it with a Desales administrator was told “there’s nothing we can do about it.”

A poster on here has admitted its gone on for weeks. He cautions visitors in advance of games; I’ve never seen that happen before. He admits he and his son have “contusions on their chest and hands” from physically restraining their fan base. He tries to warn us “not to do anything” to provoke the fans.

A proud Desales grad who is an administrator at a JCPS school who has two sons playing at Bardstown is visibly shaken by his Alma mater’s behavior is filing a grievance with the school and KHSAA.

A Bardstown physician who graduated Desales will no longer support them.

You decide. I don’t know what your definition of war zone is.
So I’m reading all of this and I’m really confused. One side of me says it’s all good. More than likely it is all overblown and common sense and good behavior will prevail. On the other hand I have yet to be real assured of such behavior by anyone close to the situation. Tica is correct that this should not distract from the effort by the players and I’m sure it won’t. However, we are really not talking about the team we are talking about the fans with whom my family and friends are a big part of. So what is it Desales? Can you guys guarantee that your “hosts” are going to be hospitable?
I have been to belfry before and this could let to problems for both teams (not saying anything bad about belfry) they have a passionate fan base themselves and will not back down. They better have more than one cop there or this could end up a knockout drag out in the stands.
There are some damning statements in here.

Any Colt fans want to speak up and defend their honor?
From the conversation I’ve read on their Facebook page it’s more of a rude, crude behavior from some. I haven’t read anything about a fight or hospitalization outside this thread, but their fans do appear embarrassed by the behavior of some.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:There are some damning statements in here.

Any Colt fans want to speak up and defend their honor?

They’ve spoke up. Just no one defending their honor. It’s like if and when something happens just let us “police ourselves”. “We are used to it”.
AtlPirateFan Wrote:From the conversation I’ve read on their Facebook page it’s more of a rude, crude behavior from some. I haven’t read anything about a fight or hospitalization outside this thread, but their fans do appear embarrassed by the behavior of some.

I have combed the Louisville newspapers and media outlets. I haven't found anything yet but I'm not finished.
What's to defend? The reason their not speaking up is what's being said is true.

I have a real good friend that lives just a couple miles from DeSales and he sends his kids to Waggner. He told me it's a mess. And what's being said is facts and before its over something extremely bad and violent is going to happen.

So dont tell me to relax that everything will be ok that its probably just a couple of heckling fans. My son is on this team, and many others have sons and daughters on this team. Damn right I'm going to pay attention to the signs and warnings.
Ignore the distractions; Just study the Meade County film, play your game and not the game DeSales wants you to play, and you will be fine. You just have to neutralize their defensive penetration. The only weakness I saw was their secondary seemed a step slow. Meade County won the game with less than 200 yards of offense but also had 3 picks against DeSales.
Guys, it’s an easy, easy fix. Put Belfry on the far sideline, take away the object of the fans’ target, and the vast majority of the urgent problem disappears. Nothing could be simpler.

Desales won’t do it, because THEY don’t want their own kids next to their fans.

It’s not a war zone, but it is an abusive environment beyond what should be permitted for high school kids.
This is getting ridiculous. I've been attending DeSales sporting events for the past 10 years. My son played on the two championship teams. He was all state in wrestling. Has the crowd at DeSales changed over the last 3-4 years? Yes they have. Has it been a good change? No. It hasn't. Are there a few PARENTS out of control? Yes there are.
DeSales , and our fans at one point had a great reputation. Our athletes played hard but win or lose shook every hand. We always had great respect from the opposing fanbase. example I'll give is Mayfield. Had a tough semi state game with them. We fell short. They beat us. Our guys shook their hand wished them luck. A few months later tornadoes hit Mayfield. the DeSales family's along with the football team kicked in to collect food and water and even delivered it. Mayfield fans with knowledge can tell you more.
To see someone on this board insinuate that you might need to bring a weapon makes me wonder what his real problem is.
As a LEO I would highly disregard that advice. If you feel that need. Don't come. Will there be some obnoxious parents who only care about their kid and not the team there yelling? Yes there will. The sad part of all of this is it's not the kids. It's the adults. Adults are usually and sadly the ones who ruin youth leagues, high school sports, and etc.
The Belfry fans will be welcomed. There are alot of things to do around DeSales. Churchill Downs is less than 15 min away.
Bet on red thanksgiving weekend. Belfry rolls, they are going to war 2 games left. I can assure you belfry won’t be scared or thinking anything other than win. Belfry fans get there early and take away the front rows so the kids can’t get distracted and it will all work itself out.
ColtPride Wrote:This is getting ridiculous. I've been attending DeSales sporting events for the past 10 years. My son played on the two championship teams. He was all state in wrestling. Has the crowd at DeSales changed over the last 3-4 years? Yes they have. Has it been a good change? No. It hasn't. Are there a few PARENTS out of control? Yes there are.
DeSales , and our fans at one point had a great reputation. Our athletes played hard but win or lose shook every hand. We always had great respect from the opposing fanbase. example I'll give is Mayfield. Had a tough semi state game with them. We fell short. They beat us. Our guys shook their hand wished them luck. A few months later tornadoes hit Mayfield. the DeSales family's along with the football team kicked in to collect food and water and even delivered it. Mayfield fans with knowledge can tell you more.
To see someone on this board insinuate that you might need to bring a weapon makes me wonder what his real problem is.
As a LEO I would highly disregard that advice. If you feel that need. Don't come. Will there be some obnoxious parents who only care about their kid and not the team there yelling? Yes there will. The sad part of all of this is it's not the kids. It's the adults. Adults are usually and sadly the ones who ruin youth leagues, high school sports, and etc.
The Belfry fans will be welcomed. There are alot of things to do around DeSales. Churchill Downs is less than 15 min away.

