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Somerset 16 North Laurel 14
Oh and real original with the home field advantage Tight End. So would you be saying that home field advantage is something only Somerset has, Everyone has, or only when you lose does that team have it? 🤔
NextGeneration Wrote:7-1-6: Now stipulates that it is encroachment to strike the ball or the snapper’s hand/arm prior to the snapper releasing the ball.

Rationale: Defensive players are restricted from contacting the ball or the snapper’s hand(s) or arm(s) until the snapper has released the ball.

2017 definitions of rules.

Just because it's in the rule book doesn't mean it's always going to get called. Doesnt matter how much everyone goes back and forth everyone has their opinion and will stick to it. Great game with bad ending.
Well I will agree to disagree. I don't believe it's a representation of every player, fan, or coach, but until wrong is called out the rest get lumped into it. I'm sure there has been and as much as I hope not there will be wrong done by a Briar Jumper, but I hope it is quickly condemned by whatever team it happens from. Someone has got to stand up and say what the coach said was wrong and what the player did was wrong.
If someone could get a link to the play in question, a lot of this speculation could be resolved. Until then, could a non-homer give a purely objective point of view?
Even if I am a homer and self admitted does that take away what the coach said and what the end result was? I find odd how that's not even being questioned. The intent and motive of it all and who led the charge for it. Kids lie I know, but I have never been given a reason not to believe this kid. That in itself is enough to be ashamed of.
MadHatter Wrote:If someone could get a link to the play in question, a lot of this speculation could be resolved. Until then, could a non-homer give a purely objective point of view?

I wasn't at the game, but based on what I've read here the only speculation is whether or not the play was dirty. Don't think film is going to clear that up.

It looks like both fanbases are in agreement that the kid dove at the center's knees. Somerset fans are saying it was dirty, NL fans are saying the kid was diving to try to cause a fumble (which is still an illegal play).
RoShamBo Wrote:I wasn't at the game, but based on what I've read here the only speculation is whether or not the play was dirty. Don't think film is going to clear that up.

It looks like both fanbases are in agreement that the kid dove at the center's knees. Somerset fans are saying it was dirty, NL fans are saying the kid was diving to try to cause a fumble (which is still an illegal play).

There was a BIG pile up as the play ended, how you could watch the film and come away with anything is impossible! Had the SBJ QB gone down on a knee the play before they would NOT have been going after him, which is what they were doing, they were NOT going after the line to hurt them, that is ridiculous to even entertain from any point of view. You have to be sensible about stuff and some of you SBJ are not being realistic.
Tight End Wrote:Had the SBJ QB gone down on a knee the play before they would NOT have been going after him . . .

Wait, why didn't the BJ QB take a knee after he took the snap? Was he in the shotgun or under center?

Either way, sounds like a poor decision or miscommunication on someone's part. If I were one of his teammates, I would "strongly encourage" him to take the snap and take a knee to end the play. Can't fathom any legitimate reason to do otherwise. Run correctly, the "victory" formation is pretty universally proven to achieve its goals. No need to reinvent the wheel.

Football happens. Hope all the kids are okay and both teams go on to successful seasons.
JaguarPulse Wrote:Just because it's in the rule book doesn't mean it's always going to get called. Doesnt matter how much everyone goes back and forth everyone has their opinion and will stick to it. Great game with bad ending.

It was called and kid ejected. Does anyone see the real question, kids make mistakes but if a kid was coached to do something that was illegal and a kid got hurt as a result of what the Coach told him, then the liability is on the Coach. It could get bad if pushed by parent.
Exactly. Oh and watch the film in its entirety. Why is the same kid snatching helmets off and taking crack back blocks on offensive players. The player was wrong the whole way through and then you tell the whole team to break legs....hmmm...what do you think that player is thinking? I'm outraged with the justification by everyone. There is none. At that age you know the difference between right and wrong and he chose to do wrong anyways. The coach has a penalty he needs to pay more so than the player even.
What attempt the SBJ qb make to advance the ball? None, he dropped back with the ball at his waist, not at his shoulder in a throwing position. he was trying to run the maximum amount of time off the clock, before they could call time. Why didn't the NL defense just let the time run out, if they knew the game was for all intents was over? As far as dancing in the pocket, he was just watching for the defenders to get close. Still a cheap shot from a program my kids graduated from. Lost tons of lost respect for the jags coaching staff and team,I once pulled for. Watch the UK Vs South Carolina game same thing happens with the Uk Qb., drops back waits to take a knee, until pressured to, no attempt to advance ball at all.
SomeBunnyFan_10 Wrote:What attempt the SBJ qb make to advance the ball? None, he dropped back with the ball at his waist, not at his shoulder in a throwing position. he was trying to run the maximum amount of time off the clock, before they could call time. Why didn't the NL defense just let the time run out, if they knew the game was for all intents was over? As far as dancing in the pocket, he was just watching for the defenders to get close. Still a cheap shot from a program my kids graduated from. Lost tons of lost respect for the jags coaching staff and team,I once pulled for. Watch the UK Vs South Carolina game same thing happens with the Uk Qb., drops back waits to take a knee, until pressured to, no attempt to advance ball at all.

