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Has anyone read The FBI Killer?
I hadn't even heard of the whole thing untill like 2 years ago when a professor told me about it. I finally read it and I found it pretty interesting considering it took place in Pike county. It's about Mark Putnam and FBI agent killing Susan Smith in 1989 in Pike County. It took them a year to find the body and he only got 16 years for it so he should be out or getting ready to be realeased from prison.
I haven't read it yet.....sounds good.
My forensic science teacher told us about the book but I have yet to get my hands on a copy. I would LOVE to read it and have been looking around for almost a year to get it, no such luck yet.

I would like to read it if anyone knows where I can get it.
I would gladly loan mine to anyone I just happened to find it in a bunch of books my aunt gave me.
Sounds pretty interesting. I'd probably like it.
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
The sad thing was that I met the man during the time that he had killed her (during that year). He was at my parents house once.
There is alot more to the story, I think alot of it was covered up and I don't think he killed her the way he said he did. He probably got out of jail a long time ago cause he only had to serve 8 years before he came up for parole. He killed Susan Smith and the baby she was carrying of his at the time. It sickens me to think he only had to serve 8 years after that.
i found this on barnes and noble if anyone wants to check it out
its not avalible new for some reason
Seems pretty interesting i might have to read this sometime
It's an interesting read and is available at several local public libraries.
BTW...I knew Mark Putnam,"the FBI Killer", before all of this happened.
Did anyone know he used to coach youth soccer in Pikeville???
In the book it talked about him coaching youth soccer at the local ymca when he first moved to Pikeville. It also talked about him going to Pikeville football games regularly when he first moved there, but he eventually stopped all that and stayed more to himself or so it said in the book.
Our justice system's such a HUGE JOKE
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
UKGIRL20 Wrote:It took them a year to find the body and he only got 16 years for it so he should be out or getting ready to be realeased from prison.
The only reason they found the body when they did was because Putnam took them and showed them where it was...that was part of the plea deal...they had no evidence without him coming forward.
Decent read....but more intrigueing because it was so close to home. Try used book stores.
Also, if you want a really good read with a few ties to eastern Ky.(Pburg) Try The Bluegrass Conspierecy(sp)! Anyone know Karate' instructor Bill Leonard? is about the largest drugs for guns operation in us history, started by 2 Lex. Ky. police officers. A very good friend of mine went to the accademy with the main subject. Very good book.
Anyone remeber the bears that they found overdosed on cocaine in Tenn.? Here is a story about it all!!! And I mean All!!
I know Foxsports and they had nothin against him because they didn't even start investagating him until almost a year later. The whole investigation or lack there of was a joke. He only came foward because he started to be questioned about the whole thing. He only served like ten years before he got out of jail and that is insane for him to have murdered Susan and the baby she was pregnant with.
UKGIRL20 Wrote:I know Foxsports and they had nothin against him because they didn't even start investagating him until almost a year later. The whole investigation or lack there of was a joke. He only came foward because he started to be questioned about the whole thing. He only served like ten years before he got out of jail and that is insane for him to have murdered Susan and the baby she was pregnant with.

Our whole justice system of lack there of is a joke
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
UKGIRL20 Wrote:I know Foxsports and they had nothin against him because they didn't even start investagating him until almost a year later. The whole investigation or lack there of was a joke. He only came foward because he started to be questioned about the whole thing. He only served like ten years before he got out of jail and that is insane for him to have murdered Susan and the baby she was pregnant with.
I can't remember the story...Did they determine she was indeed pregnant at the time of her death or not???
There was a slip from the health department from a couple days before she disappeared from where she went to see if she was pregnant and it says she was and she had signed it, and her sister said she had went but they couldn't be for sure that she was the one to sign it or not. By the time the body was discovered and sent to be examined parts where missing and everything so I guess conclusively they couldn't prove she was I dunno it was all really complicated. But everyone around her said she was and that she was starting to show but you never now.
UKGIRL20 Wrote:There was a slip from the health department from a couple days before she disappeared from where she went to see if she was pregnant and it says she was and she had signed it, and her sister said she had went but they couldn't be for sure that she was the one to sign it or not. By the time the body was discovered and sent to be examined parts where missing and everything so I guess conclusively they couldn't prove she was I dunno it was all really complicated. But everyone around her said she was and that she was starting to show but you never now.
My point exactly...I don't think there ever was conclusive evidence.
Yeah I get your point but if they would of did it right from the start instead of waiting they could of had plenty of evidence.

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