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05-18-2017, 04:07 AM
Just saw former Democrat Congressman Dennis Kucinich on Hannity. Incredibly saying that President Trump and therefore this nation, is under attack from the Deep State within the US Intelligence community. He went on to say this attack has everything to do with petty partisan politics and further, the welfare of this nation is at stake.
Now that is a liberal Democrat who was known for dutiful wagon circling whenever the political situation called for it. But with voices like his being raised in opposition to the media, the so-called Deep State and with brain dead Dems like Schumer and Waters still screaming impeachment, Dems could well be in a 'deep state' themselves. And my are they richly deserving. Kucinich also said they're using the media as a forum to give voice to innuendo as well as these unsubstantiated and subversive attacks.
Welcome to the light Mr Kucinich, better late than never.
Now that is a liberal Democrat who was known for dutiful wagon circling whenever the political situation called for it. But with voices like his being raised in opposition to the media, the so-called Deep State and with brain dead Dems like Schumer and Waters still screaming impeachment, Dems could well be in a 'deep state' themselves. And my are they richly deserving. Kucinich also said they're using the media as a forum to give voice to innuendo as well as these unsubstantiated and subversive attacks.
Welcome to the light Mr Kucinich, better late than never.
05-18-2017, 04:12 AM
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:Trump admitted he did, which shows what liars he surrounds himself with.
He did not...
You don't have the first clue about what was said and what was not said..
05-18-2017, 04:15 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:With the appointment of a special counsel, "we'll see" is my approach. You allow your politics to wag your faith, which has been constant and consistent in our discourse. It's manufactured indeed: a product of President Trump's inexperience, novice understanding of basic American institutions and balance of power, and a type of reckless bravado sometimes rewarded in real estate/high finance (Sometimes not {see bankruptcies}) but almost never wise in political leadership at the highest levels.
Started to address this stupidity but why bother. You, NEWARK and Gitback deserve each other. :hilarious:
05-18-2017, 04:15 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:Just saw former Democrat Congressman Dennis Kucinich on Hannity. Incredibly saying that President Trump and therefore this nation, is under attack from the Deep State within the US Intelligence community. He went on to say this attack has everything to do with petty partisan politics and further, the welfare of this nation is at stake.Just saw that too..
Now that is a liberal Democrat who was known for dutiful wagon circling whenever the political situation called for it. But with voices like his being raised in opposition to the media, the so-called Deep State and with brain dead Dems like Schumer and Waters still screaming impeachment, Dems could well be in a 'deep state' themselves. And my are they richly deserving. Kucinich also said they're using the media as a forum to give voice to innuendo as well as these unsubstantiated and subversive attacks.
Welcome to the light Mr Kucinich, better late than never.
This is the second time in the last few days that he has come out and condemned the tactics that liberals are using against Trump.
And this coming from the most liberal of the most liberal.
05-18-2017, 04:16 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:Started to address this stupidity but why bother. You, NEWARK and Gitback deserve each other. :hilarious:
I guarantee that NEWARK couldn't even tell you his name if it wasn't pinned to his undershorts..
05-18-2017, 05:06 AM
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:That wall will never be built. If Hitler Jr last four years, we can talk about it then
I guess we will see. :eyeroll:
Modern day Nazis love people like you.
You demean the word and meaning by using it against everyone you don't like. Considering Trump is a rich billionaire capitalist while Hitler was a poor national socialist shows the ignorance.
And if your trying to say Trump has put jews in camps and killed all of his political rivals, please provide proof. If you can, I will no longer support him. I think the closest person to doing that is Mrs. Clinton. Lots of staffers have went missing and dead in her reign.
Its no different than what you've libs have done to the word racist, bigot, etc. Keep going....
05-18-2017, 05:08 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:Started to address this stupidity but why bother. You, NEWARK and Gitback deserve each other. :hilarious:
We've been spared additional noxious, lengthy gas. Call us blessed.
05-18-2017, 05:12 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:Just saw former Democrat Congressman Dennis Kucinich on Hannity. Incredibly saying that President Trump and therefore this nation, is under attack from the Deep State within the US Intelligence community. He went on to say this attack has everything to do with petty partisan politics and further, the welfare of this nation is at stake.
Now that is a liberal Democrat who was known for dutiful wagon circling whenever the political situation called for it. But with voices like his being raised in opposition to the media, the so-called Deep State and with brain dead Dems like Schumer and Waters still screaming impeachment, Dems could well be in a 'deep state' themselves. And my are they richly deserving. Kucinich also said they're using the media as a forum to give voice to innuendo as well as these unsubstantiated and subversive attacks.
