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05-17-2017, 05:35 AM
The sitting President asked the FBI Director to "let go" of the investigation into "my man Flynn." Nixonian. Of course, the sitting President later fired the FBI Director. Nixonian.
05-18-2017, 12:26 PM
evidence of memo?
If this was done Comey committed a felony for not reporting it immediately to his superiors oft the DOJ
If this was done Comey committed a felony for not reporting it immediately to his superiors oft the DOJ
05-18-2017, 04:06 PM
He won't be able to respond nky, other than to try and change the subject.
05-18-2017, 09:14 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:He won't be able to respond nky, other than to try and change the subject.
I'm trying to change the subject? That's rich. The memos exist. Fact. Comey commited no felony, unless it can be proven that he absolutely was sure that the President was absolutely intent on obstructing justice. This is known as "too high a hurdle" in prosecutorial circles. Comey documented an "unusual" conversation "of note." If a penchant for "white paper" documentation was criminal, Rumsfeld was a by-the-ream convict.
That's just so rich. What a laugh, you poor, step-in-line, partisan-blind friendo.
05-18-2017, 11:39 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I'm trying to change the subject? That's rich. The memos exist. Fact. Comey commited no felony, unless it can be proven that he absolutely was sure that the President was absolutely intent on obstructing justice. This is known as "too high a hurdle" in prosecutorial circles. Comey documented an "unusual" conversation "of note." If a penchant for "white paper" documentation was criminal, Rumsfeld was a by-the-ream convict.
That's just so rich. What a laugh, you poor, step-in-line, partisan-blind friendo.
Well he's got a problem then friendo, because he testified under oath that nobody had pressured him to quash the Flynn investigation. What's the truth, the memo you think you know all about or his testimony? The law says he has to report incidents of obstruction, according to his sworn testimony he had never had that happen "in his experience." And let's get real, the only circle of your acquaintance is the one that spins about a foot away from your ears. But thanks for changing the subject to Rumsfeld and proving my point before you were done talking out of your head.
05-18-2017, 11:49 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:Well he's got a problem then friendo, because he testified under oath that nobody had pressured him to quash the Flynn investigation. What's the truth, the memo you think you know all about or his testimony? The law says he has to report incidents of obstruction, according to his sworn testimony he had never had that happen "in his experience." And let's get real, the only circle of your acquaintance is the one that spins about a foot away from your ears. But thanks for changing the subject to Rumsfeld and proving my point before you were done talking out of your head.
Read the statute. Think about it. What an angry little man you are, TRT. Rumsfeld was famous for taking notes, typing up memos, anthologizing unusual conversations. The point was it's not a felony. There was no implied accusation against Rumsfeld, that was your mistake. In fact, the opposite was being proffered. Your anger and desperation are making you sloppy. Easy, big fella.
05-19-2017, 01:27 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Read the statute. Think about it. What an angry little man you are, TRT. Rumsfeld was famous for taking notes, typing up memos, anthologizing unusual conversations. The point was it's not a felony. There was no implied accusation against Rumsfeld, that was your mistake. In fact, the opposite was being proffered. Your anger and desperation are making you sloppy. Easy, big fella.
You really are prisoner of your own deluded imagination, aren't you? Not that you could have come up with it on your own, but the liberal monkey puke doesn't work now that your hero is out of office. You changed the subject to Rumsfeld which, if there were a correlation there, it would be thinner than a gnats rear stretched over a boxcar. The point was memos notwithstanding and unless Comey lied, your argument is built on two mutually exclusive claims. Either Comey had experienced a high official in government pressuring him to quash an investigation, or he didn't. Both cannot be true, supposing that you have the first glimmer about the memo. Nobody I have heard is making that claim, but here you are on BGR acting as if you have inside info on the contents of the memo. :please:
I just hope the memo file is anywhere near as replete as many are saying is the case. A lot of Dem skeletons are about to see light of day if so.
05-19-2017, 02:10 AM
⬆ Your "mutual exclusivity" position denies certain nuances and realities. If Comey continues his investigation unhindered into President Trump, his associates, his campaign, Trump's little "let it go" takes on the nature of an inappropriate appeal on behalf of a friend. However, given what happened subsequently, the nature of the conversation changes. Thank goodness the lead investigator has legal training, and thus has been trained to go beyond the "mutual exclusivities" of the partisan.
