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Pikeville 22 Belfry 21
pirateforlife Wrote:I had to look this up but this was the first time Belfry has lost back to back games since games 2 and 3 of the 2001 season to Ashland and Lawrence County. That's pretty impressive. 18 years without back to back losses.

Are you serious? That’s insane!
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Belfryjunk Wrote:Belfry has changed - the makeup of the school and mindset has so much in the past 3-4 years that the chickens are coming home to roost so to say.

There is a ton of kids in that school and on athletic teams and people on the fringes of the programs that are not Belfry people. Their parents didn't go there(which isn't always bad), they didn't transfer in from winning/good programs, and those associated with the kids aren't about winning, they are about what can you do for my social status and my kids.

Middle School hasn't done a good job a developing kids in the right spots. That place has a ton of parents/politically issues that is getting worse by the day when dealing with academics and athletics. That's not a knock on Coach Oliver, that is a knock on they have and have had nothing but dads as assistants up there for the past 4-6 years, and its D@#m hard to be a coach surrounded by people who are only there to make sure their kid gets reps. And its getting worse, they have 10 coaches up there right now and 8 are daddies. And it will get much, much, worse in the coming years if the rumors come true that I am hearing about how the new principal got hired.

Finally and this is the biggest and ties into the last - There is a few Belfry people that are now about a few Belfry people. Are they good people, yes. Are they good sports parents, teachers, and coaches when dealing with coaching family members and friends? No. There is a political family and their clique up there that controls a lot of things and have Coach Haywoods ear(shocking I know).

These Belfry "people" have no problem destroying Belfry or turning their back on it if Belfry doesn't give them what they want.
They are all about Belfry being a winner and great, as long their kid, grand-kid, or best friends kid is an integral piece and gets their time to shine. These kids aren't stupid, most these parents aren't stupid, but if you speak out or challenge their authority, your child and even possible you will get punished(including Coach Haywood).

They might get it turned around this year, but they have no depth and are not developing any, maybe they can in the next upcoming games. I highly doubt it though, as the political clique needs their kids on that field during blowouts and if another kid/kids that is young like their gets time, the coaches will get called to the office so to speak.

Dark days ahead for Belfry football after this year, and all athletics are going to feel the political/mafia/good ole' boy pain and get worse(is that even possible?)

I don't want to get involved in this nonsense, but this last bit has been happening in the county for generations.
Belfryjunk Wrote:I figured the PHS people would like that, as they experienced the first family of Belfry first hand........and sent them back up 119.

You mean the kids whose parents got mad because their kids weren’t starting JV at Pikeville one day and they show up the next day enrolled at Belfry?
First family. Who has been to Pikeville and back to Belfry now
Belfryjunk Wrote:Belfry has changed - the makeup of the school and mindset has so much in the past 3-4 years that the chickens are coming home to roost so to say.

There is a ton of kids in that school and on athletic teams and people on the fringes of the programs that are not Belfry people. Their parents didn't go there(which isn't always bad), they didn't transfer in from winning/good programs, and those associated with the kids aren't about winning, they are about what can you do for my social status and my kids.

Middle School hasn't done a good job a developing kids in the right spots. That place has a ton of parents/politically issues that is getting worse by the day when dealing with academics and athletics. That's not a knock on Coach Oliver, that is a knock on they have and have had nothing but dads as assistants up there for the past 4-6 years, and its D@#m hard to be a coach surrounded by people who are only there to make sure their kid gets reps. And its getting worse, they have 10 coaches up there right now and 8 are daddies. And it will get much, much, worse in the coming years if the rumors come true that I am hearing about how the new principal got hired.

Finally and this is the biggest and ties into the last - There is a few Belfry people that are now about a few Belfry people. Are they good people, yes. Are they good sports parents, teachers, and coaches when dealing with coaching family members and friends? No. There is a political family and their clique up there that controls a lot of things and have Coach Haywoods ear(shocking I know).

These Belfry "people" have no problem destroying Belfry or turning their back on it if Belfry doesn't give them what they want.
They are all about Belfry being a winner and great, as long their kid, grand-kid, or best friends kid is an integral piece and gets their time to shine. These kids aren't stupid, most these parents aren't stupid, but if you speak out or challenge their authority, your child and even possible you will get punished(including Coach Haywood).

They might get it turned around this year, but they have no depth and are not developing any, maybe they can in the next upcoming games. I highly doubt it though, as the political clique needs their kids on that field during blowouts and if another kid/kids that is young like their gets time, the coaches will get called to the office so to speak.

Dark days ahead for Belfry football after this year, and all athletics are going to feel the political/mafia/good ole' boy pain and get worse(is that even possible?)

