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From Dog Piling to All Out War
Instead of backing down, the left have intensified their aggression against incoming President DJT. None it would seem, are more determined to oppose the administration than Rep John Lewis (D) Georgia, who after his sparkling performance on the Benghazi investigation, continues to play the spoiler in insisting that the Trump Presidency is "not legitimate."
"He (Lewis) believes that Democrats and all Americans must fight against this illegitimate president."

Mr Lewis also says that this is the first Presidential Inauguration that he will not have attended during his time in Congress. Trish Regan said yesterday to her credit, 'not so fast.'. It seems that Rep Lewis did in fact sit out another inauguration, and it was for none other than GW Bush in 2001. He used stunningly similar language on that previous occasion, insisting it was Bush who was not legitimately elected. Now, to assume there are many out there who remember this eerily similar reenactment of self righteous dissent is a given. The hypocrisy has become unbelievable for as Trump would point out; The dishonest media have chosen not to report the whole truth.

The numbers of those joining the ranks of Rep Lewis are still swelling, but around 45 Democrats now say they will boycott the inauguration. The media have already built up a full head of steam in their opposition to the incoming administration, and the American public should brace themselves for what is sure to be an all out media assault. But all this just goes to point out the obvious. Though the voter's efforts at governmental housecleaning are off to a rather miraculous start, the job is not yet finished. Those lawmakers who're engaged in a double down on identity politics-as-usual are still blocking the road, and thus the voter's work is not yet done. Considering what's at stake it is certainly not too soon to take a hard look at the coming Midterm elections, and determine which from among those filling the available seats should be voted out.
Could it be payback for the Birther issue ?
vector Wrote:Could it be payback for the Birther issue ?

Now I'm being serious here, no slam intended whatsoever. But do you actually not remember when this whole deal with the birther stuff first came out? News reports had it that this picture was posted by the Clinton campaign back in 2008.


The gist of which assumedly was to call Mr Obama's American heritage, or lack thereof, into question so she would then get the nomination. I mean, the Obama campaign and the adoring media went ape about this. You don't remember? But if it's payback they're looking for, they might try looking at the person who actually started it all.

Much has been made of what has been reported as a friendship between Trump and Hillary, right? So how much of a stretch would it be in your mind to assume they've spoken about the heritage of Obama in times past? And where it comes to people like Rep Lewis, how short is his memory? In 2008 Hillary is doing all she can to put Barack in her rearview, and posting pictures of him all decked out in Muslim regalia. Isn't that racist? Where is the good congressman's self righteous indignation in her case? But you're right, Trump took him to task and having done so I would like to know the true number of folks who wanted to get to the bottom of the 'issue' and were therefore glad to see somebody pursue it. Nobody else had the courage to do it because they feared the incoming that Trump has gotten.

We're up to our eyeballs in hypocrisy and lies, as Lewis' office only this morning released a retraction of his statement that he had not missed a inauguration until this coming. The whole thing is a bit much, as are the hired protesters in the confirmation hearings and those to be bused in to disrupt the inauguration.
You might be right when it started but Donald kept it up for 7 years
Was it cause for concern when, instead of backing down, the right intensified its opposition to President Elect Obama prior to his taking office in 2008?

Or, rather than some kind of conspiratorial scheme, is that what opposing political factions do? I recall Senator McConnell urging the GOP to vehemently oppose PE Obama "at every turn."
vector Wrote:You might be right when it started but Donald kept it up for 7 years

If there was nothing to hide why didn't Obama make it public to begin with..Seems to me he aided in the whole controversy...Wonder why his other records have not been made public, seeing that he is on the up and up, ya know.
Do you know of any other president that had to show his birth certificate after being elected or was it because of his name or his color
I don't maybe I missed one somewhere
Bob Seger Wrote:If there was nothing to hide why didn't Obama make it public to begin with..Seems to me he aided in the whole controversy...Wonder why his other records have not been made public, seeing that he is on the up and up, ya know.

Bill Clinton went to Yale and graduated 10th in his class. George Bush graduated Yale with a 2.75 grade average, and that's what he was average.

Anybody who knows anything about Obama's grades can post it. Because as far as I know, that secret is guarded more closely than Fort Knox.
Did anybody ask for Bill or Lil Bushbirth certificate or college transcripts after he was elected or has anyone ask Donald for his birth certificate or college transcripts which he would probably say they are also under audit
Or could it just be because of the color of his skin or his name
vector Wrote:Did anybody ask for Bill or Lil Bushbirth certificate or college transcripts after he was elected or has anyone ask Donald for his birth certificate or college transcripts which he would probably say they are also under audit
Or could it just be because of the color of his skin or his name

Yeah, that's it vector, you got me...I absolutly despise that 50% of him that is white.

