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08-16-2016, 07:45 PM
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I know you got mad. It's why your daddy cried and left the site to cool off.
As for the rest of your post tl;dr
HA! Funny that you changed what you originally had, which was that I left the site. Guess you forgot what you were reading. Oh wait, that's right, you didn't read it. Just like you admitted to not researching the candidates in the primary.
It doesn't surprise me that my posts are too detailed and in-depth for the Trump minions to want to read. Has to be 180 characters or less for you to understand it. :hilarious:
08-16-2016, 07:47 PM
WideRight05 Wrote:HA! Funny that you changed what you originally had, which was that I left the site. Guess you forgot what you were reading. Oh wait, that's right, you didn't read it. Just like you admitted to not researching the candidates in the primary.
It doesn't surprise me that my posts are too detailed and in-depth for the Trump minions to want to read. Has to be 180 characters or less for you to understand it. :hilarious:
The reason I deleted it is because I thought it was hoot who replied to me.
Like father like son I cannot tell you two apart from your post. And I'm on a phone and can't see half the shit I type.
08-16-2016, 07:47 PM
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I've spoken my peace is a commonly used term in the south referring to being at peace with what I said. Not sure how I could take a piece of words.
How sad that when you try to correct someone's grammar they often expose your need for attention and lack of intelligence. When someone results to correcting typos and grammar on a message board it's usually for lack of ideas as is in the case. I'll also never apologize to anyone for anything I write. I'm not forcing you too read it.
So sad.
* to
08-16-2016, 07:49 PM
Motley Wrote:* to
I'll never apologize for androids spell checking feature. I only type. It does the rest.
08-16-2016, 07:49 PM
WideRight05 Wrote:Hoot's the only one doing character assassination? You may want to take a look in the mirror at some of your posts. The only thing you have done is try to use the crowd supporting Trump and "it's not Hillary" in your arguments. Twist my words all you want to try to pin me to Hoot to avoid having to defend yourselves - believe me, I can't take many of these Trump supporters serious at all so if you want to keep twisting my words then I will be honored to be pegged to Hoot. Oh, so Bob Seger disagrees with Hoot. I should be a good little lemming and change my opinions. I like and respect Bob Seger and enjoy joking around with him a lot on here, but I'm not going to just change my opinion because he disagrees with Hoot. This whole time you have been trying to use the crowd to sway me. I don't think like that, and find it funny that you keep thinking that throwing Chris Christie or whoever at me is going to pressure me into supporting Trump. :hilarious:
You just admitted that Trump told you want to hear - that's exactly what he has based his campaign on and people are falling for the bait hook, line, and sinker. Trump has been inconsistent in some of the positions he has taken. The thing I find hysterical is that people actually are taking to this guy like a magnet despite a questionable past and present.
If Hillary wins, we know what we're getting - another hardcore liberal. She is going to struggle herself getting Bernie Sanders' supporters after the rigged primary. With Trump, we stand a chance of losing the conservative movement and replacing it with a populist one. If this movement was about conservatism, then unity would be much greater. It's not. It's about a man with an ego through the roof that still thinks he is in primary mode, thus the result of only 75% support from his own party.
There are no good choices this election. I would like to see us turn things around as a society, but I feel like we went past the tipping point long ago.
So why bother to vote at all then? My argument is there will be nothing left to salvage after another Clinton Era. If you think otherwise, you're seeing something that I do not. But after your last ridiculous rant, I see your daddy is back to crowing again, even though there are no chickens left in the lot to impress.
BTW, it is arguable to say that when somebody says they've spoken their peace, that means at some point they had the opportunity to speak their piece and did so. And that that is all they have to say about the matter because they are at peace with it.
08-16-2016, 07:49 PM
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I've spoken my peace is a commonly used term in the south referring to being at peace with what I said. Not sure how I could take a piece of words.
How sad that when you try to correct someone's grammar they often expose your need for attention and lack of intelligence. When someone results to correcting typos and grammar on a message board it's usually for lack of ideas as is in the case. I'll also never apologize to anyone for anything I write. I'm not forcing you too read it.
So sad.
You got it wrong. Quite trying to change the meaning of something because you know you got it wrong. That's the attitude of a liberal Democrat, if it doesn't fit right then just change the meaning. You said "Ive spoke my peace." Might be a southern saying, and the grammar (no apostrophe) is written like one too. Of course, I shouldn't expect someone that has trouble with there, their, and they're to be able to comprehend that.
08-16-2016, 07:51 PM
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:The reason I deleted it is because I thought it was hoot who replied to me.
