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Will Hazard and Perry Central ever play each other again?
KENTUCKY10 Wrote:I give this a few hours before a Perry fan comes on here and says "They would play if Hazard didn't steal their players". Happens every time.

If I remember this correctly I remember hearing the brown guy that was the head coach at PCC at the time saying on the radio that Hazard chose to not renew the contract and that the grownups have let the kids down in this one. So I have no dog in this fight but I am pretty sure it was Hazard that didn't want to play anymore.
blitzingback Wrote:Hazard didn't lose in the Regional finals in 2012. They played Fairview in the semi-finals and lost but was later awarded the win due to a forfeit per sanctions from the KHSAA.

Yes, my mistake. It was the semifinals.
But it was still a 40-6 loss on the field and it was the last game of Hazard's season.
I don't think any team that loses to Fairview by 34 points is going to win a 5A district championship.
HCS Wrote:Yes, my mistake. It was the semifinals.
But it was still a 40-6 loss on the field and it was the last game of Hazard's season.
I don't think any team that loses to Fairview by 34 points is going to win a 5A district championship.

Fairview went 14-1 that year. All there wins took away because of playing a ineligble kid and other circumstances.

Hazard lost there key defender on defense during the season and it hurt. If Austin Johnson plays that game it's a different outcome.
All that may be true, but Hazard won by six at Pineville that year. Hazard would not have played with Harlan County in 2012 and would not have won a 5A district title.
It was a ridiculous statement to bring Harlan County or North Laurel into this Hazard-Perry debate.
If Hazard would of played North Laurel for the past lets say 25 years, I'd say Hazard would of been about 23-2 against them. You are talking about the past 4-5 years HCS. Its good coach Larkey has the Jags finally moving in the right direction.
And as far as Harlan County is concerned, they haven't had a school long enough to really say how they would of faired against Hazard. IF, there would of been a Harlan County lets say 50 years ago and still there today then I would say Harlan County would of beaten Hazard the majority of the time. I mean you have Cumberland who was always tough, Cawood was always tough, Evarts had some real good years, and then there is Harlan city who is decent to. Throw in Lynch who was usually great. Man it would been hard to play with Harlan County. But this 5A district as a whole, Hazard would probably finished Runner-up a great deal of the time, which is not bad.
I think Hazard would beat Letcher, Whitley, and PCC most of the time and probably be beating Harlan County as well just by what I have saw the past two or three years.
You said Hazard would have won the 5A district in recent years. They couldn't have touched North in 2015 and would not have beaten HCHS in 2010, 2011, 2012 or 2013.

Harlan is still open, just like Hazard. You can't count them with HCHS, just like you don't count Hazard with Perry.

Hazard can't match Lynch's tradition (four state titles) and was below Cumberland (three state runner-up finishes) for many years and lost Cawood in the 1970s and would want no part of Cawood in the 1980s.
First of all, you will never know if Hazard could of beaten those HCHS teams of 2010 - 2013 without playing them. I saw you guys play a Greenville Team that was similar to Hazards style a few years ago and they completely destroyed you. Im sure Hazard could of stacked the box like most teams done that beat you out in the playoffs. Lets not get to carried away HCS. I know you know your history over there. Who knows if they could of beaten North Laurel or not this year? Kind of doubt if they could have but they would of beat them like drums probably throughout the years.

Perry and Hazard should play. Harlan and Harlan County might as well play now. Not a big difference.

Harlan County needs to move up to 6A the way you make them sound. Harlan County, Johnson Central, and Belfry should all move up.
I'm almost certain Harlan County will add Hazard to the schedule if you can work that out with Hazard for 2017-2018.

Your original statement was Hazard could have won the 5A district just about every year. What Hazard could have done against North in the 1980s is not relevant. They would not have played with them last year and it's very doubtful they could have beaten Harlan County during the four years the Bears won the district.

Everyone stacked the box against Harlan County. Hazard's style may have been similiar to Greenville, but the athletes were much, much different. No comparison.
The_Rock Wrote:I'd almost be willing to bet that they could win Perry Centrals district almost every single year.


1. Mayfield 77.8
2. Frankfort 66.6
3. Beechwood 65.4
4. Russellville 60.2
5. Hazard 56.5

Read more here:

1. Bowling Green 92.8
2. John Hardin 82.6
3. Harlan Co. 79.0

1. Mayfield 80.5
2. Frankfort 65.4
3. Hazard 60.7

Read more here:

1. Bowling Green 92.8
2. Warren Central 86.5
3. John Hardin 86.3
4. Cooper 82.0
5. Franklin Co. 81.3
6. Conner 79.9
7. Harlan Co. 78.8

Read more here:

1. Mayfield (12-0) 78.8
2. Beechwood (11-1) 75.6
3. Lou. Holy Cross (11-1)74.4
4. Hazard (9-2) 68.2

Read more here:

1. Bowling Green (12-0)92.2
2. John Hardin (12-0) 90.2
3. Warren Central (11-1)85.9
4. Harlan Co. (11-1) 76.2
Yeah Greenvilles were better. Im getting to off topic here and wasting time typing all this crap. Perry and Hazard need to play, period. Good luck to you guys in Harlan County HCS. Hope you win every game. Opinions are opinions. I respect yours.
Hazard scrimmaged North a couple years back and I reckon beat them soundly?
HCS Wrote:I'm almost certain Harlan County will add Hazard to the schedule if you can work that out with Hazard for 2017-2018.

Your original statement was Hazard could have won the 5A district just about every year. What Hazard could have done against North in the 1980s is not relevant. They would not have played with them last year and it's very doubtful they could have beaten Harlan County during the four years the Bears won the district.

