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Somerset 16 North Laurel 14
Walt Longmire Wrote:They must not be the real deal. After all, this loss is due to the home cooking, right?

So Somerset was trying to score on those last couple of plays? Did they pass or hand the ball off to a running back? I'm wondering what stats they were trying to pad.

I didn't say the loss was due to home cooking just that it was obvious, as the away team its one of those things you still have to overcome. I'm sorry that the kid was hurt nothing I can do to change that, but why didn't the QB take a knee? I hope that your player is alright I'm certainly not wishing a child hurt in any capacity and I felt terrible when it happened, good luck on the rest of your season
pjdoug Wrote:I see poor sportsmanship and a bunch of sore loser posts listed above.

I wish people would get ahold of some film so you could see what really took place there last night.
Tight End Wrote:We stood right on the side line tonight, and that was NOT what happened! Watch the film!

I don't have to watch the damn film, I WAS THERE!!

Shameful behavior from North Laurel, up to and including the coaching staff who was cheering for this classless and dangerous act.

North Laurel's declining reputation is being earned every year. They should be ashamed!
Tight End Wrote:Are you nuts?! NL fans were absolutely NOT cheering because of a injured player, that makes no sense on any level to even say that! They were booing what the QB did and the refs letting things get out of hand because of the calls they made. Anyone that thinks you are going to play Somerset at Somerset with their officials and not get questionable calls hasn't played much football there is all I know to say about the officiating. The coaches from other schools standing sideline by us said it was par for the course there. There was some cocky crappy stuff going on but you are going to have to look to the other team if you are honest, apparently you aren't honest or you wouldn't have said that to begin with!

The officiating was equally bad on both sides. Officiating is bad everywhere anyway. Receivers holding kids DBs on the edges all night. The same kid that rolled up their center ripped two different Shs players helmets off and threw them on multiple occasions. Was flagged for it 2/4 times.

Shs is a lot better than NL, kinda disappointed in the margin of victory to be really honest.
Ballmom1 Wrote:I don't have to watch the damn film, I WAS THERE!!

Shameful behavior from North Laurel, up to and including the coaching staff who was cheering for this classless and dangerous act.

North Laurel's declining reputation is being earned every year. They should be ashamed!

Going to have to agree to disagree, it was shameful behavior alright from SBJ. You are nuts if you think the NL staff and fans were cheering because the kid got injured! That DID NOT happen!!!! They booed the last 2 plays and the officiating PERIOD, I was there too, on the sidelines, we know what happened! You would have to look in the mirror when referring to declining reputations believe me!
JumperPride1 Wrote:The officiating was equally bad on both sides. Officiating is bad everywhere anyway. Receivers holding kids DBs on the edges all night. The same kid that rolled up their center ripped two different Shs players helmets off and threw them on multiple occasions. Was flagged for it 2/4 times.

Shs is a lot better than NL, kinda disappointed in the margin of victory to be really honest.

Would like to see that game played again on a neutral field with 13th region officials.
Tight End Wrote:Would like to see that game played again on a neutral field with 13th region officials.

Me as well. I like winning and that would happen again.
JumperPride1 Wrote:The officiating was equally bad on both sides. Officiating is bad everywhere anyway. Receivers holding kids DBs on the edges all night. The same kid that rolled up their center ripped two different Shs players helmets off and threw them on multiple occasions. Was flagged for it 2/4 times.

Shs is a lot better than NL, kinda disappointed in the margin of victory to be really honest.

Helmets were flying off heads on both sides, NL's were rolling around as well. I don't know how many times kids had to come off the field because of a helmet flying off, we were on that side so noticed it a lot.
Somerset was in victory formation. North Laurel had called their last time out. I know for a FACT that a SHS player overheard the North Laurel head coach tell his players to go after SHS players. TWO North Laurel players went after our center with the intention to hurt him and they sent him to the ER, maybe out for the season. I put the blame on the North Laurel coach, no one else. Why would you tell your players to intentionally go after a kid? Makes no sense at all. This coach should be fired immediately and banned from coaching in the KHSAA.
blueandgreen Wrote:Home cooking was obvious from the beginning of the game, I don't think anyone from North was trying to hurt a player from Somerset. When the game is over if you show class and quit trying to pad your stats unfortunate things like this don't happen!! Good luck on the rest of your season Somerset is the real deal this year!! Good Luck

What stat did our Qb. pad? He took a three yard loss on his stats. He never raised the ball above his waist or made any move toward the line. I talked with NL radio crew after the game they even said it was uncalled for and showed little class. Did he stand there letting the time run, YES! NL Had timeouts to call,which you did! The result of which is apparent to all. Also heard from from a reliable source some NL fans were trying to get into a certain Bunny players head by bringing up his brothers death, somethings should be off limits, no matter what.
I don't agree to disagree on anything. I saw what I saw and heard what I heard!!

I don't know if the coach encouraged the players to do this terrible thing or not, but I DO know they cheered the action.

North Laurel's reputation is declining and it's horrible actions like this that is eroding it.
First of all, there was nothing dirty about this play. Play before quarterback danced around in the backfield causing north to go after him. After this north called timeout. For all of you who didn't notice, the official started the clock BEFORE the snap. Next thing, in my years of playing Oline I don't care if you're up by 50. I always fired off the ball in victory formation. Somerset players should've done the same. Thirdly, you never know what is gonna happen. North player was diving at the ball to cause a fumble. He was not diving with intent to hurt the player. Last but not least, the north player was not ejected and will play next week. Thank you for your time.
JaguarPulse Wrote:First of all, there was nothing dirty about this play. Play before quarterback danced around in the backfield causing north to go after him. After this north called timeout. For all of you who didn't notice, the official started the clock BEFORE the snap. Next thing, in my years of playing Oline I don't care if you're up by 50. I always fired off the ball in victory formation. Somerset players should've done the same. Thirdly, you never know what is gonna happen. North player was diving at the ball to cause a fumble. He was not diving with intent to hurt the player. Last but not least, the north player was not ejected and will play next week. Thank you for your time.