We all knew you were not real bright, but now we find out you are a race baiter too...Is that something you have to answer yes to when you fill out your applications to get your liberal certificates?

Sad day to find out you are a full fledged racist , vector.
Bob Seger Wrote:Yeah, that's it vector, you got me...I absolutly despise that 50% of him that is white.

We all knew you were not real bright, but now we find out you are a race baiter too...Is that something you have to answer yes to when you fill out your applications to get your liberal certificates?

Sad day to find out you are a full fledged racist , vector.

Actually, to get a "liberal certificate," you have to be willing to bet you or TRT a full course meal at Pine Mountain Grill that Donald Trump is a one term President. Or, to spice it up, an entire month's worth of gasoline if he is impeached by 2019.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Actually, to get a "liberal certificate," you have to be willing to bet you or TRT a full course meal at Pine Mountain Grill that Donald Trump is a one term President. Or, to spice it up, an entire month's worth of gasoline if he is impeached by 2019.

* Note to Mods: this is not a serious enticement to gamble, but rather a reply to nonsense.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Actually, to get a "liberal certificate," you have to be willing to bet you or TRT a full course meal at Pine Mountain Grill that Donald Trump is a one term President. Or, to spice it up, an entire month's worth of gasoline if he is impeached by 2019.


You got your degree, the exact same way vector is trying to get his, right?

After all you did graduate from the Al Sharpton Institute of Race Baiting.
Bob Seger Wrote:lol

You got your degree, the exact same way vector is trying to get his, right?

After all you did graduate from the Al Sharpton Institute of Race Baiting.

Nope. In our Ali debate the questions I asked were fair and legitimate. Though, after the weight loss, Brother Al's head is disturbingly large in proportion.

Degree, no degree, advanced degree are not relevant in our debating. However, not wearing any Degree might be if you get steamed.
#15 would be a disgrace and a tragedy for race to become a factor in a Presidential election. In other words, it is NOT a reason to discard Obama. By the same token, it is NOT a reason to have voted for him.
But as always granny you have our resident liberal that cant discuss anything without throwing the race card into it if the language of the conversation doesn't fit his personal narrative.
How many more pardons is Obama going to give???
Granny Bear Wrote:How many more pardons is Obama going to give???

You mean to ones who have committed treason against the United States? ....Or grant just to dope dealers?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Nope. In our Ali debate the questions I asked were fair and legitimate. Though, after the weight loss, Brother Al's head is disturbingly large in proportion.

Degree, no degree, advanced degree are not relevant in our debating. However, not wearing any Degree might be if you get steamed.

I didn't know that cowardice recognized color.
Bob Seger Wrote:You mean to ones who have committed treason against the United States? ....Or grant just to dope dealers?

Judge Napolitano said it's never been done before, but Obama could legally give himself a pardon on the way out the door. With plenty of ink still in that Presidential pen and two and a half days to go, that's scary. :yikes:
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Actually, to get a "liberal certificate," you have to be willing to bet you or TRT a full course meal at Pine Mountain Grill that Donald Trump is a one term President. Or, to spice it up, an entire month's worth of gasoline if he is impeached by 2019.

I'll show up if Bob will. But you will still have to see the folks at Pathways for your certificate. :biggrin:

Oh I don't doubt they (Dems) will give impeachment a shot. Notables in the persons of Harry Reid, John Lewis and Maxine Waters are already out in front of the inaugural in calling for a Trump/Pence impeachment. This whole deal about saying all the contempt is mutual and politics as usual, is a total smoke screen. Make no mistake, Dems thought they'd successfully slain the Elephant back in 2008 and the notion was reinforced in 2012. That in spite of losing control of the House and the Senate as their delusional rhetoric taken from that time clearly demonstrates. More incredibly though is the rhetorical 'double down,' which rather than reversing itself has intensified as the result of having lost the White House. The contempt is not benign as liberal apologists would have us to believe, it is real.

