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Lafayette 44 Paul Laurence Dunbar O
Congrats to Lafayette.
Dunbar has been shutout in 5 of its 6 regular season games.

Who is to blame?

A.) Head Coach
B.) Offensive Coordinator
C.) Players
D.) All of the above
Lafayette gets their second win of the season and second win overall.
All of the above
i believe only team Dunbar scored against was Mccreary. Did they lose that one too?
JerryGarcia Wrote:i believe only team Dunbar scored against was Mccreary. Did they lose that one too?

Dunbar was up 21-8 in the 4th quarter but lost to McCreary Central 22-21.
Fly By Night... you serve your name well. You are a "disgruntled" former PLD Coach ( I use the term "Coach" very loosely.

Lay off PLD. You seem to want to tear them down every chance you get.
God of Thunder Wrote:Fly By Night... you serve your name well. You are a "disgruntled" former PLD Coach ( I use the term "Coach" very loosely.

Lay off PLD. You seem to want to tear them down every chance you get.

I truly coached high school football for the last time in the Spring of 2014. I was asked by Mullins to observe from the booth at PLD in 2016 until Administration told a few of those helping Mullins that we did not go through the screening process to be around kids at FCPS. BTW, I was in the booth for 4 games in 2016 to help with the offense. We won 2 of them (Jeffersontown and Anderson County). The two that we lost should have been victories. We scored 35 points against Tates Creek only to lose to them in overtime after being up 14 midway through the 4th quarter. We lost to Eastern after giving up over 20 points due to turnovers. Nothing I could help with in the booth there.

Mullins asked me to coach in the summer of 2017. Little did I know at the time that there was little, if any, strength on the team. Mullins had decided to not lift heavy in the off-season. Instead, he chose circuit training...or at least his strength coach suggested it and Mullins agreed to it. It wasn't until i showed up in June of this year and suggested that they needed to lift more weight did Mullins change his mind. However, June is too late to begin lifting heavy hence the 5 shutouts this season from a weak line upfront.

There is also little, if any, discipline on the team. Talking back to a coach is allowable at Dunbar football without severe consequences occurring. No wonder the team has now lost 9 straight games dating back to the Henry Clay game of last season.

These are the facts. If facts offend you, then maybe you might want to leave the kitchen because that is where the heat is located.

Good luck to PLD. I hope that the Bulldogs get at least one W this season.

As for me, I am out of the coaching game. I love writing about facts too much! It must be the freelance reporter in me!
I am still trying to figure out what your obsession is for PLD?

Kitchen?? I am not afraid of a kitchen or a furnace!
God of Thunder Wrote:I am still trying to figure out what your obsession is for PLD?

Kitchen?? I am not afraid of a kitchen or a furnace!

I found a 20+ year old bottle of Obsession for Men in my trunk tonight.

Still smells great!

Oh goodness, I am such an old
The bulldogs are the softest football team I have watched in a long time. I really hate to say that but it's the truth. No toughness at all. if the coach thinks doing cross training is the answer to all the problems there than maybe that tells you all you need to know. By the way, I think that the coaching staff are as bad as a lot of poorly coached middle school teams. I don't have a kid there or any feelings about them one way or another but the head guy has been there a few years. Maybe it's time to try something else.
Mule kicker Wrote:The bulldogs are the softest football team I have watched in a long time. I really hate to say that but it's the truth. No toughness at all. if the coach thinks doing cross training is the answer to all the problems there than maybe that tells you all you need to know. By the way, I think that the coaching staff are as bad as a lot of poorly coached middle school teams. I don't have a kid there or any feelings about them one way or another but the head guy has been there a few years. Maybe it's time to try something else.

Mullins was announced as the head coach at Dunbar in February, 2016. Mullins was 3-8 last season and is 0-6 so far in 2017 at Dunbar.

There are a lot of so-called "rookie" coaches on Mullins' staff. His offensive and defensive coordinators do have multiple years of coaching experience. His Associate Head Coach has been coaching with him since 2011. Mullins also has his young nephew on his staff and a multitude of young millennials.

I do like Dunbar's defensive coordinator's positive intensity with their players. He has done a good job with his defensive unit given the shortcomings of Dunbar's sputtering offense and Mullins' desire to continue to have limited, if any, 2-way players.
The defense for Dunbar has been one of the positives from this season. From the games I have watched they always compete and give maximum effort no matter the score. They are often put in bad positions throughout the game but seemed to be well coached and motivated. Hats off to DC John Hallock for getting the most out of this defensive unit. In my opinion, one of the most underrated DC's in the state. Just needs to find the right situation!!!
The Dunbar offensive juggernaut moves on
E's Army Wrote:The Dunbar offensive juggernaut moves on

Are you thinking 6 out of 7 goose eggs with Thursday's game at Henry Clay?
Seriously, how hard is it to recruit the hallways at Dunbar?
What elementary and middle schools feed directly into Dunbar? Aren't they in the top 10 in the state in enrollment?
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Seriously, how hard is it to recruit the hallways at Dunbar?
What elementary and middle schools feed directly into Dunbar? Aren't they in the top 10 in the state in enrollment?

Mullins stated that Beaumont Middle is split between Lafayette and Dunbar. Mullins said that many of this year's freshmen football athletes chose to go to Lafayette instead of Dunbar.

I do not have the numbers, but those were Mullins' words.
Fly By Night Wrote:Mullins stated that Beaumont Middle is split between Lafayette and Dunbar. Mullins said that many of this year's freshmen football athletes chose to go to Lafayette instead of Dunbar.

I do not have the numbers, but those were Mullins' words.
Re- district took away huge chunk from PLD and not attends Lafayette. And Lafayette lost a bundle to Douglas. Winner? Douglas cause they took Henry Clay's, Bryan Station, and Lafayette's athletes.
FBfan4life Wrote:Re- district took away huge chunk from PLD and not attends Lafayette. And Lafayette lost a bundle to Douglas. Winner? Douglas cause they took Henry Clay's, Bryan Station, and Lafayette's athletes.

Here is the redistricting map for Fayette County High Schools showing the previous high school boundaries prior to this year. (In this map, the blue lines represent the old high school boundaries.)

Here is the middle school map showing the high schools that the students should now attend. (In this map, the blue lines represent the new high school bounrdaries.)
I hope that Dunbar has fixed its punt game. TV lowlights the past two weeks have shown Douglass and Lafayette taking advantage of Dunbar. Douglass could have body slammed the punter with the ball. Lafayette was the beneficiary of Dunbar punting the ball into the up-back.

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