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2016 football season
I was wondering the same thing why does it get brought up every year on what division we are in.
So we play by some of the rules but not all? You just apply to a private school and you are in? Come on Coach.
What I'm saying is that not everyone plays by same rules, there are exceptions. But if y'all really wanna know you gotta ask a board member, which I am not.

I just think it's crazy this topic is debated every year. I understand that the d3 teams don't wanna play new Harlan, they the ones who are posting bout them not belfry or other d2.

But I'm done with this topic and y'all should be to.
First off don't say D3 teams, Meece will play any one that steps up. Was told Tuesday night they can't get anyone to play them in there own bowl. There has been no Meece people commenting on this subject. I for one am at Southern, but close to Meece so I don't count as a Meece person, but after talking to them this is how it will be summed up. When Meece and New Harlan play it will be exciting. Both same size, power skill. Know matter who wins these teams will have the up most respect for each other. meece and New Harlan is in same boat. They are really good and get crapped on because they are better then most big schools. When New Harlan wins they say "illegal', when Meece wins they say "recruiting". Its stupid. Personally I don't think Meece or New Harlan care what people say about them just let the kids play. Now on that note it was said preivious coach at new Harlan turned in false numbers the last time they were turned in. If that's true they should be D2, if not true they should be D3. After talking to Meece people they have the up most respect for New Harlan and what there doing this year, but also want people to remember they can't compete for 7th grade and if they had there wouldn't be talk about northern. Just sit back and let the kids play ball.
SWpride Wrote:First off don't say D3 teams, Meece will play any one that steps up. Was told Tuesday night they can't get anyone to play them in there own bowl. There has been no Meece people commenting on this subject. I for one am at Southern, but close to Meece so I don't count as a Meece person, but after talking to them this is how it will be summed up. When Meece and New Harlan play it will be exciting. Both same size, power skill. Know matter who wins these teams will have the up most respect for each other. meece and New Harlan is in same boat. They are really good and get crapped on because they are better then most big schools. When New Harlan wins they say "illegal', when Meece wins they say "recruiting". Its stupid. Personally I don't think Meece or New Harlan care what people say about them just let the kids play. Now on that note it was said preivious coach at new Harlan turned in false numbers the last time they were turned in. If that's true they should be D2, if not true they should be D3. After talking to Meece people they have the up most respect for New Harlan and what there doing this year, but also want people to remember they can't compete for 7th grade and if they had there wouldn't be talk about northern. Just sit back and let the kids play ball.
I am a parent to one of the boys at New Harlan and I agree with what you said. I have never heard though of Britt our previous coach turning in false numbers he is a good Christian man and I don't see him doing that. We do have 5 middle schools. It just gets aggravating hearing the same thing for the past two years on here that we are d2 or d3 we really don't care we're we play. And also tired of hearing we have 16 year olds and the boys are a bunch of hold backs. If a parent holds the child back that is there business. You can see from previous threads that this gets said every time. Good luck to both teams and pray they stay safe and healthy.
Yes I've seen it. Meece and New Harlan go through it every year. One of these two should be D3 champion, and they are dragged because of it. The two teams are almost identical except style they play it will be fun to see them play. I just seen them post D3 teams scared and like new Harlan, Meece are scared of know one. Most teams in Kentucky kids held back in elem. They all do it, but only complain on the teams that are doing good. Look at the post. So many teams posting 50 pt wins., but as soon as I posted 60-6 in 3rd qter it was "bragging". lol GL to New Harlan
SWpride Wrote:First off don't say D3 teams, Meece will play any one that steps up. Was told Tuesday night they can't get anyone to play them in there own bowl. There has been no Meece people commenting on this subject. I for one am at Southern, but close to Meece so I don't count as a Meece person, but after talking to them this is how it will be summed up. When Meece and New Harlan play it will be exciting. Both same size, power skill. Know matter who wins these teams will have the up most respect for each other. meece and New Harlan is in same boat. They are really good and get crapped on because they are better then most big schools. When New Harlan wins they say "illegal', when Meece wins they say "recruiting". Its stupid. Personally I don't think Meece or New Harlan care what people say about them just let the kids play. Now on that note it was said preivious coach at new Harlan turned in false numbers the last time they were turned in. If that's true they should be D2, if not true they should be D3. After talking to Meece people they have the up most respect for New Harlan and what there doing this year, but also want people to remember they can't compete for 7th grade and if they had there wouldn't be talk about northern. Just sit back and let the kids play ball.

This is a false statement. A true statement would be, "Meece will play 'almost' anyone that steps up."
Who did they not play? Whats the Proof? Do tell.
Northern Pulaski. I have email proof, but that's all that really needs to be shared on a message board. If you will not play them, you can't knock them. Meece hasn't successfully returned calls or emails since 2010. One thing I can not stand to see is when folks bark, but don't bite. Meece is a loud barker.
That's funny I work with the county and know for a fact the county would not aloud southern or northern to play and mine is at Southern?????? I'm confused by this, but you are right doesn't need to be on post. If I'm wrong get ahold of them for there bowl game.
We are currently maxed out for allotted regular season games, but we were not when our folks contacted them prior to the season. No response. To be a Southern parent, you sure do pump a lot of smoke out for Meece. A lot of smoke, but no fire. That tells me a lot about the "facts" you spew.
Football Mom - Yes it may be a parents decision about holding back, but KHSAA passed a rule about holding back and participating the year they hold back the rule is below.

(7) Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year and thereafter, require that no student enrolled initially in grade (5) through grade (8) during the 2015-2016 school year or thereafter who is repeating a grade for any reason be eligible to compete in interscholastic competition involving students enrolled in grades six (6) through eight (8) while repeating a grade;
So Northern Pulaski will play anyone?
4 pete's sake Wrote:Football Mom - Yes it may be a parents decision about holding back, but KHSAA passed a rule about holding back and participating the year they hold back the rule is below.

