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The United States Will Survive Donald J Trump, and Learn From the Mistake

It is only by applying highest common denominator to "justice for all," to "created equal," to "inalienable rights" that this nation could be a city set upon a hill. Only when the Bill of Rights is gender blind, color blind, religion blind that we aspire to the goodness and equity of the general grace of God, who make his sun to shine and rain to fall on all humanity, irregardless.
vector Wrote:Well Hell$ fire you must be the troops spell checker that's good to know I can sleep better at night
As far as bashing my country you have NO clue the founding fathers are not as innocent as you might like but I will give them credit they was smart on how they set this thing up and by the way I have payed federal taxes for the last 40 years so you CAN draw your check
The Earned Income Tax Credit does not constitute paying taxes. If you earn enough to qualify as a net taxpayer, then my guess is that nepotism may be a factor. Does your daddy sign your check? Uncle? Little sister, perhaps?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Well, I agree with your comparison of vector to Kaepernick. Otherwise, I would say having the right to bash one's own country for political reasons and exercising that right do not justify one's action.

It doesn't hurt anybody.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:
It is only by applying highest common denominator to "justice for all," to "created equal," to "inalienable rights" that this nation could be a city set upon a hill. Only when the Bill of Rights is gender blind, color blind, religion blind that we aspire to the goodness and equity of the general grace of God, who make his sun to shine and rain to fall on all humanity, irregardless.

What do you think it will take to get all 31 genders recognized?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:To suggest that Thomas Jefferson's "voice" (ideas, intellectual tour de force) were not the single most compelling, forceful, "carry the day" component of the Constitutional Convention is ridiculous. Forum Boys: all of you. Just Forum Boys.

Whatever. Anything is better than being a habitual liar like you. You know you said Jefferson was the compelling voice of the constitutional convention. I merely posted proof that Jefferson was not at the CC. Thus proving you are full of bull. You'd be surprised if you knew how little respect you actually have on this forum. But please do go on making yourself look despicable.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:
It is only by applying highest common denominator to "justice for all," to "created equal," to "inalienable rights" that this nation could be a city set upon a hill. Only when the Bill of Rights is gender blind, color blind, religion blind that we aspire to the goodness and equity of the general grace of God, who make his sun to shine and rain to fall on all humanity, irregardless.

Says the guy who likes to lecture people on Jefferson's compelling voice at the CC. Only problem is, he wasn't even at the convention. But like all lying Dems, when caught lying the playbook says to double down no matter what.

But continue on with your sermonettes. We're all just fascinated.
WideRight05 Wrote:What do you think it will take to get all 31 genders recognized?

Mass insanity? But seriously folks, maybe we can get Baskin Robins' CEO to address the Congress.
TheRealThing Wrote:Mass insanity? But seriously folks, maybe we can get Baskin Robins' CEO to address the Congress.

Have you ever heard of gender bender, Hijra, or pangender for starters?

The Baskin Robbins idea wouldn't be bad though he has business experience.
TheRealThing Wrote:Says the guy who likes to lecture people on Jefferson's compelling voice at the CC. Only problem is, he wasn't even at the convention. But like all lying Dems, when caught lying the playbook says to double down no matter what.

But continue on with your sermonettes. We're all just fascinated.

Nice try, PeeWeeGee. A year after MLK Jr. was assassinated, Ralph Abernathy said at a SCLC meeting that MLK's voice and thought hung over the room like an unseen presence, like "the compelling voice" ringing in their ears. You're such a Forum Boy peacock it's fascinating. You are a revisionist, plain and simple.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Nice try, PeeWeeGee. A year after MLK Jr. was assassinated, Ralph Abernathy said at a SCLC meeting that MLK's voice and thought hung over the room like an unseen presence, like "the compelling voice" ringing in their ears. You're such a Forum Boy peacock it's fascinating. You are a revisionist, plain and simple.

After this there can be no question in anybody's mind on here, you are a liar, plain and especially simple.
TheRealThing Wrote:After this there can be no question in anybody's mind on here, you are a liar, plain and especially simple.