Welcome to the light Mr Kucinich, better late than never.
You watch Hannity? There's a Mr. Obvious moment.
05-18-2017, 06:35 AM
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I guess we will see. :eyeroll:
Modern day Nazis love people like you.
You demean the word and meaning by using it against everyone you don't like. Considering Trump is a rich billionaire capitalist while Hitler was a poor national socialist shows the ignorance.
And if your trying to say Trump has put jews in camps and killed all of his political rivals, please provide proof. If you can, I will no longer support him. I think the closest person to doing that is Mrs. Clinton. Lots of staffers have went missing and dead in her reign.
Its no different than what you've libs have done to the word racist, bigot, etc. Keep going....
Would that all would stop going down these tracks: Adolph Hitler envisioned a Master Race Europe and world. He cheered on a plan that carried out a genocide designed to entirely wipe an ethnicity from existence, using ghettoes and camps and gashouse showers and crematoriums. Pol Pot belongs in that small reference group. Possibly a few others. Not Donald Trump. Not Hillary Clinton.
05-18-2017, 12:30 PM
President may declassify anything he deems needed to share. What would happen if a Russian plane was blown up by an ISIS computer bomb and the US knew how ISIS builds them and conceals them? Besides Obama shared classified intel with Russia a few years back, where was the outrage then?
05-18-2017, 02:13 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Would that all would stop going down these tracks: Adolph Hitler envisioned a Master Race Europe and world. He cheered on a plan that carried out a genocide designed to entirely wipe an ethnicity from existence, using ghettoes and camps and gashouse showers and crematoriums. Pol Pot belongs in that small reference group. Possibly a few others. Not Donald Trump. Not Hillary Clinton.
When liberals like Newark say that, it just make him look highly uneducated in world affairs.
Just a SJW trying to find someone to argue with.
Of all the things donald Trump is, mass murderer isn't one of them. Nor is genocidal maniac.
05-18-2017, 03:31 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Would that all would stop going down these tracks: Adolph Hitler envisioned a Master Race Europe and world. He cheered on a plan that carried out a genocide designed to entirely wipe an ethnicity from existence, using ghettoes and camps and gashouse showers and crematoriums. Pol Pot belongs in that small reference group. Possibly a few others. Not Donald Trump. Not Hillary Clinton.
And how was Hitler's plan different from what the Dems are doing to this country? What we're seeing right now are DNC sponsored foment in the streets, total Democrat involved resistance in both houses of government, Deep State subversion against this nation, judicial resistance from Obama appointed judges, and a media blitz which stands alone in the annals of US history in support of all the above.
Here's where you and all the other Brownshirt lefties are making your mistake. Eyes open voters who installed Trump into office cannot be led back into the darkness just because Schumer and his band of rabid chipmunks have doubled down. Illuminated truth has a way of completely transforming perceived reality and folks are not about to turn their backs on it now.
Long range, Democrats think that when the midterms of 2018 roll around they'll be able to crow around about how the Republicans had their turn to govern and have not accomplished a thing. Then they imagine, the House and Senate will once again be theirs. I say the so-called resistance will cost them even more seats.
05-18-2017, 03:45 PM
The following fits my definition of Russian collusion; Watch and listen for yourself--- and then ask yourself where Schumer, Waters and that paragon of lucidity Rep Al Green (D) of Texas, who formally got up on the floor of the House yesterday, demanding the impeachment of President Trump citing obstruction of justice. But even worse, where was the media?
President Obama: “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.”
President Medvedev: “Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you.…”
President Obama: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”
President Medvedev: “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir [Putin].”
President Obama: “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.”
President Medvedev: “Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you.…”
President Obama: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”
President Medvedev: “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir [Putin].”
05-18-2017, 04:03 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You watch Hannity? There's a Mr. Obvious moment.
You ignore or otherwise dismiss every honorable statesman and notable of good repute, up to and including the late Antonin Scalia no less, in blind allegiance to defend the Democrat Party shenanigan of the day? There's your Captain Obvious moment.
05-18-2017, 06:03 PM
Want a pick me up? Watch this and remember the power of the voter.
05-18-2017, 09:19 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:You ignore or otherwise dismiss every honorable statesman and notable of good repute, up to and including the late Antonin Scalia no less, in blind allegiance to defend the Democrat Party shenanigan of the day? There's your Captain Obvious moment.