Like father like son I cannot tell you twould apart from your post. And I'm on a phone and can't see half the shit I type.
I would say it's much more than just the phone.

08-16-2016, 07:53 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:So why bother to vote at all then? My argument is there will be nothing left to salvage after another Clinton Era. If you think otherwise, you're seeing something that I do not. But after your last ridiculous rant, I see your daddy is back to crowing again, even though there are no chickens left in the lot to impress.
BTW, it is arguable to say that when somebody says they've spoken their peace, that means at some point they had the opportunity to speak their piece and did so. And that that is all they have to say about the matter because they are at peace with it.
Once again, TRT, you go twisting my words and then go off to defend your boy RIUTG. I stayed out of yours and Hoot's business, but it's funny you go the extra mile to defend your little boy. Anything to avoid defending Donald Trump, right?

08-16-2016, 07:53 PM
WideRight05 Wrote:You got it wrong. Quite trying to change the meaning of something because you know you got it wrong. That's the attitude of a liberal Democrat, if it doesn't fit right then just change the meaning. You said "Ive spoke my peace." Might be a southern saying, and the grammar (no apostrophe) is written like one too. Of course, I shouldn't expect someone that has trouble with there, their, and they're to be able to comprehend that.
It's toooooooo easy :biglmao:
It's only funny when you make mistakes after being an ass about it. Lolololoooloooooolllololol.
Oh and I'm still not wrong. Are you married? If so did the preacher ask everyone to "speak now or forever hold your peace" check the bible on that one :biglmao:
08-16-2016, 07:55 PM
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:It's tpooooooooo easy :biglmao:
It's only funny when you make mistakes after being an ass about it. Lolololoooloooooolllololol.
Oh and I'm still not wrong. Are you married? If so did the preacher ask everyone to "speak now or forever hold your peace" check the bible on that one :biglmao:
First off I said consistent grammar mistakes earlier. Everybody makes grammar mistakes on here, including myself. I'll own up to that one. But for every one I make, I could easily get a hundred from what you post.
See, this is the kind of stuff you have turned to, childish insults, to steer away from the real truth about Donald Trump that you don't want to defend. You can't defend him. Just admit it.
08-16-2016, 07:56 PM
Motley Wrote:* to
How fitting to u would post that right after I posted what I did about grammar nazis. You fit it perfectly.
You Hillary supporters are on a role today. It's like your all in the same mom's basement.
08-16-2016, 07:57 PM
WideRight05 Wrote:First off I said consistent grammar mistakes earlier. Everybody makes grammar mistakes on here, including myself. I'll own up to that one. But for every one I make, I could easily get a hundred from what you post.
See, this is the kind of stuff you have turned to, childish insults, to steer away from the real truth about Donald Trump that you don't want to defend. You can't defend him. Just admit it.
This is what defeat looks like :biglmao:
Childish is worrying about grammar when you can't debate the evidence.
08-16-2016, 07:58 PM
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:This is what defeat looks like :biglmao:
Says the person who is yet to put up one consistent argument for Donald Trump. :hilarious:
08-16-2016, 08:00 PM
Yea that's not childish at all lolol. Do you see what your doing to yourself lol.
As I said once before I will never give you Hillary supporters another minute of my time.
You are too butt hurt over teddy getting the boot that you will never accept the consequences for your actions.
Have fun watching Trump make America great again, although you don't deserve it.
Yea that's not childish at all lolol. Do you see what your doing to yourself lol.
As I said once before I will never give you Hillary supporters another minute of my time.
You are too butt hurt over teddy getting the boot that you will never accept the consequences for your actions.
Have fun watching Trump make America great again, although you don't deserve it.
08-16-2016, 08:05 PM
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
Yea that's not childish at all lolol. Do you see what your doing to yourself lol.
As I said once before I will never give you Hillary supporters another minute of my time.
You are too butt hurt over teddy getting the boot that you will never accept the consequences for your actions.
Have fun watching Trump make America great again, although you don't deserve it.
You get what you ask for. You act childish with me, you'll get a childish response.
Keep attacking Ted Cruz, you seem to think you're campaigning against him and your hero Trump does as well. I'm sure that will get you more votes at the ballot box this November. I will watch Trump and you will be a heck of a lot more disappointed when he turns on you than I ever was over Cruz or Rubio losing. You're right, I don't deserve Donald Trump - I deserve better but unfortunately our major political parties enjoy putting crooks at the top of their ballot.
08-16-2016, 08:05 PM
To be fair, I don't think Honey Boo Boo's mom is voting for Trump either.
