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The Donald has chosen to release....
TheRealThing Wrote:There is little left for you to call me in the way of disparaging names. Your attempts to reduce the conversation to the petty are so transparent, they are not worth a response and are therefore not hard to ignore. You're just mad because despite your best intentions you brought aliens into the discussion as I suspected you eventually would, and it's too late to take it back.

The character assassination I referred to was yours against Trump. What you speak can be argued as in the case of the liberal scourge of which we all suffer. What you write can not be, as in the case of the hundreds of slams you have made on this forum. But in your defense, you do seem to be an equal opportunity slammer. My opinions agree with hundreds of people with whom I agree.
Really, TRT, this is getting sad. Do you have no better way to spend your time on a weekend than exchange insults with a true conservative? Write some posts supporting your fake conservative candidate. If you don't have anything worthwhile to say, why don't you take up needlepoint or some other hobby?
Defeat Confusednicker:
^ Yep lol
TheRealThing Wrote:You were the one who pushed me to answer your points. First of all, when one rationalizes, that means he has justified a position or an action which on it's face is not justifiable in truth. The fact is liberals always do rationalize their positions and did rationalize with us with us when it came to posting with us. I called it sidestepping or smoke and mirrors. You'll have to clarify a bit if you want anything more out of me.

And forgive me, but I will stay on topic, if you will articulate whatever it is you are trying to say a bit more clarity. Sheldon Adelson gave 100 million to a super pac which supported Gingrich, then he supported Rubio, then he supported Cruz and now he supports Trump. What's your point?

I'm not going to speak for you, so you tell me, did Trump 'take out a loan', and if so, what does that mean? One more thing I'm confused about, are you staying out of it, or are you jumping in?

I pushed you to answer my points because you wouldn’t answer them. Reason would have probably been a better term to use, but you know what I mean. All most of the liberals did was post articles and dodge our points. Never once did they attempt to have meaningful conversation. I have attempted to go into detail on it, if there is something you would like me to clarify just ask me. You know the great lengths I go to seek detail, as you and I have spoken about before. If there is something you need repeated, I will go into greater detail on it.

Tell me what more there is to clarify. Donald Trump took a shot at Adelson via Twitter for trying to make Rubio into a puppet, see the previous post about what he said last October via his own Twitter account when Adelson announced support for Rubio. That doesn’t come from one of those “never trump” sites TRT. That is directly from Donald Trump’s twitter. Now all of a sudden, he’s embracing Adelson when he offers his support? That is the behavior of a typical politician.

Now, as to the characteristics I’m seeing, TRT, I don’t know if you realize it – leaving Hoot Gibson out of this – I think you have fallen for Trump to the point where you don’t realize his err. Using people like Chris Christie, and every possible endorsement you can get to try to swing us over, rubbing in that he defeated Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio by a big margin and the vast number of votes he’s getting – that’s not going to sway me. If you want to have an impact on me, do what you have always done in making lucid arguments. I have more in common with you from an overall political perspective than any other poster on this board, even Hoot. Even though you are pro-life and against the LGBT agenda, you stood for this candidate long before the primaries were decided. Even if you didn’t like Ted Cruz, there were other candidates that would have taken the proper stand needed.

I just can’t believe people are falling for this. Trump is acting like a child on Twitter. This is, as I mentioned in the preceding post, everything that we stood against Barack Obama and his supporters for. The mob mentality of pounding those in disagreement into submission. I know if you read Twitter or Free Republic much, but I encourage you to take a look at both of them. A large group of mostly Trump supporters have removed any ability to have open and reasonable discussion surrounding the highest position in the land.

I’m not going to get into a urination contest – I’m staying out of as much as possible and am focusing on discussing whatever issue is at hand. I have been good to you and told you I didn’t want this sinking to the level of where it has been with you and Hoot. Thus, if you plan on continuing to make posts like that last one, I’ll be out. But if you plan on discussing this reasonably with me, you may not agree with what I say, but I’ll be fair to you.
WideRight05 Wrote:I pushed you to answer my points because you wouldn’t answer them. Reason would have probably been a better term to use, but you know what I mean. All most of the liberals did was post articles and dodge our points. Never once did they attempt to have meaningful conversation. I have attempted to go into detail on it, if there is something you would like me to clarify just ask me. You know the great lengths I go to seek detail, as you and I have spoken about before. If there is something you need repeated, I will go into greater detail on it.