Everyone stacked the box against Harlan County. Hazard's style may have been similiar to Greenville, but the athletes were much, much different. No comparison.

Probably not the year you want to play for Hazard. Hazard will be loaded and I expect them to win it all those 2 years in class A. They have a shot this year but are still kinda a young team.
bac2369 Wrote:Hazard scrimmaged North a couple years back and I reckon beat them soundly?

They wouldn't have beat them in 2015, which is the only year that is relevant when Rock says Hazard would have won the 5A district just about every year. North didn't win the district "a couple of years back."
No doubt they would compete. I don't think they would win it every year though.
I just found out I was wrong about them not playing. They are playing year after next. I admire them for stepping up and playing what should be a good 5A team.
Get back on topic, please.
HCS Wrote:No doubt they would compete. I don't think they would win it every year though.
I just found out I was wrong about them not playing. They are playing year after next. I admire them for stepping up and playing what should be a good 5A team.

So what year?
I'm not sure what PCC returns this year or how good there middle school team was. Anyone know?
HCHS and Hazard will play in 2017.
HCS Wrote:HCHS and Hazard will play in 2017.


Perry vs. Hazard
zaga_fan Wrote:So....

Perry vs. Hazard

Anyone know if or when it may happen again.?
^ Hoping for never again, but it will probably be back in the next few years if I had to venture a guess.
Look Hazard probable has as much talent as anyone in the mountains besides The University of Belfry. That said Hazard plays class A ball which is where they need to be because that is their class, the thing is IF they had to play a 5A schedule I promise you it would be a different deal. Yes can they beat a 5A school most def BUT they play a class A schedule and they can beat 70% of the teams they play while resting hurt players, they could not do this in 5A. AGAIN they don't have to cause they are class A
The_Rock Wrote:That's why they play CLASS A! They pretty much dominate their division. I'd almost be willing to bet that they could win Perry Centrals district almost every single year. In the past, Hazard would of put a running clock on Pulaski. Pulaski has just recently put together a good program. Im saying the past 6-8 years. IM NOT A HAZARD FAN! Just stating the facts. I don't think Perry could compete with Pikeville, Paintsville, Beechwood, Fairview and some other Class A teams. The thing that everyone here is forgetting is that its 11 vs. 11. Not 1500 vs 250. Hazard has always dominated Perry in football. Yeah Perry has won a few here and there but lets be real. Wished Perry beat them every dang year. But if you aint never gonna play them, how you gonna beat them? Don't matter if they ever beat them or not. At the end of the day, its just a dang game. Only ones that will remember are the players and the coaches. By basketball season, everyone will forget about it anyway. Its a good local game that brings in a big crowd. By some books or laptops for the schools with all that money.

The Eagle has landed Wrote:Look Hazard probable has as much talent as anyone in the mountains besides The University of Belfry. That said Hazard plays class A ball which is where they need to be because that is their class, the thing is IF they had to play a 5A schedule I promise you it would be a different deal. Yes can they beat a 5A school most def BUT they play a class A schedule and they can beat 70% of the teams they play while resting hurt players, they could not do this in 5A. AGAIN they don't have to cause they are class A

Some class A schools could beat some 5A schools. Theres not that big of a disparity between mountain teams no matter what class they are in.

However, for the fun of looking at it, if Hazard were to be the same size and school they are now, and given the opportunity to play in Perrys district, they may claim one district title in 10 years. A smart coach would beat Hazard to death each and every week and rotate players to wear them down. Hazards first 11 may be good, but after that it will dip off big time. I watched Lynn Camp have some really good teams especially in the late 90's and even early 00's and when I would watch them play Whitley every year it was usually a beat down, and it didn't help Lynn Camp at all because injuries took there toll.
As I said, the small schools will win one every now and then, but if you have a solid 5A program you should beat a 1A school over 90% of the time just like in that series. A school like Mayfield is a different story, and there 2A now so the point is mute, for obvious reasons, but there really aren't any 1A teams that should be able to go into any 5A district and consistently win district after district. It is much more likely in EKY however.
The Eagle has landed Wrote:Look Hazard probable has as much talent as anyone in the mountains besides The University of Belfry. That said Hazard plays class A ball which is where they need to be because that is their class, the thing is IF they had to play a 5A schedule I promise you it would be a different deal. Yes can they beat a 5A school most def BUT they play a class A schedule and they can beat 70% of the teams they play while resting hurt players, they could not do this in 5A. AGAIN they don't have to cause they are class A

The depth is the key. Another advantage Hazard has also is that they average 40-50 players per year. That is nearly 1/3 of the male population of the school. Getting most of the available athletes out to play means a ton. Only a few are walking the hall and not participating. Those added numbers help, especially at a small school and is another factor in them competing.
KENTUCKY10 Wrote:I give this a few hours before a Perry fan comes on here and says "They would play if Hazard didn't steal their players". Happens every time.

I get this quite a bit from folks over here from the county schools. My argument is this: The reason your schools lose these kids is because they don't have a reason to stay. If you'd hire competent coaches instead of the Superintendents 3rd Cousin who played half a year of JV ball. The kids would stay. They'd have a reason to stay. Case in point: You rarely hear of a kid leaving Pikeville to go to Belfry or vice versa....
Nothing to gain for Hazard. They are perceived to be the better program. A few losses and that perception could change. Lose lose for Hazard.
Aint no lose lose for neither team. Neither one of them is known on a national scope. One of them loses whoopidy doo. Just a game that's a 2 mile drive for both teams that should be taking place every single year. Aint as big of deal as some may think.
i have been to 2 or 3 of those games and it was a great atmosphere and that is the shame of it, those kids deserve to play in a FOOTBALL game that has some hype!!! Because they will talk about it for the rest of their lives win or lose.

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