As a Belfry alum and former player, I have absolutely no idea how to respond to this post. Truth? Rumors? Unverified innuendo? What I am saddened by is that someone decided to join BGR and with their 5th post decided to post something to his degree. Some of this stuff may very well be true....heck it all my be true for all I know. However, some or all of it may be the raucous opinions of an angry, frustrated parent who think their kid isn’t playing enough either at the MS or HS. I truly have no idea.

Every school system has political and soci-political machinations that often pollute the hallways of our respective schools. I’m sure Belfry is no different. They have their issues like every place else.

I’m just disappointed that this poster chose to use this thread to discuss. This thread isn’t about inner school politics. It was about a game , in that Belfry played well enough to win, but still came up short.

Once again congrats to Pikeville. Honestly, It’s been a hard pill to swallow the last 24 hours. Not gonna deny it. It was a disappointing loss to say the least. Untimely turnovers along with Some head scratching decisions made by the staff. However......Myself and the rest of PCN know that Haywood and Staff will have these young men ready by November. Development is hard. Patience is truly a virtue. When they have to be exercised together.....friustration can be the result 😂😂

Hambley Wrote:Crow is better with ketchup.... defining moment for a Panther offense that needed it.

You are crowing so have some ketchup. lol
AngryMob Wrote:Pikeville took an early punch, battled back, and got the W. Cody Raines is a stud and from what I hear just as good off the field as on it

Belfry needs to get healthy so the offense can get reps together. Both these teams will be just fine come November. Just got to hope we to be some luck of health that hasn’t been there the last two years by then if you’re Belfry.

Pikeville is definitely battle tested and still undefeated.
Hate to shut this thread down on a Saturday. But let’s keep it about what happened in the game and not about who’s doing what to get people to where. Keep it on topic here
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
Heard some of the folks on here saying Dixon didn’t play because he was too hurt. Then I’ve heard some folks allude to the fact that Dixon could’ve played but a late decision was made to sit him due to his injury. No doubt Dixon is a tremendous talent and would have made a difference in the game. But the question I have is, is it possible that the Belfry coaching staff made the call to sit Dixon because they didn’t think they’d need him to beat Pikeville at CAM? I think that’s a valid question and completely not out of the realm of possibility...
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:Heard some of the folks on here saying Dixon didn’t play because he was too hurt. Then I’ve heard some folks allude to the fact that Dixon could’ve played but a late decision was made to sit him due to his injury. No doubt Dixon is a tremendous talent and would have made a difference in the game. But the question I have is, is it possible that the Belfry coaching staff made the call to sit Dixon because they didn’t think they’d need him to beat Pikeville at CAM? I think that’s a valid question and completely not out of the realm of possibility...

No, I dont think anyone on the Belfry staff underestimated Pikeville and knew Pikeville had the personnel to beat them. The explosive play making ability is gone without Dixon on the field. He showed that last year at Pikeville. IMO, Belfry's best offense is the Wildcat with Dixon. Belfry has used it all year in the 4th quarter much like UK used it with Benny Snell to grind out games. It did take a big piece of the offense away but that's no excuse. Pikeville made the plays in the 2nd half and Belfry didn't. Belfry had a chance to put Pikeville away in the 3rd quarter and didn't. I honestly think Dixon was in too much pain to play last night. Now maybe if this was a huge playoff game with a team who had a real shot at beating Belfry, he would have gave it a shot but who knows. He will now have as much time as he needs to heal up to be 100 percent for JC and the playoffs with the easiest part of the schedule coming up the next 4 weeks.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:Heard some of the folks on here saying Dixon didn’t play because he was too hurt. Then I’ve heard some folks allude to the fact that Dixon could’ve played but a late decision was made to sit him due to his injury. No doubt Dixon is a tremendous talent and would have made a difference in the game. But the question I have is, is it possible that the Belfry coaching staff made the call to sit Dixon because they didn’t think they’d need him to beat Pikeville at CAM? I think that’s a valid question and completely not out of the realm of possibility...

That is absolutely a valid question, and a good one. But I'll say this, in my honest opinion, no way did the coaching staff hold him out of the game because they thought we didnt need him. The coaching staff and the true Belfry fans knew this would be a toss up game that could go either way. Sure, all of us on Pond Creek thought we could have won this game and predicted that we would have. Same as Pikeville folks. But everyone on the Creek was nervous for this one and now you see why. Issac Dixon would have absolutely played if the coaching and medical staff thought he could without making his injury worse. He wasn't held out because they thought they had this game in the bag. If that was the case, I promise you he'd been in there the last 2-3 series, dont you think? Everybody wanted this win, on both sides of the mountain. Thats what rivalry games are about. But was it worth trying to play a kid, one of the best on the team if not the best, that was hurt instead of making sure he's 100% healthy for district play and a deep run in the playoffs? I think the right call was made. This loss hurt pride, but that's about it. After the last two weeks of football, everyone can see 3A is still up for grabs and Belfry, in my opinion, still has a great chance of winning a championship. The "Big Three" in 3A have all struggled. Friday night Belfry lost to a really good team, hands down the best team in 1A, by one point. It happens. Everyone knows what Belfrys record has been against Pikeville the last 20 years. Your not going to win them all. I hate we lost but I'm also happy for the seniors on that Pikeville team to have finally climbed the so called hill and got that win they all wanted. They played their hearts out and earned that win. It wasnt given to them. They wanted it and they went out and got it, and on Pond Creek at that. So theres no way I was about to make any kind of an excuse to why we lost and take away what those kids fought so hard for and finally achieved. There is no excuse. Pikeville beat Belfry and thats that.

