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Kellyanne Conway
One thing that Donald Trump has done right during this campaign was to finally place Kellyanne Conway in charge of his campaign. She is superb.

Conway was grilled by George Stephanopolos on his ThisWeek show, and it was one of the finest performances that I have seen by a political spokesperson. It is too bad that he stuck with clowns like Corey Lewandowski and Manafort for so long. If he wins the election, Trump needs to find a prime position in his administration for Conway.
Something else that I think was a very positive thing was his choice for VP. Not everyone will agree with me, but Mike Pence is a solid conservative and unlike a Trump, is good on his feet during public speaking.
Granny Bear Wrote:Something else that I think was a very positive thing was his choice for VP. Not everyone will agree with me, but Mike Pence is a solid conservative and unlike a Trump, is good on his feet during public speaking.
I agree, Granny. IMO, Pence is the only "presidential" candidate on either ticket. Trump made an excellent choice when he asked Pence to join the ticket.
I know it's Halloween and all, but still it's a bit too scary to go into all the possibilities which could ensue should Hillary either drop out (pun intended) or be indicted. But should she be elected and the Presidency then for any reason, fall into the hands of Tim Kaine, what a mess that would be. He acts even goofier than Joe Biden if you ask me. Remember when Joe dropped out of the race for president when it was revealed he may have plagiarized a speech and then it came out that some material in a course he had taken at Syracuse Law School may have also been plagiarized? Those indiscretions were peanuts compared to the shenanigans attributable to ol Hill. And after all, there does seem to be some question about her on-film collapse.

However it is not hard to see Mike Pence moving up to the captain's chair should something happen to Mr Trump. Pence is solid.
TheRealThing Wrote:I know it's Halloween and all, but still it's a bit too scary to go into all the possibilities which could ensue should Hillary either drop out (pun intended) or be indicted. But should she be elected and the Presidency then for any reason, fall into the hands of Tim Kaine, what a mess that would be. He acts even goofier than Joe Biden if you ask me. Remember when Joe dropped out of the race for president when it was revealed he may have plagiarized a speech and then it came out that some material in a course he had taken at Syracuse Law School may have also been plagiarized? Those indiscretions were peanuts compared to the shenanigans attributable to ol Hill. And after all, there does seem to be some question about her on-film collapse.

However it is not hard to see Mike Pence moving up to the captain's chair should something happen to Mr Trump. Pence is solid.
Unfortunately, Biden's plagiarism is also peanuts compared to the things that should have disqualified Trump, as well as Hillary. I don't believe that Hillary, Trump, or Kaine would be a viable candidate for a second term.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Unfortunately, Biden's plagiarism is also peanuts compared to the things that should have disqualified Trump, as well as Hillary. I don't believe that Hillary, Trump, or Kaine would be a viable candidate for a second term.

My point was not about second terms, but that either Kaine or Pence will shortly be a heartbeat away from the Presidency as they say. But I guess I must be confused, of what things specifically are you speaking with regard to Trump?
Well, I adore Pence. He had me the first time he spoke publicly. And he does speak so much better than Trump, IMO.

When it comes to Biden and Kaine, I think they are both a half a bubble off center. But at least Joe is funny!!

Is it the homosexual conversion therapy thing that cons love about Pence or what?
catdoggy Wrote:Is it the homosexual conversion therapy thing that cons love about Pence or what?

No I would say it is more a case of the application of unreasonable moral expectations as far as governance is concerned, from people who're suffering from much greater lapses in their own lives.

Government is more meant to herd the masses than it is meant to force them. If you want to be forced to comply you probably should be voting for Hillary.
catdoggy Wrote:Is it the homosexual conversion therapy thing that cons love about Pence or what?
In this campaign, being the most honest and trustworthy member of either ticket places him on a different level. Hillary is also on a different level - she is the only felon running.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:In this campaign, being the most honest and trustworthy member of either ticket places him on a different level. Hillary is also on a different level - she is the only felon running.

This belongs on the conspiracy theory thread. You're starting to fit right in with TRT and GB.
Why thank you catdoggy!

Isn't it time for you to get to the polls?
Granny Bear Wrote:Why thank you catdoggy!

Isn't it time for you to get to the polls?

