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05-16-2017, 12:07 AM
05-16-2017, 12:10 AM
Has anybody noticed in profile how much that one Russian ambassador looks like Dick Nixon? Not the Humpty Dumpty one that is more pale than any corpse in the morgue.
05-16-2017, 02:43 PM
Laughing at those who said this was fake news.
05-16-2017, 06:46 PM
Is the law king, or is the King the law? When sitting in a big leather chair in Trump Tower, the answer is the latter. When sitting in the Oval Office, the answer is the former. Knowing the difference will prove vital.
05-16-2017, 07:50 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Is the law king, or is the King the law? When sitting in a big leather chair in Trump Tower, the answer is the latter. When sitting in the Oval Office, the answer is the former. Knowing the difference will prove vital.
Yeah boy, it certainly proved vitally impactful the last 8 years. The only difference is your comfort level during that time did not seem to warrant asking the same question.
05-16-2017, 08:05 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:Yeah boy, it certainly proved vitally impactful the last 8 years. The only difference is your comfort level during that time did not seem to warrant asking the same question.
Predictable. Just how angry and butt hurt are you, while lecturing about feelings? Extremely humorous.
05-16-2017, 09:45 PM
If Trump achieves nothing else in his presidency, it was worth electing him for the daily butt hurt threads on BGR :biglmao:
05-16-2017, 10:56 PM
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:If Trump achieves nothing else in his presidency, it was worth electing him for the daily butt hurt threads on BGR :biglmao:
And the daily backdoor Trump love ❤️ shown by folk like you.
05-16-2017, 11:02 PM
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:Laughing at those who said this was fake news.Laughing at you. :biglmao:
05-16-2017, 11:46 PM
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Laughing at you. :biglmao:
While Ronald Reagan is much revered and referenced, a question Hoot Gibson: would Ronald Reagan recognize the conservatism now in ascendency, as opposed to his own? Would he find President Trump appealing?
05-17-2017, 01:49 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:While Ronald Reagan is much revered and referenced, a question Hoot Gibson: would Ronald Reagan recognize the conservatism now in ascendency, as opposed to his own? Would he find President Trump appealing?With all due respect, Mexican Hat, you would not recognize conservatism if it bit you in the ass. The fact that you think Trump's election marks the ascendancy of conservatism reveals what a shallow fellow you are where politics is concerned.
I approve of much of what Trump has done to date, but he is no conservative and he never has been a conservative. You and other liberals of your ilk have shown that you are easily bewildered by a president who enacts some common sense, pro-American policies. I am no Trump fan, but the unwarranted, dishonest, and unpatriotic attacks on this nation's president is reprehensible - and you should not mistake my comment for political hyperbole.
05-17-2017, 03:22 AM
Hows that wall coming?
I do like how a tiny % of the illegals are being shipped put, but disappointed that this is another thing he promised, that he has not truly delivered on.
I do like how a tiny % of the illegals are being shipped put, but disappointed that this is another thing he promised, that he has not truly delivered on.
05-17-2017, 03:49 AM
Hoot Gibson Wrote:With all due respect, Mexican Hat, you would not recognize conservatism if it bit you in the ass. The fact that you think Trump's election marks the ascendancy of conservatism reveals what a shallow fellow you are where politics is concerned.
I approve of much of what Trump has done to date, but he is no conservative and he never has been a conservative. You and other liberals of your ilk have shown that you are easily bewildered by a president who enacts some common sense, pro-American policies. I am no Trump fan, but the unwarranted, dishonest, and unpatriotic attacks on this nation's president is reprehensible - and you should not mistake my comment for political hyperbole.
Perhaps you misunderstood: conservatism is on the ascendency was not my point: what was my point was a conservatism of isolationism and a redirection away from concern over human rights abuses, with a foreign policy more friendly to Russia. With all due respect, and do not mistake this for hyperbole, much of the alt right brand of conservatism is reprehensible. Firing the FBI Director investigating him, his associates, his campaign? Reprehensible. With all due respect.
05-17-2017, 05:04 AM
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:Hows that wall coming?
I do like how a tiny % of the illegals are being shipped put, but disappointed that this is another thing he promised, that he has not truly delivered on.
I love unintelligent, misinformed statements like this.
You act like the man has failed at all his promises. He's been in office for a little over 4 months :biglmao:
Don't worry. Daddy will build the wall.
05-17-2017, 10:04 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Perhaps you misunderstood: conservatism is on the ascendency was not my point: what was my point was a conservatism of isolationism and a redirection away from concern over human rights abuses, with a foreign policy more friendly to Russia. With all due respect, and do not mistake this for hyperbole, much of the alt right brand of conservatism is reprehensible. Firing the FBI Director investigating him, his associates, his campaign? Reprehensible. With all due respect.No matter how many times you state that Comey was investigating Trump, your assertion has no factual basis. Your extreme partisanship is not the thing about you that bothers me, Hat - it is your extreme dishonesty.
Although Trump' s campaign promises led many to expect his election to usher in a new era of Republican isolationism, the reality is a far cry from the promise. Do you have even a faint recollection of reality, Hat?
