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Garrard County @ Belfry 11/2
The playoffs begin and the Lions make their first trip to the CAM. Who ya got and why?
Belfry wins big and the young Pirates get some playing time
Will be an early night and reserves get a lot of experience and playing time.
Running clock in pond creek
Belfry because Garrard Co. is terrible
Belfry - 42
Garrard Co - 6
Pirates big ... early and often.
I don’t think GC is as big of a push over as most first rd opponents are. But still no where close to the level of the pirates. It’ll be a short cold night for GC
Hound05 Wrote:I don’t think GC is as big of a push over as most first rd opponents are. But still no where close to the level of the pirates. It’ll be a short cold night for GC

Garrard has a proud history and typically a a pretty good football team. I, for one, expect a pretty good game for a while. However, if Belfry is reasonably healthy....I just think the Pirate offense is too explosive for GC to handle.
Pirates too strong 42-0.
Belfry 49
Garrard 00
Belfry, no problem.
Garrard is not your average #4 seed. Still, I see no problem with Belfry getting the W, but may be a little bit more difficult than the normal #4 seeded teams vs #1 seed.
I watched Garrard Co. and Western Hills a couple of weeks ago. Not much size on either side of the ball. Some good athletes, but I don't expect any trench war. LOS should be controlled by Belfry.
Belfry 45
GC 7
OutlawJoseyWales Wrote:Garrard has a proud history and typically a a pretty good football team. I, for one, expect a pretty good game for a while. However, if Belfry is reasonably healthy....I just think the Pirate offense is too explosive for GC to handle.

I completely agree. Proud history I dunno so much?? I don’t remember them doing anything to big but I never payed much attention to them until the past couple years. But yea I think it’ll be a game for a bit. Quarter and a half maybe. Then before halftime belfrys superior talent, COACHING, and depth run off with it. But they def aren’t an opponent you can just show up against. I’d actually- on a normal year- rather play someone like Garrard county. It’s a good warm up game against a decent teamto get things tuned up before a deep run. Playing the school for the blind the first couple games does nothing for a team except bring their perception of opponents down, like us last year. But this year I’m fine with who we play. We need to heal up. I’m guessing you guys do as well. But I still think you’d be fine letting some rest that aren’t 100%. You guys def have a tough road ahead. But I believe they can do it. I’ll never count Haywood out again after that monster half of football you had against us a couple years ago. But belfry is physical and fast. A dangerous combo for opponents. Their LB play impresses me more than anything. I’ve said that a lot. Those kids are disciplined! They have all the tools they need to bring home a title. But it’s also not the same Belfry from a couple years ago. Those big, dominant, lines they used to have aren’t there. I’m not saying they’re are bad at all. They have a great center and some other guys. But not where it was some years ago, so they could lose after the 2nd round also. I don’t tbink they will, but it’s possible with their potential matchups. If they get their pass D ironed out, which I’ve heard it’s getting better, they’ll be a tough out!
I remember a few years ago when Belfry began their string of state championship game appearances. Belfry went down to Garrard County and were down by several scores right out of the gate. The Pirates battled back and won. Well Garrard gets to make the trip to Belfry, and they will find themselves in a similar situation early. That is where the similarities end. Belfry will continue to score until Coach Haywood calls off the dogs.
No size is a big problem against the Pirates. They will batter the Lions.
running clock
long ride home
E's Army Wrote:No size is a big problem against the Pirates. They will batter the Lions.

That and a coach that knows how to defend the Triple option. So many plays that can come from it. RPO’s, counters, etc. It’s really hard to to prepare a defense. You just have to make assignments and play disciplined. I don’t think many teams can stop them. Not until the later rounds. Even then it won’t be a flat out stop of belfrys O.
Idk about DLine hounds05. But belfrys o line is pretty big and pretty daggone good
Garrard Co is very well coached and disciplined. They would beat any of the other district foes but they are not going to beat Belfry. They may have some success running the ball but it will be limited.
AngryMob Wrote:Idk about DLine hounds05. But belfrys o line is pretty big and pretty daggone good

Sorry I should have been a little more specific. Yes, I meant the Huge defensive front like they had a couple years ago. Their online looks pretty talented. Which the results of their run game have showed. The Dline isn’t bad. But nothing like they had during their title run
FoSho Wrote:Garrard Co is very well coached and disciplined. They would beat any of the other district foes but they are not going to beat Belfry. They may have some success running the ball but it will be limited.