Note: Antonin Scalia was a great legal mind, a skilled jurist, a legendary member of the SCOTUS. However, since he was neither infallible nor Christ, I often disagreed with him, with his strict originalist philosophy of interpreting the Constitution, as is my right as an American. You deliver straw, yet again, as is patently obvious.
05-18-2017, 11:29 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Note: Antonin Scalia was a great legal mind, a skilled jurist, a legendary member of the SCOTUS. However, since he was neither infallible nor Christ, I often disagreed with him, with his strict originalist philosophy of interpreting the Constitution, as is my right as an American. You deliver straw, yet again, as is patently obvious.
Well, horses eat straw sometimes, we all know what it becomes after that and you sir, are full of it.
The point is this, you disagree with everything and everybody except liberal Democrats while you go on and on about partisanship. Owing to personal success and the accolades of their peers, men who've attained greatness are quote worthy and to be considered experts in their fields of endeavor. That's why they are so often quoted and IMHO, rightly so. But you reject any opinion not sanctioned by the DNC or Support, however highest opinions are not all you reject. You're caught frequently out turning over rocks looking for clues while standing in the shadow of a mountain of empirical evidence on a matter.
James Comey was asked in committee and under oath by rabid liberal Rep Mazie Keiko Hirono, if anyone had asked him to close the Flynn investigation. He stated no in categorical terms, under oath mind you. Even going to the length of explaining that had anyone asked him to quash the Flynn investigation it would be a big deal, because under the law he is bound to report such incidents under penalty of that same law, and I would bet you've already seen the tape. So now if your dreams do come true and the President did ask him to close the Flynn investigation, Mr Comey may have some considerable difficulty looming in his near future. Thus, all of this is yet more dredging up of dirt already mined during the past 9 months. It's the same old rigamarole just from a different angle. But according to you, it's a revelation.
05-18-2017, 11:44 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, horses eat straw sometimes, we all know what it becomes after that and you sir, are full of it.
The point is this, you disagree with everything and everybody except liberal Democrats while you go on and on about partisanship. Owing to personal success and the accolades of their peers, men who've attained greatness are quote worthy and to be considered experts in their fields of endeavor. That's why they are so often quoted and IMHO, rightly so. But you reject any opinion not sanctioned by the DNC or Support, however highest opinions are not all you reject. You're caught frequently out turning over rocks looking for clues while standing in the shadow of a mountain of empirical evidence on a matter.
James Comey was asked in committee and under oath by rabid liberal Rep Mazie Keiko Hirono, if anyone had asked him to close the Flynn investigation. He stated no in categorical terms, under oath mind you. Even going to the length of explaining that had anyone asked him to quash the Flynn investigation it would be a big deal, because under the law he is bound to report such incidents under penalty of that same law, and I would bet you've already seen the tape. So now if your dreams do come true and the President did ask him to close the Flynn investigation, Mr Comey may have some considerable difficulty looming in his near future. Thus, all of this is yet more dredging up of dirt already mined during the past 9 months. It's the same old rigamarole just from a different angle. But f But according to you, it's a revelation.
Spin. Washing machine quality. Not a Whirlpool or Maytag quality. I see you feverishly backtracking, research palm frond seeking to wipe away tracks, but you research with a conclusion in mind, vagabond through the Scriptures seeking to prove political points, not seeking the Living God, or at least that's how you present. You criticize William Brennan and revere Scalia. Why? Because Scalia scratches you where you itch. Justice Scalia is and was a historic-level member of the SCOTUS, but that doesn't mean one can't disagree with him.
As for President Trump and James Comey et al., the special counsel ("councel") will issue a finding in the future. Until then, let's hope President Trump has a successful trip, with a good speech in Saudi Arabia.
05-19-2017, 01:18 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Spin. Washing machine quality. Not a Whirlpool or Maytag quality. I see you feverishly backtracking, research palm frond seeking to wipe away tracks, but you research with a conclusion in mind, vagabond through the Scriptures seeking to prove political points, not seeking the Living God, or at least that's how you present. You criticize William Brennan and revere Scalia. Why? Because Scalia scratches you where you itch. Justice Scalia is and was a historic-level member of the SCOTUS, but that doesn't mean one can't disagree with him.
As for President Trump and James Comey et al., the special counsel ("councel") will issue a finding in the future. Until then, let's hope President Trump has a successful trip, with a good speech in Saudi Arabia.
