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Trump and health care: Promises made, promises broken
And yet, there was the Republican president yesterday, throwing his support behind a Senate GOP bill that won’t cover everybody, would increase consumer costs, and cuts Medicaid by hundreds of billions of dollars.
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:And yet, there was the Republican president yesterday, throwing his support behind a Senate GOP bill that won’t cover everybody, would increase consumer costs, and cuts Medicaid by hundreds of billions of dollars.

^^This is 100% totally false. But then what should we expect from a guy who sources Rachel Maddow?

Unlike you I have actually researched ObamaCare from it's inception. There will be fewer people on government run healthcare after ObamaCare is repealed, but that is only because as the law now stands, the government forces everybody to have some form of health care or face a fine levied through the IRS. Once that pressure is off, many young people will choose to drop health insurance because under the present system, it is just too expensive. My own health insurance premium is certainly no exception and has skyrocketed, more than doubling from 2009 when Obama brought chaos and graft to the insurance marketplace owing to the fact that insurance companies had much to say about what went into the law. Additionally, my out of pocket payouts for medical treatments are more than 5 times higher, and my insurance covers much less than it did in 2009.

My family has been royally hosed, as has the rest of America who were promised a 2,500 dollar yearly windfall as the result of ObamaCare, which of course was a dastardly lie of absolute epic proportion. ObamaCare is just another wealth redistribution scheme and any reasonable person who works or worked for a living should be outraged by the atrocity perpetrated upon them by lying Dems. Republicans tried to tell everybody how bad the ObamaCare mandate really was back when Pelosi et-al were ramming it through, but they got pilloried for their efforts by the media. And so, here stands those who actually work for a living, forced by government to pay for the health care of people whose priority in life is driving up their zombie kill count and seeing how fast their teeth will rot out if they keep a bottle of Mountain Dew and a pack of cigarettes with them every waking moment of their existence.

Obama promised every American that ObamaCare would not cost taxpayers "one dime" and most saw national health care in the same light as Social Security. Free and easy health care. But the Medicaid Rachel Maddow is raising sand about is nothing more than welfare. Nonetheless the Republican version of national health care does not cut anything out of Medicaid at all, she's lying about that. It merely slows down the expansion of Medicaid because as the math clearly shows, Medicaid spending in fact continues to GROW for the foreseeable future. Despite Mr Obama's 'not one dime' promise, ObamaCare will cost the American taxpayer, to the tune of 2 TRILLION dollars from 2014 to 2023 alone, and that doesn't take into account the fact that 785 billion came out of Medicare to kick start ObamaCare in the first place.

In the end the bottom line is Republicans are now trying their darnedest to make the impossible come to pass. Health care costs a ton of money, and if people get it free they will abuse it just like they do everything else. I don't care how they set it up or spread out the costs, we the taxpayer still must pay for it. Like foodstamps meant to feed the hungry be they child or adult, have instead become a form of black market currency, free health care will be abused. The only thing that prevented health insurance coverage abuse in the past was the fact that there was still personal costs attached to it's use. Medicaid is just more belly-up-to-the-bar taxpayer funded welfare and it will be over used while those who do pay, will be forced to stay home instead of seeking health care when they need it because they just will not have the money to pay the rest of their "fair share" when their own life is on the line. The whole thing is criminal IMHO.
What would you expect to read from Rachel Madcow and the rest of the idiots at MSLSD, TRT?

However, it's not surprising that our good friend "Pervert Patti" would use something from this crockpot of crackpots to use as a source of legitimate information.
There is no dumber creature on the planet (including animals) than the ignorant fools who mindlessly parrot the insane and idiotic liberal propaganda. I don't even try to change their feeble little minds anymore, I just avoid them like the plague. Almost without exception they have nothing on the ball, are hateful, bitter, and mind-bogglingly ignorant. Let them wallow in it.
5 Republicans now say NO to new bill.
jetpilot Wrote:There is no dumber creature on the planet (including animals) than the ignorant fools who mindlessly parrot the insane and idiotic liberal propaganda. I don't even try to change their feeble little minds anymore, I just avoid them like the plague. Almost without exception they have nothing on the ball, are hateful, bitter, and mind-bogglingly ignorant. Let them wallow in it.

Blah, blah, blah...go back to watching the G.O.P. infomercial masquerades. JP says, "Oh, what I watch is true, and I'm so elevated and holy to watch it." Step off you preening puppet. You folk are amusing.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Blah, blah, blah...go back to watching the G.O.P. infomercial masquerades. JP says, "Oh, what I watch is true, and I'm so elevated and holy to watch it." Step off you preening puppet. You folk are amusing.

You fail to realize that some people actually think for themselves and don't allow their minds to be turned to mush by the idiots blabbering on TV or other "elite" (lol) media That's mostly what liberal sheeple do.
Only a full repeal should be considered.

100 percent private insurance. Period!
jetpilot Wrote:You fail to realize that some people actually think for themselves and don't allow their minds to be turned to mush by the idiots blabbering on TV or other "elite" (lol) media That's mostly what liberal sheeple do.

Yeah, right. "My side, but my side, hey, my side, we think for ourselves." Save it, friendo.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Yeah, right. "My side, but my side, hey, my side, we think for ourselves." Save it, friendo.

I didn't expect you to understand.
jetpilot Wrote:I didn't expect you to understand.

Whatever gets you through the night, friendo, you just go right ahead and "expect" what you need.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Whatever gets you through the night, friendo, you just go right ahead and "expect" what you need.


What it means dumbass, is that there will be millions opting not to buy it when it is not mandated.

How about that $321 billion that will come off the national deficit...Pretty neat, huh?

CBO? Isn't that the same bunch who said that Obamacare would be this great thing..Cheaper, etc., etc., etc? Yeah, that's what I thought.
The news is reporting the new, new plan is going to flop again.

Here is a little article on it.

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