08-16-2016, 11:37 PM
WideRight05 Wrote:Once again, TRT, you go twisting my words and then go off to defend your boy RIUTG. I stayed out of yours and Hoot's business, but it's funny you go the extra mile to defend your little boy. Anything to avoid defending Donald Trump, right?nicker:
Listen, I respect RIUTG. He is a self made man, a college grad and provides for his family. His greatest err that I have seen is to come out in support of Donald Trump. The loons and the enemies of Trump landed on him for it but he has none the less stuck by his guns.
Supposedly you have thick skin. You did stay out of the fray between me and Hoot for the most part, but you're continually dropping my name to razz Run and others on here while expecting me to go along with it. The truth is I respect you too and honestly believe you're trying to become a honest and hard working citizen.
Frankly, let's just get it all out here. I respect everybody on this board except Hoot. So which is it, you're mostly trolling and having a bit of fun durning a bad time in our nation's history, or are you mad? The choice this time is binary. The fundamental transformation is ready to be consummated by Hillary. It is lunacy to campaign against Trump based on some kind of psychotic foreboding of what a Trump Presidency might be. Now Hillary, there you have factual fodder.
If you need a refresher on my defense of Mr Trump, might I suggest some remedial reading of BGR threads starting with Dusty's "Trump, the political hurricane still rages" and onward?
08-17-2016, 12:07 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:Listen, I respect RIUTG. He is a self made man, a college grad and provides for his family. His greatest err that I have seen is to come out in support of Donald Trump. The loons and the enemies of Trump landed on him for it but he has none the less stuck by his guns.I assure you that the disrespect is mutual, TRT.
Supposedly you have thick skin. You did stay out of the fray between me and Hoot for the most part, but you're continually dropping my name to razz Run and others on here while expecting me to go along with it. The truth is I respect you too and honestly believe you're trying to become a honest and hard working citizen.
Frankly, let's just get it all out here. I respect everybody on this board except Hoot. So which is it, you're mostly trolling and having a bit of fun durning a bad time in our nation's history, or are you mad? The choice this time is binary. The fundamental transformation is ready to be consummated by Hillary. It is lunacy to campaign against Trump based on some kind of psychotic foreboding of what a Trump Presidency might be. Now Hillary, there you have factual fodder.
If you need a refresher on my defense of Mr Trump, might I suggest some remedial reading of BGR threads starting with Dusty's "Trump, the political hurricane still rages" and onward?
You, RIUTG, and jetpilot are typical of the extreme Trumpsters who seem to think they are contributing to a Trump drive to victory by insulting and harassing Republicans and conservatives who might have otherwise been potential Trump voters.
Your behavior toward those who disagree with you politically mirrors Trump's. The supply of potential Trump voters is finite and he is quickly running out of bridges to burn.
08-17-2016, 12:52 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:Listen, I respect RIUTG. He is a self made man, a college grad and provides for his family. His greatest err that I have seen is to come out in support of Donald Trump. The loons and the enemies of Trump landed on him for it but he has none the less stuck by his guns.
Supposedly you have thick skin. You did stay out of the fray between me and Hoot for the most part, but you're continually dropping my name to razz Run and others on here while expecting me to go along with it. The truth is I respect you too and honestly believe you're trying to become a honest and hard working citizen.
Frankly, let's just get it all out here. I respect everybody on this board except Hoot. So which is it, you're mostly trolling and having a bit of fun durning a bad time in our nation's history, or are you mad? The choice this time is binary. The fundamental transformation is ready to be consummated by Hillary. It is lunacy to campaign against Trump based on some kind of psychotic foreboding of what a Trump Presidency might be. Now Hillary, there you have factual fodder.
If you need a refresher on my defense of Mr Trump, might I suggest some remedial reading of BGR threads starting with Dusty's "Trump, the political hurricane still rages" and onward?
Out of all the posts I've seen on here, I've never seen you glorify anything related to college until just now. I've never seen you so desperate to grasp for straws here.
"The loons and the enemies of Trump have landed on him for it." If anything, just like Trump, he has brought a lot of it on himself. I sympathize that Trump will not get a fair chance with the press, but I don't sympathize on him for bringing on some of the attacks himself. Likewise with Gut, he has brought a lot of this on himself. Gut is the one who is mad - he can't resist an insult when he has to defend himself. I don't think he's capable of it, to be honest. Am I mad? I can't take it serious enough to be. :hilarious:
I have followed this board consistently for four years and from the beginning of this debate around Donald Trump. You're not going to scare me into voting for Trump by making me feel like I won't be a part of the hip crowd if I don't support him. That's how liberals act, and it's the establishment that caves to it time after time. I will not budge. So far, the only thing you've put is that he's not Hillary, the cool people are voting for Trump, and I listen to liberal media sources. :lmao:
Here's some highlights of BGR's college grad....
