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California Becomes Second State to Introduce Bush Impeachment
HomeGrown Wrote:He did'nt even win the election........CHEATER!
Has anyone see that Micheal Moore Film,,,feriheit 911

If he didn't win the election how did get into the White House twice?
As far as Micheal Moore and anything he's involved goes I wouldn't waste my time or money!!
Because Florida somehow "lost" the ballots. Kinda strange that his brother is the governor of the state where they lost the ballots, don't ya think?
Man....You are crazy if you think his brother could do something like that...thats all i have to say...stuff like that doesnt happen....
corndog23 Wrote:Man....You are crazy if you think his brother could do something like that...thats all i have to say...stuff like that doesnt happen....
I don't think it's a coincidence.
Your wrong
BCF4L Wrote:Because Florida somehow "lost" the ballots. Kinda strange that his brother is the governor of the state where they lost the ballots, don't ya think?

So I guess the problem with all the hanging chads was his brothers fault also.
Lets just blame everything on the Bush family!!!
Somehow, George Bush and Tubby Smith are 99.9% of ALL problems in the entire world!
BFritz Wrote:There's still like 60,000 troops looking for Osama

Exactly, you got no response for that
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
BFritz Wrote:Exactly, you got no response for that

Has 60,000 been enough? Has he been caught? Would it have been better to actual take care of the people who attacked us on 9/11, before starting a war at a time with nation as bad as it may have been, then take 9/11 to try to justify for attacking Iraq when they knew good and well, they were not connected.
LC99 Wrote:Has 60,000 been enough? Has he been caught? Would it have been better to actual take care of the people who attacked us on 9/11, before starting a war at a time with nation as bad as it may have been, then take 9/11 to try to justify for attacking Iraq when they knew good and well, they were not connected.

60,000 hasn't been enough, but who's to say that he's even still in Afganistan? 60,000 can't find him, but what do you want? 300,000 more? Looking for something that might not even be in the country, or burried a mile under the surface in some trap door of a cave that would be impossible to find anyways.

Sadaam paid for the training of terrorists and gave them safe havens.

We haven't found WMD yet, but he moved them before the invasion, his officials have admitted. Even if you don't buy that part, don't ignore the rest of the post.

Sadaam tortured and killed his own people, I know other leaders have too, but we can't invade everyone at once.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
BFritz Wrote:60,000 hasn't been enough, but who's to say that he's even still in Afganistan? 60,000 can't find him, but what do you want? 300,000 more? Looking for something that might not even be in the country, or burried a mile under the surface in some trap door of a cave that would be impossible to find anyways.

Sadaam paid for the training of terrorists and gave them safe havens.

We haven't found WMD yet, but he moved them before the invasion, his officials have admitted. Even if you don't buy that part, don't ignore the rest of the post.

Sadaam tortured and killed his own people, I know other leaders have too, but we can't invade everyone at once.

Why did the war in Iraq have to happen when it did? Bin Laden and Saddam have never been proven to be connected in anyway. Going after terrorist who attack this nation should be priority #1, and should be until the job is finish. Saddam was no angel I think we all can agree on that, but at the time of the war he was contained, Saddam imo would have never been a threat, he was turning into something like Castro or al-Qaddafi. The timing for the war was a mistake, and postwar in Iraq has been a disaster.
LC99 Wrote:Why did the war in Iraq have to happen when it did? Bin Laden and Saddam have never been proven to be connected in anyway. Going after terrorist who attack this nation should be priority #1, and should be until the job is finish. Saddam was no angel I think we all can agree on that, but at the time of the war he was contained, Saddam imo would have never been a threat, he was turning into something like Castro or al-Qaddafi. The timing for the war was a mistake, and postwar in Iraq has been a disaster.

Maybe you're right, the only point that I'm unsure about is that do you want us to fill the entire country of Afganistan with troops from border to border? We're still looking for Osama, so I don't think that saying the war in Iraq should be in Afganistan holds any water
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
George W is the greatest president we have ever had people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! our economy has never been better. gas has never been cheaper. we have never been liked by more countries than we are at this moment. He has done accomplished everyhting he has set out to do while in office. He has caught those responisble for 9/11. He even ended the sensless and brutal car bombings in Iraq. Illegal immigration has went on the decline during his term.

true story, all of it.

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