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A Hand Over Played?

Copyright laws preclude making a copy of the May 29th cover of 'TIME Magazine' to post on here. Still, the cover can be seen by clicking the link posted above. The cover is at the bottom of the webpage and depicts a White House which has become half Kremlin and half American in architectural detail; Which of course, is intended to convey the message, given the assignment of a special council to investigate the present Administration's Dem alleged ties to Russia, that Putin is controlling the actions of our President. The American dream for the common man sitting back in small town USA is in some jeopardy IMHO. Things are out of hand.

Investigations of this type routinely run for years and Deputy Rob Rosenstein has likely handed the Dems the prize for which they have been so desperate. The move gave credibility and reprieve to the very Democrats the voters of this land had just relegated to the backwaters of the Swamp. I would guess the Dems' strategy in this is to keep the non-controversy alive until the midterms to give them a leg up for retaking the Congress. Never mind the fact that the whole thing is a fabrication built on nary a shred of evidence. Lying means nothing to these guys. In fact Harry Reid laughed out loud at a reporter who suggested his lie about Mitt Romney not paying income tax for a full decade was untoward behavior on the part of a US Senator. The obvious irony here is that we taxpayers are actually paying the opposition to run an all out effort to derail our own federal government. I'm not too happy with that and to me, the midterms of 2018 loom large.

But this 'decision' was made by Rob Rosenstein in lieu of AG Jeff Sessions, because the good AG allowed himself to be neutered by these same Dems. Giving in to their demands that he recuse himself from heading up the Russia investigation on the grounds that he would be biased on behalf of the President was a huge mistake. But hey, they fall for Democrat ruses every time. Partly out of na·ive·té, and partly out of fear of the biased press. I don't know, maybe Newt Gingrich needs to get a job opening up each session with a collective slap across Republican noggins? Where was all this concern when the Obama DOJ was supposedly investigating themselves and other Administration officials in all of their shenanigans? And yet here we are again, and Republicans have apparently learned nothing because obviously there has been no concern expressed that Mueller and Comey, who worked together for years in close confidence at the helm of the FBI, may have developed any kind of mitigating allegiance between them.

But I believe the media have gone too far, overplaying their hand in their attempts to reform our government in their own image. The voter therefore who are not fooled, will again deliver hapless Republicans from their own natural tendencies to capitulate themselves into political oblivion in the coming midterms.
⬆️ Your entire premise lifts all responsibility from President Trump. No doubt, partisan politics by Dems are in play as they strategize for 2018. However, if you hand a group of boy scouts matches, a bunch of matches, they are going to find something to burn and strike them.

"Nary a shred of evidence" hardly describes the situation. However, I am willing to wait for the finding and report of the special counsel.
Let us all hope for nine days of productive engagement in the Middle East.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️ Your entire premise lifts all responsibility from President Trump. No doubt, partisan politics by Dems are in play as they strategize for 2018. However, if you hand a group of boy scouts matches, a bunch of matches, they are going to find something to burn and strike them.

"Nary a shred of evidence" hardly describes the situation. However, I am willing to wait for the finding and report of the special counsel.
Let us all hope for nine days of productive engagement in the Middle East.

It would be no stretch to say THE TIMES & THE POST have taken it upon themselves to spearhead the so called resistance. They wrote unverified stories from unnamed sources. No reputable news outlet would think of committing such atrocity against a US President. There is as yet no proof.

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