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This is just unbelievable that a person could be this cruel.
:mad: This is some disturbing pictures. You have been warned. This women needs to be hung!
That bitch needs to have the bejesus knocked out of her for doing that sick crap...I dont even know what to think...This world has some sick people..So sad
I dont even know if we should leave that up it's so disturbing..and I have a strong stomach...
she soo needs to be hung! that's just wrong
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill
I'm glad it wouldn't load on my computer if it was that bad. I don't think I could of handled it.
Screwed up people out there
That woman deserves to have that done to her. Wonder how she'd feel with a heel in her damn eye. This is absolutely ridiculous. People like this shouldn't be living. What a cruel world......
Wish I hadn't looked now, there is just no excuse for that
Oh my....
I'm not looking
good idea Fox Sports
wow she needs to be hung

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