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Middlesboro Fires Head Coach
Will Middlesboro hire some Corbin assistants?
David Jones is a really great coach
Please hire a coach so the boys will be worked hard and start building toward a championship..
Dr. Bennett said that they was going to have one in place by Christmas
21 have applied for the job. No idea on any names however.
David Jones would be a great hire. My question is, would he even want to leave home? Hes close to Matewan over at Phelps. You dont need 10 years of head coaching experience to take over Middlesboro's program. Jesus Christ, whatever. Not like its UK or UT. A little small high school team thats pretty much second fiddle to Bell County. Im sure that all the people from Middlesboro want is a committed, fair, hard working, knowledgeable coach that will make it a 365 day a year job. Parents want someone that will put the time in with their kids. There really is no off season. If you arent playing basketball, baseball, or some other sport you should be in the weightroom and doing other football oriented things. David Jones would put 365 in. Commitment is what it takes.
Craze JACKET man Wrote:Dr. Bennett said that they was going to have one in place by Christmas

Any chance they get the previous coaches?
anything official or any update or news on coaching search from the Administration
Supposed to put a hiring committee together next week and start the interviews.
well who on hiring committee and who all have applied
Will the 70+ year old librarian be on the committee this time? What about Martin, he has a great track record for hires?
NextGeneration Wrote:Will the 70+ year old librarian be on the committee this time? What about Martin, he has a great track record for hires?

Martin has done more for Middlesbork Schools than most realize, have you been in the buildings lately all the facilities are in excellent shape thanks in no small part to him and Mr. Allen.
I have always said he is a wonderful janitor. The job is Building and Grounds, the sad part he can't figure out the paper work.
pjdoug Wrote:Any chance they get the previous coaches?
Not unless its the late , great Kenny Roark which I'm doubtful. White is thus far the frontrunner. Other than that I have no clue who has applied for the job .
Intimidator Wrote:Not unless its the late , great Kenny Roark which I'm doubtful. White is thus far the frontrunner. Other than that I have no clue who has applied for the job .

White was a tough player. What kind of coaching experience does he have?
NextGeneration Wrote:I have always said he is a wonderful janitor. The job is Building and Grounds, the sad part he can't figure out the paper work.

Hate to tell you but it takes a lot of paperwork to make the improvements the buildings have gotten happen. It’s obvious you have some kind of personal axe to grind with Martin, that kind of bitterness is sad.
fridaynightfights Wrote:Hate to tell you but it takes a lot of paperwork to make the improvements the buildings have gotten happen. It’s obvious you have some kind of personal axe to grind with Martin, that kind of bitterness is sad.

The sad part is that you think Martin was a good leader of our school system and programs. He belittles everyone he comes in contact with and the staff was miserable because of his bulling techniques. You have to be a part of the good ol boys if you have anything good other than he would have made an outstanding head custodian. That is and was Martins calling. So if you want to call it personal great. Regardless, as soon as he is out of here all will be better in our school and community.
NextGeneration Wrote:The sad part is that you think Martin was a good leader of our school system and programs. He belittles everyone he comes in contact with and the staff was miserable because of his bulling techniques. You have to be a part of the good ol boys if you have anything good other than he would have made an outstanding head custodian. That is and was Martins calling. So if you want to call it personal great. Regardless, as soon as he is out of here all will be better in our school and community.

Considering my wife is part of the staff and we had no ties to Middlesboro or anyone there when she got the job, I feel like I would know if she was miserable and he coworkers seemed pretty happy as well.
Tell your wife to be careful but that is a whole different story. Can you give the turnover rate with staff under Martin? Per population it was the highest in state. That means personnel were leaving at an unprecedented rate. When ask why Steve Martin. We have been down this road , his time is over be thankful and let’s look forward to a new beginning with a Allen and a new football coach.
Middlesboro used to be the cream of the crop in football. I can remember back in the 80's when them and Corbin would battle. They had to bring in extra bleachers to handle all the people. Middlesboro had several great players that went om to play at UK and other colleges. It's a shame to watch a once proud school go to waste like they have. They need to update their facilities and get some buy in from the community.
Intimidator Wrote:Not unless its the late , great Kenny Roark which I'm doubtful. White is thus far the frontrunner. Other than that I have no clue who has applied for the job .

He pass away about 6 or 7 years ago
Granny Bear Wrote:Feeder programs are the foundation for successful high school football!!! Crucial, IMO.

Middlesboro football used to be the standard that everybody else tried to achieve.

You hit the nail on the head. I've seen so many decent coaches take over a program with the best intentions and having great X' and O's knowledge only to ignore the youth league and middle school stuff. Show me a mediocre program and I'll show you one who's feeder programs are in shambles with the wrong people in place and no communication with the varsity coach. Everyone doing their own thing kids getting confused and not getting shown the proper basics and fundamentals. Feeder coaches taking themselves way to seriously worrying way to much about winning only playing the 10 to 12 best kids all game every game causing way to high of a turnover rate. What A team kid is going to want to come back and play on the B team if they get no attention and sit the bench every game. Sadly you would be surprised just how many coaches still get this wrong and have no interest in anything but their Varsity then scratch their heads as to why every year their program never really improves. I've also seen coaches run a very successful program for years giving a perfect blueprint on how to do it then they retire or move on then a new younger coach takes over with a chip on his shoulder and turn it from a powerhouse to a joke in a few short season's.
Hearing some awesome news this evening about a possible coach and his son.. if this hire takes place, you will see the Jackets back in the top of Mtns and state.. Coach is a very successful coach all over the state with several state titles.
Our board is going to have to put a ton of money into our facilities and hoping they will turf out game field and do a facelift to our stadium.
Craze JACKET man Wrote:Hearing some awesome news this evening about a possible coach and his son.. if this hire takes place, you will see the Jackets back in the top of Mtns and state.. Coach is a very successful coach all over the state with several state titles.
Our board is going to have to put a ton of money into our facilities and hoping they will turf out game field and do a facelift to our stadium.

Call the Head Custodian Martin and get him on the stadium now. Make sure he doesn't speak to the coach. His brother can help him.
What this coach name
Craze JACKET man Wrote:Hearing some awesome news this evening about a possible coach and his son.. if this hire takes place, you will see the Jackets back in the top of Mtns and state.. Coach is a very successful coach all over the state with several state titles.
Our board is going to have to put a ton of money into our facilities and hoping they will turf out game field and do a facelift to our stadium.

I'll write a check to help with turf tomorrow if it helps, it'll take way more than just my check, but I'd donate to the fund.
any news or updates on coaching search
Could have a very good coach by tomorrow this time. Actually two good ones. Get Martin out of the picture and State Championship Coach show extreme interest, 16 hours from a great hire. Let the rebuilding from Martin blunder begin. Another good program will be looking Monday, hopefully.
NextGeneration Wrote:Could have a very good coach by tomorrow this time. Actually two good ones. Get Martin out of the picture and State Championship Coach show extreme interest, 16 hours from a great hire. Let the rebuilding from Martin blunder begin. Another good program will be looking Monday, hopefully.


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