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09-24-2016, 05:15 AM
Sounded like Knoxville Catholic took belfry to school on being physical. I thought it would be the other way around.
09-24-2016, 05:28 AM
killbilly usmc Wrote:Sounded like Knoxville Catholic took belfry to school on being physical. I thought it would be the other way around.
Not really
KnoxCath hit well but when Belfry wasn't shooting themselves in the foot KnoxCath had no answer for their running game.
I will say Catholic was a lot more physical and better prepared than last season. They especially did a much better job with Belfrys Dline. Pirates couldn't eat much pressure whatsoever
09-24-2016, 05:56 AM
pjdoug Wrote:Way to go Irish!
I guess you do need a team to cheer for
09-24-2016, 06:19 AM
Every time I read an update from granny that said belfry fumbled again, I kept thinking about Tim McGraw in Friday night lights.
09-24-2016, 06:20 AM
99PIRATEFAN Wrote:I guess you do need a team to cheer for
Dougie hates any team that wins a lot.
09-24-2016, 06:36 AM
killbilly usmc Wrote:
Dougie hates any team that wins a lot.
I understand he is a Whitley Co. fan
09-24-2016, 06:40 AM
When fumbles occur 5-8 yards down field they wasnt disrupting the offense. We fumbled everywhere.
09-24-2016, 06:48 AM
Bad games can pop up on anyone, especially when you have a road game this far away. Keep your heads up Pirates! Everything important in this season is still out there in front of ya.
09-24-2016, 06:53 AM
The gold ball is the same whether you go undefeated or not.
09-24-2016, 07:19 AM
Hats off to a very good Knoxville team. They outplayed Belfry in every aspect of the game. Was some true talent on the field to,ight and if it wasn't for the beating Belfry was taking, I could have really enjoyed it. Belfry has a lot of work to do.
09-24-2016, 08:42 AM
99PIRATEFAN Wrote:I guess you do need a team to cheer for
Yeah. a team not from West Virginia.
09-24-2016, 08:45 AM
You don't win games when u fumble the ball away.. Belfry had like 9 fumbles... You especially don't win when you play teams with D-1 players..
09-24-2016, 08:46 AM
killbilly usmc Wrote:
Dougie hates any team that wins a lot.
not true. I wasn't even saying anything and the arrogance began. that's what I don't like

09-24-2016, 02:35 PM
this is just a game on the schedule to help prepare for the big picture , everyone hates a loss but really its a teaching video for what they need to work on to achieve and that's another state title , heads up practice on the struggles of this game and if everything works out right we could have 3 titles coming back up RT 80. see you 10/28
09-24-2016, 02:52 PM
Hahaha, lets put Trinity on the schedule. Would been about 50-0. Reality Checks suck.
09-24-2016, 02:58 PM
Losses don't disqualify anyone from the Golden Football! That's the ultimate prize. This loss will make Belfry stronger.
Go Pirates!
Go Pirates!
09-24-2016, 08:03 PM
Bulldogs4Ever Wrote:Hahaha, lets put Trinity on the schedule. Would been about 50-0. Reality Checks suck.
Shows how much you know this Knoxville team I will put up against anybody in Ky and that includes Trinity
09-24-2016, 08:13 PM
Don't let trolls get under your guys skin. Everyone knows the class of bellfry and how good you guys really are.when you fumble the ball 8 times you cannot win a ball game. Maybe this will lazer focus the Pirates. I honestly don't see you guys losing another game this year!
09-24-2016, 08:17 PM
Just like last year take your lose get better from it and bring number #6 Gold trophy home because we will not see a team like that again this year
09-24-2016, 09:16 PM
All these guys bringing up Trinity and so on???? I do not doubt the team i saw lastnight. With the line plowing their a first down machine. If they keep a secure ball they can put it on anybody. Lastnight was less disruption than it was poor ball handling. I seen two legitimate strips. The other turnovers were normal player errors and lack of focus but im sure i missed some things as well. The offense does so well at disguising things its hard to catch it all after the snap. Belfry is the top team in Ky IMO. Pirates and every other top team need work. I had one big issue with Catholic. After the players shook hands and Belfry was leaving the field all of the catholic fans rushed through to greet there victors mid field. In the process they had no regard for the young men who had just laid it all out for there entertainment. I would hope the faculty at Catholic can prevent this type of thing again. Belfry had the right to exit the field before the big celebration began. Especially when the fans blew right through the route they were trying to take. It could have potentially turned into an unfavorable incident. Player and fan safety have to be foremost. LEA and Security present in the area made no effort to maintain control.