05-17-2017, 03:33 PM
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No matter how many times you state that Comey was investigating Trump, your assertion has no factual basis. Your extreme partisanship is not the thing about you that bothers me, Hat - it is your extreme dishonesty.
Although Trump' s campaign promises led many to expect his election to usher in a new era of Republican isolationism, the reality is a far cry from the promise. Do you have even a faint recollection of reality, Hat?
Apparently. But, wait, for clarity, you use the phrase "new era of Republican isolationism" (Buchanan I assume). However, my reference was to Ronald Reagan. He was no isolationist. In fact, his was viewed as model conservatism. Back to my original question, if you don't mind. As to dishonesty, that's a crock that, daily, heck, hourly, is being revealed as more and more "crocky."
05-17-2017, 03:43 PM
That wall will never be built. If Hitler Jr last four years, we can talk about it then
05-17-2017, 04:39 PM
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:That wall will never be built. If Hitler Jr last four years, we can talk about it thenLaughing at you again.
05-17-2017, 05:38 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Apparently. But, wait, for clarity, you use the phrase "new era of Republican isolationism" (Buchanan I assume). However, my reference was to Ronald Reagan. He was no isolationist. In fact, his was viewed as model conservatism. Back to my original question, if you don't mind. As to dishonesty, that's a crock that, daily, heck, hourly, is being revealed as more and more "crocky."
Maybe people such as Lt Col Tony Shaffer and General Thomas G. McInerney are the idiots, while people like the venerable Sombrero, who wields enormous sway on or about the confines of Pine Mountain Grill, (yes the famous one located in metropolitan Whitesburg, Ky.), are the enlightened ones. I know which of the two possibilities I line up with.
But the true idiots in my view, are those who are attempting to undermine the US government, and of course, those who agree with them. Anybody can invent news citing undisclosed sourcing, regarding an unvetted memo for example, that they or nobody else that I know of has ever laid eyes on. But I agree, Deepstate traitors (holdovers from the past administration's corps of rabid chipmunks) are busy about their daily, heck, hourly acts of subterfuge. Nobody has anything on which to base any of the media attacks, much less this latest outrage. The substance of which is nothing more than the thinnest form of hearsay. In fact, nothing at all has changed from June of 2016. As the personal assaults on DJT by smug and arrogant establishment types, have as I predicted, gotten completely out of hand. Will force of character as shown by only one man in the person of Trump be enough to turn the US ship of state before it hits the iceberg? Or is it already too late?
Either way, Dems are the ones up on deck in a state of ultimate denial, insisting the band must play on and all their faithful are in attendance. The rest of us have our eyes open.
05-17-2017, 07:24 PM
"Force of character" applied to Donald Trump. Being a character and having character are different, and just about everybody at Pine Mountain Grill knows that. A man who is an ethics liason for a firm has his boss call him in, chats a bit, asks everybody else to step out. Then, Mr. Boss says, "That Will Epperson in accounting is a good man and a good friend. I hope you'll just take your investigation of him and let it go." So now, James Comey is a liar, a fake "newser," a hateful-out-to-get-Trumper. TRT, you can buy or not buy whatever your pompous, angry heart desires, but our wager is voided if Pence is President before 2020.
05-17-2017, 07:28 PM
"Nothing at all has changed since June of 2016." Yes. Donald Trump then is Donald Trump now. His strengths, his weaknesses, his character flaws have been on full display for sure.
05-17-2017, 09:29 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Force of character" applied to Donald Trump. Being a character and having character are different, and just about everybody at Pine Mountain Grill knows that. A man who is an ethics liason for a firm has his boss call him in, chats a bit, asks everybody else to step out. Then, Mr. Boss says, "That Will Epperson in accounting is a good man and a good friend. I hope you'll just take your investigation of him and let it go." So now, James Comey is a liar, a fake "newser," a hateful-out-to-get-Trumper. TRT, you can buy or not buy whatever your pompous, angry heart desires, but our wager is voided if Pence is President before 2020.
Bifurcated poppycock intended to deflect. And how much character are those of the Obama Administration for whom you have continually advocated in possession of?
Ridiculous and inartful analogies notwithstanding, much less your attempts to remake BGR conversation in your own absurdly made up image, you're still a mere talking point parroting wannabe. And as such are completely devoid of the first shred of substance in support of your cheerleading for media anarchists. The 'memo' segment which was supposedly read aloud to an employee of foreigner and obvious hate monger Carlos Slim is a crime at best; And subversion against this sovereign nation at worst. Of course you'll take the subversion option, right Sombrero?
05-17-2017, 09:58 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:Bifurcated poppycock intended to deflect. And how much character are those of the Obama Administration for whom you have continually advocated in possession of?
Ridiculous and inartful analogies notwithstanding, much less your attempts to remake BGR conversation in your own absurdly made up image, you're still a mere talking point parroting wannabe. And as such are completely devoid of the first shred of substance in support of your cheerleading for media anarchists. The 'memo' segment which was supposedly read aloud to an employee of foreigner and obvious hate monger Carlos Slim is a crime at best; And subversion against this sovereign nation at worst. Of course you'll take the subversion option, right Sombrero?