Eisenhower was the one who criticized Brennan, saying his appointment was one of the worst mistakes of his life. I go with Eisenhower on that one. You on the other hand idolize Brennan because he was a deranged activist liberal judge.
I loved Scalia because he understood morality and ruled from the bench with dignity and reverence for The Almighty, but always in subjection to the written law of this land. It is laughable to read the clown prince of nowhere attempting to criticize a man like Scalia, who dominated the world stage for much of his adult life and who will be revered and quoted until this world lies in ashes.
And BTW, can you name one liberal who is considered to have been a great man? There are many great men of the right however, and as oft as I quote them you dismiss them in kind. And as I have mentioned to you in times past, you'll regret dissing my sted with my Savior. As 'The Living God' said in
John 14:5-6 (KJV)
V6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
All truth be it moral, science, social or spiritual is of Christ. Hence the undeniable interface. That simple truth escapes you huh?
05-19-2017, 02:03 AM
Ah, the "touch not the Lord's anointed" line? Once again, to scatter the straw: your belief in the redeeming work of Christ has never been the issue; however, in my view, you vagabond the Scriptures in search of "God says so" affirmation of a political party. That is a legitimate point to make regarding your tactics and line of thought and has zero to do with the salvific work of Christ on your behalf.
And while your assertions often only go to the point of what a Patti Partisan you are, I would suggest that Martin Luther King, Jr. would be surprised by your delineation, as would Ghandi, as would Christ Himself, as he stands outside and beyond ALL attempts to co-opt him and place him at a political rally waving a sign. Calm down, TRT. You come across as a zealot.
Ah, the "touch not the Lord's anointed" line? Once again, to scatter the straw: your belief in the redeeming work of Christ has never been the issue; however, in my view, you vagabond the Scriptures in search of "God says so" affirmation of a political party. That is a legitimate point to make regarding your tactics and line of thought and has zero to do with the salvific work of Christ on your behalf.
And while your assertions often only go to the point of what a Patti Partisan you are, I would suggest that Martin Luther King, Jr. would be surprised by your delineation, as would Ghandi, as would Christ Himself, as he stands outside and beyond ALL attempts to co-opt him and place him at a political rally waving a sign. Calm down, TRT. You come across as a zealot.
05-19-2017, 02:38 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆
Ah, the "touch not the Lord's anointed" line? Once again, to scatter the straw: your belief in the redeeming work of Christ has never been the issue; however, in my view, you vagabond the Scriptures in search of "God says so" affirmation of a political party. That is a legitimate point to make regarding your tactics and line of thought and has zero to do with the salvific work of Christ on your behalf.
And while your assertions often only go to the point of what a Patti Partisan you are, I would suggest that Martin Luther King, Jr. would be surprised by your delineation, as would Ghandi, as would Christ Himself, as he stands outside and beyond ALL attempts to co-opt him and place him at a political rally waving a sign. Calm down, TRT. You come across as a zealot.
Nope. The "Judge not lest ye be judged" line. Therefore your entire post was as accurate as everything else you put up. You have no right whatsoever to judge my motivations or my standing with Christ. But hey, don't let that stop you.
05-19-2017, 02:47 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:Nope. The "Judge not lest ye be judged" line. Therefore your entire post was as accurate as everything else you put up. You have no right whatsoever to judge my motivations or my standing with Christ. But hey, don't let that stop you.
Again, your standing with Christ is entirely personal; however, your postings on a PUBLIC forum in which you stamp a "So says God" to political philosophies and policies? Different matter entirely. And, hey, the self-serving babblings of a pompous, self-righteous partisan? Nah, they won't stop me.
05-19-2017, 05:09 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Again, your standing with Christ is entirely personal; however, your postings on a PUBLIC forum in which you stamp a "So says God" to political philosophies and policies? Different matter entirely. And, hey, the self-serving babblings of a pompous, self-righteous partisan? Nah, they won't stop me.
Again, my charge is to speak out for truth, and do the bidding of my Master. As well as in this case, serve as an example for you to copy, mimic, plagiarize and otherwise copy vocabulary, inflection, cadence, use of punctuation and everything else I recognize as being my work.
Not that you've demonstrated command of any subject or topical venue. But when it comes to Scripture and the things of God you really ought to pull in those horns. Not that they are any kind of threat, but that you are demonstrably clueless. For example, and particularly where politics are concerned. The Founders certainly recognized the fundamental prerequisite of any successful nation, especially one which was to be self governed, is a strong faith in God. That is the only true check and balance.