After work. Thankful to work for a union and 8 hour days. Just hoping scab Republicans don't take over the house due to voter ignorance.
catdoggy Wrote:After work. Thankful to work for a union and 8 hour days. Just hoping scab Republicans don't take over the house due to voter ignorance.

You better just hope and pray that some more of Hillary's dumbass decisions on open borders , NAFTA, and Pacific Trade Agreement and on doesn't cause your "lucrative union job" to fade away into obscurity...FOREVER...Like they have all across this country..You morons cant figure out that the very ones that you support, defend and vote for are the very ones responsible for the demise of the "union"...You are the typical idiot that cant figure out that you cant sell a product made domestically for $5.00 when a foreign import goes on the block for $2.00. Tell me there genius, how do you propose to compete against someone selling the product you make for $2.00 when the product that your company is trying to sell has to go for $5.00 for the company to survive? Do tell there Einstein?

But the union "has you dumbasses back" don't they?

Bob Seger Wrote:You better just hope and pray that some more of Hillary's dumbass decisions on open borders , NAFTA, and Pacific Trade Agreement and on doesn't cause your "lucrative union job" to fade away into obscurity...FOREVER...Like they have all across this country..You morons cant figure out that the very ones that you support, defend and vote for are the very ones responsible for the demise of the "union"...You are the typical idiot that cant figure out that you cant sell a product made domestically for $5.00 when a foreign import goes on the block for $2.00...You're also too dang stupid to realize that sometimes what you refer to as scabs are the only thing keeping your company afloat...Tell me there genius, how do you propose to compete against someone selling the product you make for $2.00 when the product that your company is trying to sell has to go for $5.00 for the company to survive?

But your union "has your dumbasses back" don't they?

Why so hateful to a stranger?
catdoggy Wrote:After work. Thankful to work for a union and 8 hour days. Just hoping scab Republicans don't take over the house due to voter ignorance.

Using the ol Union Hall computer to make posts on company time there bifurcated one? I only got two breaks and a lunch to do things not associated with my job when I was out doing my 8 hour thing.
she's an idiot like her candidate.
How about just answering the question catdoggy?
TheRealThing Wrote:Using the ol Union Hall computer to make posts on company time there bifurcated one? I only got two breaks and a lunch to do things not associated with my job when I was out doing my 8 hour thing.

Haven't you ever noticed TRT, that it's always the sorriest workers that cling tight to this Union garbage?
Bob Seger Wrote:You better just hope and pray that some more of Hillary's dumbass decisions on open borders , NAFTA, and Pacific Trade Agreement and on doesn't cause your "lucrative union job" to fade away into obscurity...FOREVER...Like they have all across this country..You morons cant figure out that the very ones that you support, defend and vote for are the very ones responsible for the demise of the "union"...You are the typical idiot that cant figure out that you cant sell a product made domestically for $5.00 when a foreign import goes on the block for $2.00. Tell me there genius, how do you propose to compete against someone selling the product you make for $2.00 when the product that your company is trying to sell has to go for $5.00 for the company to survive? Do tell there Einstein?

But the union "has you dumbasses back" don't they?


When the unions do their final header onto the financial pavement there will be a lot of wide eyed rednecks standing in the unemployment line. But even the unemployment lines will be on the endangered list.

Money will eventually dry up completely owing to the stupidity of the US Keynesian economic policy. Academia have argued for KE since the 50's and having been (in varying stages) on the KE path for almost 65 years now, the end is in plain sight if one would care to look at it. At the core of Keynesian theory is the notion that government should run spending deficits to overcome recessions. And where has that approach taken us?

According to Forbes Magazine's Vance Ginn, the United States' unfunded liabilities now total more than 127 Trillion dollars. We've managed to get by so far with this impossible scenario owing to an economy which featured 4% growth each year. Enter the liberal and along with him unrealistic regulations attached to business entities. The combination of EPA restrictions on energy and environment have proven to be insurmountable while still managing a profit. But that wasn't enough for the inbred side of Uncle Sam's governing family, the looney left. No they had to add the insanity of ObamaCare, banking regulations, childcare benefits and 21 thousand other new regulations coming so fast that industry lawyers heads are still spinning. But the government can only absorb so much debt using our money (because no matter how lucrative the society money is always a finite entity) and like most US households, come payday or much earlier, the US checking account is dry. So it's off to borrow 4 Billion dollars a day so that government spenders can blow 6.85 Million dollars a second.