There, their....they're not the same.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:there racist members also fill social media with threats and intimidation of anyone who disagrees as well as harassing those that
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
They'll never admit it, but they will hold there noses and vote for Trump in November.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Civil war would never happened again unless the federal government over stepped there bounds on people
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:It's ridiculous there not in the same district.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Clay is much better than South and if they don't let there heads get to them, should beat South.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Two of the district decided to play there championship tomorrow for some reason.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:100% of climate scientist jobs depend on this being real for there tax payer funded research.
When there lord and savior Al Gore first stated climate change was real
08-17-2016, 01:06 AM
How many people here will embrace socialism because their feelings are hurt?
08-17-2016, 01:24 AM
WideRight05 Wrote:Out of all the posts I've seen on here, I've never seen you glorify anything related to college until just now. I've never seen you so desperate to grasp for straws here.
"The loons and the enemies of Trump have landed on him for it." If anything, just like Trump, he has brought a lot of it on himself. I sympathize that Trump will not get a fair chance with the press, but I don't sympathize on him for bringing on some of the attacks himself. Likewise with Gut, he has brought a lot of this on himself. Gut is the one who is mad - he can't resist an insult when he has to defend himself. I don't think he's capable of it, to be honest. Am I mad? I can't take it serious enough to be. :hilarious:
I have followed this board consistently for four years and from the beginning of this debate around Donald Trump. You're not going to scare me into voting for Trump by making me feel like I won't be a part of the hip crowd if I don't support him. That's how liberals act, and it's the establishment that caves to it time after time. I will not budge. So far, the only thing you've put is that he's not Hillary, the cool people are voting for Trump, and I listen to liberal media sources. :lmao:
Here's some highlights of BGR's college grad....
There, their....they're not the same.
LOL, they say the choices we make are what define us. Good luck with yours.
08-17-2016, 01:42 AM
Pick6 Wrote:How many people here will embrace socialism because their feelings are hurt?Most of them. Some will vote for Hillary and some will vote for Trump. Trump and Hillary are liberals who have followed the road toward socialism together for decades. Follow either one of them and you will arrive at the same destination sooner or later.
People do not just randomly make large political donations year after year. They put their money on candidates who share their own vision.
Voting for Trump does not mean that you intend to support socialism. In most cases, it means that you are just rolling the dice and hoping that Trump will not renege on his promises if he is elected. A politician's past actions are a much better predictor of his future actions than his promises, IMO.
If Trump's pitiful poll numbers were the result of hurt feelings, then Republicans would never win a presidential election because most candidates fail to win the nomination and have disappointed supporters. If Trump supporters want him to win in November, then they need to start holding him accountable for the actions that have placed him in his current position. Blaming all of Trump's problems on potential voters is not working for him or his loyal followers.
08-17-2016, 01:59 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:I didn't even read this, I'm done with the whole deal.
TheRealThing Wrote:Nah, I've written enough on this subject that I am fairly assured it's all been addressed before. I'm not going to argue it all again with you.
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL, they say the choices we make are what define us. Good luck with yours.

08-17-2016, 02:51 PM
WideRight05 Wrote:Out of all the posts I've seen on here, I've never seen you glorify anything related to college until just now. I've never seen you so desperate to grasp for straws here.
"The loons and the enemies of Trump have landed on him for it." If anything, just like Trump, he has brought a lot of it on himself. I sympathize that Trump will not get a fair chance with the press, but I don't sympathize on him for bringing on some of the attacks himself. Likewise with Gut, he has brought a lot of this on himself. Gut is the one who is mad - he can't resist an insult when he has to defend himself. I don't think he's capable of it, to be honest. Am I mad? I can't take it serious enough to be. :hilarious:
I have followed this board consistently for four years and from the beginning of this debate around Donald Trump. You're not going to scare me into voting for Trump by making me feel like I won't be a part of the hip crowd if I don't support him. That's how liberals act, and it's the establishment that caves to it time after time. I will not budge. So far, the only thing you've put is that he's not Hillary, the cool people are voting for Trump, and I listen to liberal media sources. :lmao:
Here's some highlights of BGR's college grad....
There, their....they're not the same.
I expect nothing less of a Hillary supporter. It's pretty obvious amongst everyone here that it is you and daddy who are mad at the world. It's even talked about among those who don't post on the political threads.
