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Invasion of the USA
TheRealThing Wrote:Of all the Presidents we've had since Eisenhower, (and I remember them all) Trump has more chin than his predecessors all put together. And that includes Ronald Reagan, whom had his presidency been in 2016 rather than 1980, would have faired MUCH worse under the same conditions to which Trump has been subjected.

Said conditions, being the fact that the US Congress is in all out war with itself. A fact, that is made all the more bizarre when one considers that Republicans are still in denial about. Meanwhile the Speaker of the House is a true bleeding heart lib incapable of lucidity, much less fair and open governance. And he has opposed the President in every way could. And in looking at the Senate Majority Leader's thoughts and actions, it would seem he is equally oblivious to the war, and in denial about the devastating barrage of insanity launched daily from the left.

It was more than high time that a strong leader with traditional values stepped up to shake things up in DC. 'Drain the swamp' is far more meaningful an idea than some glib campaign phrase, as identity politics based on political correctness have taken over the daily operations of the federal government. I've used the analogy of the Titanic before, but it still fits the situation before us. As the ship slid down into the icy blackness, up on deck the band played music. An act if you ask me of insanity. In no lesser degree, is this mad push we see from Congress to force Americans into globalism. Only in the imaginations of liberals could a world without borders work.

As predicted, MR Trump has had to take on the media and the establishment. And the task has been daunting. We do need more (new) Republicans in Congress, and that is job one which we must see to accomplishing as the first order of business. After November 7th, we can then turn our attention to turning back this invasion. And I did call this obvious threat out in post #3 above. But Americans are so naïve and sleepy these days that I wonder what in the world could ever wake them up.

BTW, though an entirely predictable outcome, I have my suspicions about how these so-called caravans got started in the first place. Especially two weeks before the midterms.
How is promising to veto budget bills that fail to fund a border wall and then signing budget bills that contain no such funding constitute "taking on the establishment?" And why are Hillary Clinton and the long list of criminals from the Obama administration not facing serious criminal investigations? I live here and I don't see much evidence of swamp drainage.

Every US president faces formidable challenges. Trump's habit of publicly insulting potential allies and members of his own cabinet have not helped his cause. And why is a US president Tweeting around the clock?

Ronald Reagan understood the power and the limitations of the presidency will and used the power effectively to advance his agenda in the face of overwhelming opposition. Donald Trump could learn a lot from studying the Reagan presidency.

Trump asked for and was awarded a very tough job, but the obstacles that he faces are certainly not historically unprecedented.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Liberal judges ruling unpopular constitutional laws constitutional are man bored dog stories. It happens, but very rarely.
that should have been "man bites dog stories."
Hoot Gibson Wrote:How is promising to veto budget bills that fail to fund a border wall and then signing budget bills that contain no such funding constitute "taking on the establishment?" And why are Hillary Clinton and the long list of criminals from the Obama administration not facing serious criminal investigations? I live here and I don't see much evidence of swamp drainage.

Every US president faces formidable challenges. Trump's habit of publicly insulting potential allies and members of his own cabinet have not helped his cause. And why is a US president Tweeting around the clock?

Ronald Reagan understood the power and the limitations of the presidency will and used the power effectively to advance his agenda in the face of overwhelming opposition. Donald Trump could learn a lot from studying the Reagan presidency.

Trump asked for and was awarded a very tough job, but the obstacles that he faces are certainly not historically unprecedented.

Trump did thankfully, ask for the job. And for all except the last two paragraphs, your post would have been smack on. That is if you'd posted it back in 1985.

But this is 2018 and we're hopefully coming off an era of historic contempt and racial unrest. All courtesy of the inflammatory rhetoric that then President of the United States used (No not President Trump; President Obama) to inspire unrest among the minorities the entire 8 years of his misadministration. So much anarchy was afoot during the Obama era that the restoration of law and order necessarily became an integral part of the Trump campaign. Trump won, and immediately the CBC formally turned their collective backs on Trump before he could even take office. (Which BTW, cut major ice with the RINO's who capitulated to the race-first minded Dems, and continue to do so) And more than 65 Dems boycotted his inauguration. But all Dems as far as I know, are sworn charter members of "La Résistance." And since that time things have only gotten much worse. No President has ever faced anything like this. Google this question and see what comes up; 'Who is the most hated president in history.'

That cauldron, boiling and seething with rebellion, is what awaited President Trump. IMHO he's done an unbelievable job against enemies on every hand who'd party like it was 1999 if they could figure out how to bring him down. Governing under such madness would be impossible for most. And though contrasts are helpful to understand how bad things really are, administrative comparisons made to past eras are dubious at best.