Same for NL they have lost all respect for SBJ after the treatment the received there from the officials on the field. So it is what it is! That being said, the SBJ QB should have let the time run down, and taken a knee and none of that would have happened. I said before we were standing on the NL side line which we never do, but wanted a good vantage point. We were close enough to hear what was being said, their coaches and staff absolutely did NOT tell their players to break someone legs. Ridiculous to keep saying that. Also, it was not said quietly, it not in Larkey's DNA to say anything quietly, and he would absolutely not say something like that, he has kids of his own. You SBJ fans are totally out in left field on this one!
I have watched coach larkey coach for years. Would he tell his players to go hard. Absolutely. I have never heard of him telling them to go after a kid to hurt them. I am a south guy so not a huge north fan. Ha
The objective evidence that tips this balance is that the offense was called by the officials, and the kid was ejected. Period.

The QB was trying to waste time, NOT make a play. Good Lord; nobody is stupid enough to try to make a play when you're trying to run out the clock!

I don't know what the coach said to this kid, but I know he cheered the action. Stuff like this has been happening more and more at NL, and not only in football.
I'm going to drop this because it's pointless. These actions continued to be justified and that is just disgusting. Lots respect for us? For being angry of ignorance and for defending a player. Yeah that's awful of us to do. 🙄. Also I will continue to believe this young man because the actions that followed seem to back his side up more than yours. I'm sure your ears could hear everything that everyone said. Quit saying we are blowing this out of proportion when I think we are handling it pretty well. Words were exchanged, but no violence was returned. Same can't be said for the player who played dirty the whole game. Here's icing for the cake...another player was told that they were glad his brother died. Honestly it seems like this is just a team getting their feelings hurt because they didn't get their way. For me to continue to argue is pointless as well, because here comes more excuses and justification. Not ONE person has owned up to any of the wrong. Sad this how losing effects some people. The day I hear this stuff happening on our end is the day I just give up on high school sports all together. There's playing til the whistle blows and then there's just garbage. There's also trash talk and then there's ignorant bull 💩. Sounds soft to say it because it's not the "macho" thing to do, but geeze an apology sure would be nice. I won't hold my breath though. Instead I'll wait for the 💩 to continue to build.
Well I have watched the film... not sure how to post the film of the two plays in question but the qb did not dance around the ball was snapped he took 4 steps back ward and held the ball to his side and then took a knee the next play it shows north laurel player plan as day dive into the Somerset centers knee with his helmet there is no sound on this video but I was in the stands that night and the north side was not booing but cheering at a down player.. lack of class and sportsmanship... end of story...
Bunnies with a big win going into district play. Good test for both teams.
Tight End Wrote:Same for NL they have lost all respect for SBJ after the treatment the received there from the officials on the field. So it is what it is! That being said, the SBJ QB should have let the time run down, and taken a knee and none of that would have happened. I said before we were standing on the NL side line which we never do, but wanted a good vantage point. We were close enough to hear what was being said, their coaches and staff absolutely did NOT tell their players to break someone legs. Ridiculous to keep saying that. Also, it was not said quietly, it not in Larkey's DNA to say anything quietly, and he would absolutely not say something like that, he has kids of his own. You SBJ fans are totally out in left field on this one!
But it is in Jim Blacks DANA.
bop07475 Wrote:Well I have watched the film... not sure how to post the film of the two plays in question but the qb did not dance around the ball was snapped he took 4 steps back ward and held the ball to his side and then took a knee the next play it shows north laurel player plan as day dive into the Somerset centers knee with his helmet there is no sound on this video but I was in the stands that night and the north side was not booing but cheering at a down player.. lack of class and sportsmanship... end of story...

I was there in the North stands and no one around me was cheering at a kid being injured, that's the story, but I do hope he isn't injured badly!!
Prayers for the young man who was injured. Hopefully nothing serous and a speedy recover
NextGeneration Wrote:It was called and kid ejected. Does anyone see the real question, kids make mistakes but if a kid was coached to do something that was illegal and a kid got hurt as a result of what the Coach told him, then the liability is on the Coach. It could get bad if pushed by parent.

Seen the film. It's very bad......and I'll bet you it about to get VERY real for some folks.
WILDCAT NATION Wrote:Seen the film. It's very bad......and I'll bet you it about to get VERY real for some folks.

Are you speaking about the kid from SBJ they thought could be ruled ineligible by khsaa we heard at the game from a Somerset fan one of my friends knew that a judge in Pulaski had set an injunction until that case goes to court and to khsaa where he possibly could be ruled ineligible?
Tight End Wrote:Are you speaking about the kid from SBJ they thought could be ruled ineligible by khsaa we heard at the game from a Somerset fan one of my friends knew that a judge in Pulaski had set an injunction until that case goes to court and to khsaa where he possibly could be ruled ineligible?

