03-07-2016, 06:17 PM
William Muney Wrote:No he did not. He is smarter than that. At this point Powell is a better job. Hard to say that!!!
He did interview for the Montgomery job. His interview actually got moved two different times because of weather. But he did interview.
03-07-2016, 06:23 PM
D.B. Cooper Wrote:He did interview for the Montgomery job. His interview actually got moved two different times because of weather. But he did interview.
Have no clue about Montgomery. They were asking about Bell job.
03-07-2016, 07:43 PM
Finis Wrote:Not as many as the used to be. Thus the reason you see more and more coaches leaving the state. I say the board will not go for it but we will see.
More and more are just leaving the profession altogether in this state...
Crap pay. Few resources. Not much support. June/July the new preseason (not being compensated for that time, either). Many are just saying to he11 w/it and understandibly so.
I personally hope more and more people like him are asking for the moon, then telling administrations to stick it if some/all of those requests aren't granted....something has to give.
03-07-2016, 08:45 PM
Just to add a little more fuel to the coaching pay dilemma. Most schools offer a few teachers 25/hr for after school tutoring and detention, just working 2 hours after school a day for 30 days would equal the average assistant coaches salary. I don't know too many coaches that only work 2 hours a day for 30 days (most regular seasons for any sport span across 3 months and that's not counting anything before the 1st game).
03-07-2016, 08:56 PM
Give the new coach a dang Coke machine and hired someone. I asked for two and interview was over. :insane: reading these post every day.
03-07-2016, 09:21 PM
64SUR Wrote:Give the new coach a dang Coke machine and hired someone. I asked for two and interview was over. :insane: reading these post every day.
Maybe offer free pizza also.....
Living The Dream!!
Living The Dream!!
03-07-2016, 11:19 PM
I am hearing McCreary will be the guy. Must be approved by board, new positions he ask for, or they came up with. Like I said, post the job now for 2019, we will be back here. No offense to the coach and the job he may do, just he will not do it long.
03-08-2016, 01:40 AM
At this rate, how about this idea. The players all transfer to Middlesboro, Pineville, Harlan County, Knox, and Corbin. I'm starting to wonder if anyone even wants the job. I have no clue why nobody is more interested in this position. Is the administration really as incompetent as the thread suggests? Sounds like Bell County needs to do some house cleaning. As a Corbin fan, it makes me chuckle from a rivalry aspect, but as a fan of mountain football, it pains me to see such a proud program in such a position. I don't want to see Bell go back to pre-Dudley Bell County.
03-08-2016, 03:52 AM
64SUR Wrote:Give the new coach a dang Coke machine and hired someone. I asked for two and interview was over. :insane: reading these post every day.
You went insane long before this thread was started :truestory:
03-08-2016, 04:47 AM
Finis Wrote:I am neither a liar or insane... I don't think anyway. I don't think stealing money is a great way to to set an example for a county that is in terrible financial shape. Someone that wants to be paid as teacher but not do the work is not good. Then demand that for his brother who never really coached anything???? Not cool at all. We have young people in this county moving away in droves because they need jobs and we are going to make this move??
Judge me if you like. Don't bother me.
Don't give me that crap why shouldn't a coach make as much money as he can. He told you all what he wanted and if you don't like it tell him no!!!! You people that talk about coaches and what they should or shouldn't do make me sick, you have no idea what a coach really does. The time away from his family to be with your little All American and not with his. So just to be clear here you wouldn't go in to your boss if you thought you could and get more money, if you wouldn't well well you might be insane!
03-08-2016, 02:13 PM
Coaches probably average a minimum of 20 hours per week over a year. They could work at McDonald's and make more than their stipend.
03-08-2016, 02:21 PM
WhyLie Wrote:I am hearing McCreary will be the guy. Must be approved by board, new positions he ask for, or they came up with. Like I said, post the job now for 2019, we will be back here. No offense to the coach and the job he may do, just he will not do it long.
The board in not supposed to be involved in the hiring process other than superintendent and board attorney..
03-08-2016, 02:23 PM
the board has to approve any new job made. Not hiring the guy approving the new job.
03-08-2016, 05:00 PM
Bell is not creating a new position, should not require any board action IMO...
03-08-2016, 06:26 PM
Middle School AD is NEW. Must be approved.
03-08-2016, 08:21 PM
WhyLie Wrote:Middle School AD is NEW. Must be approved.
Do they have to post that job. Sounds kinda easy, I'd like to apply.

03-08-2016, 08:34 PM
Any word on who the assistants will be? i have heard a few names but nothing solid?
03-08-2016, 08:49 PM
I wonder of any of the old staff will return? Any word?