05-19-2017, 02:41 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ Your "mutual exclusivity" position denies certain nuances and realities. If Comey continues his investigation unhindered into President Trump, his associates, his campaign, Trump's little "let it go" takes on the nature of an inappropriate appeal on behalf of a friend. However, given what happened subsequently, the nature of the conversation changes. Thank goodness the lead investigator has legal training, and thus has been trained to go beyond the "mutual exclusivities" of the partisan.
It's your position, not that I would have expected you to know what you're talking about.
05-19-2017, 02:44 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:It's your position, not that I would have expected you to know what you're talking about.
So says the Pompous Prince of Partisanship
05-19-2017, 04:32 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:So says the Pompous Prince of Partisanship
Who out of boredom toys with the Duke of Monkey Puke.
05-19-2017, 12:24 PM
18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony
Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 684; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(G), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)
Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 684; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(G), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)
05-19-2017, 12:26 PM
a self written memo by a man fired for dereliction of duty - powerful stuff there
05-19-2017, 12:43 PM
⬆ When Trump fired Comey, "I hope you'll let it go" went from a vague, inappropriate communication to a possible obstruction of justice one. The memo was then forwarded. Figure it out.
05-19-2017, 01:12 PM
when FBI found NOTHING inappropriate between Flynn and Russian Ambassador - "I hope you'll let it go" seems swell just like Obama praising Hillary last fall during an open FBI investigation
05-19-2017, 01:36 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ When Trump fired Comey, "I hope you'll let it go" went from a vague, inappropriate communication to a possible obstruction of justice one. The memo was then forwarded. Figure it out.
The memo was then forwarded to who, Chuck the WH plumbing supervisor?
"I hope you'll let it go," is a supposed Presidential utterance which is at this point, completely unverifiable anywhere except 'Mother Jones.' Even House Oversight Chair Jason Chaffetz has yet to see any memo, and as of today still knows nothing about it. I mean, when will such world shakers finally wake up and start checking in with the Sombrero about this stuff? He's got it all figured out.
05-19-2017, 01:54 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:The memo was then forwarded to who, Chuck the WH plumbing supervisor?
"I hope you'll let it go," is a supposed Presidential utterance which is at this point, completely unverifiable anywhere except 'Mother Jones.' Even House Oversight Chair Jason Chaffetz has yet to see any memo, and as of today still knows nothing about it. I mean, when will such world shakers finally wake up and start checking in with the Sombrero about this stuff? He's got it all figured out.
We'll see, TRT. We'll see. But, you know, and I know, there are memos. No need to quibble about it now.
05-19-2017, 02:14 PM
official governmental memos or one sided notes written down sometime after a meeting took place?
05-19-2017, 02:48 PM
nky Wrote:official governmental memos or one sided notes written down sometime after a meeting took place?
Again, we'll see. We all know memos exist. We all know Comey will testify. Thus, no need to quibble.
05-19-2017, 02:49 PM
the type of memo matters
05-19-2017, 03:03 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:We'll see, TRT. We'll see. But, you know, and I know, there are memos. No need to quibble about it now.
Well that is the point now isn't it? You know nothing about it except what your taste in news outlets are shoveling. Which means that you don't really have an opinion, you have fervent hope that continually needs to be nurtured. In Mother Jones and the rest of her bastard kindred you find solace and talking points.
Frankly I am not worried about the Jim Comey memos, or any of memos from the firing of Comey all the way back to 2009 . My worry is that Americans on the street will never know what's in the memos. Over the past 8 years emails have been bleached, government issued cell phones have been bashed to bits, government subpoenaed IRS hard drives have been treated similarly, legitimate investigations stymied, and thanks to Deep State loyalists the beat evidently goes on. In this nightmare reality we get more information by way of the criminal Wikileaks founder than our own government.
During your time on here you've yet to voice concerns for any of those areas of national concern. Rather you've defended all the machinations hammer and tong. But now with a Republican administration in place your instincts to protect the integrity of the Constitution are suddenly gone all tingly.