Proverbs 3:6 (KJV)
V6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Now call me pompous, but "in all thy ways" certainly includes how we self govern in my book.
Otherwise, one sees people like you who insist that all of this we're seeing is just business as usual, politics and no big deal.
2 Peter 3:3-7 (KJV)
3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
Because I know in the most optimistic of possible scenarios that time is short and these truly are the last days, I am more than content to keep this conversation in the friendly confines of the Scriptures. The government of the US is in gridlock which I maintain is a big deal, no longer by the cunning of Harry Reid, but by hate. Democrats have become a bunch of frothing subversives given to resistance against a duly elected President, which actions are the result of sin, pure and simple. One side riots, threatens, assaults and destroys, one does not.
05-19-2017, 05:43 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:Again, my charge is to speak out for truth, and do the bidding of my Master. As well as in this case, serve as an example for you to copy, mimic, plagiarize and otherwise copy vocabulary, inflection, cadence, use of punctuation and everything else I recognize as being my work.
Not that you've demonstrated command of any subject or topical venue. But when it comes to Scripture and the things of God you really ought to pull in those horns. Not that they are any kind of threat, but that you are demonstrably clueless. For example, and particularly where politics are concerned. The Founders certainly recognized the fundamental prerequisite of any successful nation, especially one which was to be self governed, is a strong faith in God. That is the only true check and balance.
Proverbs 3:6 (KJV)
V6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Now call me pompous, but "in all thy ways" certainly includes how we self govern in my book.
Otherwise, one sees people like you who insist that all of this we're seeing is just business as usual, politics and no big deal.
2 Peter 3:3-7 (KJV)
3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
Because I know in the most optimistic of possible scenarios that time is short and these truly are the last days, I am more than content to keep this conversation in the friendly confines of the Scriptures. The government of the US is in gridlock which I maintain is a big deal, no longer by the cunning of Harry Reid, but by hate. Democrats have become a bunch of frothing subversives given to resistance against a duly elected President, which actions are the result of sin, pure and simple. One side riots, threatens, assaults and destroys, one does not.
Donald Trump is the duly elected, sitting President. However, a duly elected President is not infallible nor above reproach. The appointment of a special counsel is hardly "frothing" or "subversive." If you are contending, in a cowardly way, that conservatives are good people and progressives are riotous sinners, once again, I'll leave it at that as proof of the very premise you dispute.
05-19-2017, 05:57 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Donald Trump is the duly elected, sitting President. However, a duly elected President is not infallible nor above reproach. The appointment of a special counsel is hardly "frothing" or "subversive." If you are contending, in a cowardly way, that conservatives are good people and progressives are riotous sinners, once again, I'll leave it at that as proof of the very premise you dispute.
There shouldn't have been a special council or a special anything appointed in the first place. As I keep telling you and you keep ducking, the Sec of State, the Nation Security Advisor, the former Director of the FBI James Comey, the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, none of the now famed 17 agencies of the federal government can show a scintilla of evidence that Trump or his campaign had a single thing to do with Russian collusion.
Why give in to liars who invented the whole deal from the get-go. I certainly would not have done so. But who cares where you leave anything? All you got are second handed opinions from brain dead pundits like Rachel Maddow. Heck, anybody can handle that, say whatever you want friendo.
05-19-2017, 06:01 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:There shouldn't have been a special council or a special anything appointed in the first place. As I keep telling you and you keep ducking, the Sec of State, the Nation Security Advisor, the former Director of the FBI James Comey, the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, none of the now famed 17 agencies of the federal government can show a scintilla of evidence that Trump or his campaign had a single thing to do with Russian collusion.
Why give in to liars who invented the whole deal from the get-go. I certainly would not have done so. But who cares where you leave anything? All you got are second handed opinions from brain dead pundits like Rachel Maddow. Heck, anybody can handle that, say whatever you want friendo.
We'll see, friendo, and accept the result. I never listen to Ms. Maddow, so I wouldn't know.
05-19-2017, 06:07 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:We'll see, friendo, and accept the result. I never listen to Ms. Maddow, so I wouldn't know.
You mean like the way all your political kindred have all accepted the results of the last Presidential election?
05-19-2017, 06:23 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:You mean like the way all your political kindred have all accepted the results of the last Presidential election?
President Trump, in my view, ran a better campaign, with a more astute strategy and political "ear." He won the most crucial battleground states, and he won the election. All I can do is speak for myself, and I have no issue: Donald Trump won: the system delivered a peaceful transfer of power again. No complaints.
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