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Election Season- Here We Go Again
Even though I can't quite subject myself to a Democrat Debate night full Monty, enough sound bites are in circulation to satisfy tolerable limits. Socialist huckster Bernie Sanders droned on and on about the evils of billionaires. This in the face of recent news regarding his own financial fortunes in which his millionaire status was revealed for the first time. :pondering: I'm trying to imagine the service for which anyone might want to pay ol Bern millions of dollars. Can't seem to come up with one.

Then you had Elizabeth Warren going on and on about the woes that Americans now go through because of the high cost of healthcare; actually admitting to and listing some of those for her audience. Woes like people not being able to meet their copays and other out-of-pocket costs for health care services, even though they pay through the nose for their healthcare insurance premiums. In other words many folks deny themselves the care they need in spite of paying faithfully for health insurance. They would rather tempt fate than let other bills or possibly the needs of their children go unanswered. Just wait until and if Medicare for all gets enacted. But for crying out loud, it was all her Democrat buds there in DC who rammed ObamaCare through in the first place. Do Dems really think they can fly that one by us? My healthcare costs (before any kind of care whatever) have more than doubled since the passage of the ACA under Barack Obama. If I didn't write the checks I might not understand that fact but unfortunately, I do.

At any rate, get ready for the lies and lunacy. From here they will only get worse and worse.

BTW, couldn't help but notice that none of the Dem candidates have been able to hang the blame for the healthcare mess around President Trump's neck. Somehow, though Republicans tried their best to spare us the healthcare grief outlined by Warren, "I told you so" still seems to ring a little hollow. Oh well, welcome to your transformation!

Warren's logic--- I know we Dems caused all this, but we all still hate those Republicans, right? So vote for us again anyway, and we'll do better. :hilarious:
Taken from post above ^^ "At any rate, get ready for the lies and lunacy. From here they will only get worse and worse."

Whew!! I mean I admit it don't take no rocket scientist to make these political predictions these days, but darn. I said at one point in times past that the Dems would see this nation on the ash heap of history long before they would ever cede back the power voters gave them during the Obama era (little 'e', given the ignoble circumstances which characterize the era.)

There can be no question the lengths Dems are prepared to go to in order to either regain or retain their hold on power. And so where the voter is concerned, there are two camps. Those who know right from wrong and vote accordingly; and those who feign not to know right from wrong and vote accordingly.
Taken from post above ^^ "And so where the voter is concerned, there are two camps. Those who know right from wrong and vote accordingly; and those who feign not to know right from wrong and vote accordingly."

Thus barring any revelations (of the factual variety) of Presidential improprieties which actually do meet the "High crimes and misdemeanors" threshold, here is the way I see things for the coming Presidential election.

First and obviously as was the case in 2016, we have only two viable options. Republican or Democrat.

To vote Republican is to reelect a man who despite the daily fusillade of smears, libel and slander coming his way by way of his political foes, is doing a remarkably good job and truly does represent the legitimate concerns of every citizen of the land. A man whom I believe does his best to align his decisions with the stated philosophical motivations of the founders, as are outlined in the founding documents of this land. As well as being the most successful pro free enterprise and pro Church President of my time. I mean, I thought Reagan's financial turnaround and support of an unimpinged Church were impressive. But his example was no more impressive or instantaneous than has been that of MR Trump.

To vote Democrat is to reward the party which has in the opinion of many, committed dereliction of their oaths to see to the people's business, instead squandering untold millions of tax dollars in the effort to remove the people's duly elected President. And could elect yet another dreamer of the John Lennon ilk, ("Imagine" that) to the most powerful seat of high office in the world. A Dem whose only distinction is that he/she is either an avowed socialist, or a liberal conformist beset with the willful burdens of special interests and political correctness. Admittedly such whimsicalities are impressive to those spending their days on a blanket spread out on the grass of LA's MacArthur Park. But one who if their campaign rhetoric is to be believed, will without question abandon the concerns of conservative America on the one hand, while on the other continue to tax same at an existential rate for the sake of those who favor excuses and blame over personal responsibility and sacrifice.