The ejection was turned in about midnight last night. You lost one for a game, hoping it wasn't the product of us losing one for the season.
Again please tell me how tackling the center and cutting his legs stops the QB from running around. Didn't see it, but trying to hit the ball before snapped or during the snap is an illegal play. So if instructed to do so would be coaching a kid to do something illegal that caused an injury. I would also like to see play . Someone should hudl , YouTube the play and most can see what we are talking about.
7-1-6: Now stipulates that it is encroachment to strike the ball or the snapper’s hand/arm prior to the snapper releasing the ball.

Rationale: Defensive players are restricted from contacting the ball or the snapper’s hand(s) or arm(s) until the snapper has released the ball.

2017 definitions of rules.
Tight End Wrote:Would like to see that game played again on a neutral field with 13th region officials.
Oh my Lord...WHY would you want 13th region officials??!!

JumperPride1 Wrote:The ejection was turned in about midnight last night. You lost one for a game, hoping it wasn't the product of us losing one for the season.
So this action was documented by the official? So sad.
I left the game with 1.14 remaining in the game score was 16-6 at the time. So I have no ideal what happened :popcorn:
Does anyone have a link to the list of ejections?
I believe you have to be a member school and have a login account to see them.
^^That is correct. A couple years ago, anybody could see that list but not anymore.
I listened on radio so I never seen anything but the announcers was really giving north a hard way to go about the play
Laurel co radio too.
The next time anyone wants to post a reply and justify wrong they need to reevaluate their moral compass. Even if the SHS Qb didn't immediately take a knee, there is no justification for going at knees and legs...NONE. Had it been Somerset they would have lost have life long fan, no place for such. Keep saying "watch the film" and i will, when I coach with 30 seconds left comes on to the field and says audibly loud enough to "break their F*****G legs" then no video needed. The motive and intentions were made known. Here comes the "that's garbage", "thats bs" and so on, but I will take the word of a young man with integrity over that of any parent or fan not on the field. Up until that point why were there helmets being slung everywhere? Somerset have that faulty of equipment or maybe the more likely truth, North Laurel expected and were told they were going to roll us and failed to do so, so childish behavior took over. Point being you can try and argue it wasn't dirty and justify what took place, but in the end it was sheer ignorance and bad sportsmanship....ok let's all pile on poke holes....ready....GO!
Amen. N. Laural, their coaches and fans have no class! Period!
The only point at this time that I will continue to make that SBJ fans keeps saying is those NL kids did NOT dive intentionally at that kids knees, to hurt him they were going after the QB after he danced all around the backfield - just the play before. He should absolutely have taken a knee period! Also, Coach Larkey, absolutely DID NOT tell his players to hurt that kid as someone indicated previously, that is an outright lie, I do NOT care what the SBJ kid said he heard, he did not hear that. BJNO502 wrote: "Point being you can try and argue it wasn't dirty and justify what took place, but in the end it was sheer ignorance and bad sportsmanship....ok let's all pile on poke holes....ready....GO"! You do realize this is football not "ring around the rosy"", nothing ignorant about going for the football in that situation & absolutely not bad sportsmanship on any football coaches level!
[quote=foozeballfanatic]Amen. N. Laural, their coaches and fans have no class! Period![/QUOTE

Every NL fan there last evening will say the exact same thing about SBJ!
I really don't want to argue about this, its a game and its over with, I am just wondering what is the status of the young man who got hurt, I have been praying for him. At the end of the day its a game between kids sometimes we forget they are more important than a win or loss.
Tight End Wrote:The only point at this time that I will continue to make that SBJ fans keeps saying is those NL kids did NOT dive intentionally at that kids knees, to hurt him they were going after the QB after he danced all around the backfield - just the play before. He should absolutely have taken a knee period! Also, Coach Larkey, absolutely DID NOT tell his players to hurt that kid as someone indicated previously, that is an outright lie, I do NOT care what the SBJ kid said he heard, he did not hear that. BJNO502 wrote: "Point being you can try and argue it wasn't dirty and justify what took place, but in the end it was sheer ignorance and bad sportsmanship....ok let's all pile on poke holes....ready....GO"! You do realize this is football not "ring around the rosy"", nothing ignorant about going for the football in that situation & absolutely not bad sportsmanship on any football coaches level!

If it wasn't dirty why was he ejected? And he WAS ejected.
Walt Longmire Wrote:If it wasn't dirty why was he ejected? And he WAS ejected.

No one I have spoke to knows anything about anyone being ejected? If he was it was wayyyyyy after the fact it sure did not happen as the play was ending that is for sure! One could ask, why in the WORLD did they make any of the bad calls they made that night, I think everyone knows the answer to that one!
Watched play. Watch at least ten times. Never seen a play where the Qb was at the centers legs awaiting to be tackled. Also how do you explain the coaches comments to his own players? Another point to your story Tight End is that what do expect Somerset fans to do? Be calm, cool, and collected when a kid get taken out? Yeah I'm sure NL would have shown us the ultimate way to handle such. Fact remains you will believe what you want to believe because you are not objective and I am obviously a bit of a homer myself, but the facts and evidence is stacked against this whole situation. The more you and anyone else try to justify it the more I feel comfortable with my standpoint. No substainal evidence has been given to contradict our point. When you watch the film and can show me or when you can find a recording of what the coach said to his players I'll change my views...maybe. However, you won't and can't.

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