But the truth of the matter is unfolding before American eyes as we speak. The Dem's assault on administration cabinet picks is as merciless as it is unsubstantiated. (Notice I did not say unfounded.) But this is one partisan witch hunt that will bear no fruit, and this government will go forward. Ironically, there is one possible if not likely outcome for all the donkey no-shows, protester payments and race baiting going on, especially if Dems are goofy enough to pursue impeachment. Many voting Americans have their eyes open. If these guys don't back down somewhat, their caustic obstructionism and efforts to use race as a means to an end will be the very catalyst which propels the people to vote them out. And DJT's promise to drain the swamp will happen alright, but at the hand of the Democrat.
Guys, Guys, you are missing the point, hide your weapons now! Obama is going to take them... hurry, I am right now. Wow, he is also going to force us to pray to Mecca. Mitch McConnell said so... oh yeah, it was hog wash. I do remember Mitch saying he was going to make Obama a one term president. I do remember Mitch saying the coal jobs are done for after the election... can we say it folks... some people will believe anything.
Bob Seger Wrote:Yeah, that's it vector, you got me...I absolutly despise that 50% of him that is white.

We all knew you were not real bright, but now we find out you are a race baiter too...Is that something you have to answer yes to when you fill out your applications to get your liberal certificates?

Sad day to find out you are a full fledged racist , vector.

As of today we have had 44 presidents only one has or is 50% white but only one of the 44 presidents have been asked to show there birth certificate or college gpa's or transcripts for almost 8 years and it is the only one who is 50% white just tell me why ?
vector Wrote:As of today we have had 44 presidents only one has or is 50% white but only one of the 44 presidents have been asked to show there birth certificate or college gpa's or transcripts for almost 8 years and it is the only one who is 50% white just tell me why ?

Prove that.
Einstein after coming to the conclusion our 44 presidents that have been elected there has been only one that is 50% white that has put up almost 8 years of Fasely being accused of not being born in this country now can you tell me why they have been asking for his birth certificate

And as far as Donald don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house
vector Wrote:Einstein after coming to the conclusion our 44 presidents that have been elected there has been only one that is 50% white that has put up almost 8 years of Fasely being accused of not being born in this country now can you tell me why they have been asking for his birth certificate

And as far as Donald don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house

You moron...Prove that the other 44 had to produce.
The pardon I am most anxious for is the pre-emptive one to Hillary........

Can you pardon someone "in case" they get convicted?
Granny Bear Wrote:The pardon I am most anxious for is the pre-emptive one to Hillary........

Can you pardon someone "in case" they get convicted?

The short answer again according to Napolitano, is yes. The way I understood the judge, Obama can pardon Hillary for something specific, say misuse or mismanagement of public funds while at the helm of the State Department. She then could not be convicted nor could she be prosecuted for same. Though she could still be investigated since the people still have the right to know where the money went.
Bob Seger Wrote:I didn't know that cowardice recognized color.

Tommy was actually not a coward, by Kenny's accounting, nor was Mohammed Ali.
vector Wrote:Do you know of any other president that had to show his birth certificate after being elected or was it because of his name or his color
I don't maybe I missed one somewhere

Hi vector, out of mourning cloth yet? When you're born in Texas for example, and did not live in say Kenya for a number of years, your records though not public are nonetheless available. The problem was exacerbated by the fact that today as we have seen, everybody's business has become everybody's business. The following is a report on activity that occurred in the Kenyan Parliament in 2010.

"During debate over the draft of a new Kenyan constitution, James Orengo, the country’s minister of lands and a member of parliament for the Ugenya constituency, cited America’s election of a Kenyan-born president as an example of what can be accomplished when diverse peoples unite:"

There was at one point some question about the birth certificate deal.

vector Wrote:Did anybody ask for Bill or Lil Bushbirth certificate or college transcripts after he was elected or has anyone ask Donald for his birth certificate or college transcripts which he would probably say they are also under audit
Or could it just be because of the color of his skin or his name

George W Bush was despised from the moment the SC ruled that the Florida vote count was valid. From that day forward the left painted him as a redneck cowboy from Texas. He was considered to be stupid and unworthy of the office. He hot zero slack from the media over the next 8 years, who laid in waiting to bushwhack the President at every turn.

The thing that troubled me about the situation was the media generated destruction was not limited to the reputation of the President alone. The well being of the country suffered equally. And frankly if you can forgive me, you are an example of their handiwork. People despised George W as the result of the media assault on his every motivation and personal value. And the only real reason for it was because he was a Republican. He graduated from YALE and HARVARD and that is verifiable.

The left's contempt was so great in fact, CBS Anchor Dan Rather was fired for fabricating a story making W look to have lied about his military service record. The press continually fanned the people's ire about the Florida election and Iranian weapons of mass destruction. But to answer your question directly. Yes, the left demanded to see W's transcripts. But what they don't talk about is the fact that his record was better than Al Gore or John Kerry.

Bottom line, W did release his transcripts, Obama? Not so much.

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