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Garrard County @ Belfry 11/2
FoSho Wrote:God you're dumb.

Yea and you’re bald with a horrible comb over. But your ad hominem attacks are the first sign of a failed argument. I’ll give you a bit to let you look that up hahah. So once again with your childish “I’m always right”, why don’t you present facts about the matter instead of high jacking the thread like a kid who didn’t get a participation trophy. I’m done arguing with a child. Belfry Vs. Garrard......
Looking forward to saying hello at the game Tgiving Weekend! Until then, keep posting like you know what you're talking about. It's quite entertaining. 😂

Sorry Belfry fans. 😜
FoSho Wrote:I'm telling you about the history of the coaching staff. When I comment on things it's based upon me learning it from people that know. Coach Perry is a fantastic coach and does a great job at that program...he's a fine coach regardless of his 2-8 record. Do you always have to comment on things like you know something? I don't comment on your team or opponents like I know more than any Corbin fan.

You really make this site unbearable at times.
Don’t sweat it FoSho. U would think the Hounds are somebody who has won multiple state championships in the past 20 yrs and not one that last won a title in 1982 .
FoSho Wrote:^Moronic

Once again. Childish. But I’m not gonna hide behind a screen and act like a bad@ss and high jack a thread.
JerryGarcia Wrote:Don’t sweat it FoSho. U would think the Hounds are somebody who has won multiple state championships in the past 20 yrs and not one that last won a title in 1982 .

Hahahaha. By questioning a team that’s 2-8 being well coached. If that’s what you gathered from that you’re a special individual. Don’t know what the hounds have to do any of this. But way to bring even more to this thread. Guess you two are birds of the same feather. Short feather, but a feather none the less. Want to get back on subject now? Or do you want to act like a tough guy and spout off at the mouth like you have a clue as well. I’d say this thread is close to getting closed due to one person that can’t handle a debate without getting his little feelings hurt. So once again. Belfry vs Garrard
Talk about snowflake?!?! You're the one that sent me the PM like an immature 6th grader.

You're the ONLY poster on this forum that comments on other people's teams and opponents like they have a clue about them when they really are dead wrong.

I've gotten to know a couple of the other Corbin and Belfry posters that I like a lot. Then again, they are respectful and have great self awareness. You give takes that are vastly over thought and most times ridiculous.

You can either keep PMing me with cuss words or you can bury the hatchet and start acting like you got some sense. The choice is yours.
Yea your first 3 paragraphs make 0 sense but yet you keep coming back with the same response, when you got triggered because someone disagreed with your opinion and had facts. So you can keep doing your little passive aggressive comments towards me. I don’t really care. It’s giving me and probably several others a great laugh. I’ve learned a long time ago not to argue with stupid. Therefore this thread you’ve high jacked away is done, at least on my part. You can comment back and forth with yourself with your nonsense, or play your mental gymnastics and act like you’re the one posting something with substance. For the last time, Belfry vs Garrard.... thoughts?
...preferably thoughts from someone that knows something about either team. TIA
Is belfry going to be 100% in the next few weeks? Second hand information from a buddy that “knows” will also be excepted. Wink
They're healthy other than Cook and the kid that went out last Friday. I anticipate both to be back for LexCath if not sooner.

I think everyone is kidding themselves to think this game will be close for longer than a quarter. Belfry offense will score at will, defense may not be where they want it but it will be good enough to slow Garrards hopes of keeping it a game. Belfry is still Belfry, they have a bunch of talent and Hall of Fame coach. I expect them to run for 356 yards and throw for about 80.
Bossdaddy 4115 Wrote:I think everyone is kidding themselves to think this game will be close for longer than a quarter. Belfry offense will score at will, defense may not be where they want it but it will be good enough to slow Garrards hopes of keeping it a game. Belfry is still Belfry, they have a bunch of talent and Hall of Fame coach. I expect them to run for 356 yards and throw for about 80.

Belfry is underrated in regards to the attention they are getting
Isaac Dixon is really good
Bentley too
Dixon just has great vision and speed. A dangerous combo
Hound05 Wrote:Dixon just has great vision and speed. A dangerous combo

I have been as impressed with him on defensive side as I have offensive.
Bossdaddy 4115 Wrote:I have been as impressed with him on defensive side as I have offensive.

I’ll be honest. When I watch there D no matter who I try to watch I always end up with eyes on the LBs. Very, Very, skilled players.
This should be a fairly lopsided game. I think Garrard is solid, but not all that talented. Belfry should win this handily.
Belfry 49
Garrard 14

I do believe Garrard is a solid team, but is in the toughest district in 3A that plays a tough schedule. They lost close games to Powell and Danville this year and was within a touchdown on a couple of others. Things will get better for them next year when they go in with Bell County, Estill County, Jackson County, McCreary Central, and Rockcastle County. They will be able to compete for 2nd most years in that district I believe.
Rip/Spin Wrote:Belfry 49
Garrard 14

I do believe Garrard is a solid team, but is in the toughest district in 3A that plays a tough schedule. They lost close games to Powell and Danville this year and was within a touchdown on a couple of others. Things will get better for them next year when they go in with Bell County, Estill County, Jackson County, McCreary Central, and Rockcastle County. They will be able to compete for 2nd most years in that district I believe.

