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Raceland 2016
Spoke to a few incoming freshman last week, from what i can gather many of the junior and seniors to be have already taken them under their wings, with workouts and conditioning. Hope this business like approach continues. Thats what you saw the last 3 weeks of the season in 2015. hopefully we dont see the whole escapade of taking plays off, bickering amongst eachother, disrespecting coaches, EVER again. Those are not typical things of a Raceland football team. Lots going on behind the scenes led to a majority of that, I look for a much brighter season ahead of us.
Football season can't get here quick enough.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:Spoke to a few incoming freshman last week, from what i can gather many of the junior and seniors to be have already taken them under their wings, with workouts and conditioning. Hope this business like approach continues. Thats what you saw the last 3 weeks of the season in 2015. hopefully we dont see the whole escapade of taking plays off, bickering amongst eachother, disrespecting coaches, EVER again. Those are not typical things of a Raceland football team. Lots going on behind the scenes led to a majority of that, I look for a much brighter season ahead of us.

I know the soon to be seniors learned a lot from last year , especially off the field distractions and that part won't happen next season I'm 100% certain of that
Im just goad last season ended on a better note than it seemed it would or even could. That momentum should carry on. There are a few kids that are in the soph and jr class being rumored to be getting back on the football field a handful of atheletes that could really help our secondary and return game out. I expect Bailey to have a big year and Nathaniel (atleast on the basketball court) seems to be at full strength and bounced back from the ankle injury. For someone under 6" and not exactly a leaper, he is an incredible rebounder. I expect big things from him next season.
Agree .. Not a lot people know Bailey played hurt all last year along with Issac and Nathaniel . From what I understand Bailey and Nathaniel are as heathy as they've been in over a year and Isaac is moving in that direction quick.. those three stay healthy along with what they have returning I like Racelands chances
Lots of good growth in the weight room so far this offseason. Imo, Atleast within the big guys, Justin Fairchild, Logan Mauk, and Isaac Wallace seemed to have shown the most strength gain. Mauk really impressed me, not by the numbers, but by growth. He is up about 15lbs (of muscle) from last year and added 115lbs to his overall lifting totals from a year ago. Alex McNutt(sp?), has grown considerably and looked great as well. Jerome Hall posted a 500lb squat at 240-250lbs. Isaac Wallace seems to be recovered from knee surgery, mobility looked good. Overall the Rams looked stronger than they did a year ago.

In regaurds to the meet in other aspects, the kid from Highlands was a freak above anything else I have seen. He puts the Stamm kid from Lewis County to shame. Richardson, at 236, posted a 315lb power clean, a 515lb squat, and a 465lb bench press. I watched him get 500lbs up about 70% and drop it, i was blown away. The Waulk kid from Coal Grove put up 625lbs on the squat rack and a handful of others put up at or around 500lbs. Nice meet, a good competitive way to start of the 2016 football-esk season lol.
High expectations again for the Rams. hopefully better outcome this year.
Scotty, how did the overall team competition at the weight meet turn out? Sounds like Raceland should be stout in the trenches next season.
Turn out was great. Wheelersburg was the best squad there. Their skill kids were impressive for their size. Several of our skill guys werent there due to a Track Meet, but those that were there had good showings. I followed the lineman around bc i was there watching my nephew. But upfront we should have pretty good depth and have good size and mobility. We were alot more banged up than i thought last year. If we are healthy, we are a completely different team. I think you will see that this year. More challenging practices, more competitiveness at camp, different attitude. Next year looks bright, but we all said the same crap last year. The boys have to put the work in.
And so far they seem to be doing so.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:Turn out was great. Wheelersburg was the best squad there. Their skill kids were impressive for their size. Several of our skill guys werent there due to a Track Meet, but those that were there had good showings. I followed the lineman around bc i was there watching my nephew. But upfront we should have pretty good depth and have good size and mobility. We were alot more banged up than i thought last year. If we are healthy, we are a completely different team. I think you will see that this year. More challenging practices, more competitiveness at camp, different attitude. Next year looks bright, but we all said the same crap last year. The boys have to put the work in.

This can make all the difference in the world. You never really know how 15-17 year old boys are going to respond to adversity. Hopefully, the Rams can keep the train on the tracks in 2016.
Rams finished first at the Boyd County weight meet this weekend. Another good sign of hard work being put in this offseason!
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:Several of our skill guys werent there due to a Track Meet, but those that were there had good showings..

Not true. No kids missed the meet running at the early indoor meet. Only kids missing (3-4 at the most) weren't lifting in the meet anyway. The rest were non-football guys.
Slic Ric Wrote:Not true. No kids missed the meet running at the early indoor meet. Only kids missing (3-4 at the most) weren't lifting in the meet anyway. The rest were non-football guys.

