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This is Uuge!!
"According to a new report by Kimberly Strassel in The Wall Street Journal, the documents viewed yesterday by House Intelligence Committee members Devin Nunes and Trey Gowdy reveals that the “top-secret source” being used in Mueller’s probe might have been a mole placed by the FBI inside the Trump campaign.

Strassel, who is also a Fox News contributor, says there are major implications for the CIA, FBI, DOJ and former Obama administration officials if it is verified they embedded a spy into a presidential campaign.

“I believe I know the name of the informant, (FBI plant), but my intelligence sources did not provide it to me and refuse to confirm it. It would therefore be irresponsible to publish it,” Strassel writes.

Are we 'Seeing' yet?
We'll see
If we are seeing yet

And I'll be back later
To attempt to be a po-et
Granny Bear Wrote:We'll see
If we are seeing yet

And I'll be back later
To attempt to be a po-et

Ohhh nooo!!! et tu brute? Say it ain't so..:HitWall:
It ain't so!!

I tried, but I can rhyme nearly as well as I wanted.

Wow, even the crickets quit chirping. What happened to Sombrero and bobblehead?
That’s just it: we’ll see.
What the tale of Mueller be.
All this slabbering, Roger Rover?
It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️
That’s just it: we’ll see.
What the tale of Mueller be.
All this slabbering, Roger Rover?
It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.

Ah, the toilet poet skitters forth. You've got exactly nada by way of evidence to buoy those spirits or fill that empty spot. Still, so much as a nod of abeyance seems too much to ask even in view of the daily revelations from the highest authorities in the land.

I tried to tell you all these investigations would lead somewhere other than DJT's doorstep. Keep up with that desperate longing though, seeing you suffer so eases the aggravation of having to endure the anti-American machinations of the previous administration.
Wow, even the crickets quit chirping. What happened to Sombrero and bobblehead?


I suspect that The Russian Ushanka bot is awaiting new programming from his handlers.

Mueller is raiding people's homes and businesses trying to get to the bottom of Russian collusion...I suggest he raid a bookstore and confiscate a copy of "Clinton Cash" lol...why has he hired only Democrats and hasn't investigated any Democrats? Only idiots don't know...:biglmao:
jetpilot Wrote:Mueller is raiding people's homes and businesses trying to get to the bottom of Russian collusion...I suggest he raid a bookstore and confiscate a copy of "Clinton Cash" lol...why has he hired only Democrats and hasn't investigated any Democrats? Only idiots don't know...:biglmao:
You're right. Mueller is not even trying to make the investigation look legitimate. The only clear and convincing evidence of the American government colluding with Putin's government to further an anti-American agenda is the Clinton crime syndicate's pay-to-play deals.

The defense of Mueller by Republicans like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Orin Hatch, Trey Gowdy and others just shows the depth to which American voters have corrupted the federal government. The guys wearing white hats are few and far between. I think that if Trump fired Mueller it is very likely that he would be impeached by the uni-party.
jetpilot Wrote:Mueller is raiding people's homes and businesses trying to get to the bottom of Russian collusion...I suggest he raid a bookstore and confiscate a copy of "Clinton Cash" lol...why has he hired only Democrats and hasn't investigated any Democrats? Only idiots don't know...:biglmao:

Yes he is, but IMO Mueller et-al know the likelihood that those raids will produce much of anything they can use against the President is less than slim. Rather as Judge Ellis has already pointed out in his finding, Mueller is hoping to scare somebody into composing rather than 'singing.'

Unless Sombrero is still immersed in his daily conference call with the special counsel, I'm sure he could explain how it all works better than I. But the idea is to as you say, have agents perpetrate a full fledged 'raid' on somebody's home or business. Then after having been read your rights and the charges against you laid out, you are given the proper attitude adjustment in having the punishment for having committed same, explained to you sparing no nuance. And so with iron bars in the background and his life flashing before his eyes, the object of the raid is then forced to consider the very real possibility of having his life's work taken from him, his family kicked to the curb, and himself on the way to prison. Sobering by any measure and no matter who your lawyer is, the ordeal is extremely difficult to endure. Ultimately only the strongest of character would be willing to fall on their sword for the sake of patriotism. Many if not most are sorely tempted to sing, I mean 'compose' their heads off.
The Hill - 'Mueller may have a Conflict."

"In 2009, when Mueller ran the FBI, the bureau asked Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska to spend millions of his own dollars funding an FBI-supervised operation to rescue a retired FBI agent, Robert Levinson, captured in Iran while working for the CIA in 2007.

Yes, that's the same Deripaska who has surfaced in Mueller's current investigation and who was recently sanctioned by the Trump administration."