Because he was an actor, Reagan wasn't taken seriously by the establishment of the day. There was some resolve among the elite to spurn Reagan. Still, not one Democrat publicly spoke out announcing his intent to resist or otherwise oppose Reagan with his last breath on policy and purview. In fact, Speaker O'Neill was an outspoken but loyal opposition leader, and even he still worked with Reagan on his agenda. Paul Ryan on the other hand is a quintessential weasel, and Republicans should have demanded his departure after the first year of Trump's term. Why? Because he has not worked with the President at all, opposing him in fact on everything. I wouldn't be shocked if Ryan admitted one day soon that his political philosophies are actually more aligned with Democrats than Republicans. He ought to go ahead and change his party affiliation in any event. And that, not to mention the political carnage littering the landscape left behind by the rabid chipmunks led by Schumer and Pelosi.

The last I checked, this nation's Congress was responsible for funding appropriations and budgets. Trump at least, knows the hand he's been dealt and has played that hand admirably. In any case I'm sure the President would like to preserve as much of the regular machinations of the federal government, and therefore the Republic, as he possibly can. The elections are next week and he has focused rightly in my view, to get rid of as many flaming libs as possible in using the elective process. In the meantime he has tried to hold his majority together while giving the globalists surrounding him ample opportunity to have a much needed change of heart. And yet in the face of historic opposition to my knowledge, Trump has yet to commit a notable mistake as President. In fact, all of those who've mistakenly or wishfully insisted he has, have had to walk around with egg on their faces following. It is incumbent upon the President of any era to work with the people's representatives, if he at all can possibly do so. He tried. Now it's time to take the gloves off and it's safe to say he will.

Let the man work.
Motley Wrote:A liberal federal judge will rule a constitutional amendment constitutional? Say it ain't so.

The framers did not intend the 14th Amendment as cover for enterprising thieves to establish tours for pregnant women. So the obvious outcome of their imminent births would mean automatic citizenship for the child and therefore the Mother. Not to mention the 'chain' of unvetted neer-do-wells to follow. Nor did they intend to expose the citizenry of this land, to pay for every need of border crashing pregnant women just because they set one foot on US soil.

But if your heart bleeds purple koolaid, why not write the immigration service and offer to donate space in your house for some of these folk Motley? Lead by example for a change.
TheRealThing Wrote:Trump did thankfully, ask for the job. And for all except the last two paragraphs, your post would have been smack on. That is if you'd posted it back in 1985.

But this is 2018 and we're hopefully coming off an era of historic contempt and racial unrest. All courtesy of the inflammatory rhetoric that then President of the United States used (No not President Trump; President Obama) to inspire unrest among the minorities the entire 8 years of his misadministration. So much anarchy was afoot during the Obama era that the restoration of law and order necessarily became an integral part of the Trump campaign. Trump won, and immediately the CBC formally turned their collective backs on Trump before he could even take office. (Which BTW, cut major ice with the RINO's who capitulated to the race-first minded Dems, and continue to do so) And more than 65 Dems boycotted his inauguration. But all Dems as far as I know, are sworn charter members of "La Résistance." And since that time things have only gotten much worse. No President has ever faced anything like this. Google this question and see what comes up; 'Who is the most hated president in history.'

That cauldron, boiling and seething with rebellion, is what awaited President Trump. IMHO he's done an unbelievable job against enemies on every hand who'd party like it was 1999 if they could figure out how to bring him down. Governing under such madness would be impossible for most. And though contrasts are helpful to understand how bad things really are, administrative comparisons made to past eras are dubious at best.

Because he was an actor, Reagan wasn't taken seriously by the establishment of the day. There was some resolve among the elite to spurn Reagan. Still, not one Democrat publicly spoke out announcing his intent to resist or otherwise oppose Reagan with his last breath on policy and purview. In fact, Speaker O'Neill was an outspoken but loyal opposition leader, and even he still worked with Reagan on his agenda. Paul Ryan on the other hand is a quintessential weasel, and Republicans should have demanded his departure after the first year of Trump's term. Why? Because he has not worked with the President at all, opposing him in fact on everything. I wouldn't be shocked if Ryan admitted one day soon that his political philosophies are actually more aligned with Democrats than Republicans. He ought to go ahead and change his party affiliation in any event. And that, not to mention the political carnage littering the landscape left behind by the rabid chipmunks led by Schumer and Pelosi.

The last I checked, this nation's Congress was responsible for funding appropriations and budgets. Trump at least, knows the hand he's been dealt and has played that hand admirably. In any case I'm sure the President would like to preserve as much of the regular machinations of the federal government, and therefore the Republic, as he possibly can. The elections are next week and he has focused rightly in my view, to get rid of as many flaming libs as possible in using the elective process. In the meantime he has tried to hold his majority together while giving the globalists surrounding him ample opportunity to have a much needed change of heart. And yet in the face of historic opposition to my knowledge, Trump has yet to commit a notable mistake as President. In fact, all of those who've mistakenly or wishfully insisted he has, have had to walk around with egg on their faces following. It is incumbent upon the President of any era to work with the people's representatives, if he at all can possibly do so. He tried. Now it's time to take the gloves off and it's safe to say he will.

