03-28-2006, 10:40 AM
I`m not a fan of holing back.It sends the wrong message to these kids.Find a way to better your chances,no matter the cost.I was approached to hold my son back on several occasions.And now in retrospect I`m glad I stuck to my guns.If any student wants to play at the next level,then it takes hard work and dedication,not finding ways to gain unfair advantages.I`m not saying it is the worst thing in the world,I`m just saying the state needs to look at the records of some of these students,and ask the question,why is Jimmy being held back in the 8th grade when he has a 3.0 grade avg.I`m Just saying it`s getting a bit out of hand as of late.
03-28-2006, 01:57 PM
WIZE MAGIC Wrote:I`m not a fan of holing back.It sends the wrong message to these kids.Find a way to better your chances,no matter the cost.I was approached to hold my son back on several occasions.And now in retrospect I`m glad I stuck to my guns.If any student wants to play at the next level,then it takes hard work and dedication,not finding ways to gain unfair advantages.I`m not saying it is the worst thing in the world,I`m just saying the state needs to look at the records of some of these students,and ask the question,why is Jimmy being held back in the 8th grade when he has a 3.0 grade avg.I`m Just saying it`s getting a bit out of hand as of late.here here
03-28-2006, 02:08 PM
AMEN!!!!! :AngelPray:AngelPray :AngelPray
03-28-2006, 05:34 PM
What a crock.

03-28-2006, 05:47 PM
3 points Wrote:What a crock.Thats your opinion,and I`ve stated mine.We are clearly on different sides of the fence on this one.The only difference is,I didn`t attack yours.
03-28-2006, 07:52 PM
WIZE MAGIC Wrote:I`m not a fan of holing back.It sends the wrong message to these kids.Find a way to better your chances,no matter the cost.I was approached to hold my son back on several occasions.And now in retrospect I`m glad I stuck to my guns.If any student wants to play at the next level,then it takes hard work and dedication,not finding ways to gain unfair advantages.I`m not saying it is the worst thing in the world,I`m just saying the state needs to look at the records of some of these students,and ask the question,why is Jimmy being held back in the 8th grade when he has a 3.0 grade avg.I`m Just saying it`s getting a bit out of hand as of late.
It's not an unfair advantage !!!!!!!!!! doesn't anyone understand that???? In fact its "TAKING ADVANTAGE" of the rules! If it was an unfair advantage it would be agaisnt the rules ---- AND ITS NOT !!!!!
03-28-2006, 08:37 PM
Once again,I respectfully disagree.
03-28-2006, 08:51 PM
I agree with Wize on this one.. completely.. if a kid isnt' failing in school.. then there should be no reason to hold them back
03-28-2006, 09:16 PM
crazytaxidriver Wrote:I agree with Wize on this one.. completely.. if a kid isnt' failing in school.. then there should be no reason to hold them back
I think they should change the Oct. 1 birthdate cut off. I think you have to look ahead to the future.....are most kids ready to go off to college or pushed out into the real world to find a job and all that comes with that at the age of 17? Personally, I don't think so. What does it hurt in holding a kid back so that when he graduates he is 18? All that does is give the kid another year at home...another year to mature...another year to hopefully make responsible decisions with what they want to do with their life.
I know that in some other states that the cut off date is April 1 or May 1. That way when the kid starts school in the fall they are their true age and not a 4 year old that's going to turn 5 on Sept. 30.
One more thing, I don't agree in holding a kid back for athletic reasons either.
03-28-2006, 09:28 PM
good post. I agree. But as long as they are staying back, sports is one of the better things that they can get involved in. Keeps a lot of kids out of trouble.
03-28-2006, 09:45 PM
Gatortater Wrote:I think they should change the Oct. 1 birthdate cut off. I think you have to look ahead to the future.....are most kids ready to go off to college or pushed out into the real world to find a job and all that comes with that at the age of 17? Personally, I don't think so. What does it hurt in holding a kid back so that when he graduates he is 18? All that does is give the kid another year at home...another year to mature...another year to hopefully make responsible decisions with what they want to do with their life.
I know that in some other states that the cut off date is April 1 or May 1. That way when the kid starts school in the fall they are their true age and not a 4 year old that's going to turn 5 on Sept. 30.
One more thing, I don't agree in holding a kid back for athletic reasons either.
that's what i was meaning.. nothing wrong with holding back, for the right reason.. but athletics should not be any kind of reason to hold a kid back..
i agree with the cutoff date.. but if a kid is mature enough to get good grades then i don't think he should be held back..
03-28-2006, 09:59 PM
thebestplayerever Wrote:i disagree, if someone cant play with people there own age then they shouldnt play at all
If you're a freshman in highschool and haven't been held back then you would be about 14-15. If you are playing ball against a team of mainly seniors to juniors you're going to be playing ball against 16-18 year olds. How can you say that that is playing with people your own age? One year is not going to much such a drastic difference. Not when you're playing ball with people close to the age of 19.
03-28-2006, 10:21 PM
Right.the hold backs I know are 15 and are playing against some 19 year old seniors. And they are doing very well.
03-28-2006, 10:26 PM
And it gives them an extra year to play ball, and still get a good education. Then they are more mature and ready to go on to college.
03-28-2006, 11:11 PM
WIZE MAGIC Wrote:Once again,I respectfully disagree.
You have every right to disagree with me --- just as I do you :thumpsup:
03-28-2006, 11:20 PM
Anyone who thinks an extra year of maturity doesn't help in sports has a rock for a brain.
Lets say your coaching a high school basketball game in the regional championship. You start 5, 17 yr old seniors and your opposing coach starts 5, 19 yr old seniors. Your opposing coach has 10 years of maturity on you before the game even starts. THAT MATTERS !!!! AND ITS WITHIN THE RULES !!!!
Lets say your coaching a high school basketball game in the regional championship. You start 5, 17 yr old seniors and your opposing coach starts 5, 19 yr old seniors. Your opposing coach has 10 years of maturity on you before the game even starts. THAT MATTERS !!!! AND ITS WITHIN THE RULES !!!!
03-28-2006, 11:22 PM
free throw Wrote:Right.the hold backs I know are 15 and are playing against some 19 year old seniors. And they are doing very well.
I"ll take the 19 yr olds anyday. Very few 15 yr olds can compete with 19 yr olds in High school sports. And if they are doing well agaisnt the older kids they are the exception, not the norm.
03-29-2006, 12:57 AM
BUT... what if you have a 14 year old 8th grader playing against a 11 year old 6th grader?? Would this be the same type of situation?? JUST asking .... NOT implying or referring to ANYONE in particular.... (Nope 3 points.. not my kid here either!!