My mistake, just didnt notice many of them lifting. Assumed it was due to the track meet that day. U'd know above all slic! lol btw, Raceland has a great track coaching staff and has seen a good deal of success over the years. Kudos to Coach Helton and crew.
Slic Ric needs a Dusty elbow
Slic Ric will poke you in the eye and put the Figure-4 on you. Then get up and walk to the middle of the ring and fall flat of his face.
[quote=anotherfootballnut]On offense
Qb Nathaniel Davidson 2nd year starter
Rb Bailey walker 3rd year starter
Receiver John cherry 2nd year starter
Receiver Cameron Webb 2nd year starter
OL Isaac Wallace 4th year starter
OL Jerome hall 3rd year starter
OL jarred manis 2nd year starter
OL Justin Fairchild 2nd year stater
OL Morgan Carmon 2nd year starter
* Damon black is back up qb but look for him to play some running back or receiver

Safety John cherry 2nd year starter
Corner josh Clark 2nd year starter
Linebacker Bailey walker 3rd year starter
Linebacker Blake Whitt 2nd year starter
Linebacker/ safety Nathaniel Davidson 3rd year starter
D end jarred manis 2nd year starter
D end Morgan Carmon 2nd year starter
D tackle Issac Wallace 4th year starter
D tackle Jerome hall 3rd year starter
Nose Justin Faircild ( when they use a 5 front) 2nd year starter

That's a lot returning.

[Image: http://www.bluegrassrivals.com/forum/pic...tureid=733]
The bulk of this team has played together since JFL and really play well together. Davidson was starting to look a lot more comfortable at QB the last few games of last year after being mostly a RB on offense. With the returning starters and some very good young skill players in the Sophomore class, I wouldn't dare overlook this team. They will be very competitive in the East.
I agree. Leadership shouldnt be an issue on or off the field next year. These kids are not happy with what happened last year. They saw what happens when you take plays off, play for ME not WE, they also saw what can happen when you get yourself "PAINTED", into a corner and let one judgement call decide the outcome of your season. NOT ARGUING THAT CALL EITHER WAY, its over and both the Rams and Tigers ended up sitting at home on championship weekend. Those things are ratified and championships are one in the offseason. The work, competition, and determination in strength and conditioning program will be the deciding factor and from what I am hearing and seeing, things are on the up and up. I saw John "Bub" Cherry (CB/WR) the other day and he looks alot bigger and leaner than last year and both Caleb Young and Cam Webb look alot different than a year ago. Our secondary will be better, much better, as will our WRs. My question offensively, is who steps up as a possession reciever to fill the void left by Kyle Jamison. His numbers werent staggering, but he always seemed to be in the right place at the right time, when Nathaniel needed an outlet or we need a 5 yard dig for a first down. Anyone have any thoughts on that?
Riley Potter has the build, but was a lineman up until this year, but towards the end of the JV season, began to look more comfortable, but I am hearing the Soph to be (big kid at 6'3" or taller and solid frame), may not be on the gridiron next year. Lots of upside and potential in him, hate for him to walk away from football to concentrate completely on basketball.
John cherry will fill that role and then some, Kyle was a good player and had no fear going up in traffic to catch the ball John is just a better athlete in my opinion
I agree that "Bub" is a better athelete, Kyle's grit and "Heath Miller-esk/Hynes Ward" style of playing reciever made up for that. Its going to be up to Bub, Cam, and someone else, maybe Trey Mills, to give Nathaniel consistent and reliable targets. Passing camps/scrimmages will be very important to this team, as once again we should be very solid upfront, at RB, and at LB. our success will come down to leadership in the locker room and on the field and the development of our WRs and DBs. I think Caleb Young has the potential to be just as good as his older brother was at DB. Our corners MUST get better at stopping the run this year though.
I'd like to see the lead back get 15-25 carries a game and get the QB with about 20-30 passing plays a game.
Goods things happening in Ramland , I like it I like it a lot
Im hearing good things as well!
Just on looks and results from weight meets, the kids are ALOT stronger and seem very determined to get things back on track in Ramland.
Well, you can go ahead and get ready for the Back Yard Brawl to be epic this year as well as the Raceland/Greenup Game. Losing Scott is a blow to our offense and JV coaching staff. But u better believe that Nathaniel Davidson and Co will be out to make statements all season long. I really look for him to step up as a big time leader this year, much like he did the last three games of 2015. Already looking foward to getting last seasons bad taste out of my mouth.
anotherfootballnut Wrote:On offense
Qb Nathaniel Davidson 2nd year starter
Rb Bailey walker 3rd year starter
Receiver John cherry 2nd year starter
Receiver Cameron Webb 2nd year starter
OL Isaac Wallace 4th year starter
OL Jerome hall 3rd year starter
OL jarred manis 2nd year starter
OL Justin Fairchild 2nd year stater
OL Morgan Carmon 2nd year starter
* Damon black is back up qb but look for him to play some running back or receiver

Safety John cherry 2nd year starter

Corner josh Clark 2nd year starter
Linebacker Bailey walker 3rd year starter
Linebacker Blake Whitt 2nd year starter
Linebacker/ safety Nathaniel Davidson 3rd year starter
D end jarred manis 2nd year starter
D end Morgan Carmon 2nd year starter
D tackle Issac Wallace 4th year starter

D tackle Jerome hall 3rd year starter
Nose Justin Faircild ( when they use a 5 front) 2nd year starter

Oh lord this many returning has me rethinking about Raceland. Pretty good looking team. Final four team for sure. :truestory:
I think we have all been waiting for Damon Black to have "his year". He is a very solid back up QB, but I think we may see him come out of the backfield or at WR this year. WAY too good of an athelete to only see a handful of offensive snaps on Friday night. This could be that year. I keep hearing great progress about the kids in the strength and conditioning program. Hope it translates into progress on the field come August.
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