Let the man work.
Pleas for pity are not a good campaign strategy, TRT. This nation has enough victims and most Americans do not view the most powerful political leader on the face of planet Earth as a victim. Trump was a victor in 2016, not a victim. I don't feel sorry for him and neither should anybody else.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Pleas for pity are not a good campaign strategy, TRT. This nation has enough victims and most Americans do not view the most powerful political leader on the face of planet Earth as a victim. Trump was a victor in 2016, not a victim. I don't feel sorry for him and neither should anybody else.

I wonder how many people reading my post would come to the conclusion that I was seeking pity for the President? I was lauding his courage and his successes, not making excuses for anything. My inferred point about the state of affairs in the US which he must deal with daily was this; owing to our confused state of prioritizing, we're basically down the drain. But IF Republicans can hold serve next week, we might slow the freefall into oblivion down a bit.

In any case, in nary a one of the arguments I've made on here have I in any way suggested that the efforts of MR Trump will affect the ultimate time table for this county's demise from the perspective of prophesy. That's a done deal because God has already seen it. Christians say God has foreseen the end of all things, and has recorded the events of the end in His Word, the Bible. It's true that God has known every detail history might record from the get-go. But I have a slightly different perspective on that. I say that the constraints of time effects only God's creation, that would be us. But not Himself. And because God lives outside of time, He did not necessarily have to look forward per se. He can see the beginning, and simultaneously He can see the end, or anything in between. Sort of like us looking at a wall mural. Man's history is just there for Him to see. Not only that, God takes an active part in the affairs of men.

With that in mind though I do not believe the timetable as seen by the Almighty can be altered, I said that I hope it will prove to have been the case that Trump's Presidency slowed the rush to destruction down a bit. If for no other reason than for the sakes of those who are not yet saved. Though I freely admit it does me good to see the plans of the left thwarted. I'm no hero worshipper, but I will fight for truth to the end. I believe that is the Christian's charge, which I intend to fulfill to the best of my ability. In any case the closer mankind comes to his destiny, the more corrupt and godless he will become. Thus my contention that the forces arrayed against this President are unlike those of the past.
let Soros pay for the babies free stuff
2face Wrote:let Soros pay for the babies free stuff

:Thumbs: Yeah but that's not how libs operate. They're here to tell everybody else what to do.
> Facing off against everyone from the Business Roundtable to the entire Democrat Conference, President Donald J Trump has been standing alone basically, against the invasion of the USA. As previously noted countless thousands are pouring in across the southern border, and the caravans are only getting larger and coming more often.

Today on Lou Dobbs, Thomas J Fitton, President of Judicial Watch said the following---- "The people' need to understand a dirty little secret with respect to our border with Mexico; the Mexican Government does not control the border, control of the border is in the hands of the drug cartels." Further says MR Fitton; "This Republic is on the brink."

Clearly MR Fitton believes that the sovereignty of the US is in dire jeopardy and I agree with him wholeheartedly.

IF the President is somehow ousted by Democrats, or IF the President is somehow defeated come the election of 2020 we are IMHO, toast. What in the world are people thinking? :notbad:
TheRealThing Wrote:Conservatives have been warning their liberal brethren across the aisle for decades about border security. The first I heard of the problem was during the Reagan Administration, when Democrats failed to fund the border wall as they had agreed to do as part of the agreement worked out with then President Reagan. The lied in other words.

In fact since the 1980's, liberal Dems have pooh-poohed sound and rational border security as completely unnecessary. And Republicans who've championed national security since the days following WW2 have been mocked and berated by these same liberal Dems the whole time. Any moron can laugh at reality. It occurs to me however, that if Mexico can't muster will power enough to thwart the encroaching onslaught of thousands of civilians bent on illegally crashing our border, how much better would they be expected to fare with the invasion force of a military Superpower? IMHO, the US is wide open to invasion from the south.

Despite an existing and replete video account, (said films clearly depicting the oceans of blood shed by the American soldiers called up to defend the US in WW1, WW2 and many other wars), liberals continue to insist all we have to do is NOT start a war, and there won't be any war. A notion of which only the sublimely naïve could possibly buy into. Ask Barack Obama, he simply declared war a thing of the past. "It's just not 21st Century thinking." Problem solved. Just say it and it becomes reality, jump into your onesies and get yourself a nice cup of hot cocoa. :biggrin:

Well there is coming at the US right now, nothing short of an invasionary force from Central America. I realize it isn't a military force per se, but it is a forced invasion on the borders of our sovereign nation none the less, 7500 strong as of today and growing. What are we going to do if the number of this throng of lawless and impudent thugs who think America owes them something, grows to a much larger number? This is how naïve and arrogant Democrats are right now. whom BTW are openly campaigning to ban ICE. The people Democrat voters have elected to office are actually so shallow and so ignorant of human history that they could not see this coming. Everybody else could, and it could be a very real problem. IF in two weeks Dems take the Congress back in the midterms, it all might not matter anyway. I hope people's eyes are opened.