The above is not said while overlooking the reluctance of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell or that of former Speaker Paul Ryan to support the President's agenda. Which agenda by the way was and is to be deemed equally, the will of people. I know in Obama's case it most certainly was. But therefore warts notwithstanding, and in admission and observance of our society's overarching and unfortunate slide into moral and historical obscurity, (that by way of contrast between things as they are now with things as they were as recently as the 1980's) ; the pragmatist's choice still stands. Republicans as flawed as some of them are, nonetheless most closely align themselves with the traditionally conservative values of our past.
You know if you stop and think about it, neither party actually supported Trump. BOTH Dems and Republicans were out for themselves. Trump stood firm in his support for the people. smh Politicians on both sides of the aisle have done a poor job of representing their contingency; or what their contingency should be.
Granny Bear Wrote:You know if you stop and think about it, neither party actually supported Trump. BOTH Dems and Republicans were out for themselves. Trump stood firm in his support for the people. smh Politicians on both sides of the aisle have done a poor job of representing their contingency; or what their contingency should be.

LOL, a lot of people have stopped to think about it. Everybody I talk with about the matter stands firm with Trump. That even though the fake news polls claim it's the Dems who are favored. But those I speak with are initially reserved about their support of MR Trump because they fear confrontation. Incredibly, the media and Congress are still making the same mistakes they made in 2016 and continue to rely on smear and spear tactics. Despite the Dem's mindless double-down, most people realize what's going on. I am therefore convinced that unless the vision of the founders is in fact completely lost, Dems will pay dearly for it all next November. Just this morning I dropped my vehicle off at the dealership to be serviced and the guy giving me a ride home eventually voiced his full throated endorsement of the President. In fact the President has been a stalwart defender of America and chief among the few in DC who understand they're there only to preserve and protect the will of the people who sent them. We did manage to finally get rid of rat speaker Paul Ryan. That's a plus. :rockon:

So many Republicans decided to take their ball and go home last election, and that gave Dems an opportunity to gain seats that they would not have had otherwise. It was nonetheless mind blowing to see so many of them win their elections. Democrats gaining control of the House was no little hiccup as the present state of congressional paralysis, insanity at the border, and the rush toward an illegal impeachment clearly demonstrate. Still, Dem's time of majority control has been a sufficient enough slap in the voter's face to shock them back into the fold.
Republican incumbents have been voting with their feet. When large numbers of incumbents opt out of running for reelection, it generally is not a good sign for their party's election prospects. I see very little enthusiastic support for Trump. I will be shocked if Republican turnout in 2020 is stronger than it was in 2016.
Neither do I. But considering the prospects that the Dems have, I don't think it will be a banner year for turn out on either side.
Granny Bear Wrote:Neither do I. But considering the prospects that the Dems have, I don't think it will be a banner year for turn out on either side.
You are probably right, Granny - I have not really paid much attention to the Democrats running. If Slow Joe Biden or Fauxahontas get the nomination, we may see record low turnout across the board. However, if a long shot like Tulsi Gabbard's campaign catches fire, then things could change. I will be voting for Trump but a young female veteran might convince independents that she is a moderate in the general election - and she certainly seems more moderate than most Democrats who are running.

If RB Ginsburg's doctors manage to keep her heart beating for another year, that might also drive turnout among Democrats higher. If a Republican justice was too sick to do her job, Democrats would be focusing some of their impeachment efforts on her.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Republican incumbents have been voting with their feet. When large numbers of incumbents opt out of running for reelection, it generally is not a good sign for their party's election prospects. I see very little enthusiastic support for Trump. I will be shocked if Republican turnout in 2020 is stronger than it was in 2016.

Agree but to my instincts of those R incumbents that bolted, many were pretty whiny and weak. The US Congress is a place for real men, not the daisies and snow flakes we saw then and at present. Additionally, given our present state of acceptable cultural looseness, it's the rare man who does not have at least one skeleton that he would prefer to keep stuffed in the closet. And though Democrats may no longer be champion of the common man, they're certainly peerless where it comes to getting down in the mud.

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