09-24-2016, 09:21 PM
NOTHING more important in football than Ball Security.
09-24-2016, 10:04 PM
First thing I want to say is Congrats to Knoxville Catholic on that good ol fashioned button kicking they gave us! Heck of a team. As far as our boys, they did what they could. Another thing, I was at the game and afterwards I started hearing a lot of excuses and crying! This needs to stop coming from some of our people. Why cant we just congradulate the other team when we lose and move on instead of making excuses and whining? The refs did not cheat! These men can't see everything that goes on. Calls went both ways and there were a couple missed both ways. I'd like to know what the penalty yards for both sides were because they have to be close to being even. As far as our fumbles, self inflected or not, it's part of the game. Most of the ones I saw were because the defense would make contact with one of our guys and instead of dragging him down looked to me like he held him up so his buddies could strip the ball. Very good discipline and coaching. Lastly, Amari Rodgers, enough said! The kid is the Real Deal! Most of our DB's had a shot at him but just couldn't stop him. Again, congrats to K.C. As for the Pirates, their going to be just fine. This may have helped them a whole lot more that it hurt.
09-24-2016, 10:14 PM
Knoxville Catholic beat Louisville Trinity??? You smokin crack man? Trinity beats those GCL teams all the time and usually go down and beat #1 team in TN every year. Schedule Trinity big bad Belfry. Id love to see the game.
09-24-2016, 10:31 PM
I agree. One of the clear strips i saw involved the defense keeping him stood up and one defender in on the ball like a mad bee ripping it from his grasp. First half Irish had 90 yards in penalties and the Pirates had 60. This number came from the press box announcer before the start of the third. I also agree it was fairly called. Lastnight i posted that the refs did a great job allowing both teams to play very physical and not being very favorable to either team. In the first half pirate score i do feel it was a late flag and held little merit but i did see the foul take place and it was justified. It matters little that it held no bearing on the touchdown and took place well away from the ball. I also heard some whining and excuses but those fans will be present in all life's arenas. KC is a dangerous quick strike team. Keep the ball in hand and carry it to may more victories big red.
09-24-2016, 10:43 PM
Thanks for the stat. I thought the penalty yards were about even. I also think the refs called a good game. These guys are human just like the rest of us. Like I said, there's going to be missed calls both ways. That's just part of the game. Plain and simple, Belfry was beaten by a better team last night. I would have loved to have went down and beat them by 50 but it just wasn't meant to be. We just can't start blaming officiating or anything else when we lose. Be humble in defeat! Trying to make excuses just makes us look silly. We have a great team, maybe the best ever assembled at Belfry, but there's always somebody out there thats better. We ran into that last night. Pirates are still the heavy favorites in 3A. We will be fine.
09-24-2016, 10:58 PM
I thought the officiating sucked both ways. White hat seemed like he knew it was a big time game and wanted some camera time for himself! Lol. Then again someone behind me said with 9 refs they shouldn't miss a call, and I said "just 9 people to screw everything up"
09-24-2016, 11:02 PM
Frustrating loss. Can't turn the ball over to a team like we played last night. I preached all week the best way to keep Amari Rodgers and Chase Cunningham from scoring was to keep them seated on the sideline watching our offense go for 3 or 4 yards a pop. We just couldn't get our rhythm. Some of that is credit to them for stripping but no matter if it's exchange, being stripped, or whatever there is never an excuse for fumbling. Jordan Scott played a heck of a ballgame and I hope one of the scouts rumored to be there noticed him.
And finally, Grayson Cook is going to be a dandy for the Pirates. Missed a tackle or two, but otherwise played a HELL of a football game on a huge stage for a freshman.
And finally, Grayson Cook is going to be a dandy for the Pirates. Missed a tackle or two, but otherwise played a HELL of a football game on a huge stage for a freshman.
09-24-2016, 11:41 PM
Cook looks like a clone of Austin Hall. Hall had tremendous size as a frost and never really filled out all that much. Not a knock, the kid has been and is a great player. Cook just looks like him cloned but perhaps will add the size to take it to the next level.
09-24-2016, 11:47 PM
Knox Catholic must be unreal. I don't care what happen in game you beat Belfry like this you are VERY good.
09-25-2016, 03:24 AM
Ball control teams can''t win when they turn it over.
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