^^ Post 39 & 40. This thread was put up October 23, 2018. I usually don't like to quote myself but this time, 'I told you so' don't quite cut it.
TheRealThing Wrote:^^ Post 39 & 40. This thread was put up October 23, 2018. I usually don't like to quote myself but this time, 'I told you so' don't quite cut it.
You also assured us that Trump was serious about securing our southern border during the campaigns of 2016 and 2018 and that among the Republican candidates for the presidential nomination that he alone was tough enough on illegal immigration to fix the problem.

Yet, here we are, as the 2020 presidential campaign begins, and there has been no meaningful progress in building a wall on the Mexican border. Talking tough and taking action are not the same thing. If illegal immigration is a national emergency, and I believe that it is, then this country should not be releasing illegal aliens into the general population because of a shortage of detention cells.

I am truly glad that Hillary Clinton is not in the White House, although she should have been locked up following a legal process to deliver justice, but it should be clear by now that Donald Trump is more committed to winning campaigns with tough talk than to taking tough action.

There are no credible Democrat presidential candidates and Trump's failure to keep his signature promise of the 2016 campaign of securing our southern border threatens to deliver the keys to the Oval Office to another socialist in 2021. The Democrats did not promise to build a border wall and make Mexico pay for it. Trump did.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You also assured us that Trump was serious about securing our southern border during the campaigns of 2016 and 2018 and that among the Republican candidates for the presidential nomination that he alone was tough enough on illegal immigration to fix the problem.

Yet, here we are, as the 2020 presidential campaign begins, and there has been no meaningful progress in building a wall on the Mexican border. Talking tough and taking action are not the same thing. If illegal immigration is a national emergency, and I believe that it is, then this country should not be releasing illegal aliens into the general population because of a shortage of detention cells.

I am truly glad that Hillary Clinton is not in the White House, although she should have been locked up following a legal process to deliver justice, but it should be clear by now that Donald Trump is more committed to winning campaigns with tough talk than to taking tough action.

There are no credible Democrat presidential candidates and Trump's failure to keep his signature promise of the 2016 campaign of securing our southern border threatens to deliver the keys to the Oval Office to another socialist in 2021. The Democrats did not promise to build a border wall and make Mexico pay for it. Trump did.

:please: After all those "Case against Trump threads" that fell on their face, you're still going to persist in acting the enlightened one? The real media steadfastly identify and otherwise expose the real problem daily.

I'm just not going to habilitate your endeavors to blame Trump for the historic, Democrat Conference led resistance mentioned by Thomas Fitton and hundreds of others. You want to continue wallowing in that little puddle, knock yourself out.
TheRealThing Wrote::please: After all those "Case against Trump threads" that fell on their face, you're still going to persist in acting the enlightened one? The real media steadfastly identify and otherwise expose the real problem daily.

I'm just not going to habilitate your endeavors to blame Trump for the historic, Democrat Conference led resistance mentioned by Thomas Fitton and hundreds of others. You want to continue wallowing in that little puddle, knock yourself out.
We are all being marched down the road to a banana republic with trillion dollar budget deficits, floods of illegal immigration, and the political indoctrination of our educational institutions.

Whether we march at a walking pace under Trump and the Republicans or at double time under a socialist president and Democrats in control of Congress, the destination is the same. Only the ETA to our destination changes with changes with administrations.

Quote:Trump’s DHS Releases More than 17K Illegal Aliens into U.S. in 12 Days

President Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing its mass release of border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the United States, most recently releasing more than 17,000 migrants in less than two weeks.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:We are all being marched down the road to a banana republic with trillion dollar budget deficits, floods of illegal immigration, and the political indoctrination of our educational institutions.

Whether we march at a walking pace under Trump and the Republicans or at double time under a socialist president and Democrats in control of Congress, the destination is the same. Only the ETA to our destination changes with changes with administrations.

^^ No argument here. We got the Dems and the Republicans arguing which one can give the people the best health care as we speak. But oversight for the flood of insurgents crashing the border, belongs to the establishment.
TheRealThing Wrote:^^ No argument here. We got the Dems and the Republicans arguing which one can give the people the best health care as we speak. But oversight for the flood of insurgents crashing the border, belongs to the establishment.
Donald J. Trump is the Executive Branch of the federal government and the executive branch is responsible for enforcing our immigration laws. Illegal immigration is a national emergency and illegal aliens who are apprehended for invading this country should be detained and deported expeditiously.

Most illegal aliens from Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador have no interest in learning our language or otherwise assimilating. They are here for American money and benefits without accepting our laws, language, customs, or borders.

