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Wayne Co vs Bryan Station 8/20
530 kickoff Roy Kidd Bowl.
Wayne Co. will be bothered by BS speed. Speed kills. BS by 17 over Wayne.
Come on CellKing get on the Cardinal-Train!! You had them losing a lot off last year's team and being overrated in one thread and now you got the Defenders by 17??? I know you love "mountain football" and I've seen you tracking across 92 supporting the Cards in the past, get with this team, you'll like them. Bryan Station is fast and extremely athletic, but Wayne County is ranked #3 in one poll and #5 in another for a reason. The Cards showed signs in a 36-26 scrimmage over Pulaski County and I look for more improvement this Saturday.
Fan of Jewell Field Wrote:Come on CellKing get on the Cardinal-Train!! You had them losing a lot off last year's team and being overrated in one thread and now you got the Defenders by 17??? I know you love "mountain football" and I've seen you tracking across 92 supporting the Cards in the past, get with this team, you'll like them. Bryan Station is fast and extremely athletic, but Wayne County is ranked #3 in one poll and #5 in another for a reason. The Cards showed signs in a 36-26 scrimmage over Pulaski County and I look for more improvement this Saturday.

I like Wayne County Football and Shawn is a good friend. Hope you wax BS but they are not PC. Good Luck.:Cheerlead
Bryan Station lost alot last year and should be down,they are pretty young, Wayne County should win this by 2+TDs
Wayne Co by 7...
Wayne Co. by 14:Cheerlead
Wayne has a big returning crew. Them by 7.
Dave Diamond
Pound High School Class of '89
Union College Class of '93
U.S. Army Class of '97

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." -Galations 2:20
In this battle of districts Wayne drew the weaker 6a team each year. BS will be better by October, but it ain't October. Cardinals pull away by 3 tds late. If the running game is cooking watch out.

I see a sweep by the 4a district this year.
wayne 28 bs 21
Wayne by 6.
Wayne 28 to 21
Wayne County by 10.
Wayne County will wax Bryan Station 28-14
Wayne has a good team. They just don't have the speed to keep up with BS. Speed wins this..

WC 14
BS 28

Living The Dream!!
Wayne 35-21
Wayne by 7. BS speed keeps it close

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