Sorry for the long post just wanted to give those young Panthers some praise that they battled for and earned. I hope I answered your question about Dixon too. Trust me my friend, like I said, nobody on that staff or the real fans were overlooking the Panthers. We knew what they were bringing to the table.
Belfry losing Dixon would be the equilivant of Pikeville losing Hensley or Pugh. It obviously doesnt help and takes a big piece of the offense away. Still no excuse because Belfry had their chances and didnt take advantage of them. We can discuss hypotheticals all day but the fact is Pikeville went to CAM and came from 2 scores behind in the 2nd half to defeat the Pirates. End of story.
pjdoug Wrote:Pikeville is definitely battle tested and still undefeated.

Thing is, I don’t even know if they’ve played their best football yet!!
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:Heard some of the folks on here saying Dixon didn’t play because he was too hurt. Then I’ve heard some folks allude to the fact that Dixon could’ve played but a late decision was made to sit him due to his injury. No doubt Dixon is a tremendous talent and would have made a difference in the game. But the question I have is, is it possible that the Belfry coaching staff made the call to sit Dixon because they didn’t think they’d need him to beat Pikeville at CAM? I think that’s a valid question and completely not out of the realm of possibility...

No chance they would sit him because they thought they wouldn’t need him.
bucslover68 Wrote:This is a very interesting post and I don’t disagree with a lot of it. I know the middle school with its new principal choice, whom I’ve never had any issues with, has some interesting so called “promises” made that if allowed would drastically change the coaching landscape at BMS. It will be interesting to see if those rumors indeed become fact.

And let me clarify the information I received had no specific plan or specific people mentioned in it. That’s why I even hate to list speculation on this site or thread. I personally am not close to the situation at BMS other than knowing who the new principal is and any and everyone on a Pond Creek already know that info. I think people like to start rumors and speculate without knowing all the facts. I don’t know who the poster is of the super long Belfry mafia/ first family is, but the only ones I know that have recently gone to Pikeville and returned to Belfry are the Banks twins and pretty much everyone knows that. That family is Belfry through and through and just basically had a falling out with one of the basketball coaches.
#55PirateFan Wrote:That is absolutely a valid question, and a good one. But I'll say this, in my honest opinion, no way did the coaching staff hold him out of the game because they thought we didnt need him. The coaching staff and the true Belfry fans knew this would be a toss up game that could go either way. Sure, all of us on Pond Creek thought we could have won this game and predicted that we would have. Same as Pikeville folks. But everyone on the Creek was nervous for this one and now you see why. Issac Dixon would have absolutely played if the coaching and medical staff thought he could without making his injury worse. He wasn't held out because they thought they had this game in the bag. If that was the case, I promise you he'd been in there the last 2-3 series, dont you think? Everybody wanted this win, on both sides of the mountain. Thats what rivalry games are about. But was it worth trying to play a kid, one of the best on the team if not the best, that was hurt instead of making sure he's 100% healthy for district play and a deep run in the playoffs? I think the right call was made. This loss hurt pride, but that's about it. After the last two weeks of football, everyone can see 3A is still up for grabs and Belfry, in my opinion, still has a great chance of winning a championship. The "Big Three" in 3A have all struggled. Friday night Belfry lost to a really good team, hands down the best team in 1A, by one point. It happens. Everyone knows what Belfrys record has been against Pikeville the last 20 years. Your not going to win them all. I hate we lost but I'm also happy for the seniors on that Pikeville team to have finally climbed the so called hill and got that win they all wanted. They played their hearts out and earned that win. It wasnt given to them. They wanted it and they went out and got it, and on Pond Creek at that. So theres no way I was about to make any kind of an excuse to why we lost and take away what those kids fought so hard for and finally achieved. There is no excuse. Pikeville beat Belfry and thats that.

Sorry for the long post just wanted to give those young Panthers some praise that they battled for and earned. I hope I answered your question about Dixon too. Trust me my friend, like I said, nobody on that staff or the real fans were overlooking the Panthers. We knew what they were bringing to the table.