It seems according to The Hill's John Solomon, that in the oligarch's on again off again relationship with the FBI, that agents actually went to Derppaska's New York apartment in December 2016 to bounce their Russian Collusion scheme off him and he totally blew them off. Saying something like, 'Manafort shafted him in a business deal in the past, but that Manafort had not colluded with Russia.' According to Alan Dershowitz, the nature of such material would have been exculpatory in the now famed FISA Warrant, and should been revealed to the judge.

Are we "seeing" yet?
Report--- What Mueller actually told Rudy Giuliani... Sitting presidents cannot be indicted and neither will DJT.

So if we weren't looking for an indictment owing to the Trump campaign colluding with Russia, what have we been looking for? This witch hunt is the grandest taxpayer funded fishing expedition of all time. Eleven months worth of James Bond-esque infiltrating, ferreting, information gathering and back door machinations by 17 Federal agencies, prefacing yet another year of the special counsel turning over rocks to find some sort of ill. And we see now it was all politically motivated after all.

Just as Hillary KNEW she would not be indicted and publicly mocked her detractors, Maxine Waters et-al KNOW, Mueller is working to show Christopher Steele how a dirty dossier is really done. Let's say we know where all this is headed, and Dems really do try to impeach Trump. In a Republican led Congress the measure would fail. But with a Dem led House all the kid gloves would be decidedly, even proudly off, and it would likely go to the Senate even though the likelihood is there will be nothing offered by way of proof. Wonder if those steely missiles will be enough to make McConnell question his 60 vote hill to die on?
And, once again, we’ll see. The appearance of collusion by the Trump campaign already exists. Did Donald Trump obstruct justice? Does he have deep monetary ties to Russian banks and moguls close to Putin?

We’ll see.

The test of the special counsel is not the propogandist spin of right or left. Nor the repetitious spewings in this echo chamber.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️
And, once again, we’ll see. The appearance of collusion by the Trump campaign already exists. Did Donald Trump obstruct justice? Does he have deep monetary ties to Russian banks and moguls close to Putin?

We’ll see.

The test of the special counsel is not the propogandist spin of right or left. Nor the repetitious spewings in this echo chamber.

And once again in your case, no you won’t see. The daily revelations concerning the shenanigans and abuses against ‘the people’ by the Obama administration, make Watergate look like amateur hour. No amount of evidence would be enough to convince you because for you Trump detractors, its personal. If you don’t ‘SEE’ by now it’s because you don’t want to and frankly, it’s not even a matter of seeing. It’s whether or not the coup d etat succeeds. Don’t bother telling us on which side you come down.

Facts don’t matter, his successes don’t matter, jobs don’t matter. The whole thing is driven by contempt. That’s why people of your ilk would be perfectly ok with impeaching Trump for any media spawned lie that happens to stick. Every Jim Acosta out there dreams of being THE guy to bring down the President. Liars and hypocrites all.
The Mueller investigation has not spoken. We’ll see.

I do not know Donald Trump. It is not personal. Obstructing justice, which I think he did, is not personal to me. Ties to Russian oligarchs close to Putin, which I believe he has, is not personal. Suggesting that women grant sexual license without permission to rich and powerful men is what he said. It’s not personal. And on and on. Pure, unadulterated red herring, friendo, to the point of being propoganda. The facts and testimony will lead to a conclusion. I’ll accept it. Until then, we’ll see.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️
The Mueller investigation has not spoken. We’ll see.

I do not know Donald Trump. It is not personal. Obstructing justice, which I think he did, is not personal to me. Ties to Russian oligarchs close to Putin, which I believe he has, is not personal. Suggesting that women grant sexual license without permission to rich and powerful men is what he said. It’s not personal. And on and on. Pure, unadulterated red herring, friendo, to the point of being propoganda. The facts and testimony will lead to a conclusion. I’ll accept it. Until then, we’ll see.

The liberal’s greatest gift, self delusion. But your gift notwithstanding, you do realize the majority of the posts you’ve put up on here were Trump slams? I mean, the ‘high road’ ramp faded in your rearveiw a LONG ways back. It’s more than late to clean things up now.
TheRealThing Wrote:The liberal’s greatest gift, self delusion. But your gift notwithstanding, you do realize the majority of the posts you’ve put up on here were Trump slams? I mean, the ‘high road’ ramp faded in your rearveiw a LONG ways back. It’s more than late to clean things up now.