Tell me what more there is to clarify. Donald Trump took a shot at Adelson via Twitter for trying to make Rubio into a puppet, see the previous post about what he said last October via his own Twitter account when Adelson announced support for Rubio. That doesn’t come from one of those “never trump” sites TRT. That is directly from Donald Trump’s twitter. Now all of a sudden, he’s embracing Adelson when he offers his support? That is the behavior of a typical politician.

Now, as to the characteristics I’m seeing, TRT, I don’t know if you realize it – leaving Hoot Gibson out of this – I think you have fallen for Trump to the point where you don’t realize his err. Using people like Chris Christie, and every possible endorsement you can get to try to swing us over, rubbing in that he defeated Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio by a big margin and the vast number of votes he’s getting – that’s not going to sway me. If you want to have an impact on me, do what you have always done in making lucid arguments. I have more in common with you from an overall political perspective than any other poster on this board, even Hoot. Even though you are pro-life and against the LGBT agenda, you stood for this candidate long before the primaries were decided. Even if you didn’t like Ted Cruz, there were other candidates that would have taken the proper stand needed.

I just can’t believe people are falling for this. Trump is acting like a child on Twitter. This is, as I mentioned in the preceding post, everything that we stood against Barack Obama and his supporters for. The mob mentality of pounding those in disagreement into submission. I know if you read Twitter or Free Republic much, but I encourage you to take a look at both of them. A large group of mostly Trump supporters have removed any ability to have open and reasonable discussion surrounding the highest position in the land.

I’m not going to get into a urination contest – I’m staying out of as much as possible and am focusing on discussing whatever issue is at hand. I have been good to you and told you I didn’t want this sinking to the level of where it has been with you and Hoot. Thus, if you plan on continuing to make posts like that last one, I’ll be out. But if you plan on discussing this reasonably with me, you may not agree with what I say, but I’ll be fair to you.

Thank you for sharing that with me. Maybe a guy relatively fresh out of college is wiser, is experienced far beyond his years, and a better judge of character than I, and maybe he isn't. I'm not looking for guidance here Wide, this has come down to a life or death situation for the United States. Frankly, having heard clear statements and the veiled threats made, I have been posting my concerns on here since Obama made his run up to the White House in 2008. Back then US statehood was still in familiar territory, but as I have warned since, we have sailed not so quietly past that outer marker and are now in uncharted seas. Christians sat on their hands for decades watching depravity tighten it's grip on our country and did nothing. If this is the generation to wake back up we certainly should not think that we can restore sanity in one election cycle. It will be a long, messy and arduous task that will require our best effort every election for the foreseeable future. And if we cannot prevail, we have to at least go down fighting.

But this cycle of greatness and decline is nothing new in the history of civilization. Israel is the perfect example of rising to greatness one generation, only to slide into decline and even judgment the next. The US has slidden or is in the process of same and we are through our system of political power of and by the people, trying to right ourselves. Let's hope for all our sakes we can pull it off, because many US citizens care only for that next case of beer and pizza.

Liberals have succeeded in their quest to unmoor this country from her traditionally conservative roots. The academia, for whatever reason the able and willing messengers of liberalism, separated our youth from the truth of their heritage in rewriting, redefining and retelling the historical record. The rest of us, those of the 'Great Generation,' along with the great political and military leaders who won for us the glories of statehood which excelled even Greece and made the US the premier world super power she was as recently as 2008, just up and left public life when they got older to enjoy their retirement homes and take it easy. See, like the millionaire entrepreneur whose son is doomed to almost certain failure because he is unwilling to invest himself fully in ensuring that his business survives, somewhere along the way those great folks misunderstood how to effectively pass on the baton of self governance to the present generation. They came, they saw, they conquered, and threats foreign and domestic were vanquished, their work seeming finished they went to sleep. You've even said as I have made those arguments in times past, that you saw college profs instructing and steering impressionable students toward a liberal view with all the energy they could muster while you were in college.