I wouldn't mind being in that district. Bell is your tough out, Estill fairly solid game, and then Rockcastle gives you a solid game, but, IMO, none are overwhelming teams. Bell I'm pretty sure feels like they are going to be. I just don't see it yet, not in terms of talent that I can distinguish. How long will Dudley stay, or one of their other coach's get a call up somewhere else to be a head? You probably won't get kids to transfer over without the name of Dudley there. Maybe they have a great middle school team, or teams that are coming up? But in my opinion that district is just solid, not crazy like some districts are now. And Lord what I would have given to be in Powell/Estill/Breathitt district the past few years. District champs, very possibly, 3 years in a row. Unlike going through Corbin, and also having to beat Bell before that.
smoke1015 Wrote:I wouldn't mind being in that district. Bell is your tough out, Estill fairly solid game, and then Rockcastle gives you a solid game, but, IMO, none are overwhelming teams. Bell I'm pretty sure feels like they are going to be. I just don't see it yet, not in terms of talent that I can distinguish. How long will Dudley stay, or one of their other coach's get a call up somewhere else to be a head? You probably won't get kids to transfer over without the name of Dudley there. Maybe they have a great middle school team, or teams that are coming up? But in my opinion that district is just solid, not crazy like some districts are now. And Lord what I would have given to be in Powell/Estill/Breathitt district the past few years. District champs, very possibly, 3 years in a row. Unlike going through Corbin, and also having to beat Bell before that.

Casey county is heading in a good direction.
Hound05 Wrote:Casey county is heading in a good direction.

I agree. I believe Glasgow will be the top dog starting out and then Taylor and Casey battle for 2nd in that district. Hart comes in next then Adair. Taylor has had a great year this year and they have a young running back who is really good. I have also been told that Hart Co. has a class coming up in 3-4 years that is good. Things could still be tough over there but that district won't be as top heavy as it is now with Corbin.
Hound05 Wrote:Casey county is heading in a good direction.

Good coach. Stonebraker. But they lost their starting QB and they are playing a good football team in the first round so I doubt they make it into the second round.
Running clock. Belfry gets a chance to heal up before Lexington Catholic rolls into Belfry next week.
Belfry 48 Garrard 20
FoSho Wrote:They're healthy other than Cook and the kid that went out last Friday. I anticipate both to be back for LexCath if not sooner.


So here iis the very latest......I think Cook plays some against Garrard. He”s pretty close. LB Austin Fields is out....and may be done for rest of year. He’s a I certainly hate to see his playing career end with an injury. I don’t see FB Hensley playing any rest of season. I think FB/S Coleman is back full throttle this Friday. LB/DE Lowe is back. Bentley, Blankenship, Birchfield are all over flu/flu-like symptoms and should be 💯. Hoping the Pirates TCOB against Garrard and stay injury free. If they get Lex Cath next Friday.....they’ll need everyone 💯. Just sayin........
OutlawJoseyWales Wrote:So here iis the very latest......I think Cook plays some against Garrard. He”s pretty close. LB Austin Fields is out....and may be done for rest of year. He’s a I certainly hate to see his playing career end with an injury. I don’t see FB Hensley playing any rest of season. I think FB/S Coleman is back full throttle this Friday. LB/DE Lowe is back. Bentley, Blankenship, Birchfield are all over flu/flu-like symptoms and should be 💯. Hoping the Pirates TCOB against Garrard and stay injury free. If they get Lex Cath next Friday.....they’ll need everyone 💯. Just sayin........
Man. Injury has plagued 3A this year. Sucks for the seniors
OutlawJoseyWales Wrote:So here iis the very latest......I think Cook plays some against Garrard. He”s pretty close. LB Austin Fields is out....and may be done for rest of year. He’s a I certainly hate to see his playing career end with an injury. I don’t see FB Hensley playing any rest of season. I think FB/S Coleman is back full throttle this Friday. LB/DE Lowe is back. Bentley, Blankenship, Birchfield are all over flu/flu-like symptoms and should be 💯. Hoping the Pirates TCOB against Garrard and stay injury free. If they get Lex Cath next Friday.....they’ll need everyone 💯. Just sayin........

Glad kids are making it back. Hate it for ANY kids that are missing games, especially for a senior.
Now that this thread has got back on track I'll put my 2 cents worth in. I think Belfry wins this game. But I do believe the Pirates have some "soul searching" to do. I was very disappointed in the way our players played and acted last Friday at Johnson Central. Some played like they were just going through the motions and acted like the game just didnt mean anything to them. Not all of them. Some of the kids played their hearts out. Others looked like zombies! And the one thing that we're known for, that Belfry tough smash mouth football was just not there. I've been very outspoken about this in other threads so I'll just leave it at that. As far as the Garrard game, like I said, I believe Belfry wins. If they play Belfry football, and has found their heart and toughness, then it could possibly be a running clock. If they play like they did last Friday then this game could be danger close. Hoping for a good, clean, injury free game for all these young men on both sides. Good luck and Go Pirates!

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