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Somerset 16 North Laurel 14
Could have expected someone to complain about justifying what happened. I was certainly not. I have seen the same stuff many times at all levels from middle school to varsity level.
The victory formation and kneeling the ball should not be an opportunity for a cheap shot by anyone, but it is still a live ball play.. The point is it needs to be policed by the adults better for the protection of the players. Players will be emotional and act their age. I have heard officials advise the offense to protect themselves, and the defense to play smart. Any penalty after something like this happens doesn't change the fact that a player may have had his season ended or worse. Addressing it before the play may make a player think twice about making a bad decision. This stuff will get worse at the end of the season when teams have no fear of being ejected.
My experience is that kids take on the demeanor of their coach. If he allows, encourages or demonstrates behavior that would be considered poor sportsmanship - then their kids will mimic that. And don't be confused by just how the coach acts during a game. It's during practice that their kids will learn what's allowed and what's not. Many coaches forget that they have the potential to be the most positive role model in many students life.

I'm not suggesting that's the case with North. wasn't there. haven't seen anything, don't know. and don't care. Just making a general observation
I agree with that. I have especially seen that at the younger levels in multiple programs.
In high school if taking a knee referee should be informed first by head coach, then officials advise players. All O line except center should be in two point or standing. All Dline should be standing as well.
No head coach would inform the officials then try to run a play or he would pay the price in the future.
That said kids are so unpredictable. A lot of the time they don't even know what they are going to do, then can't explain why afterwards.
To control emotions most good officials have the lines standing so there's no scuffles or contact.
No reason for anyone to get hurt.
It's a hard thing to get hurt bad and not be able to play. Trust me we know.
I can't seem to take my own advice and stay away. I guess when I see BS I just have to call it. I suggest nothing! I seen the play or in your case plays involved and none of it justifies the actions taken at the end. Geeze some people are so dense they believe the crap spewing from their mouths. Appreciate the concern for the young man now, but shouldn't even be a concern in the 1st place if handled right. The official is quoted as saying "The North Laurel player continued to twist and bare down on the centers knee". Maybe no verbatim, but close enough you get the point. If an official sees and says that then why is there still any discussion about what this player did. Now what the coach said was heard by more than one player. There are even players saying they didn't hear it, which tells me that the team is not getting together and saying "let's make this stuff up". A couple of them actually heard it. If it was a fan on the sideline and that close to the huddle then they should have never been allowed on there. For the cheering and clapping part when the player got hurt, I can honestly say I have no idea because I was too busy being concerned about the player and his family. Too many smoking 🔫's for none of them to have happened. The straw that breaks the camels back is the stating of "I'm glad your brothers dead" by one of the players as well. Inexcusable! I'm sure our players and parents said things out if anger when these happened that we shouldn't have, but that's an awful lot of provocation to ask a teenager or upset parent to turn from. I'm glad we didn't act on ours.
Tight End Wrote:OK everyone wants to talk film - It wasn't the last play SBJ QB was jumping around with the ball in the backfield it was the play before which is what caused NL to attempt to go after him on the last play. No coach, no assistant no staff told NL to break a kids leg, PERIOD!~That is pure BS to keep saying that when it didn't happen. Entertaining the falsehood that NL fans were cheering that SBJ player being hurt defies all logic and intelligence as well. Hopefully the young man that was injured will be back full speed by the next game or so.

I have a hard time believing that a coach ordered players to hurt other players...I don't think Coach Larkey would do that.

I agree on the next to last play the Somerset QB didn't go straight to the ground (he was trying to burn off a few more seconds of time).

On the play in question the Nose Guard DID fire out straight into the Centers attempt to get to the QB or anything else. He was lined up very low and dove right into the centers knee, it really clear.

Same Nose Guard had earlier pulled the centers helmet off by the face mask by twisting it off his head, that also is clear on film.

I don't see this as a rogue program or team as much as a rogue player.
how is the kids knee
ky playmaker Wrote:how is the kids knee

MRI Scheduled for 3:30 today
I personally am not a fan of the "victory formation" as we see it today. When kids relax during a play, it opens the door for classless acts to be displayed. Going forward, I'd like to see: 1. The line fire off like any other play and the QB takes a knee or 2. Run a basic dive play. I know option 2 wouldn't be ideal due to the risk of fumbling, but if you can't trust your RB to hold onto the ball and secure a win, do you even deserve it?
Here is a slow motion video of the last play I saw on Facebook. Nose fires out right into the centers knee, never even tries to come up.
I seen the video. In slow motion and live speed. Def should never have happened.
How about the bunny kicking the nose guard in the face on that play the nose guard never flipped flopped none of that how about the bunnies flipping the north stands and players off and taunting them as they left the field that was the booing you herd
Once again not a smart or appropriate thing to do. However, I did see Somerset coaches escorting players off the field and reprimanding them. As for how handled after I do not know. Not my place to pry into the team's business. I stated earlier though that they had a lot of provocation leading up to all that. Teenage boys do crazy things when angry. Doesn't justify their actions, but you literally hurt someone on a bush league move and congratulate another that their brother has passed and you aren't exactly trying to make friends with them. All these weak points to try and refocus the real tragedies at hand. Sad...just sad.
After all is said and done everyone involved could have handled this a lot better myself included, regret my initial post specifically. I am sincere in the fact that I have been praying for the somerset kid who was hurt in the game and wish him a speedy recovery. I really have nothing else to contribute here, good luck to the Jumpers and the rest of your season hopefully next time we meet everyone involved can be a little more mature, and set a better example for the kids we are supposed to be mentoring.
The Bunnies were in the locker room when North left the fields as ordered by BJN coaches. Try again.
I say throw it up for grabs and try to tack on more points.

