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^what he said
The key to this story and all story like it is the accuser has to appear in court against them. The boy wouldn't testify against her and in some cases girls won't testify against their molsters. It goes back to he said she said type of thing and a jury can't convict on such....................TAF
Throw A Flag Wrote:The key to this story and all story like it is the accuser has to appear in court against them. The boy wouldn't testify against her and in some cases girls won't testify against their molsters. It goes back to he said she said type of thing and a jury can't convict on such....................TAF

Regardless, the kid's my hero:letsparty
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
ok the chic is hot, and i wish i could have been so lucky.. but in her defense... have you seen the way some dudes are made these days.. i have a buddy when he was 14.. well don't really know how to say this but.. let's just say 10"..... yeah.. and so what if that kid was well. endowed like that, and the teacher got curious loll..

ok maybe this isn't a laughing matter nad she should be in trouble for it.. but like bfritz said.. some things are a little different when the student is male and the teacher is female.. the moral is still the same and it's still wrong.. but most of the time it is consentual...

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