I agree that my suggesting Belfry “bring a weapon” was hyperbole and over the top. I retract it.

The rest of my statements are factual. Is there anyone at Desales who denies they occurred? Given what you know, what would be harmed by putting Belfry on the far sideline?
Just hope we can have a injury free, no drama , smash mouth hard nose game. Anyone come for anything else than to watch a good game hope they be took care sent packing.
Lord Grantham Wrote:I

I agree that my suggesting Belfry “bring a weapon” was hyperbole and over the top. I retract it.

The rest of my statements are factual. Is there anyone at Desales who denies they occurred? Given what you know, what would be harmed by putting Belfry on the far sideline?

I agree with you. I've been to several stadiums with only one side. The visiting team should be on the other side.
ColtPride Wrote:This is getting ridiculous. I've been attending DeSales sporting events for the past 10 years. My son played on the two championship teams. He was all state in wrestling. Has the crowd at DeSales changed over the last 3-4 years? Yes they have. Has it been a good change? No. It hasn't. Are there a few PARENTS out of control? Yes there are.
DeSales , and our fans at one point had a great reputation. Our athletes played hard but win or lose shook every hand. We always had great respect from the opposing fanbase. example I'll give is Mayfield. Had a tough semi state game with them. We fell short. They beat us. Our guys shook their hand wished them luck. A few months later tornadoes hit Mayfield. the DeSales family's along with the football team kicked in to collect food and water and even delivered it. Mayfield fans with knowledge can tell you more.
To see someone on this board insinuate that you might need to bring a weapon makes me wonder what his real problem is.
As a LEO I would highly disregard that advice. If you feel that need. Don't come. Will there be some obnoxious parents who only care about their kid and not the team there yelling? Yes there will. The sad part of all of this is it's not the kids. It's the adults. Adults are usually and sadly the ones who ruin youth leagues, high school sports, and etc.
The Belfry fans will be welcomed. There are alot of things to do around DeSales. Churchill Downs is less than 15 min away.

Let me ask you a question ColtPride, and its not a shot at you or your team because I've always thought you were a good poster, but why don't you all do something about it? Why let it go on? If it's just a couple unruly fans then the rest of you need to make a stand and keep them from causing the program to get a bad name. Because I'll tell you right now, if even one fan at Belfry started acting that way, that sh!# would get squashed real quick! You can believe that. There's to much being said and going on for it just to be a coincidence. Sounds like to me this is a problem you fans could have took care of yourself but didnt and now it's out of control leaving the DeSales program with a bad scar.
Hound05 Wrote:See I think you’re right. But I had an old officer who hasn’t been off the force thag long tell me that unless a call for assistance is made specifically asking them to help they have no jurisdiction. But thag doesn’t make any sense to me either. Like you said, if you’re a state sworn peace officer, then thag certification should be good state wide.

Either way if I seen you attacking a kid, parent, what have, I’d throw cuffs on ya, make you eat some concrete, don’t care if the charges stick, you’ll learn a good lesson. Hopefully all of this is for nothing.

And they say us Baptists are rowdy haha.

It’s one of the revisions that followed after requiring all sworn road units to be POPS certified...Still if I were a Pike County Deputy I wouldn’t be asserting any type of authority unless a prearranged agreement with Jefferson Co authorities where in place, there’s video recorders everywhere nothing good could come of it...The best option would be for local law enforcement and state police to have a large presence...hearing that someone from the coaching staff is involved in this is alarming, I understand being competitive but set an example and be the adult I mean seriously...
ColtPride Wrote:It's a state by state thing. I'm a deputy in Indiana. I have arrest powers in every Indiana county.

A lot of states went in this direction in the 90’s enhanced training and preemployment screening guidelines has brought law enforcement nation wide a long way...Thank You for your service it’s a thankless job...
#55PirateFan Wrote:Let me ask you a question ColtPride, and its not a shot at you or your team because I've always thought you were a good poster, but why don't you all do something about it? Why let it go on? If it's just a couple unruly fans then the rest of you need to make a stand and keep them from causing the program to get a bad name. Because I'll tell you right now, if even one fan at Belfry started acting that way, that sh!# would get squashed real quick! You can believe that. There's to much being said and going on for it just to be a coincidence. Sounds like to me this is a problem you fans could have took care of yourself but didnt and now it's out of control leaving the DeSales program with a bad scar.

I will answer you.. I just can't currently..I'm on duty. I will send you a private message and explain.
ColtPride Wrote:I agree with you. I've been to several stadiums with only one side. The visiting team should be on the other side.

You, as a former LEO, May be the voice of reason. Make it happen. I cannot imagine a conscientious LEO sitting idly by watching what occurs, continue to occur.

The ONLY reason I can think of to put the visitor on that narrow sideline next to the abuse is because they believe that forms an intimidation factor that helps give an advantage. This may happen elsewhere, but I doubt that the type of abuse I witnessed Friday night occurs elsewhere.

Do the right thing.
ColtPride Wrote:I will answer you.. I just can't currently..I'm on duty. I will send you a private message and explain.

Sounds good brother.
As far as the rest, I've said my peace and gave my opinion. Won't here anymore from me about the issue unless I'm responding to a question about it. Hopefully something gets done so these kids can play the game and nothing happens. Good luck.
I’ve been to a lot of games where emotions running high with a lot on the line Belfry, Bell, Wayne, Rockcastle, I even remember when Middlesboro could get a little chippy but I’ve never heard of anything like this. While Belfry might be a tad arrogant, they were cordial and obliging...As bad as things have been with Bell, even with Dudley trying to make our kids change in an abandoned baseball locker room, I’ve never seen or heard a Bell Co fan act like this...Rockcastle was the worst but I never feared for my safety...
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