That was the part we don't hear politicians talk about. All we hear about is the 20 Trillion dollar debt which BTW, we would have to add to the afore mentioned 127 T, and in round numbers that brings us to 150 Trillion dollars worth of bills the taxpayer must face. That amount of course does not include any interest owed to foreign lenders. The Keynesian money carousel is on the wane, but we Americans none the less are deciding this very day whether to stay the course or try and rein in the runaway horse. Incredibly, many are out pulling the lever for Hillary right this second. IMHO, they might as well be playing Russian Roulette with only one empty chamber.

In saying all of that. Wages and jobs are not all that are on the line. Pensions, 401K's, IRA's, annuities, stocks, in fact the entire banking industry are all in jeopardy if the economy fails. And I know a lot of folks are going to disagree with me but there will be no place for those with money to hide if the economy crashes. The US system of finance, once built on the gold standard, is now based on a mere idea; What is the total worth of all the goods and property of the United States? Uncle Sam says make me an offer, to which the lender says I see a lot of flaws in your financial ship of state. Being a debtor nation now, we can no longer dictate terms any more than any man with his hat in his hand could. What are we worth?

The total US GDP is right around 17.5 Trillion. With a 150 Trillion dollar anchor to drag around and with only the prospect of 1% growth, how much more would you lend? Keynesian economics do not work. Yeah it has taken longer than history's other examples of failed KE driven economies, but the outcome is just as certain.
Bob Seger Wrote:Haven't you ever noticed TRT, that it's always the sorriest workers that cling tight to this Union garbage?

I've seen it for decades. :biggrin:
Angry middle aged white men. The Trump base. The country is changing. Get over it.
catdoggy Wrote:Angry middle aged white men. The Trump base. The country is changing. Get over it.

The band said something like that as the Titanic was sliding into the certainty of black icy death. You'll see.
Of the Republicans I've spoke to their are 2 driving factors these days; fear and the coal mines. FIRE AND BRIMSTONE FIRE AND BRIMSTONE. Take a deep breath and stop being so scared of change. Just a suggestion as I could really give a damn either way.
catdoggy Wrote:Of the Republicans I've spoke to their are 2 driving factors these days; fear and the coal mines. FIRE AND BRIMSTONE FIRE AND BRIMSTONE. Take a deep breath and stop being so scared of change. Just a suggestion as I could really give a damn either way.

I am more than a bit skeptical with your claim to union brotherhood. But don't take my word for the head winds they face in order to survive. You can always say I told you so when the economy improves.

BTW, the Global Domestic Product is only 107.5 Trillion. We owe 50% more than all the money in the world.
You? Skeptical? I never would have guessed! Middle aged white men are so angry these days. Have been privileged their entire lives and when the playing field starts to even out they cry foul. Pessimism is not always good. Have a drink and lighten up.
catdoggy Wrote:You? Skeptical? I never would have guessed! Middle aged white men are so angry these days. Have been privileged their entire lives and when the playing field starts to even out they cry foul. Pessimism is not always good. Have a drink and lighten up.

No thanks. I'm waiting till happy hour, about 8pm.
We'll see just how happy.
catdoggy Wrote:Angry middle aged white men. The Trump base. The country is changing. Get over it.
Naw, I'm one of those guys that put in the 14 hour days and take all the risks so that talentless, worthless, lazy, bottom feeders like you can have the chance to put in those 8 hour days all while cheating the time clock of your employer...

But you are right, it is changing...Morons like you are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs for you to survive...Factories are closing left and right...Your day is coming junior, you're just to dumb to figure it out.
Bob Seger Wrote:Naw, I'm one of those guys that put in the 14 hour days and take all the risks so that talentless, worthless, lazy, bottom feeders like you can have the chance to put in those 8 hour days all while cheating the time clock of your employer...

But you are right, it is changing...Morons like you are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs for you to survive...Factories are closing left and right...Your day is coming junior, you're just to dumb to figure it out.

Unless you've been asleep for the past 50 years you've had a hand in this failure. Take responsibility. You folks have madeit rough on younger folks.

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