One thing that makes #55PirateFan unique he speaks from his heart. I will agree with all you said but this game could have went either way. A bounce of a ball in another direction who knows what the outcome would have been. But the way these two teams played this game on the field was encouraging to me. Yes they were some things that happened that both crowds got upset about but for most part I seen players knocking the crap out of each other then helping their opponents up and patting each other on the helmets. It’s called respect and every one should respect their opponent. Just this old man’s opinion but good luck to the Pirates the rest of the season and I will be pulling for you. I do think when you get all your pieces back Belfry will be fine and all the Belfry faithful will be happy even bucslover68
All I can say about Dixon is he warmed up wanted to go in and Hsywood wouldn’t even look at him he made his mind up he wouldn’t going to play him and that’s what he did Dixon makes Belfry’s offense 21 points better this team kind of reminds me of the 09 team if Thomas Varney didn’t play they were in trouble
99PIRATEFAN Wrote:All I can say about Dixon is he warmed up wanted to go in and Hsywood wouldn’t even look at him he made his mind up he wouldn’t going to play him and that’s what he did Dixon makes Belfry’s offense 21 points better this team kind of reminds me of the 09 team if Thomas Varney didn’t play they were in trouble

Belfry administrative staff alerted us a few minutes before the game started that they had ruled Dixon out. He looked pretty good in warmups. They put him through a really good workout but you could tell he was not 100 pct. I don’t dare guess what pct he was at.
bucslover68 Wrote:Belfry administrative staff alerted us a few minutes before the game started that they had ruled Dixon out. He looked pretty good in warmups. They put him through a really good workout but you could tell he was not 100 pct. I don’t dare guess what pct he was at.

Who made the decision that Dixon was not going to play? Was it Coach Haywood or Dr. Johnson? Do you think he plays if this was a playoff game? I remember 2 years ago when Belfry went to Central in the 3rd round and Derek Wellman was held out and they beat our brains in that night. Belfry's staff will never put winning a game over the safety and health of their players.
Congrats to the Panthers. Few gave them a chance in this game and they went out and earned some respect. Belfry will continue to improve and can not be counted out, ever. Didn’t they win the state title the last time Pikeville beat them? Again congratulations to Pikeville and thank you for helping Paintsville’s RPI!
pirateforlife Wrote:Who made the decision that Dixon was not going to play? Was it Coach Haywood or Dr. Johnson? Do you think he plays if this was a playoff game? I remember 2 years ago when Belfry went to Central in the 3rd round and Derek Wellman was held out and they beat our brains in that night. Belfry's staff will never put winning a game over the safety and health of their players.

I have no firsthand knowledge who made the final decision. I talked with Chuck Tuesday evening and at that time his quote to me was “he’s day to day”. I never heard anything official until we were told shortly before kickoff.
AngryMob Wrote:Thing is, I don’t even know if they’ve played their best football yet!!

I think your right in this. Not only was this win a confidence builder for the young QB
[quote=PHS DYNASTY]I think your right in this. Not only was this win a confidence builder for the young QB McNamee, it was a boost for the team as a whole. How many times do a football team regardless of class go into Cam Stadium and come out a winner. ? Good luck to Belfry from here on out, and hope you win another championship. Pikeville is loaded with talent, and will be ok. There's some real good 1-A football teams out there, so it will be interesting at seasons end. Really believe this team will be at Kroger field playing for another championship, so keep it going Panthers !!
Random fun facts:

-1st win for Pikeville at CAM in their 8 tries since 2005.
-1st win at Belfry since 1999.
-Really quick tally on KHSAA so not even going to say it is 100%, but Belfry now in the Ballpark of 107-15 at CAM.
-Pikeville joins the exclusive club of Henry Clay (2), Ironton, Russell, Breathitt County, Ashland, Johnson Central (3), Sheldon Clark, Prestonsburg, Huntington (2), and Boyle County to win at CAM.
-Panthers cut into the all-time series lead which has been held by Belfry since they took the lead for the first time in 2010. Pikeville now trails 32-38-2.
Panther Thunder Wrote:Random fun facts:

-1st win for Pikeville at CAM in their 8 tries since 2005.
-1st win at Belfry since 1999.
-Really quick tally on KHSAA so not even going to say it is 100%, but Belfry now in the Ballpark of 107-15 at CAM.
-Pikeville joins the exclusive club of Henry Clay (2), Ironton, Russell, Breathitt County, Ashland, Johnson Central (3), Sheldon Clark, Prestonsburg, Huntington (2), and Boyle County to win at CAM.
-Panthers cut into the all-time series lead which has been held by Belfry since they took the lead for the first time in 2010. Pikeville now trails 32-38-2.

Those are facts but not fun facts 😂 JK congrats on the win and I believe you nailed it on the record at CAM.

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