I'm not sure how many times we have to explain to you that grammar, typos, etc. Is not a valid argument against anything. It makes you look weak, narcissistic, and even pathetic when everyone does it. 99 percent of the time when people are using a cell phone to post, it will automatically change words and spellings without you knowing. It's why so many of my post are edited after fact. I proof read after I post, then edit, but not always because it's a message board. Not a college paper that needs to be wrote in mla and be cited.
It's obvious this train with you and Hoot died long ago. You've now become so enticed and enraged that you consistently throw insults instead of trying to make a point. You've degraded yourself to the same type nonsense behavior that your liberal supporters love. The fact that the wacko libs on this site like almost all of your post when they see it should tell you something.
I'm done discussing this topic with you and hoot. I'm afraid for your mental state if you keep this up. I will discuss the election with the majority of other who feel like I do about this coming election. You have a right to waste a vote on hillary. It's your choice, but I will not contribute to your hatred of Trump any longer.
Don't start reaping the rewards of a Trump presidency come 2017. I'd hate for you to admit that you were wrong.
08-17-2016, 02:58 PM
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I expect nothing less of a Hillary supporter. It's pretty obvious amongst everyone here that it is you and daddy who are mad at the world. It's even talked about among those who don't post on the political threads.
I'm not sure how many times we have to explain to you that grammar, typos, etc. Is not a valid argument against anything. It makes you look weak, narcissistic, and even pathetic when everyone does it. 99 percent of the time when people are using a cell phone to post, it will automatically change words and spellings without you knowing. It's why so many of my post are edited after fact. I proof read after I post, then edit, but not always because it's a message board. Not a college paper that needs to be wrote in mla and be cited.
It's obvious this train with you and Hoot died long ago. You've now become so enticed and enraged that you consistently throw insults instead of trying to make a point. You've degraded yourself to the same type nonsense behavior that your liberal supporters love. The fact that the wacko libs in this site like almost all of your post when they see it should tell you something.
I'm done discussing this topic with you and hoot. I'm afraid for your mental state if you keep this up. I will discuss the election with the majority of other who feel like I do about this coming election. You have a right to waste a vote on hillary. It's your choice, but I will not contribute to your hatred of Trump any longer.
Don't start reaping the rewards of a Trump presidency come 2017. I'd hate for you to admit that you were wrong.
People make typos, but when one can't get "their, there, and they're" correct on a consistent basis then something is wrong. I have posted many times from an electronic source other than a computer and still can put together decent grammar. Keep making excuses. It's tough to take a poorly written post seriously. You're dismissing this when you jumped on board with everybody criticizing Vector for his poor use of grammar. :hilarious:
I've never seen a group of supporters after winning, even Obama supporters, whine so much. Keep waving your little "like" button around to pat your fellow supporters on the back so they feel good about themselves.

By sending Donald Trump as the Republican nominee, you have helped Hillary Clinton more than I ever could.
08-17-2016, 04:42 PM
More shuffling the deck chairs on the deck of the Titanic. Manafort has been replaced as Trump's campaign manager. Trump is now on his third campaign manager... and counting.
08-17-2016, 05:33 PM
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:How fitting to u would post that right after I posted what I did about grammar nazis. You fit it perfectly.
You Hillary supporters are on a role today. It's like your all in the same mom's basement.
That was the whole point genius. To get under your paper thin skin. It worked.
08-17-2016, 05:36 PM
Hoot Gibson Wrote:More shuffling the deck chairs on the deck of the Titanic. Manafort has been replaced as Trump's campaign manager. Trump is now on his third campaign manager... and counting.
The fact that anybody believes he has a chance at this point is laughable. It's over.
08-17-2016, 05:44 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:Listen, I respect RIUTG. He is a self made man, a college grad and provides for his family. His greatest err that I have seen is to come out in support of Donald Trump. The loons and the enemies of Trump landed on him for it but he has none the less stuck by his guns.
Is a degree from University of Phoenix really something to respect?
08-17-2016, 10:00 PM
Hoot Gibson Wrote:More shuffling the deck chairs on the deck of the Titanic. Manafort has been replaced as Trump's campaign manager. Trump is now on his third campaign manager... and counting.
Motley Wrote:The fact that anybody believes he has a chance at this point is laughable. It's over.
I see the birds of like feather are flocking together. No shame Motley, we know you would vote for Satan if he ran on the Democrat ticket, no surprise either. Supposedly Hoot has decided a third party de facto Hillary vote gives him plausible deniability. Maybe you could explain it to him. :biggrin:
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