In this day and age I don't understand the whole point of "sportsmanship" when it comes to running up the score. There is no sense in taking your foot off the gas if you can. Score 200 if you can. Throw for 800 if you can. We have to get out of the mindset that if you get drilled 80-0 it hurts your "pride".
If we didn't view running up the score and trying to pad stats as unsportsmanlike, then you also wouldn't see the type of things you all are talking about. Its just a game. Try to break every record.
I wish the video showed the previous play too. NL didn't attack the line or go after to QB. The QB just stood there holding the ball down by his side and was letting the clock run. When NL realized this, they rushed at him and he took a knee. NL then called a time out. With about 4 seconds left is where the video starts with all this massive attention to stop the clock. Ridiculous!! Wonder what was said during that time out that gave NL all the urgency to attack?
That's about the class you expect from a North Laurel team. Stupid play. North got into it with South the first game of the year. Comes a time you have to stop pointing fingers and look in the mirror.
CoachNM0523 Wrote:That's about the class you expect from a North Laurel team. Stupid play. North got into it with South the first game of the year. Comes a time you have to stop pointing fingers and look in the mirror.

Really? You have got to be kidding. You mommies and fans just see what you want to see. Amazing! :please:
Sounds like there is plenty of fault to go around for all. The video is inconclusive at best. Looks like the ref had the best view of anyone so I'll trust him.
zebra'seyes Wrote:Sounds like there is plenty of fault to go around for all. The video is inconclusive at best. Looks like the ref had the best view of anyone so I'll trust him.

That's just it depends on where you are looking at the time something is going on. Anyone that has ever been a ref will tell you, they miss a lot, they are human too. :Thumbs:
Tight End Wrote:Really? You have got to be kidding. You mommies and fans just see what you want to see. Amazing! :please:

I'm going to assume you've never played.
BJN0502 Wrote:The next time anyone wants to post a reply and justify wrong they need to reevaluate their moral compass. Even if the SHS Qb didn't immediately take a knee, there is no justification for going at knees and legs...NONE. Had it been Somerset they would have lost have life long fan, no place for such. Keep saying "watch the film" and i will, when I coach with 30 seconds left comes on to the field and says audibly loud enough to "break their F*****G legs" then no video needed. The motive and intentions were made known. Here comes the "that's garbage", "thats bs" and so on, but I will take the word of a young man with integrity over that of any parent or fan not on the field. Up until that point why were there helmets being slung everywhere? Somerset have that faulty of equipment or maybe the more likely truth, North Laurel expected and were told they were going to roll us and failed to do so, so childish behavior took over. Point being you can try and argue it wasn't dirty and justify what took place, but in the end it was sheer ignorance and bad sportsmanship....ok let's all pile on poke holes....ready....GO!
Only thing that I have to say to your ignorant comment is to go to the NLHS game and watch them play Harlan. I played against them and I guarantee that they cut or "go after the knees" the whole game. No mater the time left on the clock.
CoachNM0523 Wrote:I'm going to assume you've never played.

You would assume wrong! :runtouchd
So how is the Somerset kid?
Hatz Wrote:So how is the Somerset kid?

Stained MCL and ACL. Hoping to be back in 2-3 weeks.
Good to hear it is not surgical. JV player from Somerset injured Monday night. It looked pretty rough knee injury. Does anyone know any update on him?
NLHS Alum Wrote:Only thing that I have to say to your ignorant comment is to go to the NLHS game and watch them play Harlan. I played against them and I guarantee that they cut or "go after the knees" the whole game. No mater the time left on the clock.

Wait...what part is ignorant? I know times are screwy these days, but had no clue we stated facts as ignorant. That being said who are saying cuts and "goes after the knees"? Statement is a little unclear. If your suggesting NL I'd say that I never said they did do that the whole night so that would make your statement ignorant, because that is not fact. If you're saying Harlan does then yes, that's bad, but has absolutely nothing to do with this thread. Come on you're an alum...that means graduate. If expect a little better from a high school grad. None of what you said justified anything that took place last Friday. Your post is pointless, but thanks for sharing.
oldschool77 Wrote:Good to hear it is not surgical. JV player from Somerset injured Monday night. It looked pretty rough knee injury. Does anyone know any update on him?

I was told it was a torn ACL.

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