I would suggest, TRT, that you are a Forum Boy, and an Edna Prude Forum Boy at that. Who was Jefferson's mouthpiece at the Constitutional Convention? Surely, O Wizard, you know?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I would suggest, TRT, that you are a Forum Boy, and an Edna Prude Forum Boy at that. Who was Jefferson's mouthpiece at the Constitutional Convention? Surely, O Wizard, you know?

You know nearly nothing about our heritage. But because your liberal ideology helps you feel better about keeping that seared conscience shoved back in the closet, and in order to push said ideology, you tried to act knowledgeable and got caught with your pants (or capri pants down). I've always known you were clueless, just as I've always known you'd eventually 'out' yourself. Congratulations
TheRealThing Wrote:You know nearly nothing about our heritage. But because your liberal ideology helps you feel better about keeping that seared conscience shoved back in the closet, and in order to push said ideology, you tried to act knowledgeable and got caught with your pants (or capri pants down). I've always known you were clueless, just as I've always known you'd eventually 'out' yourself. Congratulations

And you're a Forum Boy. Madison is the answer. Exchanged letters is the answer. You are a revisionist. Plain. Simple. And a weasel. And we both know what I mean.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:And you're a Forum Boy. Madison is the answer. Exchanged letters is the answer. You are a revisionist. Plain. Simple. And a weasel. And we both know what I mean.

I had no question to answer, you are the one who showed your ignorance, word twisting liar that you are, and EVERYBODY knows what I mean.
I don't think I need surviving the best economy since Reagan.
TheRealThing Wrote:I had no question to answer, you are the one who showed your ignorance, word twisting liar that you are, and EVERYBODY knows what I mean.

Ah, again, nice try. You are trying to hold that the group led by Jay (a type of evangelical) somehow held the day as over against the thought and principle of Madison, Franklin, Jefferson. Your revisionist desire, your faith dictating facts contrary, are clear to see. What "EVERYBODY" knows on this forum is you need to believe that the United States was founded as a Christian nation, confusing part for whole. Jefferson, a man in the spirit of the Age of Reason, a man Kennedy, hosting a room full of brilliant men, said, "No room has held more brilliance except when Jefferson dined alone," was the intellectual tour de force, not the only compelling voice, but the most influential one. I realize, PeeWeeGee, that the Peacock virus creates in you a thirst for, a hunger for, a burning itch for being right and authoratative and dictatorial. However, you are wrong. Period.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I don't think I need surviving the best economy since Reagan.

Oh now that's not fair. Holding Somewhere-over-the-brero to his own thread topic could force him to defend his own statement, and of course, there can be no defense of blather except more blather. And who knows from where or by whom the idea was actually planted in Sombrero-loco in the first place?

Nobody knows what the future holds much less what he was talking about, though I assume he meant that financially he'd be okay. I believe America's fortunes, immediate and long term, are inextricably tied to her disobedience to God. The foretelling and explanation of which I believe, are clearly set forth in the prophetic texts. And thus I had hoped that because in the last election America rejected the leaders of disobedience, that history will show that The Lord granted at least a temporary reprieve of what is surely certain judgment. But that doesn't add up for the Sumbrero, who rejects any notion that The Lord holds sway over America's state of affairs.

We'll see. Soon.

"America's state of affairs" includes a Christian assembly so free, so blessed, so rich (tax free) that one hardly knows how to respond to such rubbish. The Constitution so honors freedom of conscience in matters of worship that Christians have and do enjoy an incredible amount of "sway."
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Ah, again, nice try. You are trying to hold that the group led by Jay (a type of evangelical) somehow held the day as over against the thought and principle of Madison, Franklin, Jefferson. Your revisionist desire, your faith dictating facts contrary, are clear to see. What "EVERYBODY" knows on this forum is you need to believe that the United States was founded as a Christian nation, confusing part for whole. Jefferson, a man in the spirit of the Age of Reason, a man Kennedy, hosting a room full of brilliant men, said, "No room has held more brilliance except when Jefferson dined alone," was the intellectual tour de force, not the only compelling voice, but the most influential one. I realize, PeeWeeGee, that the Peacock virus creates in you a thirst for, a hunger for, a burning itch for being right and authoratative and dictatorial. However, you are wrong. Period.

