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Nunes, :Trump Monitored"
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Funny, you blast the "leftist media" and bunny kiss John Bolton as fair arbiter of truth. What a Patti Partisan. The Mad Tweeter, President Trump, charged his predecessor with a felony. At that point, and not all the smoke, we shall, indeed, see.
Whew, it sure is tiresome to keep dragging the corpse back to the scene of the crime after you pack it down the road a ways time and again.

:biglmao: Please stop! If all this bothers you near as much as you let on I'll be in high spirits indefinitely.
TheRealThing Wrote::biglmao: Please stop! If all this bothers you near as much as you let on I'll be in high spirits indefinitely.

The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Boomerang

Possibly, but then the headlines do back me on this and what have you got? Oh I forgot, [attachment=o3531] FEELINGS----
TheRealThing Wrote:Possibly, but then the headlines do back me on this and what have you got? Oh I forgot, [attachment=o3531] FEELINGS----

And, there you go, dragging that corpse. We'll stick to President Trump's tweet, though you are demonstrating A.D.D. here. Given your butt hurt pamperings over Justice Scalia, sing on, Notemaster. We all need a good laugh.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:And, there you go, dragging that corpse. We'll stick to President Trump's tweet, though you are demonstrating A.D.D. here. Given your butt hurt pamperings over Justice Scalia, sing on, Notemaster. We all need a good laugh.

And there you go, WE who? LOL, I sense more infighting going on in Sombrero La-La Land. If you got something OTHER than FEELINGS---, post it.
TheRealThing Wrote:And there you go, WE who? LOL, I sense more infighting going on in Sombrero La-La Land. If you got something OTHER than FEELINGS---, post it.

Let's see: two debating, that means a plural pronoun: hmm.. "we" ... but wait, maybe you are right, since you won't stick to the Mad Tweeter's charge, correction to "I," as I will stick to the tweet under consideration. Pack that corpse, Notemaster, on down the road.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Let's see: two debating, that means a plural pronoun: hmm.. "we" ... but wait, maybe you are right, since you won't stick to the Mad Tweeter's charge, correction to "I," as I will stick to the tweet under consideration. Pack that corpse, Notemaster, on down the road.

Now see, that has been your problem from the get-go. You don't get to speak for me. Nor do Dems speak for all Americans as the last election clearly demonstrated.
TheRealThing Wrote:Now see, that has been your problem from the get-go. You don't get to speak for me. Nor do Dems speak for all Americans as the last election clearly demonstrated.

No, just a majority of the voters.

Seriously, President Trump made a very specific charge, a felony, in his tweet. You contend, I take it, that his tweet will be proven. It has not yet been remotely proven. I will see. You will see. Taken together, we'll see. That has ZERO to do with speaking for anyone. Nice try on the ditto head mantra though.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:No, just a majority of the voters.

Seriously, President Trump made a very specific charge, a felony, in his tweet. You contend, I take it, that his tweet will be proven. It has not yet been remotely proven. I will see. You will see. Taken together, we'll see. That has ZERO to do with speaking for anyone. Nice try on the ditto head mantra though.

Who's giving you legal advice in this, Howdy Doody? Wiretapping would be a felony charge by some accounts, but how is Trump's tweet a felony?

The University of California's Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration estimated recently, that there are at least 2.6 million illegals in the State as of the date of the study. Call me a skeptic, but if one of this land's self proclaimed most liberal sites of higher education admits to 2.6 million, the total is likely higher. And given the rash of foolhardy shenanigans of California of late, it is not difficult to imagine a large number of them were allowed, maybe even encouraged to vote last November 8th.

Five Presidents have in fact been elected with a minority of the popular vote.

"John Quincy Adams who lost by 44,804 votes to Andrew Jackson in 1824
Rutherford B. Hayes who lost by 264,292 votes to Samuel J. Tilden in 1876
Benjamin Harrison who lost by 95,713 votes to Grover Cleveland in 1888
George W. Bush who lost by 543,816 votes to Al Gore in the 2000 election.
Donald J. Trump who lost by 2.9 million votes to Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election." [ThoughtCo]
Rabid libs have been about to lose their minds since Bush beat Gore back in 2000. But in this case I can sympathize with them. Imagine how infuriating it must be to lose even though cheating as hard and often as one could not to. I mean, how many multiple votings, dead people and illegals does it take to win a Presidency these days anyway?

Since wiretapping technology is so antiquated, the specific charge the President made is not even technologically worth while in this day. That doesn't mean he and his team were not surveiled using the far more advanced methods preferred by modern professionals, that is if we can believe Susan Rice's most recently televised admissions. I've heard more than one pundit or official state categorically that the Obama Administration surveiled the Trump Transition Team, to include Trump himself. The last guy I heard say exactly that was former intelligence official Lt Col Tony Shaffer on Lou Dobbs' show this very evening.

I contend that Susan Rice's admission was on it's face altogether damning for those who like yourself, maintain that Trump is the one who has committed the unpardonable sin. You really need to shoot the former National Security Advisor an email or something and explain to her how badly she's messing things up. Seriously, have you thought of maybe contacting those associated with the former administration's shadow government? It sounds like they could really use your guidance.
⬆ More straw

Nowhere has it been argued by me that Trump's tweet was a felony: his tweet accused his predecessor of a felony. Nowhere have I suggested the Mad Tweeter committed anything remotely resembling an "unpardonable sin." I did opine that he should issue a retraction, or at least an amended claim.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ More straw

Nowhere has it been argued by me that Trump's tweet was a felony: his tweet accused his predecessor of a felony. Nowhere have I suggested the Mad Tweeter committed anything remotely resembling an "unpardonable sin." I did opine that he should issue a retraction, or at least an amended claim.

I've reread your statement several times, "Seriously, President Trump made a very specific charge, a felony, in his tweet." You may not have intended to say what Trump did was a felony, but that's how the foregoing quote reads.

If, as has been charged by scores of the media, past and present intel officials, judges and other notables, the Obama Administration trifled with the last election as was demonstrably evident in the case of Benjamin Netanyahu's election, I wouldn't blame Trump if he never retracted one word of it.
TheRealThing Wrote:I've reread your statement several times, "Seriously, President Trump made a very specific charge, a felony, in his tweet." You may not have intended to say what Trump did was a felony, but that's how the foregoing quote reads.

If, as has been charged by scores of the media, past and present intel officials, judges and other notables, the Obama Administration trifled with the last election as was demonstrably evident in the case of Benjamin Netanyahu's election, I wouldn't blame Trump if he never retracted one word of it.

Actually, the placement of the commas makes "felony" a replacement for "the charge," so the sentence reads as I said, which is President Trump's tweet contained an accusation, a felony accusation.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Actually, the placement of the commas makes "felony" a replacement for "the charge," so the sentence reads as I said, which is President Trump's tweet contained an accusation, a felony accusation.

Not in any writing class I ever attended, but I'm not about to explain it to you. This is the kind of thing that happens when you try to imitate my writing style.
TheRealThing Wrote:Not in any writing class I ever attended, but I'm not about to explain it to you. This is the kind of thing that happens when you try to imitate my writing style.

No, this is the kind of thing that happens because you are overly impressed with yourself.

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