03-08-2016, 10:16 PM
We are back in contact with Dudley.. He is considering coming back to the Bobcats. AD and football coach and his wife will do home bound.
We will be fine and will compete for a district and regional title this year coming!!!
We will be fine and will compete for a district and regional title this year coming!!!
03-09-2016, 12:42 AM
Bobcat4years Wrote:We are back in contact with Dudley.. He is considering coming back to the Bobcats. AD and football coach and his wife will do home bound.
We will be fine and will compete for a district and regional title this year coming!!!
Dudley hilton is not coming back...even if he did that's not going to automatically mean we're winning region.
03-09-2016, 12:50 AM
Can't see that happening... If that was the case ole Dudley would have been there months ago...
Believe your trying to live a pipe dream. .
Bobcat4years Wrote:We are back in contact with Dudley.. He is considering coming back to the Bobcats. AD and football coach and his wife will do home bound.
We will be fine and will compete for a district and regional title this year coming!!!
Can't see that happening... If that was the case ole Dudley would have been there months ago...
Believe your trying to live a pipe dream. .
Living The Dream!!
Living The Dream!!
03-09-2016, 12:58 AM
Bobcat4years Wrote:We are back in contact with Dudley.. He is considering coming back to the Bobcats. AD and football coach and his wife will do home bound.
We will be fine and will compete for a district and regional title this year coming!!!
Funniest post on this thread. Will not happen. Amos McCreary is the new coach. It will be approved. Question now is assistants?
03-09-2016, 05:44 AM
1 Dudley won't be back don't kid yourself. Admin not a fan. Personality clash. His time is gone here.
2 Don't need middle school AD. Make up job if it happens. Don't even have a true middle school.
Hate that focus isn't on these boys but that's the leadership we have here.
2 Don't need middle school AD. Make up job if it happens. Don't even have a true middle school.
Hate that focus isn't on these boys but that's the leadership we have here.
03-09-2016, 08:19 AM
How are you making jobs when you have to lay off 40+ and some tenured teachers????
03-09-2016, 01:33 PM
Dudley will not be back, BUT would that not be the perfect end to the most ridiculous coaching search of all time?!
03-09-2016, 02:01 PM
They cant let tenured teachers go, that is what the word basically means they have a job no matter what. And correct me if I am wrong but football is a sport at the high school and they do have to have coaches to coach it SOOOO they will have to have jobs for those guys or DROP FOOTBALL!!!! So are you really creating a job for a position that you have to have and I am sorry ole Jimmie Joe down at the muffler shop is not a football coach he is a mechanic so him coaching shouldn't be an option. Would you have Dale from the barber shop come in a teach math for 2 periods cause he has done math before? Of course not, so why would you not hire professional coaches and give them a teaching job since that is what you are really suppose to have? Cause they screw football in this state any chance they get cause after all we have to coaches to coach the greatest sport ever and so our Wildcats will have enough KY boys to field a basketball team!! Oh wait our wildcats don't really get kids from our state they go to the big cities!!! Sorry just burns my butt that issue!!!
03-09-2016, 02:33 PM
Trashtalker Wrote:How are you making jobs when you have to lay off 40+ and some tenured teachers????
That is exactly what we are doing. AD middle school...LOL The AD at the high school does nothing, now we will have another doing nothing and call it MS. Now with that said non tenure teachers is all that will be laid off, replace them with coaches that teach the same subject. To me that is a commitment to athletics, some call it bad leadership. Can not have it both ways. Tenured teachers can be laid off, if one of two things happen, board does away with the position(like PE 3)or to many in a position that can not go anywhere else. Seniority then comes into play.
03-09-2016, 02:41 PM
The Eagle has landed Wrote:They cant let tenured teachers go, that is what the word basically means they have a job no matter what.
Not exactly true. You can reassign them to lesser paying jobs or in the event you are cutting positions you CAN IN FACT layoff tenured teachers. It goes by last hired in with that certification. It rarely happens but it can happen. Trust me.
None of the previous staff will Coach at Bell. I think in the long run they all may get begged to come back but don't think they will. It will not happen IMO. Those guys have been treated like dirt for many, many years and were wrongly let go. Doubt they will forget that. For the sucess they had they should have been getting paid more. We tried to do it a couple times but never could get the rest to see the light and do what was fair.
03-09-2016, 02:41 PM
Bobcat4years Wrote:We are back in contact with Dudley.. He is considering coming back to the Bobcats. AD and football coach and his wife will do home bound.
We will be fine and will compete for a district and regional title this year coming!!!
true story? or just wishful thinking?
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