You are delusional if you think anybody's buying your bull. Even Gitback knows better, but that itchy 'like' finger has already mistakenly 'liked' one of my posts.
TheRealThing Wrote:You are delusional if you think anybody's buying your bull. Even Gitback knows better, but that itchy 'like' finger has already mistakenly 'liked' one of my posts.

The "Jay" group did not win the day, so to speak. The size and powers of the newly formed federal government might have remained at issue, but the United States was not to have an established religion. Of course, Christianity was then, and is now, the unofficial, go-to religion, but it is not the established one. You continue to count hands. You're still wrong. All who read the minutes, the notes objectively will reach this conclusion. Your "I need to believes" notwithstanding. And, you're a weasel. You know exactly what I mean.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:The "Jay" group did not win the day, so to speak. The size and powers of the newly formed federal government might have remained at issue, but the United States was not to have an established religion. Of course, Christianity was then, and is now, the unofficial, go-to religion, but it is not the established one. You continue to count hands. You're still wrong. All who read the minutes, the notes objectively will reach this conclusion. Your "I need to believes" notwithstanding. And, you're a weasel. You know exactly what I mean.

You're online after the fact, researching and striving to divert attention away from the fact that YOU SAID Jefferson was at the Constitutional Convention. HE WASN"T THERE And though I will be first to admit you are an epic blower of smoke, no amount of smokescreening will hide that fact.

Further, and I know how much you like that lead off, nobody said a thing about dissecting the machinations of the convention, and nobody cares to be subjected to your belated though still self proclaimed arrival of awareness on the matter. I knew off the top of my head that Jefferson did not go to the convention because I majored in history. Your lying subversions notwithstanding, another term you've managed to steal from my example, and though nobody on here I know buys your act anyway, and though your whole presence on here is obviously an act meant to bolster the cause of mindless liberalism, it is nonetheless too late to play the professor now.

You are no more the expert on the Constitution than you are on Christianity. Excuse me, I meant theologiciencisms. And lest you forget what started all of this, you libs knowingly make the false claim that Jefferson was the alpha and omega of the founding documents. And he did have a lot to do with them but certainly not more than Madison and many others. Jefferson was a brilliant speaker and a brilliant author and was commissioned of the others to write the Declaration. Even then his work was proofread and edited to the satisfaction of all concerned, including himself. Lacking any credible source of evidence whatever, all of the inhabitants of La-La Land therefore, have collectively attempted to justify their spiritually rebellious and otherwise un-American and subversive hopes, and therefore their rabid advocacies, on the spiritual confusion of just one man, that man of course being Jefferson. You're enamored with Jefferson because he is the only one of the framers with whom Godless libs can identify. And it is on that teensy sliver of conjecture that your liberal imagineers base all of their revisionist machinations. Which of course is the fodder of your parrotings.

So when stripped of all the guile, the real argument you make becomes clear. Your problem is with our society's proud tradition of honoring God openly, which of course has always been my position, my privilege and my God given charge. Your frothing and 'Exorcist' worthy rants are on the other hand, against all Godly principles as they are legendary on this site. I hope you're proud of yourself because you've earned it. The societies of this world are full of the deniers of God. For example, Evolutionism is nothing more than men denying God as Creator and therefore Judge. And just as the Evolutionist's tremendously complex scaffolding of the classifications and eras have been posthumously layered to the argument are nothing more than extrapolated clever deceptions, so are the liberal justifications of the fake constitutionalist. You fool nobody.