Donald J. Trump is my President, rightfully elected. He ran a brilliant, unorthodox campaign. I disagree with many of his policies. I find his tweets over the top and ill-befitting of a President. I think he did, in fact, seek to obstruct justice. I think he does, in fact, have deep financial and personal ties to Russian financiers and oligarchs close to Putin. To criticize what one dislikes in a President, yea, even to refer to him as “the tweeting don,”) IS the high road in America, as it is the road of freedom of expression and dissent. You believe in vast deregulation of multinational corporations. Thus, you favor Trump. I believe otherwise. I believe evangelicals are often duped by conservative politicians who have near-flung lips but far-away hearts. To say so and voice dissent IS the high road in this nation. It’s never too late for dissent. And, I have stated over and over and over again, it’s not personal; it’s politics and debate and hard-edged back and forth. And, while I don’t think Pence will follow Trump, I think it is politically naive and foolish to count as “no way it can happen” for President Trump being re-elected.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Donald J. Trump is my President, rightfully elected. He ran a brilliant, unorthodox campaign. I disagree with many of his policies. I find his tweets over the top and ill-befitting of a President. I think he did, in fact, seek to obstruct justice. I think he does, in fact, have deep financial and personal ties to Russian financiers and oligarchs close to Putin. To criticize what one dislikes in a President, yea, even to refer to him as “the tweeting don,”Wink IS the high road in America, as it is the road of freedom of expression and dissent. You believe in vast deregulation of multinational corporations. Thus, you favor Trump. I believe otherwise. I believe evangelicals are often duped by conservative politicians who have near-flung lips but far-away hearts. To say so and voice dissent IS the high road in this nation. It’s never too late for dissent. And, I have stated over and over and over again, it’s not personal; it’s politics and debate and hard-edged back and forth. And, while I don’t think Pence will follow Trump, I think it is politically naive and foolish to count as “no way it can happen” for President Trump being re-elected.

I knew a change of subject was at hand, still, stand by my post. Clinton and George W did much to further globalism, but your hero Barack Obama is the one who stomped the gas and never let off.

Of the mountains of evidence which actually does exist with regard to Obstruction or collusion with Russia, Hillary’s fingerprints are all over it. But consumate projectors such as you and Schumer imagine yourselves artful, as you deny the obvious and lift up the lies. Schumer for example, has adopted a new strategy for the coming midterms; ‘Drain the Swamp!’ Fortunately only diehard liberals actually buy into DNC absurdities. Everybody else knows better. You got a good spot picked out to go out and scream noooo over and over like a possessed bellows?
Ah, thou who spews red herring... why keep eating it? Mueller will issue a report. Hillary is a private citizen. She could not then (and cannot now) obstruct justice with the magnitude of the President. Read your posts, friendo: the tweeting don appears your hero far more, by a factor of 10, than Barack Obama ever appeared mine, you foolish purveyor of projection, who sees it everywhere but where it lies... in the mirror.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️
Ah, thou who spews red herring... why keep eating it? Mueller will issue a report. Hillary is a private citizen. She could not then (and cannot now) obstruct justice with the magnitude of the President. Read your posts, friendo: the tweeting don appears your hero far more, by a factor of 10, than Barack Obama ever appeared mine, you foolish purveyor of projection, who sees it everywhere but where it lies... in the mirror.

Here we go again with the ‘’I know YOU are, but what am I’routine. I can see given the cascading fortunes of your party of late, how you might find comfort in denial and in continual and baseless predictions of Trump’s demise and a surging blue wave. Like I said, the rest know better. Writhe on.
It is comical that “writhing” would be posited as indicative. Your understanding of “projection” is no clearer than your grasp of the essences of the Constitution.

I would remind you that Donald Trump did not win the popular vote. This does not delegitimize his campaign nor victory. It does suggest that the mood of the country, so to speak, is not monolithic, not at consensus, and not set in stone. Seasons change, pendulums swing, momentum ebbs. And then it starts all over again.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️
It is comical that “writhing” would be posited as indicative. Your understanding of “projection” is no clearer than your grasp of the essences of the Constitution.

I would remind you that Donald Trump did not win the popular vote. This does not delegitimize his campaign nor victory. It does suggest that the mood of the country, so to speak, is not monolithic, not at consensus, and not set in stone. Seasons change, pendulums swing, momentum ebbs. And then it starts all over again.

So, you’ve given up on trying to impress everybody with pseudo knowledge about our founding and gone straight to just declaring yourself superior huh? Self governance has little to do with whining, and much to do with personal sacrifice. Shortly everything will be exactly the way you want, and man will celebrate his own intellect. It will be a regular party for about a year and a half. Enjoy it.

Every single popular vote exceeding DJT was had in the State of California. The. vast majority of which were illegal, cast by illegal aliens. That doesn’t even take into account the rest of the nation. You Do writhe pal, and watching you suffer is high entertainment value and, it’s not near over.
The communist left is either blatantly dishonest or willfully ignorant. Take your pick.
Woodsman Wrote:The communist left is either blatantly dishonest or willfully ignorant. Take your pick.

I say both ^^, but both of those are dwarfed by lib's contempt for American values.

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