Thus we come to 2008 and one of those profs gets elected president. Suddenly the whimsical debates that lived only in the college classroom have found life in the foreign and domestic affairs of the United States of America; And now emanate from the White House itself. Ben Rhodes and Valarie Jarrett direct policy, Barack Obama lectures the globe, and liberals who have the media microphone and stand in the liberal pulpit, along with their devoted followers are clamoring for even more of the same in the person of Elizabeth Warren. Those mentioned are the liberal visionaries, the followers or vote givers, are mere pawns who sell their souls for the gifts of the left. It is a shame for a man or woman for that matter, to live off the labors of others. You'd never guess that in our day however, what with Nancy Pelosi doing her best Marie Antoinette in saying of life long welfare recipients, "Let them be artists."

The field of Republicans running was impressive this time. But like a Little League Baseball draft, you go in with your dream sheet but when it comes time to pick you take the best you can get each round. This time we the people, selected Donald J. Trump. I initially supported Ted Cruz, but soon realized that Mike Huckabee was the guy I wanted, and though I'm not suffering from any delusions about who would have made the better candidate, when it gets to be my turn to pick I'm voting for Trump.

My only concern is that I do that which I will be proud of having done for the sake of the common good, and that which I believe the Lord would have expected me to do given the situation at hand. In the end, the authority over who is actually installed in office is with God. Mine is to make certain that I choose the right person to that end as I see it. Hillary is in my view a secular humanist, so is Bernie Sanders. I mean, I could vote for my Pastor if I thought he more perfectly exemplified the characteristics of moral understanding, but he has no chance of getting elected. Trump says he is pro-life, and we don't know what he will do on the gay rights front. I can tell you this, those folks are among the ones doing all the protesting and violent opposition at Trump rallies. A house divided against itself cannot stand, it doesn't seem very likely to me that Trump is a liberal in conservative clothing. If he is, not only am I wrong, but the liberals who would benefit he most in such case are too.

We must end illegal immigration gone to light speed. We must end the tide of ever increasing welfare demands. We must defend our homeland. We must return to the moral authority on which our system of law is based. If not, you can bet that there will be 31 flavors of everything, along with sharia law and all the rest. If Hillary gets in we won't live to fight on that 'next day' of platitude. Like I said, I wish things were much better but they're not. I'd rather make some sort of return to the reality I grew up in rather than continue the decent, which is a done deal with Hillary IMHO. And once more for the record. Trump says he has changed, I know I did, and I have seen any number or other men do the same thing.
Sci-Fi Wrote:I will have to disagree. I don't think anybody from the Republican Party, which has proven unable to win a national election, will be able to pull it through. Hillary will be your president.

uh huh!!
Bob Seger Wrote:uh huh!!

Actually that doesn’t count. I changed my mind after that on who would win.

All you can prove is he can win an election. Not that anything solid can happen when he’s in office. All his success has come because of Obama’s policies.
Refer back to my previous question/statement in the other thread.

Bob Seger Wrote:Refer back to my previous question/statement in the other thread.


I find that offensive. All you can say is “hey look I picked betweeen two people and guessed right!”
Sci-Fi Wrote:I find that offensive. All you can say is “hey look I picked betweeen two people and guessed right!”

A little over 20% of the voters of this land cannot distinguish the truth when they hear it. Most of them identify with Dems, hence the continual belching forth of DNC sanctioned talking points. The media ALWAYS do this, and taking truth out of it they put things into one of two categories: What Dems say as opposed to what Republicans say. The two categories ought to be what is the truth and provable, and what are the lies. Thus people like you I suspect, don't really know what to believe and they prefer to cast their fate to the winds by lining up with their political party of choice. How else could one justify leadership like Pelosi and Schumer?

To your point that it was a "guess." Not everybody in this country is happy with having their opinions handed to them by a political party. The people voting for Trump are largely folks capable of independent thought with a mind of their own. Tired of being lied to, they voted for Trump. From global warming to political correctness, Donald Trump calls things out as he sees them and the people love that about him. They weren't tricked into voting for Trump, and neither did Russia help him steal the election. There was no guess to it.

2020 will be here before you know it and he'll win again. Why? Because people are still sick of the lies and all the Dems could think to do was the old double down. Again.
TheRealThing Wrote:A little over 20% of the voters of this land cannot distinguish the truth when they hear it. Most of them identify with Dems, hence the continual belching forth of DNC sanctioned talking points. The media ALWAYS do this, and taking truth out of it they put things into one of two categories: What Dems say as opposed to what Republicans say. The two categories ought to be what is the truth and provable, and what are the lies. Thus people like you I suspect, don't really know what to believe and they prefer to cast their fate to the winds by lining up with their political party of choice. How else could one justify leadership like Pelosi and Schumer?

