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Ashland 2017
I didn't see a thread on this so I am apologetic in advance if one has already been started. Back to the point, what are the predictions/expectations of this team? How do you all see them performing this year?
I think they will be better than last year, but they will struggle up front on both sides of the ball
Is Love still gonna be the Head coach this season?
Check out my YouTube channel.
Yes, he is still at the helm.
Anytime that you have an athlete like Ratliff running the offense Ashland will be dangerous. I think the it will all come down to the offensive and defensive fronts. We struggled in that area last year so hopefully next years addition will be much better.
Ratliff is definitely a playmaker and a really tough kid. From what I saw last year Ashland really struggled to block as a unit last year and at least against JC Ratliff was scrambling every play for his life. If he can get some time he will Have a great year and Ashland will do well too.
i have heard recently that there will be several more kids leave Ashland and move to Fairview next school year. a lot of people are upset with baseball coach pulling up family members and typical Ashland politics. noah king, and preston ledford are two new young athletes that have made the switch. more to come....
esp. ledford. his dad is probably rolling around in his grave. he was a big tomcat fan...not so anymore
I found out the other day that their back up quarterback, Adkins, transferred to Spring Valley. It's not Fairview, but it's not Ashland. I hate to see that. I know the family and totally understand and don't blam them.
I knew that Adkins was looking at either Valley or Raceland Dont know the family but from speaking with someone who does, it was the best move for the kid. Good luck to him. Ashland will again have some atheletes, but who will be the number two and three guys. Ratliff is a playmaker, but I expect big things from Coburn (think that was his name) took several screens for big yardage against Raceland last year. Big strong and fast kid, think only a soph if im not mistaken. I think the big question is how they will be upfront though.
AROC Colburn will be a senior this coming year
Very tallented kid. I expect him to become a major part of the offense.
Watched beginning of practice team running 40 yard sprints. Colburn is quick but was consistently finishing 6 or 7th. Ratliff was the fastest player on the field. Ashland has great numbers but at least from where I watched them not a lot of size. Speed they have plenty.
T-CATS Wrote:Watched beginning of practice team running 40 yard sprints. Colburn is quick but was consistently finishing 6 or 7th. Ratliff was the fastest player on the field. Ashland has great numbers but at least from where I watched them not a lot of size. Speed they have plenty.

And I'll just bet that this is the year...Right??
Does anyone have any details of our scrimmage next week? Are we still scrimmaging Spring Valley?
Tomcat Pride Wrote:Does anyone have any details of our scrimmage next week? Are we still scrimmaging Spring Valley?

Yes we scrimmage SV next week!!!
T-CATS Wrote:Watched beginning of practice team running 40 yard sprints. Colburn is quick but was consistently finishing 6 or 7th. Ratliff was the fastest player on the field. Ashland has great numbers but at least from where I watched them not a lot of size. Speed they have plenty.

speed kills .
Is NotsoBADCAT a senior this year?
We should take this opportunity to honor Ashland in this thread, as they have been one of our state's all time great programs in football. Their success in the past 25 years, especially, has been matched by no one. Let's honor all of the region and state championship teams Ashland has produced in the last quarter century in this thread.
WideRight05 Wrote:We should take this opportunity to honor Ashland in this thread, as they have been one of our state's all time great programs in football. Their success in the past 25 years, especially, has been matched by no one. Let's honor all of the region and state championship teams Ashland has produced in the last quarter century in this thread.

How many have they won in the past 25yrs i don't know I know they won one in 1990 but that was 27yrs ago
99PIRATEFAN Wrote:How many have they won in the past 25yrs i don't know I know they won one in 1990 but that was 27yrs ago

I've lost track of how many they've won. Not enough fingers. Maybe an Ashland fan can help me out.

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