More than two years after taking control of the executive branch, the Trump administration's actions in dealing with the invasion through our porous southern border are not matching the rhetoric of its CEO.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Donald J. Trump is the Executive Branch of the federal government and the executive branch is responsible for enforcing our immigration laws. Illegal immigration is a national emergency and illegal aliens who are apprehended for invading this country should be detained and deported expeditiously.

Most illegal aliens from Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador have no interest in learning our language or otherwise assimilating. They are here for American money and benefits without accepting our laws, language, customs, or borders.

More than two years after taking control of the executive branch, the Trump administration's actions in dealing with the invasion through our porous southern border are not matching the rhetoric of its CEO.

No Administration in the history of this Republic suffering the misfortune of being saddled with THIS Congress, could have done one bit better. And that includes that of one Ronald Wilson Reagan. Trump didn't need a magic wand to resuscitate military readiness, or bring back manufacturing jobs, or generally improve the US economic state of affairs. But he would need one in order to overcome the current bunch of naïve seldomdowells inhabiting this Congress.

No argument any President could ever make, would prevail against Congressmen who so openly and cavalierly thumb their noses at established law. Not to mention the will of the people. I mean, what part of the term 'resistance' do you not get? Human nature or likely better said, secular humanism, is the behind-the-scenes culprit behind the madness of which we find ourselves presently in freefall. It isn't Trump and it isn't decorum, nor is it 240 years of governmental chapter and verse gone by.

In fact, just take a look at the situation across the entire globe. Mankind is in chaos, and though my guess would be that Europe will be first to go the way of the dodo, taking into account our own mendacities, the US won't be far behind. As for Trump, the more I watch the man work, the more I respect him.

But you're right, we ARE all being marched down a road. It's the road which ends ultimately in the culmination of a one world government. And the term to describe that coming one world government is thrown around on TV every single day. Globalism. God refers to that 'movement' as the spirit of Antichrist. What ever we call it, it's inevitable. Men think they have all the answers for the ills that have beset this world, and this welling Globalism is the manifestation of his efforts to solve those ills. Instead of solutions as we are about to see, we will get the apocalypse. However. Like you, I had hoped that the ETA could be extended a little. But that extension would only be granted if our overall usefulness in God's plan for the end, was meaningful. As of today though I haven't completely given up on the possibility, I am more concerned than ever. The voter's rise in November of 2016 had given me hope that men's consciences had prodded them to vote in a more conservative fashion. But then in 2018 we got a Democrat House.

In the end, it will be shown to have all been a matter of choice. In this nation, as in this life, we get what we choose. No President can cause people to make the right choices. That is a matter of character and a matter of spiritual sted.
TheRealThing Wrote:No Administration in the history of this Republic suffering the misfortune of being saddled with THIS Congress, could have done one bit better. And that includes that of one Ronald Wilson Reagan. Trump didn't need a magic wand to resuscitate military readiness, or bring back manufacturing jobs, or generally improve the US economic state of affairs. But he would need one in order to overcome the current bunch of naïve seldomdowells inhabiting this Congress.

No argument any President could ever make, would prevail against Congressmen who so openly and cavalierly thumb their noses at established law. Not to mention the will of the people. I mean, what part of the term 'resistance' do you not get? Human nature or likely better said, secular humanism, is the behind-the-scenes culprit behind the madness of which we find ourselves presently in freefall. It isn't Trump and it isn't decorum, nor is it 240 years of governmental chapter and verse gone by.

In fact, just take a look at the situation across the entire globe. Mankind is in chaos, and though my guess would be that Europe will be first to go the way of the dodo, taking into account our own mendacities, the US won't be far behind. As for Trump, the more I watch the man work, the more I respect him.

But you're right, we ARE all being marched down a road. It's the road which ends ultimately in the culmination of a one world government. And the term to describe that coming one world government is thrown around on TV every single day. Globalism. God refers to that 'movement' as the spirit of Antichrist. What ever we call it, it's inevitable. Men think they have all the answers for the ills that have beset this world, and this welling Globalism is the manifestation of his efforts to solve those ills. Instead of solutions as we are about to see, we will get the apocalypse. However. Like you, I had hoped that the ETA could be extended a little. But that extension would only be granted if our overall usefulness in God's plan for the end, was meaningful. As of today though I haven't completely given up on the possibility, I am more concerned than ever. The voter's rise in November of 2016 had given me hope that men's consciences had prodded them to vote in a more conservative fashion. But then in 2018 we got a Democrat House.

In the end, it will be shown to have all been a matter of choice. In this nation, as in this life, we get what we choose. No President can cause people to make the right choices. That is a matter of character and a matter of spiritual sted.
Trump did little or nothing during the two years that Republicans enjoyed two years of total control of Congress to address the illegal immigration issue. That is an indisputable fact. The catch and release program that began before Trump took office and continues to this day was and continues to be a failure of the executive branch of the government to enforce existing laws against illegal immigration.