Again, you are creating straw men. I have not advocated for any Obama administration folks.
I have yet to suggest impeachment, except to light-heartedly reference a Pine Mountain Grill wager.
As the days and weeks move forward, we'll all see. You seem to have anchored your policy desires to President Trump, seeing him, somehow, as a true champion of the common man. You seem enamored of the idea that all the commotion is a function of hatred of and contempt for President Trump, and not real "imperial Presidency" issues of his own making. We shall see.
05-18-2017, 02:45 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Again, you are creating straw men. I have not advocated for any Obama administration folks.
I have yet to suggest impeachment, except to light-heartedly reference a Pine Mountain Grill wager.
As the days and weeks move forward, we'll all see. 1) You seem to have anchored your policy desires to President Trump, seeing him, somehow, as a true champion of the common man. 2) You seem enamored of the idea that all the commotion is a function of hatred of and contempt for President Trump, and not real "imperial Presidency" issues of his own making. We shall see.
Conversation with you seems like speaking with an asylum inmate.
1) - My policy desires are anchored in morality. A morality I experienced first hand for most of my life, and one of which I am well acquainted. Hopefully now that the new Deputy Attorney General has acquiesced to Democrat demands, we can at least get to the bottom of the ridiculous Trump/Russia ruse. Lou Dobbs is hopeful that all of Director Comey's memos will eventually come into play and we can all see what was going on with Russia, the inexplicable refusal of the DNC to allow FBI officials in to investigate the Russian hacking into their data base, the Russian election tampering, the Clinton emails and why Comey chose not to pursue such matters of public interest. And maybe even a little bit about why 17 intelligence agencies were suddenly recipient to unmasked Americans and raw but catalogued NSA data. All courtesy of Susan Rice and the Obama Administration.
2) - Like they say, you can't make this stuff up.
"The Democratic National Committee reportedly is planning to pump $1 million into everything from rallies, town halls and neighborhood meetings in hopes of growing voter opposition to President Trump.
The so-called “Resistance Summer” is billed as a 50-state strategy. The DNC plans to hold events across the country in early June before sponsoring a national training summit in the hopes of attracting scores of new Democratic voters, the Hill reported."
There is nothing about all of this which is not manufactured.
05-18-2017, 02:56 AM
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Laughing at you again.
He's been a blooming idiot on the 47 other message boards that he posts on...Did you really expect him to be different when he posts on this one?
05-18-2017, 03:02 AM
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I love unintelligent, misinformed statements like this.Apparently you have not read the stupid stuff he puts on the other 47 message boards he posts on before.
You act like the man has failed at all his promises. He's been in office for a little over 4 months :biglmao:
Don't worry. Daddy will build the wall.
This is one strange cat to begin with.
05-18-2017, 03:04 AM
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:If Trump achieves nothing else in his presidency, it was worth electing him for the daily butt hurt threads on BGR :biglmao:
I agree whole heartedly..Geraldo is the perfect example...

05-18-2017, 03:06 AM
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:Cant say this should shock anyone.
Of course you didn't mention that EVERYONE at the meeting said he didn't.
05-18-2017, 03:17 AM
Trump admitted he did, which shows what liars he surrounds himself with.
05-18-2017, 04:02 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:Conversation with you seems like speaking with an asylum inmate.
1) - My policy desires are anchored in morality. A morality I experienced first hand for most of my life, and one of which I am well acquainted. Hopefully now that the new Deputy Attorney General has acquiesced to Democrat demands, we can at least get to the bottom of the ridiculous Trump/Russia ruse. Lou Dobbs is hopeful that all of Director Comey's memos will eventually come into play and we can all see what was going on with Russia, the inexplicable refusal of the DNC to allow FBI officials in to investigate the Russian hacking into their data base, the Russian election tampering, the Clinton emails and why Comey chose not to pursue such matters of public interest. And maybe even a little bit about why 17 intelligence agencies were suddenly recipient to unmasked Americans and raw but catalogued NSA data. All courtesy of Susan Rice and the Obama Administration.
2) - Like they say, you can't make this stuff up.
"The Democratic National Committee reportedly is planning to pump $1 million into everything from rallies, town halls and neighborhood meetings in hopes of growing voter opposition to President Trump.
The so-called âResistance Summerâ is billed as a 50-state strategy. The DNC plans to hold events across the country in early June before sponsoring a national training summit in the hopes of attracting scores of new Democratic voters, the Hill reported."
There is nothing about all of this which is not manufactured.
With the appointment of a special counsel, "we'll see" is my approach. You allow your politics to wag your faith, which has been constant and consistent in our discourse. It's manufactured indeed: a product of President Trump's inexperience, novice understanding of basic American institutions and balance of power, and a type of reckless bravado sometimes rewarded in real estate/high finance (Sometimes not {see bankruptcies}) but almost never wise in political leadership at the highest levels.
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