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the navigator is no more
for those of you who know me and have met me know that i loved my car.. but today thanks to a bright sunball and dim taillights i killed my baby. well not really my baby. but my navigator is totaled and i am carless for a couple days..
i'm really sad and i need reassurance lol
Oh Im sorry CTD, what ya gonna do?
At least your ok. You are ok, right?
Got any pictures?

I love pictures.

Cars can be replaced but a crazytaxidriver is PRICELESS!
Just be thankful ur ok... atleast you can replace the car!
Glad you're okay.... sorry about your car
Well its got to be the name, but at least your ok.
How did you wreck it?
IM sorry bout that crazynavigatordri........i mean CTD. lol

I really i am sorry though, i know what its like to wreck and it is no fun. Your ok though im assuming which is indeed the most important thing.
sorry to hear that ctd
The positive side is at least you'll save gas money for a few days.
Oh man, really sorry about your wheels! Im very glad your OK. Thats the really important part.
I'm just glad that you're alright CTD!
Well CTD, I'm like you. The first thing I ask my wife when she wrecked my BRAND new truck. (she hit a deer) How bad is my baby hurt. She said I'm ok. I said no the truck. $15,000 worth. Sad :mad:
Congratulations on your new...oh never mind, wrong thread.

Sorry about your wreck and I am glad that you are okay. Insurance will help you get another one but we could never replace you. Smile
What the hell did you do? that thing was pimp....and you need all the help you can get.
Sorry CTD, I'm glad your ok though.
well hopefully i'll have pics pretty soon..

this lady was pulling off the road, and i didn't see a blinker, and the way the sun was shining i couldn't tell that she had even hit her breaks.. well it was too late by time i saw that she was stopped and she had just started to pull across the road when i hit her. so instead of just a straight forward ramming, i kind of hit the corner of her car and watched her flip up on her side.. both my airbags came out, thank god (btw.. that crap burns like crazy and smells like crap) my front end is abotu half the size it used to be, and my engine locked up.. I have to go have x-rays on my knee in a day or so..

on a brighter note, i get a rental.. so ya know what that means.. drive it like ya stole it. lol.. j/k. I am goin to get a new car, but i don't know what i want yet.. any suggestions woudl be nice.

my back hurts, but the doc said that was normal, my insurance will probably go back up to about 600 a month...

thanx beef i love you too..

and everyone else, thanx for your concern, but it's going to take more than that to take me out i think.. or at least i hope so. and hopefully i won't be around to see what that feels like lol.
With the insurance rates you'll have to pay, you better find one thats insurance freindly. BTW sorry about your ride, is the lady suing? That happened to me about 7 yrs ago and my rates are just now recovering.
more than likely she'll sue me.. just cause people are out for an easy buck these days.. but ahh. no biggie.. it's just money
That sucks, hate to hear it.
crazytaxidriver Wrote:more than likely she'll sue me.. just cause people are out for an easy buck these days.. but ahh. no biggie.. it's just money
Want me to take care of her??? Smile
hahahahah.. nah.. my luck i'd get caught corndog. lol..
I wont tell....Confusedhh:

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