Note: A history major does not preclude one from making the error of counting the Jay faction as somehow winning the day as over against Madison (Jefferson's tutee and confidant), Jefferson, and Franklin. The intellectual tour de force behind the Constitution was not the group that included Jay, and had Jefferson been in the grave, and not Paris, his voice, his reason, his intellect would have been the most compelling. The United States Constitution posits within Man the right to choose to affirm or deny God, minus the interference or compulsion of the government. This establishment regarding religion, this principle, does not preclude Christianity's influence, nor does it limit Christianity's ability to function in any way consistent with the New Testament. But, the government does not compel nor forbid. It is a marvelous concept, one that history taught and experience proved wise. Period.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:
Note: A history major does not preclude one from making the error of counting the Jay faction as somehow winning the day as over against Madison (Jefferson's tutee and confidant), Jefferson, and Franklin. The intellectual tour de force behind the Constitution was not the group that included Jay, and had Jefferson been in the grave, and not Paris, his voice, his reason, his intellect would have been the most compelling. The United States Constitution posits within Man the right to choose to affirm or deny God, minus the interference or compulsion of the government. This establishment regarding religion, this principle, does not preclude Christianity's influence, nor does it limit Christianity's ability to function in any way consistent with the New Testament. But, the government does not compel nor forbid. It is a marvelous concept, one that history taught and experience proved wise. Period.

Counter note and one that actually applies to the discussion at hand. NOBODY gives the first flip about the jay group, and you're only trying to change the subject. You said (without knowing what the heck you were talking about) that Jefferson was at the convention. He was actually in Paris. Which fact puts you in the BS group.
I meant to correct Lowbrowo earlier and got side tracked. There were two mistakes associated with the election of DJT but they both reside with classless liberals. First mistake being, the ill conceived notion that millions of people who've woken up and voted for Trump, and against the now 'certified' mistake of progressive liberalism, could somehow be be talked right back out of their support by the same looney libs that they just beat. It ain't happening.

Things are already much better for the US financially and militarily. We'll eventually get the dead weight out of the way and get on with the Trump agenda.

The second mistake being all the ridiculous activism in the form of baseless attacks on his person, fake protests, false charges to include a kangaroo prosecutor, fake news, and the obstruction coming from Obama appointed judges whose bias is so blatant that no pretense of established law could credibly be put forward by way of excuse. Heck, even off the cuff psychological diagnoses coming in from people who aren't even smart enough to figure out sexual deviancies are choices, not diseases. But while all the fake investigations are going on, very real evidence continues to come to light every single day. And I'm sure the rabid chipmunks will all be so shocked to find that there will be some very real hell to pay for it at the voting booth and at the hands of federal prosecutors.
* Note: What I said was that Jefferson's was the most compelling voice, to which, Forum Boy that you are, PeeWeeGee, you leapt to conclusion. I would like to add that, whether in Paris or no, Jefferson's vision trumped Jay's, and if you weren't such an agenda-driven preening peacock, why, you'd know that, GeeWeePee.

Second, Donald Trump's policies haven't particularly been at the core of my posts in objection. The tweeting don has integrity issues, abuse of power issues, judgment issues, and these are obvious to all but zealots. What I gather, PeeWeeGee, is that white supremacists and billionaires have this in common: they like Donald J. Trump, as do alt right leaning Christians. Now, Peacock, I suspect you are not a billionaire, but have suspicions along other lines.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:* Note: What I said was that Jefferson's was the most compelling voice, to which, Forum Boy that you are, PeeWeeGee, you leapt to conclusion. I would like to add that, whether in Paris or no, Jefferson's vision trumped Jay's, and if you weren't such an agenda-driven preening peacock, why, you'd know that, GeeWeePee.

Second, Donald Trump's policies haven't particularly been at the core of my posts in objection. The tweeting don has integrity issues, abuse of power issues, judgment issues, and these are obvious to all but zealots. What I gather, PeeWeeGee, is that white supremacists and billionaires have this in common: they like Donald J. Trump, as do alt right leaning Christians. Now, Peacock, I suspect you are not a billionaire, but have suspicions along other lines.

Note: You lie

Second, You're rooting for Trump's demise saying he is guilty of obstruction of justice (which is an incredibly uniformed position BTW, you and Maxine Waters, right?) And if not obstruction, your fall back has been he has benefited financially by way of loans from Russia, which in the realm of reason and even though there have been no loans, still any bozo would assume had to be paid back. All the while totally ignoring Billy and Hilly's multi-million dollar windfall from where? RUSSIA Which BTW did not have to be paid back, the money was a straight up gift.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I know it will.

Yes she will. The Lord will deliver us from this evil. Keep the faith.

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