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Perry County Central
Who has Ovie hired as OC?
Brit is handling the offense, I believe
What kind of experience does he have?
I have no idea how well the Dores will do this year, but I KNOW Ovie will have them giving 100%!!!

Good luck.
What kinda of offense is this guy going to run?
Bigballerbrand Wrote:What kinda of offense is this guy going to run?

C'mon, BBB.
You're the one with all the info.
Alright, guys. I'm not going to let this one devolve into nonsense.
If you have anything legitimate to add to the conversation, go for it.
Did Perry get a lot back from last year ? If so they should be pretty good.
JustThinking Wrote:Did Perry get a lot back from last year ? If so they should be pretty good.

They didn't lose many players, but they don't have a lot of players to start with.
Jacob Woolum will be hard to replace.
Sam Turner was a good lineman but the guys they have now are really strong.

I imagine a similar season to last year.
It's always been the same story with Perry Central, they have a hard time during district play because they have guys playing both ways against teams with three times the roster. As the season goes on they just have a hard time stopping anyone.

Success will be the answer to a lot of that. If they keep winning games and the feeder program keeps going in the right direction, they will start to make noise.

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