(7) Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year and thereafter, require that no student enrolled initially in grade (5) through grade (8) during the 2015-2016 school year or thereafter who is repeating a grade for any reason be eligible to compete in interscholastic competition involving students enrolled in grades six (6) through eight (8) while repeating a grade;

I held my son back when he was in 5th grade and now he is in 8th grade so this rule doesn't apply to me. He is 14 years old and won't be 15 till December he is actually one of the youngest 14 on our team.
Ballbuster Wrote:So Northern Pulaski will play anyone?

If the dates align with the existing schedule, yes. We want the best of the best, but it has to make sense logistically. You have to be careful committing to Thursday and Saturday games in the same week because of injury concerns with games that close together. Other than that, the regular season is in preparation for the playoffs. We don't play for 10-0 regular seasons. We play for the 5-0 playoff run.
Sorry for the confusion, I was not referring to how "good" or "bad" any teams are or "holdbacks", etc.

Just the FACTS. NH's numbers to apply this year "by the book" are 10 over the limit for D3 which should put them in D2. Now if there are "exceptions" for multiple feeder "programs" which allow them to play down then that's another story entirely. Just didn't see that in the rules. Only the number cutoffs.

I believe Lex Catholic is in a similar situation (6 or 7 MS comprising them). I believe they were D2 4 years ago.
At the Uk 7 on 7 we asked for game , so I guess they will not play everyone then.
Football mom - So most of the NH players are holdbacks and you want to play down in D3? Don't question why this topic comes up every year. Unreal
Ballbuster Wrote:At the Uk 7 on 7 we asked for game , so I guess they will not play everyone then.

Who is we? Like I said previously, dates have to align.
Wildcat502 Wrote:Football mom - So most of the NH players are holdbacks and you want to play down in D3? Don't question why this topic comes up every year. Unreal

I don't care where they put the boys I'm not the one complaining on here about it. Coach Lockwood said it best go read his post again lol
Wildcat18 Wrote:Northern Pulaski. I have email proof, but that's all that really needs to be shared on a message board. If you will not play them, you can't knock them. Meece hasn't successfully returned calls or emails since 2010. One thing I can not stand to see is when folks bark, but don't bite. Meece is a loud barker.

I know 100% you are full of it on this one bro.
WETSU Wrote:I know 100% you are full of it on this one bro.

A lot of substance to this comment. I would say your AD would think otherwise.
It's coming from both sides from the high school level. Pissing contest on both sides. Trickles down to the middle schools. Don't fool yourself. I know for a fact that Meece and one of the two co schools were going to play and when the high school coach at that co school caught wind of it he put a stop to it. That is a fact. I'm not saying the Somerset High administration would have been ok with it either. It's a shame but it's both sides all the way.
WETSU Wrote:It's coming from both sides from the high school level. Pissing contest on both sides. Trickles down to the middle schools. Don't fool yourself. I know for a fact that Meece and one of the two co schools were going to play and when the high school coach at that co school caught wind of it he put a stop to it. That is a fact. I'm not saying the Somerset High administration would have been ok with it either. It's a shame but it's both sides all the way.

Which one? Tell us and we can get back to your original comment about my previous comment being "100% full of it bro." I was referring to a comment that falsely stated that Meece was better than Northern last year. Has nothing to do with the pissing contest going on at the high schools. Our coach schedules our games, not the high school coach or any other administrator. No one has ever told us who we could or couldn't schedule. If they do that at on the Southern end, then that tells me everything I need to know as to why the program is at the state it's at right now.
Wildcat18 Wrote:Which one? Tell us and we can get back to your original comment about my previous comment being "100% full of it bro." I was referring to a comment that falsely stated that Meece was better than Northern last year. Has nothing to do with the pissing contest going on at the high schools. Our coach schedules our games, not the high school coach or any other administrator. No one has ever told us who we could or couldn't schedule. If they do that at on the Southern end, then that tells me everything I need to know as to why the program is at the state it's at right now.

It was Southern. Their program is in shambles right now and they really don't have much coming up for the next few years. There is a pissing contest going on right now. The contract dispute, the Ray Correll Bowl and Don Marshall Bowl fall out, all the way down to the PCYFL suspending coaches if they try to schedule scrimmages or games with the Somerset youth teams. It's all coming down from the high schools. It's really a sad situation. As far as who was better last year between Meece or Northern thats just a matter of opinion. Both teams were good. I'd give a slight edge to Northern 8th grade and a slight edge to the Meece 7th grade group. Neither opinion is fact.
Wildcat18 Wrote:Northern Pulaski. I have email proof, but that's all that really needs to be shared on a message board. If you will not play them, you can't knock them. Meece hasn't successfully returned calls or emails since 2010. One thing I can not stand to see is when folks bark, but don't bite. Meece is a loud barker.


Only person barking is the Northern guy with "emails".
CowboyDad Wrote::lame:

Only person barking is the Northern guy with "emails".

Obviously the comments I was responding to went right over your head. You're missing the analogy completely.

"Don't bark unless you have a powerful bite." -- Andrei "The Pitbull" Arlovski
Has anyone mentioned Campbell Middle School Football 8th Grade in Winchester KY. I don't think they have been beat this year and hear they are pretty good.
RDC 44 Woodford 20
RDC 38 Bourbon 8
RDC 32 Elkhorn 0
Now that it's September, have any bodies picks changed?
D3 New Harlan/Meece
D2 Belfry/Corbin
D1 Northern Pulaski
7th Northern Pulaski

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