Democrats are opposed to enforcing our immigration laws but they are as powerless to change those laws now as they were when Donald Trump took the oath of office in 2017. The Democrat Party deserves all of the contempt and all of the opposition that we can muster - but to give President Trump a complete pass for not finding a way to enforce existing immigration laws and for not being able to work with a Republican Congress for two years to secure more funding for enforcing the immigration laws that he is sworn to uphold is pure, unadulterated blind partisanship.

As a candidate, President Trump did a great job focusing attention on the existential threat this nation faces from unfettered illegal immigration but the time for tough talk with no effective results ended when we handed him the keys to the White House and delivered him a Republican controlled Congress.

In light traffic, both President Trump and I are within a few minutes drive of neighborhoods where English is spoken only as a second language. Here, in the middle of the eastern U.S. seaboard, you can tune in about as many Spanish language AM radio stations as English speaking stations in the middle of the day.

The population of illegal immigrants in this country is far higher than the often cited 11 or 12 million people and the number continues to grow. Anybody who travels around large American cities knows this to be a fact but as president, Donald Trump is in the unique position of having the power to command that federal agencies enforce our immigration laws. His walk needs to start living up to his talk.

So, if you want to pat yourself on the back for correctly pointing out that voting control of the House of Representatives last year would be bad for this country, then go right ahead - but our laws against illegal immigration have not changed in the past 26 months and the Trump administration is still not enforcing those laws.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Trump did little or nothing during the two years that Republicans enjoyed two years of total control of Congress to address the illegal immigration issue. That is an indisputable fact. The catch and release program that began before Trump took office and continues to this day was and continues to be a failure of the executive branch of the government to enforce existing laws against illegal immigration.

Democrats are opposed to enforcing our immigration laws but they are as powerless to change those laws now as they were when Donald Trump took the oath of office in 2017. The Democrat Party deserves all of the contempt and all of the opposition that we can muster - but to give President Trump a complete pass for not finding a way to enforce existing immigration laws and for not being able to work with a Republican Congress for two years to secure more funding for enforcing the immigration laws that he is sworn to uphold is pure, unadulterated blind partisanship.

As a candidate, President Trump did a great job focusing attention on the existential threat this nation faces from unfettered illegal immigration but the time for tough talk with no effective results ended when we handed him the keys to the White House and delivered him a Republican controlled Congress.

In light traffic, both President Trump and I are within a few minutes drive of neighborhoods where English is spoken only as a second language. Here, in the middle of the eastern U.S. seaboard, you can tune in about as many Spanish language AM radio stations as English speaking stations in the middle of the day.

The population of illegal immigrants in this country is far higher than the often cited 11 or 12 million people and the number continues to grow. Anybody who travels around large American cities knows this to be a fact but as president, Donald Trump is in the unique position of having the power to command that federal agencies enforce our immigration laws. His walk needs to start living up to his talk.

So, if you want to pat yourself on the back for correctly pointing out that voting control of the House of Representatives last year would be bad for this country, then go right ahead - but our laws against illegal immigration have not changed in the past 26 months and the Trump administration is still not enforcing those laws.

I will stipulate to the accuracy of your analysis, right up until Nov 8 of 2016. The governmental establishment up until that point, had functioned according to it's own liking, and did so independent of any meaningful media analysis, accountability, or transparency before the American people.

Trump came along threatening to blow up their playhouse and spoke the unvarnished truth to the people, who loved it and voted for him. Thusly starting the intra-establishment 'resistance' of the past two years. For anyone to blame Trump or attempt to hang the immigration albatross around his neck, is like blaming the iceberg or even the sea water that gushed into the Titanic for it's sinking. Shallow thinking and dereliction of responsibility lies at the root of all our ills. Not any one man's failure to navigate the treacherous waters of the affairs of state. The vision which begat a government for and by the people has been lost.
TheRealThing Wrote:I will stipulate to the accuracy of your analysis, right up until Nov 8 of 2016. The governmental establishment up until that point, had functioned according to it's own liking, and did so independent of any meaningful media analysis, accountability, or transparency before the American people.

Trump came along threatening to blow up their playhouse and spoke the unvarnished truth to the people, who loved it and voted for him. Thusly starting the intra-establishment 'resistance' of the past two years. For anyone to blame Trump or attempt to hang the immigration albatross around his neck, is like blaming the iceberg or even the sea water that gushed into the Titanic for it's sinking. Shallow thinking and dereliction of responsibility lies at the root of all our ills. Not any one man's failure to navigate the treacherous waters of the affairs of state. The vision which begat a government for and by the people has been lost.
You are dancing around the fact that those responsible for the enforcement of all existing federal laws pertaining to immigration and border control fall under the direct chain of command of the POTUS. Those federal laws are not being enforced.