To your point that it was a "guess." Not everybody in this country is happy with having their opinions handed to them by a political party. The people voting for Trump are largely folks capable of independent thought with a mind of their own. Tired of being lied to, they voted for Trump. From global warming to political correctness, Donald Trump calls things out as he sees them and the people love that about him. They weren't tricked into voting for Trump, and neither did Russia help him steal the election. There was no guess to it.

2020 will be here before you know it and he'll win again. Why? Because people are still sick of the lies and all the Dems could think to do was the old double down. Again.

I usually agree with you 98% of the time, but you are way low here. Way more than 20% are brainwashed and a bunch on top of that are more aware of what the Kardashians are doing on TV or any number of other idiot things in the entertainment industry than what is happening to our country.
We live in a country of idiots, that's how Washington DC can be so corrupt and incompetent. :flush:
jetpilot Wrote:I usually agree with you 98% of the time, but you are way low here. Way more than 20% are brainwashed and a bunch on top of that are more aware of what the Kardashians are doing on TV or any number of other idiot things in the entertainment industry than what is happening to our country.
We live in a country of idiots, that's how Washington DC can be so corrupt and incompetent. :flush:

No problem.

Yeah the dynamic of what constitutes the liberal culture is a convoluted mess. Most of them I believe, merely float in a loose orbit of apathy, and don't care if it snows straight up as long as they keep getting their monthly goodies. But it's more than that. People these days have been encouraged, even enabled and justified to harbor resentment and ill will against anybody of relative means. So that those on the dole get a genuine kick out of fleecing the conservative side of society. Thus have the liberals in government established themselves as the proud sponsors of people who are for lack of a better way to describe it, unmotivated. The left harbor a scary, possibly existential level of contempt for the traditionally conservative America that I know and love.

I mean, almost anything has become acceptable. Hollywood types are going rabid because some in this land would defend the unborn. We are under withering attack at the foundational level as TV programming and commercials are rife with propaganda. The intent of which is to encourage any depraved personal pursuit imaginable. Have you seen "the pill" commercial? On radio I hear a "Kars for Kids" jingle every day. The idea here is to get you and I to donate more for the unfortunate children of our society, which are the abused outcasts born of what has become acceptable rampant sexual promiscuity. We don't even try to correct the matter the right way, by forcing society's froward sexual vampires to support their progeny. We just accept all that and sing about donating your cars for the support of kids. I got news for them, money can't solve what ails this country. When we run out of money, and we will, this society will implode IMHO.

Such as described above is the liberal view point. But I believe that the percentage of true-believer, educated diehard liberals are in the 20's something percent range; the balance of the left's coalition are those who've glommed on to the Democrat brand for the sake of favors. The live for today crowd, illegal immigrants all kinds of weird special interests groups, global alarmists, the racially unrested, along with the outlier of organized labor (and many others) which make up the Democrat base, do in fact number much more than 20 percent. It's a formidable base and all of them WANT something from government. Which of course means that people who work will have to pay for it all. :notbad:
jetpilot Wrote:I usually agree with you 98% of the time, but you are way low here. Way more than 20% are brainwashed and a bunch on top of that are more aware of what the Kardashians are doing on TV or any number of other idiot things in the entertainment industry than what is happening to our country.
We live in a country of idiots, that's how Washington DC can be so corrupt and incompetent. :flush:

LOL, not only did I state my thought unclearly in the first place, I still did a cursory touch-n-go on it in my response. And that even after you called me on it. :biggrin:

Your point was well taken Jet. After rereading what you quoted it is obvious that I did not word that very well. WAAAY more than 20% cannot distinguish the truth when they hear it. Dems very nearly have a lock on that particular distinction but, it would probably be feasible to assume the ratio of RINO's who can't distinguish the truth when they hear it is overall, similar to that of the number of RINO's in the US Congress. 20 something percent of the nation's voting base being convicted liberals, is very different from the percent of people who can't distinguish the truth when they hear it.

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