Well coached and disciplined? I don’t know. These are kids and I wish them the best but a 2-8 record would suggest otherwise with a bad blowout to mercer and a close 2 wins vs subpar teams. If you’re talking about other district foes in belfrys district, maybe... and that’s a big maybe. But Lawrence county would probably beat them pretty easily. They did play Lex cath kinda close. It’s not a team you could just show up against but belfry won’t have any problems.
Garrard is a very well coached team. Literally have maybe two kids who can run a sub 5 sec. 40 and still gave several teams a good game for at least a half. They are well coached.
Hound05 Wrote:Well coached and disciplined? I don’t know. These are kids and I wish them the best but a 2-8 record would suggest otherwise with a bad blowout to mercer and a close 2 wins vs subpar teams. If you’re talking about other district foes in belfrys district, maybe... and that’s a big maybe. But Lawrence county would probably beat them pretty easily. They did play Lex cath kinda close. It’s not a team you could just show up against but belfry won’t have any problems.

I'm telling you about the history of the coaching staff. When I comment on things it's based upon me learning it from people that know. Coach Perry is a fantastic coach and does a great job at that program...he's a fine coach regardless of his 2-8 record. Do you always have to comment on things like you know something? I don't comment on your team or opponents like I know more than any Corbin fan.

You really make this site unbearable at times.
Pirates by 40!
FoSho Wrote:I'm telling you about the history of the coaching staff. When I comment on things it's based upon me learning it from people that know. Coach Perry is a fantastic coach and does a great job at that program...he's a fine coach regardless of his 2-8 record. Do you always have to comment on things like you know something? I don't comment on your team or opponents like I know more than any Corbin fan.

You really make this site unbearable at times.

Hahahahahahaha. I’m sorry is belfry YOUR TEAM? Is this YOUR OPPONENT. I commented on this as an observational fact. One could infer that a “Very well coached” team wouldn’t be 2-8 with their schedule. So basically someone told you they were a very well coached team and that’s how you “know”. That’s great, good for you. But results and black and white mean a little more to me than what your buddy said. Their coach could be the best man ever. Garrard has had some decent teams the last little bit. But it’s hard for me to see this team being well coached and disciplined with the results they’ve had. Maybe it’s talent this year. According to another poster it looks like they’ve got some.

As for your last comment, well hahahaha.... I’m not gonna get into personal attack’s with you, it’s to easy. You just don’t like it when someone doesn’t agree with half the nonsense you post, which is evident in most threads even with your own fans. And actually has facts to back it up. Not what “someone who knows” told me.

Pretty sure there is an ignore feature. Try it out. No love lost from a lot of us. Or you know, there’s always the other way, like posting FACTS like I have instead of your childish nonsense.
64black&gold Wrote:Garrard is a very well coached team. Literally have maybe two kids who can run a sub 5 sec. 40 and still gave several teams a good game for at least a half. They are well coached.

I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with you. But how do you come to this conclusion? From what little I admit I’ve actually watched on huddle. A lot of scores have been given up on blown assignments and possibly mental errors. I agree that lack of talent can make a good coach look bad. I’m just curious as to why you tbink they are well coached. Is it his past?
Hound05 Wrote:Hahahahahahaha. I’m sorry is belfry YOUR TEAM? Is this YOUR OPPONENT. I commented on this as an observational fact. One could infer that a “Very well coached” team wouldn’t be 2-8 with their schedule. So basically someone told you they were a very well coached team and that’s how you “know”. That’s great, good for you. But results and black and white mean a little more to me than what your buddy said. Their coach could be the best man ever. Garrard has had some decent teams the last little bit. But it’s hard for me to see this team being well coached and disciplined with the results they’ve had. Maybe it’s talent this year. According to another poster it looks like they’ve got some.

As for your last comment, well hahahaha.... I’m not gonna get into personal attack’s with you, it’s to easy. You just don’t like it when someone doesn’t agree with half the nonsense you post, which is evident in most threads even with your own fans. And actually has facts to back it up. Not what “someone who knows” told me.

Pretty sure there is an ignore feature. Try it out. No love lost from a lot of us. Or you know, there’s always the other way, like posting FACTS like I have instead of your childish nonsense.

God you're dumb.

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