Grasping at straws? Yes.

KHSAA ruled eligible.

You want so bad to not be wrong, don't you?
WILDCAT NATION Wrote:Seen the film. It's very bad......and I'll bet you it about to get VERY real for some folks.

Yep, its on social media now. Not a good look.

QB milked the play clock before the snap. Took snap and immediately took a knee. For that person saying he stood straight up, you are about to look foolish.

The one down lineman that wasn't going to disrupt the snap. He was very low and made diving contact at knees of the center. That's not getting the ball, that's just bush league. Kid then was still rolling around with the downed player and its worse. At that moment, the center exchange is over and the QB has taken a knee.

Also, a second video of said player grabbing the center by the helmet facemask, turning the body of the center and ripping the helmet off is out there. Not going to be a thing NL folks want added to the argument.

I understand competitiveness, but there is also some class to be had in defeat. Stand upright and push the player over while going after the ball while the opposing team is in a victory formation. What happened after the snap, is absurd.

If I were the parent and this results in torn ligaments that require surgery, hell would have no fury.
I (thankfully) was not at the game, so I have not chimed in until I got to see the video as well. I'm a North fan. But that does not look good. I have no idea about the officiating before this, we all know it can often, but not always, be terrible. Anywhere. But that never justifies an intentional injury, if that is what this was. I had absolutely no problem with the kid not taking an immediate knee, that happens all the time. Now on defense you might be doing what you could to cause a fumble, since that's your last chance, but not st the expense of an injury. As for the coaches, as Playmaker said, I would never believe something like that would come out of Larkeys mouth. But if it was maybe an assistant......Anyway my only hope is that the young man is not seriously injured at all.
I am not a fan of either program. I have seen the film and it appeared the kid was diving at the ball, but the scrum on the ground certainly looked unnecessary afterwards. I can't determine whether he was trying to injure the player or not by diving at the ball. I also saw the end of the Bourbon Co. game. In an obvious victory formation kneel, the Somerset players came off the ball hard into the line. I am sure they were trying to cause a fumble but could have caused an injury with no real chance to change the outcome of the game. The last few plays of a game are usually filled with emotion and the offensive players tend to be more relaxed than at any other time. Also, as the playoffs come around you have teams with nothing to lose at the end of a loss. Coaches need to tell their players to protect themselves and discourage as much of this activity by the defense as possible. The officials need to really be on top of this and advise the offense to protect themselves and the defense that they will levy ejections for this type of activity. Best of luck to both programs and especially the Somerset player who was injured.
PETE THE GURU Wrote:But it is in Jim Blacks DANA.

Calling Bull Shit on this.
Now we have people going back and looking for anything they can throw at Somerset. Geeze...we get it all do wrong, but not a one of them dove at a knee. Fired off yes. Went for knee...NO!. This is the probably with these players. We have grown men and women trying to justify a horrible action. Even if SHS did (which they did not against Bourbon)go for a dirty play, you're telling me that justifies wrong actions later. Horse 💩. We also throw in a player who has been given legal right to play, but for another chance of deflection let's throw that out there. When we can't own up to things and be adults anymore we have lost the right to tell teenagers or any child to "grow up". This whole thing is one player and one coach gone rouge and it has turned into everything else. I need to quit before I start speaking childishly.
E's Army Wrote:Calling Bull Shit on this.

I know a long list of people that would call BS on you calling BS.
Van Hagar Wrote:I (thankfully) was not at the game, so I have not chimed in until I got to see the video as well. I'm a North fan. But that does not look good. I have no idea about the officiating before this, we all know it can often, but not always, be terrible. Anywhere. But that never justifies an intentional injury, if that is what this was. I had absolutely no problem with the kid not taking an immediate knee, that happens all the time. Now on defense you might be doing what you could to cause a fumble, since that's your last chance, but not st the expense of an injury. As for the coaches, as Playmaker said, I would never believe something like that would come out of Larkeys mouth. But if it was maybe an assistant......Anyway my only hope is that the young man is not seriously injured at all.

OK everyone wants to talk film - if you watched it you will note #81 for NL was plainly laying in the end zone on a TD that was taken away from them and pulled back to the 1 yd line. QB on the 2nd play never got his hands on the ball? No clue what happened on that. It wasn't the last play SBJ QB was jumping around with the ball in the backfield it was the play before which is what caused NL to attempt to go after him on the last play. No coach, no assistant no staff told NL to break a kids leg, PERIOD!~That is pure BS to keep saying that when it didn't happen. Entertaining the falsehood that NL fans were cheering that SBJ player being hurt defies all logic and intelligence as well. Hopefully the young man that was injured will be back full speed by the next game or so.

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