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Kneeling for the National Anthem
Anyone who will not stand up for what is right is a stinking coward. College coaches are caught between a rock and hard place. It they told the truth about what they felt, they would not be able to recruit enough kids to field a team, due to the misguided antics of a football whore.
Cellking Wrote:101st Airborne, Vietnam 1967-1968 3/506 Inf. I will stand as long as God blesses me to continue to do so. Enough Said.

Demarcus ware Wrote:Yeah because it's only happening in the NFL. SMH. Let's just bury our heads in the sand and pretend things don't happen in life.

As for the topic at hand, haven't seen it and really hope I don't.

Thank you both for your service to our country.
Cellking, my husband was there a year after you were. He always remains standing until the flag leaves the field/court.
PHSForever Wrote:Louisville doesn't exist. That's why we don't know about it. Should just cut that part of the state out and give it to Indiana. Lol!

In all seriousness, I'm kinda like Granny. I'm all about freedom of speech, etc. BUT, if I'm the coach or an administrator, I'm telling my athletes "As long as you are in the uniform of this school, representing this school and team, you will stand and face the flag. You don't have to sing along, or anything of that nature. But you WILL stand and face the flag that gives you he right to express your opinions as long as you are on this team". Period. Social protests should be off the field issues. Between the lines, it's about the TEAM.

Loserville is in Indiana.
You stand up period! As a coach my players will stand and show respect for what the flag represents and embodies! As a first generation Vietnamiese American, veteran, current federal servant and son a of a retired American soldier this country and the men and women who have served have given my family so much, I would never dishonor it or allow any group of people I lead to do so, period! And if I were to be fired or not hired for a coaching job so be it - I would rather live as an honorable man!

That does not mean our country is not without sins, but the problem is not with the flag rather it is in the failure of people to fully understand what the flag embodies and stands for!!!! I am grateful to God that I was born here and have the freedoms and opporitunities many nations don't!

There are better ways to bring attention to social injustices and causes - protesting the flag is not the way!

Hopefully we don't see any of this in our highschool games.

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