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Cruz Reveals VP Pick, Carly Fiorina
Seriously? Does not the VP lead the Congress? I don't get this at all.
I get it.

Not only is he getting someone smarter than he, that choice will also neutralize some negative feelings that have transpired since his infidelity stories have been published. That is Cruz' "woman card". LOL

I actually liked Fiorina during the debates. She was well prepared, smart and not at all intimidated by Trump.
Maybe she'll be Kasich's running mate in Oregon and New Mexico Confusednicker:
What the hell they gonna team up to run, a lemonade stand?

This is like me picking a VP. Its useless and over.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:What the hell they gonna team up to run, a lemonade stand?

This is like me picking a VP. Its useless and over.

The point is practically moot. Trump's delegate count now stands at 987 or more, depending on the source. He'll get at least half of Indiana's 57, making that total 1015 or so. California will eventually push that number to 1200. But he'll win West Virginia and New Jersey so it's hard to see his total prior to the first ballot at being much less than 1285.
Carly Fiorina is going to charge the Cruz/Kasich campaign, because you know, we always charge a dead battery with an even more dead battery Confusednicker:
^^ The alternative is Hillary
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:What the hell they gonna team up to run, a lemonade stand?

This is like me picking a VP. Its useless and over.
I wonder what's worse, actually offering an imaginary position or the nut job that accepts an imaginary position Confusednicker:
Maybe kasich will pick up Bernie to be his vp once he concedes.
WideRight05 Wrote:[Image:]
Maybe that is the reason he founded Trump University.
Demarcus ware Wrote:[Image:]

Demarcus ware Wrote:[Image:]

Your most intelligent posts on Ted Cruz or Donald Trump so far!
WideRight05 Wrote:Your most intelligent posts on Ted Cruz or Donald Trump so far!
Sometimes less is more. Fox is discovering that more Trump is resulting in less viewers. CNN is closing the gap and my family is doing its part.
WideRight05 Wrote:Your most intelligent posts on Ted Cruz or Donald Trump so far!
Awe shucks thanks :Thumbs: I got more coming.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Sometimes less is more. Fox is discovering that more Trump is resulting in less viewers. CNN is closing the gap and my family is doing its part.
Look at their choices. Trump or Lucifer. Guess they decided on Trump.
Demarcus ware Wrote:Look at their choices. Trump or Lucifer. Guess they decided on Trump.
Seems like Trump has picked up another admirer in the drunken former House Speaker. I'll bet Denny Hastert is pulling for Trump too. Gingrich is falling right into line behind the establishment candidate.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Seems like Trump has picked up another admirer in the drunken former House Speaker. I'll bet Denny Hastert is pulling for Trump too. Gingrich is falling right into line behind the establishment candidate.
The same former drunken house speaker that Cruz lied about today when he said he didn't really know him? When in fact, was his attorney? Yeah ok. As for the establishment candidate, I'm sure Cruz took the reins for that title long ago, when Graham, and the Bush family jumped onboard. Plus Romney would have been endorsing him before the convention but now knows that would be even more embarrassing. Lol.
Donald Trump, John Boehner's golfing and texting buddy. Sounded like an endorsement to me. :biglmao:
Demarcus ware Wrote:The same former drunken house speaker that Cruz lied about today when he said he didn't really know him? When in fact, was his attorney? Yeah ok. As for the establishment candidate, I'm sure Cruz took the reins for that title long ago, when Graham, and the Bush family jumped onboard. Plus Romney would have been endorsing him before the convention but now knows that would be even more embarrassing. Lol.

Cruz an establishment candidate?

Shewwwwwww! :hilarious:
Typical Cruzbots. Trying to spin it. I just gave you his endorsements from establishment. So you still didn't answer the question, is it the same drunken former house speaker that Ted doesn't know, when in fact he was his attorney, or not? Just another lie from Ted, he's not even good at lying Confusednicker:
Donald Trump's golfing and texting buddy, John Boehner, kissing another favorite recipient of Trump's political donations, Nancy Pelosi. Yep, that Trump is a real Washington outsider. :biglmao:

Still refuse to answer the question I see. That's ok. Everyone knows Cruz can't go a day without lying :hilarious: Must be exhausting defending all his lies and trying to spin them lol
Trump has bigger problems facing him than being endorsed by John Boehner.

Cruz should give Trump a dose of his own friendly legal advice. The Donald needs to go to court and request a declaratory judgment to put this alleged rape behind him before Hillary uses it against him in the general campaign. :hilarious:

Trump Sued By Teen ‘Sex Slave’ For Alleged ‘Rape’ — Donald Blasts ‘Disgusting’ Suit
Still no answer with another lie I see. That's ok. We all know how his lies are. I'll save you the embarrassment of having to defend another one.
Trump's one man war on women has been raging for decades. Little hands big problems.
And Cruz's cheating left his wife crying on the roadside. Which, not that she will need it, but Hillary and the MSM would eat him alive for.
Being a Trump supporter seems to obligate one to repeat his lies. That whole Cruz had affairs with five different women smear just never got any traction. Yet, the Trumpsters keep repeating it as gospel because their leader repeated it to them. :biglmao:

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