03-29-2006, 01:04 AM
I know several 8th graders playing high school ball and are doing very well, and they have 4 more years to play high school ball. I don't know of any that played against 6th graders
03-29-2006, 01:09 AM
I can name 2 right off the top of my head!!! (NOT on here publically though... I am actually a nice person).. LOL

03-29-2006, 01:10 AM
phs1986 Wrote:BUT... what if you have a 14 year old 8th grader playing against a 11 year old 6th grader?? Would this be the same type of situation?? JUST asking .... NOT implying or referring to ANYONE in particular.... (Nope 3 points.. not my kid here either!!)
Why is the 6th grader playing against 8th graders then if your worried about it?
03-29-2006, 01:12 AM
phs1986 Wrote:BUT... what if you have a 14 year old 8th grader playing against a 11 year old 6th grader?? Would this be the same type of situation?? JUST asking .... NOT implying or referring to ANYONE in particular.... (Nope 3 points.. not my kid here either!!you sure can roll out the complicated situations. Most 7th and 8th graders don't play against 6th graders.)
03-29-2006, 01:13 AM
I say hold that 6th grader back.

03-29-2006, 01:17 AM
NEXT Wrote:Why is the 6th grader playing against 8th graders then if your worried about it?
Good Lord have mercy... HERE I GO AGAIN!!!!! PERSONALLY I am not worried about it!!!! JUST listed a situtation here and you guys go nuts!!!!! EXAMPLE... my child's birthday is in September....(for discussion's sake). He will be going into 7th grade as a 11 year old!!! A child who has an earlier birthday and was held back in primary block (K-3rd grade) and held back again in another grade IS already 14 in the 8th grade.... Do you NOW understand what I was tryin to get at??? NOTHING personal at all... just joining in... DANG... you guys sure make it hard!!!:argue:
03-29-2006, 01:26 AM
I am not going nuts at all, just trying to express my feelings as you throw out these situations. So I am tired of this topic, and I will leave it to you. THE END
03-29-2006, 01:29 AM
wasn't really throwin that one at you 3....
03-29-2006, 09:44 AM
I have read alot of comments on here about the age difference. Yes, a 14-15 year old freshman if he is good enough will be playing against 17-18 year old players. But over time, when that freshman becomes a junior or senior, he will be playing against people younger than he is. If the parent of the freshmans doesnt want their children playing against players that much older. Then they should just let them play freshman ball. I would rather my son play against older players that are more mature and more physical than play against people he can just push around whenever he wants.
There has also been alot of comments about the policy that the Pike Co. BOE passed about holding back in middle school. Sorry Pike County, but Pikeville Ind. Schools already had that policy in effect. I just wonder how many players are going to be held back now that they wont be able to play their second year in the same grade.
There has also been alot of comments about the policy that the Pike Co. BOE passed about holding back in middle school. Sorry Pike County, but Pikeville Ind. Schools already had that policy in effect. I just wonder how many players are going to be held back now that they wont be able to play their second year in the same grade.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
03-30-2006, 11:49 AM
I'd say it depends on how old they want to be when they graduate and how good a player they are. You can always play AAU. AAu is a very good way to get better in basketball. Seen kids play as many as 50 games in a season against kids that were much better than what they played in there school district.
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