The buck for not enforcing our immigration laws does not stop in the Senate and it does not stop in the House of Representatives. It stops on President Trump's desk.

Quote:"The President--whoever he is--has to decide. He can't pass the buck to anybody. No one else can do the deciding for him. That's his job." - President Harry S Truman
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You are dancing around the fact that those responsible for the enforcement of all existing federal laws pertaining to immigration and border control fall under the direct chain of command of the POTUS. Those federal laws are not being enforced.

The buck for not enforcing our immigration laws does not stop in the Senate and it does not stop in the House of Representatives. It stops on President Trump's desk.

NOPE. The buck doesn't even exist anymore because the antagonist Congress has gone to war with the people's choice for President. And the why of it is simple; he's not a product of the establishment. AFTR, the federal laws are such a collision of jurisdictional overlap that nobody can really say with clarity what the heck the law is. And frankly the official historical record on that is more than clear starting with the Democrat betrayal of Reagan on this exact subject. You remember the “The Immigration Reform and Control Act” of 1986, right?

Article Quote: "One of the “sweeteners” to obtain the votes necessary to pass the bill was also a Congressional promise to fund and build a border fence.

Sound familiar?

Today, 27 years after the passage of the IRCA, (make that 33 years and counting as of today) the border fence isn’t built and the penalties against hiring illegal aliens remain largely unenforced."

Maybe a reputable or talented lion trainer could have followed up the Sigmond and Roy Act with some success, but no kind of trainer could hope to walk into the swamp and expect any amount of success given the venomous cur striding those halls. And IMO Sir, you are dancing around that existential fact.
TheRealThing Wrote:I will stipulate to the accuracy of your analysis, right up until Nov 8 of 2016. The governmental establishment up until that point, had functioned according to it's own liking, and did so independent of any meaningful media analysis, accountability, or transparency before the American people.

Trump came along threatening to blow up their playhouse and spoke the unvarnished truth to the people, who loved it and voted for him. Thusly starting the intra-establishment 'resistance' of the past two years. For anyone to blame Trump or attempt to hang the immigration albatross around his neck, is like blaming the iceberg or even the sea water that gushed into the Titanic for it's sinking. Shallow thinking and dereliction of responsibility lies at the root of all our ills. Not any one man's failure to navigate the treacherous waters of the affairs of state. The vision which begat a government for and by the people has been lost.

TheRealThing Wrote:NOPE. The buck doesn't even exist anymore because the antagonist Congress has gone to war with the people's choice for President. And the why of it is simple; he's not a product of the establishment. AFTR, the federal laws are such a collision of jurisdictional overlap that nobody can really say with clarity what the heck the law is. And frankly the official historical record on that is more than clear starting with the Democrat betrayal of Reagan on this exact subject. You remember the “The Immigration Reform and Control Act” of 1986, right?

Article Quote: "One of the “sweeteners” to obtain the votes necessary to pass the bill was also a Congressional promise to fund and build a border fence.

Sound familiar?

Today, 27 years after the passage of the IRCA, (make that 33 years and counting as of today) the border fence isn’t built and the penalties against hiring illegal aliens remain largely unenforced."

Maybe a reputable or talented lion trainer could have followed up the Sigmond and Roy Act with some success, but no kind of trainer could hope to walk into the swamp and expect any amount of success given the venomous cur striding those halls. And IMO Sir, you are dancing around that existential fact.
Trump is not enforcing existing immigration laws...period. Make all the excuses for him that you want but the truth is that he promised to build a border wall and to get tough on illegal immigration and he has failed miserably to do either.

Congress passes bills and the President signs them into law. Trump has one veto to his name, which seems odd for a fellow who threatens to veto so much legislation and was elected on a drain the swamp platform.

Mitch McConnell is driving the legislative agenda in this country. Trump is not much more than a spectator at this point. He's playing the COL Henry Blake role to Mitch's Radar O'Reilly. Radar interrupts Henry's tweeting long enough to tell him what and where to sign.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Trump is not enforcing existing immigration laws...period. Make all the excuses for him that you want but the truth is that he promised to build a border wall and to get tough on illegal immigration and he has failed miserably to do either.

Congress passes bills and the President signs them into law. Trump has one veto to his name, which seems odd for a fellow who threatens to veto so much legislation and was elected on a drain the swamp platform.

Mitch McConnell is driving the legislative agenda in this country. Trump is not much more than a spectator at this point. He's playing the COL Henry Blake role to Mitch's Radar O'Reilly. Radar interrupts Henry's tweeting long enough to tell him what and where to sign.

LOL, not as odd as the argument you just made. And I don't need to make excuses for MR Trump, the facts speak for themselves.

Oh and one more thing. Evidently you missed this but the wall is under construction. It's just that the media you run with refuse to report on it.
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL, not as odd as the argument you just made. And I don't need to make excuses for MR Trump, the facts speak for themselves.