05-19-2017, 07:13 PM
⬆️ Actually, I have consistently said that most, if not all, of us on here embrace this policy or that, and then put up with the shenanigans of party and politics as usual and partisanship, hoping to see the policies and geopolitical worldview we have gain a foothold in enough folks to win elections.
I firmly believe that Comey has memos of his unusual discussions with President Trump. I do not know where the special counsel investigation will lead. I have my opinions. But, again, I am content to let it all play out. No need to further quibble about it at this time. If the shoe was on the other foot, Democrats would be hunkered down behind their man, with a few exceptions here and there. Politicians, on the whole, are of a certain breed, and years of "in office" amongst the likeminded only further and deepen survivalist instincts and partisanship.
I firmly believe that Comey has memos of his unusual discussions with President Trump. I do not know where the special counsel investigation will lead. I have my opinions. But, again, I am content to let it all play out. No need to further quibble about it at this time. If the shoe was on the other foot, Democrats would be hunkered down behind their man, with a few exceptions here and there. Politicians, on the whole, are of a certain breed, and years of "in office" amongst the likeminded only further and deepen survivalist instincts and partisanship.
05-19-2017, 08:18 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️ Actually, I have consistently said that most, if not all, of us on here embrace this policy or that, and then put up with the shenanigans of party and politics as usual and partisanship, hoping to see the policies and geopolitical worldview we have gain a foothold in enough folks to win elections.
I firmly believe that Comey has memos of his unusual discussions with President Trump. I do not know where the special counsel investigation will lead. I have my opinions. But, again, I am content to let it all play out. No need to further quibble about it at this time. If the shoe was on the other foot, Democrats would be hunkered down behind their man, with a few exceptions here and there. Politicians, on the whole, are of a certain breed, and years of "in office" amongst the likeminded only further and deepen survivalist instincts and partisanship.
Well, you go on believing that politics amount to little more than being adept at squeegeeing the crap out of one's corner of the septic tank until the election is over. The sentiment just failed Hillary twice, but that is your right and your particular plight. I choose not to accept that ultimate compromise of sanity, and I never will. The Comey memos will point away from Trump and at some of your favorite political heroes if my guess is right. To quote Bernie Mac, I ain't scared.
I do agree however that too many of our politicians are corrupt by nature, as I believe a preponderance of the voting public are now likewise aware. Folks of high moral standard are vulnerable for a time when thrust into a dog-eat-dog environment, be it in the workplace, the US Congress or where ever. The black eyes and bloody noses will heal in relatively short order, and I still believe the voters installed the right kind of people in office. As from the pain of their Congressional confrontations it will be a very short trip to arrive at the reality of their surroundings, and the legislative gloves will come off.
05-20-2017, 12:35 AM
⬆️ Your septic tank analogy notwithstanding, the art of politics, the science of it, if you will, is no cause to compare it to crap gathering. The intersection of human nature, in all its nuance and complexity, with power and policy and geopolitical realities is endlessly fascinating. Exploring Donald Trump the human being, then overlaying that onto Donald Trump the President: interesting stuff. Politicians can be noble, can be cads, can be a curious mixture of both. This is also true of the electorate. "We get the politics we deserve" sounds more profound than it is: we get the politics of a shared nature, in all its marvelous and awful complexity.
05-20-2017, 04:38 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️ Your septic tank analogy notwithstanding, the art of politics, the science of it, if you will, is no cause to compare it to crap gathering. The intersection of human nature, in all its nuance and complexity, with power and policy and geopolitical realities is endlessly fascinating. Exploring Donald Trump the human being, then overlaying that onto Donald Trump the President: interesting stuff. Politicians can be noble, can be cads, can be a curious mixture of both. This is also true of the electorate. "We get the politics we deserve" sounds more profound than it is: we get the politics of a shared nature, in all its marvelous and awful complexity.
Never saw that quote anywhere, I have heard 'people get the leaders they deserve.' Other than that, I for one can say I've had enough of the marvelous deceit to last a lifetime and aptly so, because it's about to wrap up here on the big blue marble.
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