Oh and one more thing. Evidently you missed this but the wall is under construction. It's just that the media you run with refuse to report on it.
I am sure that enough of the wall will be built before the election to give MR Trump a few campaign photo ops. I'll bet he even finds a long enough section of new wall to use as a backdrop for a big MAGA rally.
Looks like Hoot will be helping Dems again in 2020 with his Trump bashing.
The Dems can always count on Hoot.
^^ Think about the level of self deceit necessary to look over the real problem, which BTW is a glaring and obviously organized attempt to overthrow the last election, all the while blaming the President for same.
jetpilot Wrote:Looks like Hoot will be helping Dems again in 2020 with his Trump bashing.
The Dems can always count on Hoot.
Dems don't need any more help than Trump and his family are giving them. He has already helped Republicans lose control of the House. It doesn't matter much who is running up trillion dollar annual budget deficits and unleashing thousands of illegal aliens into our communities - ultimately the result will be the same. Any similarity between Donald Trump and a conservative are purely coincidental.

Some people don't mind elected officials on their "team" lying to them while society collapses around them. I'm not one of those people, JP. Thanks to people like you, we will once again face a choice in the 2020 general election between a bad candidate and a much worse candidate. Like you, I will be casting my vote for the lesser of two evils again. Republicans blew a great

As for your feeble personal attack - everybody needs some joy in their lives. If calling me a Democrat or a Democrat helper makes you feel better about yourself, then knock yourself out.
jetpilot Wrote:Looks like Hoot will be helping Dems again in 2020 with his Trump bashing.
The Dems can always count on Hoot.
Dems don't need any more help than Trump and his family are giving them. He has already helped Republicans lose control of the House. It doesn't matter much who is running up trillion dollar annual budget deficits and unleashing thousands of illegal aliens into our communities - ultimately the result will be the same. Any similarity between Donald Trump and a conservative are purely coincidental.

Some people don't mind elected officials on their "team" lying to them while society collapses around them. I'm not one of those people, JP. Thanks to people like you, we will once again face a choice in the 2020 general election between a bad candidate and a much worse candidate. Like you, I will be casting my vote for the lesser of two evils again. Republicans blew a great opportunity when they nominated Trump in 2016 over much more qualified conservative candidates, but that was not Trump's fault.

I thank Trump for rebuilding the military and improving this country's business climate in the wake of the Obama train wreck, but those are not actions that any other Republican candidate would not have taken.

Eight years of Obama rule should have resulted in decades of Republican majorities in Congress and in state houses across the country. After only two and a half years of the tweeting Don's first term, Democrats are in a position to possibly take full control of Congress and to install a hard core socialist in the Oval Office, but maybe the momentum will shift in favor of Republicans between now and the elections.

I remember when being labeled a "liberal" made it almost impossible to get elected to office in this country and so, candidates embraced the Orwellian "progressive" label. We now have liberal Republicans, such as Trump and McConnell, deceptively branding themselves as conservatives and facing competitive elections against Democrat candidates who openly and fully embrace socialism.

As for your feeble personal attacks - everybody needs some joy in their lives. If calling me a Democrat or a Democrat helper makes you feel better about yourself, then knock yourself out.
TheRealThing Wrote:^^ Think about the level of self deceit necessary to look over the real problem, which BTW is a glaring and obviously organized attempt to overthrow the last election, all the while blaming the President for same.
Look, everyone, it's JP's sidekick! Sorry to spoil your day of tag teaming with JP for a series of childish personal attacks, TRT, but I have a busy schedule planned for today that does not include either of you. Enjoy the snipe hunt, gentlemen! :biglmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Look, everyone, it's JP's sidekick! Sorry to spoil your day of tag teaming with JP for a series of childish personal attacks, TRT, but I have a busy schedule planned for today that does not include either of you. Enjoy the snipe hunt, gentlemen! :biglmao:

Yeah I can only imagine. The only thing remotely childish or personal that I saw just came from you Hoot. I stand by my posts and BTW, the political opinions of McConnell and Trump are not even close.
TheRealThing Wrote:Yeah I can only imagine. The only thing remotely childish or personal that I saw just came from you Hoot. I stand by my posts and BTW, the political opinions of McConnell and Trump are not even close.
In over two years, Trump has signed every single bill that McConnell has sent to his desk except one. In the case of Trump's single veto, the bill that Trump vetoed was also opposed by McConnell and had passed over his objection. The math is not hard, TRT, that is a record of 100 percent legislative solidarity between Mitch and Trump.

Trump's words don't matter. Actions count. Trump and McConnell have been steadfast political allies. If you want an example of self deceit, you need look no further than those who blame Congress for Trump's failure to bring illegal immigration under control despite his near unanimous endorsement of McConnell's legislative agenda.

Trump and McConnell are politically joined at the hip through Trump's signature on every single bill that McConnell has asked him to sign. Can you say unanimous consent?

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